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NAME : Made Dede Ari Wijaya

STUDENT ID : 2312021114
Everyone definitely has a different life story, so I asked several of my friends about their
stories, the friends I interviewed were Danesh, Ardi, Ardan, Hedwin, and Gandhi. This text will
contain personal information, Without any further a do let's start it.
The first is Danesh. When he has free time he often plays his electric guitar and I also asked
him about the most memorable place, and he answered Puri Nice Beach. he also said yesterday he
was on holiday with his family, and I asked again about who is the most important person in your
life, he answered my mother, why is she important because my mother taught me everything about
life, and I asked again how to make the most important person in your life happy, Danesh answered
that he would try to finish school.
the second is Ardii When Ardi has free time he often listens to music and also likes exercising
and the place that has the most beautiful memories is Germany beach. The last time Ardi went on
holiday with his family was a year ago, Ardi said the most important people in his life are his
family and friends and why is it important because you can't live without it. and how to make the
most important person in your life happy, Ardi answered by always being their side whenever they
need me
the third is Ardan, when he has free time, opens his cellphone and scrolls through Tik Tok,
Ardan has a place that has beautiful memories, his grandmother's house, Ardan also had his last
holiday with his family during Eid al-Fitr and the most important person in Ardan's life is his
mother because she is my world, she loves me so much so she does it and she does various things
to make her parents happy, one of which is doing my best at college.
the fourth is Hedwin van der Sar, Hedwin usually spends his free time playing games on his
cellphone and he has fond memories of GWK statues during holidays together, Ardan's last holiday
with his family was three or four months ago, and the most important person in Hedwin's life
namely his parents who continue to accompany Hedwin in good and bad times and Hedwin has
dreams of success for his parents and making his parents proud.
The last person is Gandhi, Gandhi spends most of his free time watching films or anime,
Gandhi also has a place that has beautiful memories in the Bedugul Botanical Gardens and he last
went on holiday with his family a week ago, Gandhi said the most important person in life is family
because Gandhi cannot live without family Her and Gandhi will try to achieve their dreams and
make their parents proud.

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