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Hello Seller Performance team, Our seller account is suspended from 23th of June 2021 due to the fact

we violated
code of conduct and fair price policy with high selling rates. We have still trying to prepare an acceptable plan of
action in order to clarify where the high prices we listed are coming from and to reactivate our account. To sum up
briefly we have not paid attention to kept courier costs higher than item prices. Hence we have been facing this
suspension issue and trying to express our-self more detailed with a plan of action. As per our phone call with seller
support they told me that I can request to get disbursement of my account balance as it is over 90th days of
suspension . I was selling my items in the Canada market-place. I have a balance at that account and I kindly request
you to release it. I hope we can still have a possibility to reinstate our account. We are willing to begin again to be a
seller of Amazon without any violations of policies again. We have been trained by the consultants and we have
examined the seller policies sufficiently to avoid such a problem again. We confirm that we would always be a
customer-oriented, respectful and honest seller in case we can make our account reactivated. Please confirm to take
action on disbursement of our account balance as soon as possible. Please find our account details below. Xxxxxxc

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