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1. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective.

1. __ It looks like a traditional building a. but the small building next to it is

from the outside more modern.

2. __ It’s quite a small room but that b. makes the atmosphere very cosy.

3. __ They’ve changed a lot inside the

c. but the rooms are very unusual.

d. but kept the original doors and

4. __ The views of the city

5. __ My parents’ washing machine is

e. of a nineteenth-century building.
very old

6. __ The big house on the right is two f. so they’re going to buy a brand new
hundred years old one.

7. __ Yesterday we visited a historic

g. from the top floor are spectacular.

h. and saw what life was like in the

8. __ The museum is a classic example
sixteenth century.

2. Use the adjectives and adverbs from the list to complete the sentences.

very | terrible | spectacular | freezing | ancient | exhausted | absolutely | enormous

1. I was incredibly tired after the long walk – I was really __________________.

2. This is a great book about architecture, but that one is __________________!

3. Today was __________________ amazing – the best day of my life!

4. Don’t forget your gloves – it’s __________________ out there in the snow!
5. This building is __________________ – it’s 500 years old!

6. The show was __________________ – really really good!

7. This village is full of __________________ pretty houses.

8. This is a really big living room – it’s __________________!

3. Read the definition and write the correct word(s). The first letter is given.

1. a substance that is burned to provide heat or power f__________

2. a piece of equipment that travels around the earth in space s__________

3. something that joins things together c__________

4. something new that has been designed or created i__________

5. you have to do this to your phone battery c__________

6. a test scientists do to discover if something is true, or to find out about

something e__________

7. a screen on a phone or other device d__________

8. a piece of equipment used to make liquid or gas move from one place to
another p__________

9. connect something to an electricity supply p__________


4. Complete the gaps.

1. adjective: big
comparative: bigger
superlative: the ____________________

2. adjective: ____________________
comparative: worse
superlative: the worst

3. adjective: cosy
comparative: cosier
superlative: the ____________________

4. adjective: ____________________
comparative: better
superlative: the best

5. adjective: original
comparative: more original
superlative: the ____________________

6. adjective: ugly
comparative: ____________________
superlative: the ugliest

7. adjective: ____________________
comparative: further
superlative: the furthest

8. adjective: thin
comparative: ____________________
superlative: the thinnest

5. Choose the correct form of the adjective to complete the sentences.

1. Peter thinks the new college building is __________ than the old one.

a) nice b) nicer c) nicest

2. Jane says that watching golf is not as __________ as watching football.

a) interesting b) more interesting c) most interesting

3. Tom’s always writing good stories, and the __________ one he wrote is being published in
a magazine tomorrow!

a) recent b) more recent c) most recent

4. This is the __________ app I’ve ever had!

a) useful b) more useful c) most useful

5. Paula isn’t as __________ as Sally.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

6. This sofa is the __________ piece of furniture in Rob’s flat.

a) expensive b) more expensive c) most expensive

7. My parents don’t want me to stay at the party __________ than ten o’clock.
a) late b) later c) latest

8. Our living room didn’t use to look as __________ as it does now before we painted it

a) large b) larger c) largest

6. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.

1. Judy will know / is knowing / will be knowing the answer so let’s ask her!

2. Can I borrow your new sunglasses? Don’t worry, I’m not breaking / I won’t break / I won’t
be breaking them.

3. I think everybody will understand / is understanding / will be understanding why you can’t
come to the festival with us.

4. Don’t worry, I’ll be showing / I’m going to show / I’ll show you how to use your new

5. Will smartwatches replace / Will smartwatches be replacing / Are smartwatches replacing

smartphones and computers by 2025?

6. This time next month I’ll stay / I’ll be staying / I’m staying at a five-star hotel in Dubai.

7. I’m meeting Matt after school. We’re going to play / We’ll play / We’ll be playing tennis at
the sports centre.
8. I can’t go on the camping trip with you guys. I’ll study / I’ll be studying / I’m going to study
for my end-of-year exams all month.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs from the list. Use the
present continuous, will, going to or the future continuous.

come | travel | buy | show | hold | fly | do | have

1. I won’t ask my parents to pick me up at seven because they

_________________________________________________ dinner then.

2. In the future, I think people _________________________________________________ in

driverless cars.

3. Send me a message if you _________________________________________________ to

my birthday party.

4. At the end of the year, our school

_________________________________________________ a big party. I can’t wait!

5. What _________________________________________________ this weekend? Do you

want to see the new X-Men film?

6. You should upload that video you made to YouTube! I

_________________________________________________ you how to do it.

7. While we’re asleep tonight, Anissa

_________________________________________________ to the other side of the world!

8. It looks like we haven’t any eggs for the cake. I

_________________________________________________ some tonight.

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