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Komplek Mayasari Plaza No.

1- 4 MODEL
Jl. Pasarwetan, Kec. Cihideung, Kota Tasikmalaya
Info: +62 82 11 894 1003 U.2-AKA


TA. 2022/2023

Nama : lulu
NIM : 8657
Kelas : Bisnis Digital Reguler Pagi 01
Mata Kuliah : Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi
Dosen Pengampu : Riki Nugraha E., MM.

1. A = An example of a basic economic problem, such as if unemployment increases then people will
ask for benefits, their income decreases. From there the demand for expensive goods, or even less
investment. As with some sectors that are not primary needs, secondary needs, demand and supply
will decrease.
2. B = Because if there are many unemployed then their income will also be less which affects the
decrease in interest rates, then there is a fluctuating gold price competition because it influences the
demand and supply of precious metals.
3. C = The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the national and global economy is being felt. The
leaders began to consistently implement national economic recovery policies and build cooperation
from all components of the nation. One of them is through the local government which has more
specific knowledge about each region regarding the location of the area, the economic development
of the area, how the regional resources are. Then APBD policies can be synergized to accelerate
economic recovery in various regions. If the regions are resolved, the progress of the national
economy can be seen. In addition, the community and business actors, including MSMEs, also have
a strategic role in accelerating Indonesia's economic recovery. The government provides fiscal and
monetary facilities/stimulus, in full, it is positively welcomed by business actors by running their
business well.

1. A = The impact of the food crisis on Indonesia's economic growth can directly trigger poverty, lack
of nutrition in the younger generation, so that they cannot grow optimally. And less selling power
reduces income to the country, especially food that is exported abroad.
2. B = The positive impact of the Mandatory B30 program on Indonesia's national development can be
felt. The use of biodiesel has been proven to improve environmental quality, because it is degradable
(easily decomposed) and the emissions are lower than emissions from burning fossil fuels. In
general, the use of biodiesel will reduce levels of exhaust emissions. The inclusive green economy
program continues to be carried out in line with the National Economic Recovery to develop
Indonesia's economy and development.

Lembar Jawaban Tengah Semester Ganjil (Halaman 1)

Komplek Mayasari Plaza No. 1- 4 MODEL
Jl. Pasarwetan, Kec. Cihideung, Kota Tasikmalaya
Info: +62 82 11 894 1003 U.2-AKA

3. C= Goods subsidies applied:

- Strengthening basic food subsidies
- Bargain market operations that provide basic needs at low prices are held according to the specified time.
- When the fuel price increases, there are subsidies provided by the government.
1. The development of the sharia economy has developed so rapidly from year to year, we can also feel it
since 2021. This is due to the encouragement of the Indonesian government which sees the potential for the
majority of its citizens, most of whom are Muslim. Various sharia systems are implemented in various sectors,
starting from the naming of an institution, various sharia transactions, sharia knowledge curricula, to banks that
we know as Bank Syariah Indonesia, clear evidence that the Islamic economy is growing rapidly. Dominant
Islamic economic policies involve the social sphere in accordance with the character of the current generation,
even though all economic activities are based on Islamic sharia.
2. Through Islamic banks which also play an important role in driving economic growth in Indonesia, by
growing the investment sector from other parties and growing financing through financing provided to the
public. Through the Islamic economy, we are also required to be literate about new technologies, invest in the
capital market, develop Indonesian MSMEs, improve skills and education, and many people are becoming more
wary of usury.
3. Economic recession is an unfavorable condition in the economic field of a country where the
unemployment rate is high, economic growth is declining, demand is decreasing. This is a feeling of anxiety for
many people, but there are also some people who think hard about the issue of this recession
The impact of the economic recession on the nation When this happens, of course, the unemployment rate will
increase and the government is required to open as many jobs as possible. As a result, loans to foreign banks
skyrocketed. The existence of a recession also makes tax and non-tax revenues low. The increasingly difficult
economy will definitely have an impact on weakening people's purchasing power because they will be more
selective in using their money by focusing on meeting their needs first.
Strategies that can be done to overcome the economic recession are:
1. Allocate at least 20% for an emergency fund. The bigger the proportion, the better prepared you will be in
meeting your needs in the midst of an economic recession.
2. Begin to reduce and not increase expenses such as debt, if possible, pay off immediately.
3. Live normally and don't need to panic, keep consuming as usual because this can help the economy keep
4. Start taking advantage of opportunities around you that can be of economic value.

Lembar Jawaban Tengah Semester Ganjil (Halaman 2)

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