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Dear Hotel Manager,

I'm writting you today concerning the hotel servicies, especially the food given.
Firstly, the canteen food was disappointing. There were only small portions, with
no vegetables, salad or fruits. My daughter, being a vegetarian, ate only soup for
two days. We had to buy food for her, and i find that disappointing, considering
the fact that i paid for our food here.
Secondly, the non-vegetarian food was overcooked. Most of the portions were
insufficient and unappetizing. Everyday was the same menu: lasagna for lunch and
pasta for dinner.
I am very dissatisfied with the food, and i would recommend you to improve this
area of the
hotel. I request you to take into matter this problems mentioned above, and a
partial compensation for the insufficient food.
I trust you will consider my recommendation,
Benedith Warns.

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