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MAY 1-30, 2020

Date Location Activity Conducted

 Prepared Catbalogan CoVid-19 Incident Action Plan for General
Community Quarantine
01 May 2020 Catbalogan Covid-19 Command Post  Attended Command Post Operational Briefing
 Monitored Quarantine Control Points
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for Catbalogan PNP
 Prepared updated Transportation Logistics Summary
02 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Facilitated water rationing for Balugo, Palencia and San Vicente of
Tarangnan, Samar
 Monitored ground operations.
03 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Requested BFP for water rationing at Barangay Tizon, Tarangnan;
decontamination at the bus terminal, Baraangay Mercedes Market, and the
isolation facility at Juvie’s Resort; and flushing at the Public Market.
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting for Mercedes Lockdown on
04 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post how to secure the barangay orders until May 19 per Executive Order signed
by the City Mayor
 Prepared of ICS 204 – Assignment List for the Catbalogan Law
Enforcement Auxiliary Unit
 Command Post Meeting with Barangay Captains of Poblacion 1, Poblacion
2, San Pablo and Munoz to secure possibly entry points in their respective
barangays from residents of Mercedes.
 Monitored movements of people in Barangay Mercedes
 Requested BFP for decontamination of City Division Office, AUB, NIB,
Berovan and Mom’s Grocery.
05 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Updated Command Operational Log Sheet
 Submitted self for rapid test of the entire Command Post.
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting on Contact Tracing.
06 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Requested BFP for flushing and decontamination of Public Market; and
decontamination of J & F, Orly’s Grill, City Hall and Mom’s Grocery.
 Monitored checkpoint at locked down Barangay Mercedes
 Responded to distress calls
07 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Attended Command Post Meeting with Barangay Officials of Sierra Islands
 Requested BFP for water rationing at Barangay Balogo, Tarangnan, Samar

may 2020 accomplishment report CHRISTINE AC. CAIDIC

and decontamination of Watson’s Pharmacy along Del Rosario Street
 Submitted self for swab test
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for Catbalogan BFP Personnel
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates
08 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Requested BFP for water rationing at carline barangays of Tarangnan, San
Jorge and Gandara
 Facilitated request of AFP deployed personnel for their rapid test
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for Catbalogan PNP Personnel and
BFP Personnel
 Facilitated transport of donation for Tarangnan, Samar
 Distributed donated PPEs to personnel at Quarantine Control Points
09 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Monitored and tracked Returning Overseas Filipino from Cebu to Hilongos
and coordinated with the family for his quarantine requirements upon
reaching home/Catbalogan.
 Cleaned up and decontaminated work area at the Command Post with the
rest of the team
 Review and revise CoVid-19 Action Plan
10 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Command Post operational briefing and updates.
 Preparation of ICS 204 – Assignment List for BFP and PNP
 Prepared DTR and Accomplishment Report for March and April 2020 for
submission to the Office of the Governor and to the Provincial Human
Resource and Management Office.
 Updated Command Post Operational Logsheet.
 Updated Command Post Organizational List.
 Attended Command Post Operational Briefing and Updates on Contact
11 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Informed Canlapwas Barangay Official to fetch their Quarantine Protocol
Violators from the Payao Holding Facility.
 Requested BFP for the decontamination of a special treatment facility and
vehicle which transported relief goods to Tarangnan; and water rationing at
Barangay Balogo, Tarangnan.
 Facilitated the turn-over of 50 face shields to PNP.
 Coordinated with BFP for the decontamination of the Mosende house and
the old and new bridge at Barangay Mercedes.
12 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Preparation of ICS 204 – Assignment List for BFP and PNP
13 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Updated Command Post Operational Logsheet
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates

may 2020 accomplishment report CHRISTINE AC. CAIDIC

 Attended Catbalogan DRRMC Meeting on TS AMBO (VONGFONG)
 Gave an orientation on how to conduct Rapid Damage Assessment and
Needs Analysis for the Catbalogan RDANA Team
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates
 Distributed vitamins and supplements to ground frontliners (PNP, BFP,
AFP, PCG, CLEAU, CDRRMO, ICP and Volunteers)
14 May 2020 Catbalogan Covid-19 Command Post  Facilitated check-in to the Command Post of volunteers from the Red Cross
for their monitoring operations at the different evacuation centers of the
 Facilitated check-in of the Special Rescue Unit from the 8 th Infantry
Division, Philippine Army for TS Ambo Emergency Response
 Conducted regular monitoring of ground situation and weather updates and
advisory from media outlets and from PAGASA.
 Facilitated provision of water and alcohol to Quarantine Control Points.
 Coordinated with SAMELCO II for broken electrical lines and fallen
15 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post electrical posts for their appropriate action.
 Requested BFP for decontamination of Lester Lace, Tan’s Pharmacy and
Diamond Bakeshop.
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for PNP
16 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Conducted ground monitoring at barangay checkpoints.
 Updated Command Post Operational Logsheet
 Updated Command Post Organizational List
17 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Attended meeting with the Joint Inspection Team on how to monitor the
operation of business establishment under General Community Quarantine
 Filed charges against two (2) GCQ violators at the Catbalogan PNP Station
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for PNP
18 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates
 Facilitated request for BFP for water rationing at Barangay B and C in
Tarangnan, Samar; flushing and decontamination at the Public Market
 Updated Command Post Organizational List with BJMP Personnel
19 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Facilitated request for BFP for water rationing at Tarangnan, Samar
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for PNP
20 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Updated Command Post Organizational List
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for BJMP
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for CDRRMO
 Facilitated health and travel pass for a stranded Swiss foreigner Andre

may 2020 accomplishment report CHRISTINE AC. CAIDIC

21 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates on Balik-
Probinsiya Program
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for BFP
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for BFP
22 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates with guests
from Samar Provincial Hospital and Provincial Health Office.
 Attended meeting at the Command Post with LBP and DA for the financial
assistance distribution to farmers of Catbalogan City
23 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List of PNP
 Attended Command Post Meeting with JIT on the opening of restaurants for
dine-in services.
 Tracked Returning Overseas Filipino Lorna M. Redaja
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for PNP
24 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates
 Facilitated schedule for rapid test of the Special Rescue Unit of 8ID PA
 Facilitated request for water rationing with BFP at Barangay Mercedes
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for AFP and PNP
25 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post  Updated Command Post Organization List with AFP Personnel
 Attended Command Post Meeting with restaurant owners
 Facilitated supplies needed for 8ID PA deployed personnel
 Updated Command Post Operational Logsheet
 Tracked and monitored ROF from DOHA Febrico Vic Cerdena
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for PNP
 Attended Command Post Emergency Meeting for the arrivals of the Balik-
26 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post Probinsiya Program
 Assisted LSIs from Pagsanghan, Remedios Ablay and Elmera Rebulo,
stranded in Mercedes during the lockdown for their return travel to their
 Facilitated water request rationing at Barangay Pupua for BFP’s appropriate
 Tracked and monitored ROFs Febrico Vic Cerdena from DOHA, Chidito
Maga Jr from Madrid and Maribel Obong from Hongkong
 Updated Command Post Operational Logsheet
 Coordinated with PCG on the LSIs on board BRP 5001 expected to arrive
on May 28, 2020 (Rogelio Cagomoc and Renar Cris Natividad and Bernard
27 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-10 Command Post Macabenta)

may 2020 accomplishment report CHRISTINE AC. CAIDIC

 Tracked and monitored ROFs Michael Hobayan and Mannie de Leon
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates for the Payao
Quarantine Facility for ROFs and LSIs
 Tracked and monitored LSIs Rogelio Cagomoc, Renar Cris Navidad and
28 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post Bernardo Macabenta for their arrival; facilitated food provision upon their
arrival and transport to Juvie’s Isolation Facility
 Prepared ICS 204 – Assignment List for PNP
 Coordinated with the ROFs and LSIs for the swab test schedule.
 Attended meeting with the Planning Section Chief at the Provincial IATF
29 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post held at the Conference Room of the Governor’s Office.
 Attended Command Post Operational Meeting and Updates
 Tracked and monitored ROF Joy Rivera from Singapore and Katrina Gadin
from Texas
 Tracked and monitored three (3) renegade hitch hikers from Mandaluyong;
30 May 2020 Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post facilitated their transport from Samar Provincial Holding Facility after their
rapid test to Catbalogan’s Payao Quarantine Facility.
 Tracked and monitored ROF from Taiwan Jumar U. Mabanag who came
from Cebu via Hilongos and was fetched in Tacloban; and the three (3) BFP
31 May 2020 Payao Quarantine Facility trainees who boarded the BLTB Bus from the National Fire Training
Institute in Calamba, Laguna (FO1 Roman John E. Unay, FO1 Norman D.
Lim, Jr. and FO1 Gerome G. Pecorro – all were admitted at the Payao
Quarantine Facility

Prepared and Submitted by: Noted and Approved by:


Operations Section Chief Incident Commander
Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post Catbalogan CoVid-19 Command Post

Date Prepared: 03 June 2020

may 2020 accomplishment report CHRISTINE AC. CAIDIC

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