Structural Mechanics

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ITU Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture

Structural and Earthquake Engineering WG

Structural Mechanics
MIM 106E
Asst. Prof. Dr. Cenk Üstündağ – Dr. Gülseren Erol Soyöz

Fundamental Concepts

MIM 106E Structural Mechanics

Wednesday 10:30-12:30 and 13:30-15:30

Content: Statics + Strength of Materials

Contact Info:
MIM 106E Structural Mechanics

1 Homework
2 Midterm Exams
1 Final Exam

Final grade = The weight of the homework is 10%, each of

midterm exams is 20%+20% and the final exam is 50%.

Final Grade= Homework 10% + Midterms 40% + Final Exam 50%


Date 10:30-12:30 13:30-15:30
Introduction, Fundamental Concepts, Concept of a
1 14 February 2024 Moment of a Force, Moment of a Couple
Force, Concurrent Forces, Coplanar Systems

2 21 February 2024 Problem Solving Session Problem Solving Session

Equilibrium of a Rigid Body, Supports and Reaction

3 28 February 2024 Centroids
Forces, Load Bearing Systems and Loads

4 6 March 2024 Plane Truss Systems Problem Solving Session

5 13 March 2024 1. MIDTERM EXAM Cables, Friction

6 20 March 2024 Moments of Inertia Problem Solving Session

Internal Forces, Stress and Strain, Mechanical
7 27 March 2024 Internal Force Diagrams
Properties of Materials
8 3 April 2024 Internal Force Diagrams Problem Solving Session

9 10 April 2024 MIDTERM BREAK

10 17 April 2024 Axially Loaded Members Shear Force

11 24 April 2024 Pure Bending Problem Solving Session


13 8 May 2024 2. MIDTERM EXAM Combined Bending and Shear, Deflection of Beams

14 15 May 2024 Combined Bending and Axial Force Problem Solving Session

15 22 May 2024 Buckling Problem Solving Session


Title Authors Publisher

Engineering Mechanics: Statics Hibbeler, R.C. Prentice Hall, 2015

Statics and Mechanics of Materials Hibbeler, R.C. Prentice Hall, 2016

Beer, F.P., Johnston,

Statics and Mechanics of Materials R., Dewolf J.T., McGraw-Hill, 2020
Mazurek D.

Mühendislik Mekaniğinde Statik

Karataş, H., İşler, Ö. Çağlayan, 2003

Statik-Mukavemet Bakioğlu, M. Beta, 2007

Çözümlü Statik-Mukavemet
Aköz, Y., Eratlı, N. Birsen, 2005

Title Authors Publisher

Mechanics of Materials Hibbeler, R.C. Pearson, 2013

Mühendisler için Mekanik, Statik ve

Omurtag, M. H. Nobel, 2010

Cisimlerin Mukavemeti İnan, M. İTÜ Vakfı, 2001

Mechanics of Materials Gere, J.M. Thomson, 2004

MIM 106E Structural Mechanics

• Ninova - Handouts, Homework,

Solved Problems,

• Scientific Calculator

MIM 106E Structural Mechanics

General Principles
What is Mechanics?
Mechanics is the science which describes and predicts the
conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action
of forces.

Mechanics theoretical mechanics

(area of interest of physicists)
applied mechanics
(engineering mechanics)

Mechanics is the foundation of most engineering sciences

and is an indispensable prerequisite to their study.
General Principles

Categories of Mechanics:
• Rigid-body mechanics
- Statics
- Dynamics
• Deformable-body mechanics
(strength of materials)

• Fluid mechanics

General Principles

Statics deals with the equilibrium of bodies, that

is, those that are either at rest or move with a
constant velocity.
Sabit hız
Dynamics is concerned with the accelerated
motion of bodies.

The subject of statics developed very early in the history because
its principles can be formulated simply from measurements of
geometry and force.
Archimedes (287-212 B.C.) : Principle of lever.
Studies of the pulley, inclined plane and wrench are also
recorded in ancient writings.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was one of the first major
contributors to dynamics.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727): Three fundamental laws of motion
and law of universal gravitational attraction.
Shortly after these laws were postulated, important techniques
for their application were developed by such notables as Euler,
D’Alembert, Lagrange and others.
Fundamental Concepts
• Space - associated with the notion of the position of a point P given
in terms of three coordinates measured from a reference point or
• Time - definition of an event requires specification of the time and
position at which it occurred.
• Mass - used to characterize and compare bodies, e.g., response to
earth’s gravitational attraction and resistance to changes in
translational motion.
• Force - represents the action of one body on another. A force is
characterized by its point of application, magnitude, and direction,
i.e., a force is a vector quantity.

In Newtonian Mechanics, space, time, and mass are absolute concepts,

independent of each other. Force, however, is not independent of the
other three. The force acting on a body is related to the mass of the
body and the variation of its velocity with time.
Fundamental Concepts
Idealization: Models or idealizations are used in mechanics in order to
simplify application of the theory.

Particle: A particle has a mass, but a size that can be neglected. E.g. earth
with respect to the size of its orbit.

Rigid-body: A body that doesn’t deform under acting forces.

A rigid-body is purely theoretical phenomenon but necessary in the study
of statics. In reality every body deform more or less when subjected to

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction
Fundamental Principals

Parallelogram Law of Addition: Two forces that are acting on any

points of a rigid-body can be added to form a resultant force R.

All forces, that are vector quantities, obey the parallelogram law of

A force (R) can be resolved into two component vectors (P and Q).

• Parallelogram Law
Fundamental Principals

Principle of Transmissibility: External effects on a rigid-body

remain unchanged when a force F1 acting on a point A is
replaced by a force F2 of equal magnitude at point B, provided
that both the forces have the same sense and line of action.

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction 16

Fundamental Principals

• Newton’s First Law: If the resultant force on a particle is zero, the particle
will remain at rest or continue to move in a straight line with constant

• Newton’s Second Law: A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F

experiences an acceleration a that has the same direction as the force and
a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force.

Fundamental Principals

• Newton’s Third Law: The forces of action and reaction between two
particles have the same magnitude and line of action with opposite sense.

• Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Two particles are attracted with equal and
opposite forces,

F = force of gravitation between two particles

G = universal constant of gravitation
M,m = mass of each of the two particles
r = distance between the two particles
System of Units
• International System of Units (SI):
• Kinetic Units: length, time, mass, The basic units are length, time, and
and force. mass which are arbitrarily defined as
the meter (m), second (s), and kilogram
(kg). Force is the derived unit,
F = ma
• Three of the kinetic units, referred  m
1 N = (1 kg )1 2 
to as basic units, are defined and the  s 
fourth unit, referred to as a derived
unit, must have a definition • U.S. Customary Units:
compatible with Newton’s 2nd Law, The basic units are length, time, and
  force which are arbitrarily defined as
F = ma the foot (ft), second (s), and pound (lb).
Mass is the derived unit,
1 slug = 2
1 ft s 19
Units of Measurement (SI)

International System of Units (SI):

length → meter (m), cm, mm

time → second (s)
mass → kg
force → N, kN

Always use units!!!

The terms of any equation used to describe a physical
process must be dimensionally homogeneous.
Units of Measurement

• At the standard location,

g = 9.80665 m/s2
• For calculations, we use
g = 9.81 m/s2
• Thus,
W = mg (g = 9.81m/s2)
• Hence, a body of mass 1 kg has a weight of 9.81 N, a 2 kg
body weighs 19.62 N

1 kg ~10 N
1 ton ~10 kN
Units of Measurement (SI)

Dimensional Homogeneity:
• Each term must be expressed in the same units.
• Regardless of how the equation is evaluated, it
maintains its dimensional homogeneity.
• All terms can be replaced by a consistent set of units.

Numerical Accuracy

• The accuracy of a solution depends on 1) accuracy of

the given data, and 2) accuracy of the computations
performed. The solution cannot be more accurate than
the less accurate of these two.
• As a general rule for engineering problems, the data are
seldom known with an accuracy greater than 0.2%.
Therefore, it is usually appropriate to record parameters
with four digits i.e., 15.00 N.
• Rounding off is necessary so that the accuracy of the
result will be the same as that of the problem data.
3.5587 → 3.56
1.341 → 1.34
Method of Problem Solution
• Problem Statement:
Includes given data, specification of
what is to be determined, and a • Solution Check:
figure showing all quantities - Test for errors in reasoning by
involved. verifying that the units of the
computed results are correct,
• Free-Body Diagrams: - test for errors in computation by
Create separate diagrams for each of substituting given data and computed
the bodies involved with a clear results into previously unused
indication of all forces acting on equations based on the six principles,
each body. - always apply experience and physical
intuition to assess whether results
• Fundamental Principles: seem “reasonable”.
The six fundamental principles are
applied to express the conditions of
rest or motion of each body. The
rules of algebra are applied to solve
the equations for the unknown
quantities. 24
The International System of Units

• For a very large or small numerical quantity, units can be
modified by using a prefix

• Each represent a multiple or sub-multiple of a unit

Eg: 4,000,000 N = 4000 kN (kilo-newton)
= 4 MN (mega- newton)
0.005m = 5 mm (milli-meter)
The International System of Units

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