Activities 1-4 Nicol Alba

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My mother is Ingrid Malena López Pinilla, she is 40 years old, she is
accountant, she Works is a company of ESPACIO Y MERCADEO(, she
works for a company of ESPACIO Y MERCADEO), She is student of
english (a English Student)in (at)Academy Smart, she likes the movies,
her favorite music is the rock in english(English), her favorite food is the

I don´t (I don't have) favorite clothes but I preffer the jeans, this are
more comfortable, the pants the’re (are) also great, I don’t like skirts,
they are very short, sometimes the use but not preffer use (esta frase no
es entendible), I like the sweaters , they are very confortables and hot, I
feel pretty comfortables use, they are better tan (than) jackets, these are
big and sometimes uncomfortables.

Dear Valeria
My family is good, thanks for question. My father has a good job, My
mom his much job in your company(esta oración no tiene sentido,
corregir), My sister is worried for my cousins and my grandmother but
has good discipline. My brother is working for study.My cousin is very
intelligent, he is a excelent student however we’re fine, my studies are
fantastic and my job is great. I have to go, bye see you.

I like read in the park or in the house but I preffer in the park, I
like listen to music of everything, I don’t have gender specific
(specific gender ) , I like the movies and series of Terror,
Comedy ,Romace and Action, I like color mandalas in the park
listening the birds, I like the rain is calm for my, I like the
photography of sky, the evenings, I like go to the movies

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