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Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____

Class: ___________

Review Grammar Worksheet

Past Simple
1. Read the text and complete and complete with the verbs in the parenthesis. Use the Past
Simple. (Leia o texto e complete com os verbos dos parênteses. Use o “Past Simple”)


My alarm clock did not ring (not ring)

this morning, so I ____________________ (wake)
up late and I __________________ (not arrive) at
school on time. I ________________ (get) a low
mark in my maths test and my history teacher
_______________ (speak) angrily to me because
____________________ (not do) do my homework

At lunch, there ________________ (be) no room at my friends table, so I

_______________ (eat) alone. On the way home, a dog
____________________ (jump) one me and I ______________ (fall) into
some bushes. What a day!

2. Find and correct the mistakes. (Encontre e corrija os erros.)

a) They eat ate dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

b) Did Maria drove to work this morning?

c) I not finished my homework last night.

d) Was she buy a new car yesterday?

e) I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.

f) I was read that book last week.

3. Write the sentences in the past simple. (Escreva as frases no passado simples.)
a) He goes to bed early.
R: He went to bed early.
b) We don't like onions.
c) Stewart lives in Vancouver.
d) Does she exercise?
e) I hate cooking.
f) I forget his name.
g) He has a car.

Modal Verbs
Can & Could – Can’t or Couldn’t

4. Fill in the blanks with can or could to complete the sentences. (Preencha as frases com “can”
ou “could”)
a) I _____________ go to the party last night because I was sick.
b) A: Noel _________ cook Italian food?
B: Yes, He ____________.
c) My sister swim __________ last year, but now she _____________.
d) They ___________ go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.
e) A: __________ you read when you were four years old?
B: Yes, I ________.
f) Ellie _________ ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.
g) I'm very tired, so I _________ go out to the park to play.

Should, Must & Have to

5. Now complete the sentences with the correct modal verb. (Agora complete as frases com o
verbo modal correspondente)
1. You __________________ have a driver's license if you want to drive a car.
2. I __________________ buy flowers for my mother.
3. You ________________ speak to him about it.
4. They _______________ do something about this terrible train service.
5. There's no heating on. You ___________ be freezing.
6. You ___________ help me.
7. You ___________ see the Van Gogh exhibition. It's beautiful.
8. She ____________ work on Monday. It's her day off.
9. I _________ get my hair cut.
10. You ______________ sit so close to the TV. It's bad for your eyes.

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