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E 6
Second Quarter S.Y 2021-2022

Name:_________________________________________________ Score: ______________________

Grade&Section :________________________________________ Date: ______________________

I. Identify the basic needs of a family. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter on a
blank before the number .
Column A Column B
______1. It starts from home and plays an important A. food
role in shaping the character of every member of the family.
______2. It is the most important needs of our body B. Shelter
wherein it fuels our body to have energy and survive.
______3. It is a place where we live in and protect C. Social needs
ourselves from heat of the sun, storm and wind.
______4. It is a fabric that covers our body, keep it D. Clothing
warm or protects it from sun, insects, thorns and other hazards. E. Education
______5. It includes things such as love, acceptance
and belongingness. F. Money

II. Identify the types of resources listed below. Write HR for Human Resources, MR for Material
Resources and NR for Nonmaterial Resources. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
_________6. talents and skills
_________7. sand used to make glass
_________8. experiences
_________9. mental alertness
_________10. health
III. Identify the basic needs of a family. Choose the correct answer from the box below. Write your
answer on a space provided.
_____________ 11. It is the most important needs of our body wherein it fuels our body to have energy
and survive.
______________12. It includes things such as love, acceptance and belongingness.
______________13. It is a fabric that covers our body, keep it warm or protects it from sun, insects,
thorns and other hazards.
______________114. It is a place where we live in and protect ourselves from heat of the sun, storm,
and wind.
______________5. It starts from home and plays an important role in shaping the character of every
member of the family.

IV. Identify the basic needs of a family. Write your answer on a blank.

Food shelter clothing money education social needs

16._______ 17._______
19.______________ 20.____________.

V. Draw a (😊 if it is a basic need of a family and ☹ if it is not. Write your answer on the blank.
____________21. house
____________22. food
____________23. cellular phone
____________24. clothes
____________25. Car

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