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ait) Bo tebel 18g WARNING: PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER INFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO” HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. Licensed by Mindseape Ine From The Software Toolworks, In Botleship ond Supe Batleship ave Hodemarks of Millon Bradley Company A Division of Hasbro, Ine Licensed to ‘Mindscope lc. From The Sofware Tookworks, Ine =~ ES =< Gesorrent Toowwores SUPER BATTLESHIP” Instruction Booklet Table of Contents Starting the Game Gome Controls The Command Post Damage Control ‘Man Your Battle Stations Battle Craft Levels ond Missions Secret Codes Tips. Technical Support Starting the Game To start the game: 1. Moke sure your Super Nintendo Entertainment System* [Super NES} stored off ” 2. Put the Super Battleship" Game Pok in your Super NES. 3. Tur on the Super NES, 4. At the fille screen, press Start. 5. Use the Conirol Pod to select an option, then press A: ‘Super Battleship—Ploy with overhead and closeup batle views. Select a mission, then press A. Classic Batleship—Play on a sereen similar tothe boord Enter secret code—IFyou know a secre code, use ito choose a level and Mission, See Secret Codes. Game Controls Le Control Pad Sol Cont: aio ft Button. lect Button Start Button rol Pad Fight Button X Button Button B Button Y Button Select on option, position the current ship, and aim weapons. a va< Up Down Left Right Buttons Start Pouse and unpause. Select Begin the game, cancel the current operation, choose A Right lott armen ophon, or provide more options, See Commend Pos The action buon tht confirms o secret code, placement of ships in the water, and use of tactical options, such as Target Weapons. Usually, you use the Control Pad to make a selacon, then prow A During the enemy/s um you con press B to umn off visuale of enemy ship movement ‘The toggle weapon button that cycles through the corns weapons. Use lie Comme Pod fo eter fa Target Weapons option, press Xfo choose @ weapon, then press Ao fe The toggle radar buon thot ces through Red, See ed On eee rae ep pode the Command Post view. View an overhead satellite image of the entire playin field. During your tum, press Right hen A to seo cll land, wer, cd vessels Find out whot your mission objective is, The Command Post Use the Control Rad te highlight one ofthe tactical option The Command Post on ever he teteot hen pros A to Une he options {8 shown, ‘The Batleship Command Post gives an overview of your battle J#,,| Move Ship -Position your flet. A grid of squares Heli cls tcl opto: eel con show tlre on #5 appears showing whore he cure ship mdy move. Use needed. From here you give commands to your fleet during a the Control Pad to place the cursor hes ‘want the mission, You also use the Command Post to assess ship damage ship, then press A. You can reposition each ship or ‘and undertake repairs afer an enemy encounten, choose Prior Orders to let a ship continue its course. Y Target Weapons Aim your curent weapon. Press X to | : =—il through available weopens, which may include the main gun, torpedoes, dephh charges, ancl/or missiles. Use the Control to move the cursor onto “is becatae's sicoeald New cormacrelbig olhoas yon ised to know how to maneuver your Reet on a mission, and how to use You can press Select o see two more options ‘weapons and strategy to destroy the enemy. The best officers | ic ] G-Go back to the game screen and start a mission. ‘Status Dis -— Switches to the Status Display for the current vessel. See Damage Contral nm Q © ‘an enemy target, then press A. See Man Your Batle Sotions Prior Orders - Lets a ship continue on its current course. You can also pass a turn for @ beached ship. also know how to assess ond repair damage to ther ships Tactical Options | From the Command Post, press ¥ to toggle between Radar and ‘leet Display — Switches to the Status Display for the Sonar in the green circle on the tight Othe screen. (ratte! entire current fleet, See Domoge a Press Select again fo return fo the normal Command Post view. Damage Control ‘The Fleet Dis and Status Dis jons let you monitor the eat te sae dives Set cei Fleet Display Note: From the Fleot Display screen, use the Control Pad to highlight o ship, then press A. The Status Display screen ‘appears for that ship. The full screen satus display is a schematic side view ofthe its ammunition, and any damage. From here, you con give 6 Damage Canta teams thei rep csignmens, Use the Conta Pad to highlight « damaged area for repair, then press A. If ‘your Damage Control feams are hot, you may have o chance to mmoke these repairs: Fire Control Hit Steering Hit Engine Hit Gunnery Hitboth Storn Guns and Bow Guns Sonar Hit Redor Hit ‘When damage repair is done, press Select fo return to the ‘Command Pos. Man Your Battle Stations The main meny offers ions, Super Batleship and Ghat Berisha Glen ews ° Super Battleship Views \F you choose Super Battleship on the main menu, you arrive at he Commend ear an etc vow of he novel bole i = mati mea ita ‘Aer you are in a position to svccessully hit your enemy, choose Target Weapons, Press X to toggle between the main guns, forpedoes, mises, or depth chorges. Press Ao olvte ft ropostiyor chores akiree good cde trol he rony eppeor Inthe side view, pross Ato reg weapon. Yu can also use the Control Pod in the side view os fellows Main Guns: ‘Your crosshairs are centered on the horizon. Press the Control Pad to aim your guns. Torpedoes: Press B and <4; to move the tor, rack; lta peice intact des, Missiles: Press and 4; t0 control the fight path and | lock onto an enemy ship. Depth Charges: You so an unerwete vow: Press Bond to contral the speed of your boat on the Sorfoce, press & ond ¥ fo sel he depth of which he cherges detonate. Wit uc youl hit your target without geting hil Sometimes, even in range, you miss, bosed on the speed of the other ship ge your cm. Watcher fe rsood message. You ar oro cy ogo Classic View It you choose Classic Battleship on the main menu, oO view that is similar to the board oma ed Use your game controls fo postion your ships on the gid, cm Battle Craft ‘The game includes three categories of vessel, friendly naval vessels, enemy vessels, and neutral ships " Friendly Naval Vessels Depending on the Level and Mision, you éommand these types ips: Patrol Boot — small, usually fost ship with few These are your most expenclble ships “open Destroyer Escort - An oxpondable warship that accompanies cond protects other ships, Destroyer — real warship. Ths is « non-expendable scout and outer For your fe! “pen Light Cruiser ~ big destroyer. God for hunting enemy destroyers Heavy Cruiser — A ship big enough to have real armor and fine that do real damage, Use hem os substi for ileships when you don't have enough of them, Baile Crvser- A igh crmored bates, Thee con rn cdown most smaller ships and carry enough firepower fo do real damage toa baifeship. Battleship ~ A massive warship with the bigges! guns and heaviest ormex. A batleship con destroy any ship it encounters! The speed ofa ship is based on the omount of weapons ond ‘armor carried aboard. 4 loaded ship goes slower than one with litle on board. So, your fastest ships ae the patrol boats, and the slowest are the batleships. 10 Enemy Vessels ‘Your enemies have ol ofthe cbove naval vesels wih some special editions Submarin~ vnc: hr ht pcg ns attacks. Beware of your enemy's subs ~ they are dangerous ond hard to find. Use your sonar to find these and deoth charges to destroy them! Shore Brteries~ Land bosed guns hat can freon passing ships. Keep a weather eve to the shoe! ‘Mines ~ Floating explosives thot con snk your ships. Ure your sonar to detect them! Neutral Ships You are occasionally asked to escort harmless merchant vessels. ‘The enemy loves to sink these innocent victims! 4 Levels and Missions The game Super Battleship hos seven Levels with a toal of 16 sions 1. Sink the Excalibur The enemy batleship, Excolibur, is preying on merchant vessels in the open ocean, Your orders reo tle canal feet and slop the Bxcal bw belore more innocent ves ore lost 2. Mosquito Boat Attack -With five new model PT boos ot your command, you mis! pursue ond ack enemy vases 3. Baile for Quemoy Island - The long harsh war years are cho een roc: bole Engage yor igi et grt he enn wh ay bey 4. Convoy Escort Enemy vessels prow he shipping lanes. You mas escort a merchant ship wih a new Secret weapon through hostile waters, 5. Convoy KL 17 ~ Lead your fleet of light ships on a raid ober cri caches Cpe es tp sant convoy coming around the cape, 8. Raid on Mindino Airfield - The fighting in the sircits coninves 0 rage. Your orders ore to senda raiding force up the channel to shell the vital enemy airfield on Mindino ikind. You ove mest move quid or rik decrucfon at eight Foe enemy or pore 7. Destroyer Action - Just another humdrum patrol of island chains Not. Todo tho enemy makes conto 8. Powor Sweep A force ofcrvsers replaces the destroyers gate parol ry toambuth he hgh forces atone? Rerassing your cestoyers. 9. Ambush — A routine patrol tums into a nightmare—you are suddenly fled by a horde of smell enemy er yo sol Fre ond make buck fo base. 12 10. Mayhem at Midnight ~ Just past mic soured the ole! An enemy Hola i sh immportent complax on Kinkaid City 11, Bee Swarm — Lead a group of fast atack craft up the siraits ‘Coming the other way fs 0 swarm of enemy boots intent on gating the right of way. 12. Bodyguard - The badly damaged batleship, Warrior, imps home under your rare Blocking the way back to base is {force of enemy subs tipped off by their netarious spies Tey bagel the cope sity peat hes cand cd sky Gri inver 13, Reseve Mision ~ On one of many smal sands doting the Groot Soo, a vlion!sldior hos Boon writhing fhe cos for ‘over six months. Now the enemy is dosing in on him. Take Yor, dstoyer tose and rece fe waco before ise rune out 14 dolly Roger - Command «bate cruiser operat a alike main leet. Hunt down ond destoy the tcomy= supply ships before is foo lle 15, Pitbulls and Slu ~ Two battleships meet head-on. Only tone force can survive. Wil yours make itor sk 16, Total War — You mus destoy the enire enemy feet and capture/everteke all enemy land bases ‘Use the Control Pad to select a mission, then press A. Once fy cs riaalon, cracrnen orders ell you ow manny, ‘uray Reson se, Vow ce po ‘ay time, to review the number of rounds. 13 Secret Codes ‘As you win each love, you get a secret code thot les you direclly to he. Reseller rtp mes seg io Iovnrie down the codes os you mosir ood as aubotlierénenbea! anes of To begin ply a on odvancod love, choose Ener sere coda on the Super Bofleship main menu, hen press Start. Use he Control Pad to move the cursor and press Acer you select sxc hrc ne de Ven ede col tmensape appears Pres Sele! to we at of tions. Choose mission ond begin the botle! 14 Tips © Don't run aground, © Use your sonar. + Monit and fix fleet damage routinely. '* Deploy high powered weapons strategically *+ Don't be Fooled by enemy decoys ~ sick to your mission + Hull domo repair one weopons restocking con only tke plocein a fiendly harbor an 15 Technical Support For technical support in the USA: Majesco Sales, Inc. 244 Fernwood Avenue Ezvison, NJ 08837 Telephone: (800) 26-0015 16 90-DAY LIMITED WARRANTY Maesco Sales, ne. warts othe orgs consumer purctasorthat ha Netendo ‘Game Po PAK] sal bo fo tom deci in materal and weraanstip fora prod ‘F 90 days rom date of purchase, Wa detect covered bythe waren ccour ng the 90-day waranty peed Majesco Sle, In. wlropaorrploe the PAK, at ‘pton. ee of charge 2. Moby Maaco Sait, neo fo problem requring waranty sree by cling ur Teer Support Oop (00 26-001, and o's rensge. 2. ihe Najeno Stes Sone Represrtatve une oslv the problem by ‘hare, ysl be posed tha Rem ares number Simp ocr hs ‘een ond phone nto anton yur a FREGHT PREBND AND INSURED FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE, together with your sales sip or sinlar proat of Puchase (UPC code) win he 50.) neany pea Majesco Sats re 2a emwood Avon eon, O86 ‘The waranty tal rot appy the PAK has been damaged by negigence, acoder uneisonbl ts, nodhcson npn, yee esses rte to deere + epatsSerce ater Expiration of Waray ite Pak develops 2 problem equing service arte 0-day warranty period you tay contact he Majeeco Sales, Tecnica Support apt. af the phone umber ‘oe eater Iw jac Sales Ine Serve opener ur sole he protien by shone, You may bento of the apprximate cost for Majesco Sales, Inet ropa or eplace the PAK and provides wih 4 Reta Aahorzatonmubee Recor thi rnber onthe eutce packagy ofthe dofec PAK ad ret the Imerchandes, FREIGHT PREPAID AND INSURED FOR LOSS OR OAMAGE. 0, Najesco Sates ne, and enclose a monoy order payable to Nalpsco Sales. fr tho ‘cost quoted to you afer personal mspecton, the Majesco Ses, ne Serie Fepeesertatve dates the PAK carat De epated it wl be flue and your pyre todo Fxg APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FINESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY LiktTED TO NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE AND ARE SURJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH HERE IV NO EVENT SHALL MAJESCO SALES, FROM THE BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. The rowsons of ts waranty ar ie ithe Usted Stats ony Some sates do rot alow imtatons on how long an mpl waranty ast or exclusion ot Cotsequerial recent darages, lhe above ais exclusion may eet apply yu. This waranty ives ye spect lg igh, and yeu may aso have ‘tet rts ich vay rom ste to tte

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