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Candidate Number Candidate Name Centre Number (/ Je 2 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level AGRICULTURE 5034/2 PAPER 2 NOVEMBER 2017 SESSION hours ‘Additional materials: “Answer paper, iff calculator. TIME 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate num this page and on all separate answer paper used. ber in the spaces provided at the top of Section A ‘Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. |FOR EXAMINER'S USE Section B ‘Answer two questions from any one of Options J, 2,3 or 4. Section A Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. At the end of the examination, fasten the separate answer Section B paper securely to the question paper. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. You are advised to spend no longer than 80 minutes TOTAL ‘on Section A. This question paper consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N2017. \ozimsec mzoi7 [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner a Section A [70 marks) Answer all questions in this section Candidates are advised to spend approximately 80 minutes on this section. 1 (a) State four reasons why forests are important in Zimbabwe. @ a (i) Gi a Wy ee ee) (b) State three factors affecting the breeding of wild life. @ ea pe a (iti) BI (c) State three forms of land use in Zimbabwe. QO — Gi) Gi) 8) 034 N2017 Scanned with CamScanner (a) (b) ‘The diagram below describes the nitroyen oyele rant [Animal protein| (With reference w the above diagram of the nitrogen cycle, | explain the processes A, B, and C. 7 | B c By | (ii) State the bacteria responsible for the processes B and C. | Process B. | Process C. (2) | List three processes through which nitrogen is lost from the soil. OQ eS tee Wy youn nao? {Turn over 4 Scanned with CamScanner © (a) (b) 4 Describe the deficiency symptoms of the following nutrients in a cereal erop: @ Boron (i) Molybdenum The following are signs of deficiency of nutrients in plants. State the nutrient associated with the symptoms: (i) yellowing of leaves (ii) Poor root system (ii) Poor grain or tuber formation State one disease of maize caused by each of the following: (i) bacteria (ii) fungi (iii) virus soun.n2017 Scanned with CamScanner 0) 1 BI B) 5 (c) The diagram below illustrates a vertical section through a leaf. [Examiner's soo. N2017 (Turn over Scanned with CamScanner 6 The diagram below shows the digestive system of a A cesophogus c anus liver: colon (a) With reference to the above diagram of the digestive system of pig, label parts A, B and C.

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