Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (USA)

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INSTRUCTION BOOKLET eT SUNSOFT® Limited Warranty SUNSOFT® warans tote orignal purchaser only thatthe Game Pak povided with this mansal and the sofware arogram coded on & wil perform in accordance with the desorigtions this menaa when used with the secifog equipment, for 2 peiod 190 days rom the cate of paranass I the program is found detecive win 190 cays of parchasa, it wil be epiaced. Simply raturn te Game Pak to SUNSOFT® its authorized dealer along wih a dated proct of purchase Replacement of the Game Pak, fee of charge tothe orcnal purchase (except forthe cast ot retuning ‘he cartrdgo| isthe fll extent of cur aly. ‘THiS WARRANTY ISIN LIEU OF ALL GTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL 08 \WAITTEN, EXPRESS OF IMPLED. ALL INFLIED WARRANTIES, NGLUDING THOSE (OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FINESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, iF ‘APPLICABLE. ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURGHASE OF THIS PRODUCT. ‘SUNSOFT shall not be lal for ncdert and/or Consequertil damages forthe breach of any exoress or males warranty including éamage 10 progety and, tthe ‘exnt permite by lam, dameges for peroral injury, even SUNSOFT has been vised ofthe possibly of such damages, Sore slales donot alow te exclusion or imitaton of ncidertal or sonequertial damages or imtations en how ong an implod warranty lass, so the above liniiaions or exlusons donot app to you ‘This warranty shall not be aglcble to the extant that ay provi of tis waranty Is prohibited by any federal, site or municipal law which cannol be pre-empted. This waranty Qves you spcifc legal sons and you may also have other cots which vay from state state. fe WARNING: PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER INFORMA- ‘TION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO® HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. ccs THANK YOU te pr casio te Suns as Runes Dzath Vly ay Gar Pk. Pease al hs ndacien beat area blore sata olay Be cae. 9 0 you wi be aDP fo pay the game beter and enoy itever more Femermber ta keep thie manualia ase place. EA LONTENTS =, “ogee MEP 2 ons 7 HOWTO STARTTHE GAME ...... 2 MUS SCREEN 1 HOW To USE THE CoNTROLL a ENEMES AND ATTACK 3 WeTHOOS : TEMS .. ~ “BEEP! BEEP!” Ard they eff Inthe mos ilarous action adveiure chase ol the century faring te Rox Pune ana Wie E ovate. Pad Rurer’s Dat Vaoy Rly feates 20 los fearon erapis ar aro game acton thal wil eave yes wanting mos. Wie E, Coyote wl shalerge you wih crazy acs vovng TNT, Calais rocket skates and more — couresy of ACIE of couse. As the Road Aun, yu mast jump ravines, pick yp power-ups ané pack to ble wacky cantanion oavod dinar a ur sped HOW TO START | THE GAME E Inset the Road Runner Death Vay Rally Game Pac then turn the system ON, Astor demo sereen wl agpea, Pres the Start Button to 20 he bogiring game stage sean. To cat straight io the chase, press the K-utton during the game slane scren to Sep game pay HOW TO USE THE CONTROLLER Y Bution x Button Left Sera — Right Sel Select Stat Button A But Let Serf: "Beep! Bea Fight Serolt:“Thup Thu’ Contr Pad: Lett ~ Moves craracter ote et Right — Novos eharaoir te the ight Down — Duck Contr Pad Up + Let Scrat = Jump and “Beep Beep A button: Perk to atecs Potk to pick up bre ebod B Buiten: Jump X Button: Nol Used 'Y Button + Central Pad Let of Right ~ Turbo Snece Start: Sterts end Pauses game pay Select: Not Used ENEMIES AND © ATTACK METHODS ecKiNG ‘Tmiowgnout ea evel you wil encounter many enemies that move along the g ou. To-iminat them fiom tha gai play sen press the 2 Baton to peek at them, However, you must be witin tlese range of he enery belove pecking, KIDDING Another wey to elrinate anomie isto sti int them. To porto the sid attach, ress the Control Pad Left or ght unt you are running, then press te Conte Pas ithe peste aretion you wore runing to lam on the bras. Ary onomy that ies n your path wil astomaticaly be elimicaiec fom the gare lay streen, Be sure yeu know whore tho anomy Islocates pete remairg Otherwio, you wil run igh Ino it and ose neat mete incrononts. ‘TurBo SPEED Pressing te A Buen wile ‘unning wil acvate Turbo Speed. The aroun of Turbo Spees you have to useis located the gauge atthe top let corer ofthe game Day soreen. Picking op bird ‘eed wil Felp to fi up the Turbo Speed Nee. When runing at Turbo Speed you become invunaraie to roms anc the attack, ‘Atl, twit alow you ‘jump further and run upwaré at engles that ncrmally woul take aod ofr. (OTHER POINTS To NOTE {Ground otctces tat beck the pathway forward (cacti. opios, ate) must be avoided by jamping over or dooaing them without geting Mt. Tey cannot be ectroyed by packing or ekalirg. (Obviossy, your msn onomy is Wie E. Cojo, Ho wil stop at thing to ze tha you ‘become nis next real. During every level Re wl scheme to trap you wit a number ‘of amusing ans, As the osd Rumnr, yeu must avo im and is wacky Ccomiraptons nile you search for tls tems and check oan, Wil. Coyotes no aflostad by poskng er skidfirg, Ho must b avoided by jumping ené dodging. Only afte reacting can sub-evel check ports Wile E. Coyote thwarted... fora mater (of timo, Ree! asia inthe flowieg evs he wl ature with more ecu ACME (dges for you to ont, ITEMS TIME ‘ fino seED ‘tne limit has been added to rake the chase even sore excurg. You rave 5 min Peck a poh wy cosy ‘esto carplot each eub evel If you succoctuly complete tre sub-level with ime Th rade energy to speed Frees aL ener leftover, nanus pois are added to your soo. It yeu do tot complete the subeve ZS quot ioe hy taker pe) ‘within te tm St, no benus paints wl be von But the gama wil tt continue, ot ime | 1 uP ‘Adds ono oxta ite 2 mm ) oe POINTS € i During gem py, goints are accumulated by ofminating enemios ad ining fags SHLD (nce a sub-evel completed, extra pins wil oe aloted dung the bonus screen, 500 che el pme ney for short You wil te avardes 1 oxta life fr every 80,000 peinsoarra. a eto of tine PARACHUTE BONUS SCREEN «° (ne tarded, pack to open L ‘ny ofthe above toms cnud be enclesed [Ato ond of every sub loa! (xcept Boes vols) abenus screen wil sppear. Bonus (Except Bic Seed) bonis are aiven for remaining time anc remsaning seee let in your Turbo Speza tr. The scroe will as rove! how mary difrent colored fags were in the sub level and how mary you actualy found For every fg fund 100 pons wi be gwen fall igs are found, 10,000 FLAGS Denis oes wl be ewarded aS TAGGIN nsesten'c 100 pont 1 Dsrersetaneng eleves 2 erent colored os tat yu mst is no 0 oven ia, accamulte oils ard continues. For every 20 fags found, you wil receive ton tinue onion atthe er of game play iterentclered fags ae worth a deren ‘urbe of points Obviously, the higher the pons the mere eifcat the flag may be i plats GAME PLAY SCREEN: Nealth Meter. Turbo Speed Meter BOSS LEVELS |< Fad Runne's Death Valey Raly consist of & levels each wi 4 sub-levels ol game play The end of each sub-bvelis indicted by a check port (checkered) faa, ace this creck pont leg crossed, Vile E.Goyole's pars wil backfire resulting in hilarious and carior-like sequences. Then is onto the net lvl ofthe chase After passeg three checkpoint fags, the fourth sublevel hat follows wil requie you to ala boss More spectialy, you must pack io dsmantle a huge ACME Contraption operated by none eter thas Wie E, Coyote belore it dsmantes you. ‘Once you have cefected the boss you wil ezrn§,000 points and proceed arto the level of gameplay "TOP SECRET Throughout the game tere are many hidden areas wh power-ups, fas and shartuts. Upon reaching the Barus sereen you may discover that you didnot ir al ofthe fags that were avaiatle. This isa good irication that they may be hen a secret ates somewhere inthe sub-level Seach high and low to fd tiem, These secret areas coul te ust about anywhere! STAGE TITLES LEVEL 1: “ZIPPITY SPLAT” LEVEL 2: “ROCK “N' RIVET”? UVEL 3: “TRAIN RUNNERY” LEVEL &: “HOPALONG CASUALTY” LEVELS: “QUANTUM BEEP” TIPS AND HINTS 5 ‘When moving et and right, hot down the turbo speed bution and release drectona pad to step ona dime ‘hon moving dawn on a 92° ange, Hol daw turbo speed button ard release ‘rectona fad to siow down Road Runne's descent + At ast speeds, Road Fusner cant ctf 90° anges to gett highs, hard to reach + To save bed seed, tap turbo speed button to meinah top speed rater than hing it down consistent ‘= Wiha jumping left and righ, you can cont! Road Furner’s diction whi in the a 10 help and on smal platons, ‘+ Look atbueprints careful. They iva you hints on how to destroy the end bosses ‘+ Wiatek for roa signs. They help Road Runner to find checkered Fags and warn of dangerous areas. + HIE"x” puto t abort evel inioductons, * Greb "S00" points, They get you cose toa free ite + Gatig al the flags aleve willgve you a borus of 10.090 points! 12 1a mt) Ry un (CYPRESS, CA 20690 ane} Cd Perec me a ee ne tr Cra en ae eee arta red Eran aA ETL eh re eer err soe eee

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