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Câu 1. Kaylee is formatting a document for her company. She isn't sure whether to
opt for a justified, flush-left, flush-right, or centered format. Which of the following
offers the best reason for her to pick a particular style?
A. A flush-right style is the most common for business documents.
B. A flush-left format gives a contemporary, less formal look.
C. A justified style is best as this is easy to format and read.
D. A centered format allows her to maximize the use of space.
E. A justified style produces large gaps between words, increasing white space.

Câu 2. To get your point across clearly, change verbs into nouns and adjectives by
using words that end with -ion, -tion, or -ment.
Select one:
A. True
B. False

Câu 3. Using an extra-large typeface throughout business messages makes a

positive impression on the audience by drawing their attention to the topic.
A. True
B. False

Câu 4. Which of the following statements is true regarding the revision process?
A. The first draft should be put aside for some time before beginning the
revision process.
B. Documents that use electronic media do not need revision as the messages
are only stored for a short while.
C. A completed first draft must be revised only if there is a change in the
message that needs to be communicated.
D. Communications using short-message tools such as IM and email require no
revision at all.
E. Informal messages to internal audiences need as much revision as formal
messages do.

Câu 5. Parallel construction occurs when a writer uses the same grammatical
pattern to express similar ideas.
Select one:
A. True
B. False
Câu 6. Which of the following is an element of type style?
A. revision tracking
B. parallelism
C. boldface
D. hedging
E. margin

câu 7. The ________ feature can highlight items you should consider changing, such
as passive voice, long sentences, and words that tend to be misused.
A. grammar check
B. spell check
C. thesaurus
D. revision tracking
E. autosummary

câu 8. Informative headings ________.

A. give the reader some context and may point toward any conclusions or
recommendations that is offered in the section
B. simply identify a topic without suggesting anything more
C. refer to spaces that are free of text or artwork
D. refer to the physical design of letters, numbers, and other text characters
E. are graphical elements that precede each item in a list

câu 9. Which of the following advice is NOT helpful while proofreading a document?
A. proofread as soon as writing is complete
B. avoid reading large amounts of material in one sitting
C. focus on high-priority items like names and date
D. make multiple passes through the document
E. read the document aloud or read the pages backwards to keep from missing

câu 10. Writers should avoid using parallelism in bulleted lists.

Select one:
A. True
B. False

Câu 11. Jayne is a new features writer for the Daily Chronicle. The editor, Zoe, needs
to edit and revise Jayne's article to fit it to the paper's style of writing. Which of the
following tools can Zoe use to ensure that Jayne can see the changes that have
been made to the article?
A. revision tracker
B. autosummary
C. white space
D. grammar checker
E. spell checker

câu 12. Jamie has completed the first draft of a document for her company and
must now revise it. What advice should you give Jamie about the revision process?
A. She should begin by checking the message for spelling and grammar errors
and concentrate on increasing readability.
B. She should begin revising the first draft as soon as she completes it, so that
the material is fresh in her mind.
C. She should check the message to see if all the points are in logical order and
the content is organized correctly.
D. Grammar and spelling are not very important if the message uses electronic
media, as modern audiences are pressed for time.
E. Messages using print media must first be checked for formatting to ensure
that the document is visually pleasing.

Câu 13. Flush-right, ragged-left type is used in magazines, newspapers, and books
because it can accommodate more text in a given space.
A. True
B. False

Câu 14. Hedging statements are used when the writer wants to avoid stating a
judgment as fact.
A. True
B. False

Câu 15. Spell checker is a software function that is a substitute for proofreading.
A. True
B. False

Câu 16. When revising a document, you must ________.

A. first read it to evaluate its overall effectiveness and tone
B. first look carefully for grammatical errors
C. read it just once to finish quickly
D. pay closest attention to spelling
E. only skim through it to check formatting

câu 17. Sans serif typefaces are commonly used for body text while serif typefaces
are commonly used for headings.
A. True
B. False

Câu 18. Which of the following sets of activities are part of the final step of the
three-step writing process?
A. gathering information; selecting a medium
B. revising; proofreading; distributing
C. adapting the message; analyzing the situation
D. writing; analyzing; researching
E. organizing information; composing the message

câu 19. Identify the faulty construction in the following sentence: Walking down the
street, the trees were breath-taking.
A. dangling modifier
B. hedging
C. parallelism
D. camouflaged verb
E. too many nouns

câu 20. Graphical elements that precede each item in a list are known as ________.
A. call-outs
B. wikis
C. buttons
D. bullets
E. captions

câu 21.Magazines and newspapers generally use justified type because ________.
A. it produces large gaps between words in a column
B. it decreases the amount of white space along the right margin
C. it can accommodate more text in a given space
D. it produces hyphenation at the ends of lines
E. it produces a less formal, more contemporary look
câu 22. Which of the following statements about sentence length is true?
A. Medium sentences can lack the punch of short sentences and the
informative power of longer sentences.
B. Medium-length sentences are often the best way to convey complex ideas, to
list a number of related points, or to summarize or preview information.
C. Long sentences can be processed quickly and are easier for nonnative
speakers and translators to interpret.
D. Too many long sentences in a row can make your writing feel choppy and
E. Short sentences are often the best way to convey complex ideas or to
summarize or preview information.

Câu 23. ________ type is rarely used for text paragraphs, but is commonly used for
headings and subheadings.
A. Flush left
B. Ragged-right
C. Centered
D. Flush right
E. Justified

Câu 24. In a list, bullets are preferred over numbers, unless ________.
A. the list is brief—less than five items long
B. specific list items will be referenced later
C. the list deals with complex concepts
D. the list uses parallelism
E. individual items in the list are long

câu 25. Jacob's teacher asked him to rewrite his book report to make it clear and
concise. He asks his friends for advice about editing his document. Which of the
following recommendations is useful for Jacob?
A. Verbs should be changed into nouns or adjectives wherever possible.
B. Hedging can strengthen your argument if you are sure of your facts.
C. Avoid parallelism, it makes sentences more difficult to read.
D. Keep the subject and predicate of the sentence as close together as possible.
E. Nouns are useful modifiers, so stringing many nouns together increases
Câu 26. White space ________.
A. separates elements in a document and helps guide the reader's eye
B. is important for image-heavy documents, but not for text-heavy documents
C. makes it difficult for readers to connect the various points of a message
D. decreases the chance that readers will read and understand messages
E. can make documents seem more intimidating and more difficult to read

câu 27. Which of the following is recommended for writing that is easier to read
and understand?
A. camouflaged verbs
B. hedging
C. dangling modifiers
D. overly long sentences
E. parallelism

câu 28. Which of the following sentences is the most concise?

A. Authorities are in agreement about public transport as the solution to the
problem of traffic.
B. If the traffic situation is to be improved, widespread adoption of public
transport is the best option.
C. At present, public transport is the best solution to the traffic problem.
D. At this point in time, public transport is emerging as the best solution to the
problem of traffic.
E. Public transport is a good solution.

Câu 29. Varying sentence length is a good way to maintain reader interest.
A. True
B. False

Câu 30. In order to improve readability, one must avoid ________.

A. keeping sentences uniform in length
B. using bullets to organize information
C. writing short paragraphs
D. using lists to clarify points
E. adding headings and subheadings
câu 31. As a reporter, Emily often files stories before all the facts are known. To
avoid legal repercussions, Emily uses words and phrases like "alleged," "it is
believed," and "apparent" to qualify statements. This is known as ________.
A. parallelism
B. a camouflaged verb
C. hedging
D. a dangling modifier
E. boosting

câu 32. Word combinations that say the same thing twice, such as "round in shape,"
are known as redundancies.
A. True
B. False

Câu 33. One method of proofreading is to read the page backwards to help you
focus on every single word.
A. True
B. False

Câu 34. Type style refers to any modification that lends contrast or emphasis to
type, including boldface, italic, underlining, and color.
A. True
B. False

Câu 35. Which of the following is the best example of using consistency in the
design elements of a document?
A. Cathy changes margins and spacing from page to page to accommodate
B. Emma uses a different color for every paragraph in a document.
C. Becky uses the same typeface and type size for all her client messages.
D. Abby varies the fonts and colors in all her messages to express her creativity.
E. Della switches between left-aligned and justified text to make reading easier.

Câu 36. ________ are suitable for displaying any information that lends itself to rows
and columns.
A. Objects
B. Text boxes
C. Tables
D. Templates
E. Style sheets

Câu 37. Which of the following types of text alignment is more commonly used in
business documents?
A. flush right with a ragged-left margin
B. justified
C. flush on both the left and right
D. centered
E. flush left with a ragged-right margin

câu 38. Which of the following statements about the organization of a message is
A. Formal or academic messages do not need strong opening or closing
sections, the audience only notices the middle portion.
B. The beginning and end of messages have the greatest impact on the
audience and hence should receive the most attention during revision.
C. The subject and purpose of the message should be confined to the middle
portion, while the conclusion should help readers understand how the
message is organized.
D. The middle portion of the message contains the main idea and argument,
and hence has the greatest impact on the audience.
E. The end of the message should convey the subject and purpose of the
message, while the beginning of the message has the least impact on the

Câu 39. Which of the following sentences uses hedging?

A. The deadline is next Tuesday.
B. The driver was responsible for the accident.
C. The financial statement needs to have two sections.
D. The report seems to be incomplete.
E. Our policy does not cover that event.

Câu 40. "The children collected together shells, stones, and leaves for their art
projects." Which of the following should be eliminated to make the sentence more
A. for their art projects
B. shells
C. collected
D. together
E. leaves

câu 41. Which of the following is not an effective use of design element?
A. strive to maximize the number of decorative touches and type styles in a
B. be consistent in the use of margins, type size, and typeface throughout the
C. balance all of the visual elements in the message, either formally or
D. pay attention to design details such as headings, column width, and margins
E. make effective use of white space, justification, and typefaces to achieve

câu 42. In any document, headings in a series should be ________.

A. detailed and long
B. informative
C. descriptive
D. grammatically parallel
E. self-contained

câu 43. Identify the structure used in the following sentence: Traditional medicine
emphasizes holistic healing, whereas modern medicine focuses on specialized
A. dangling modifier
B. parallelism
C. camouflaged verbs
D. hedging
E. Boosting

Câu 44. Centered type should be avoided for business documents but can be used
in ________.
A. long blocks of text
B. headings
C. the appendix
D. formal messages
E. business magazines

câu 45. To shorten sentences, ________.

A. avoid redundancies
B. avoid using commas
C. use the passive voice instead of the active
D. use camouflaged verbs
E. use hedging sentences

câu 46. Which of the following is true for the use of typefaces in business
A. Serif typefaces are usually used for headlines, while sans serif typefaces are
better suited for body text.
B. The use of multiple typefaces in a single document is recommended to
reduce clutter and give the document a professional look.
C. Serif typefaces are visually simpler than sans serif typefaces and are hence
used for headings.
D. Sans serif typefaces are difficult to read in large blocks of text, unless
formatted using large amounts of leading.
E. Sans serif typefaces have small crosslines at the ends of each letter stroke
and thus require large amounts of leading to increase readability.

Câu 47. Which of the following is a disadvantage of long sentences?

A. They can be processed quickly and are easier for readers to skim through.
B. Too many long sentences in a row can make writing choppy and
C. They lack the informative power of short sentences.
D. They are difficult for nonnative speakers to understand.
E. They have more informative power than short sentences.

Câu 48. ________ is used for highlighting quotations and indicating foreign words,
irony, humor, book and movie titles, and unconventional usage.
A. Superscript
B. Italics
C. Boldface
D. Underlining
E. Subscript

Câu 49. Which of the following sentences uses unparallel construction?

A. She enjoys singing, dancing, and reading.
B. He needed to format the report, bind the document, and turn it in to his
C. He opened the office, checked the mail, and was turning on the computers.
D. After completing the survey and finishing the exam, he went home.
E. At camp, the children played sports and learned crafts.

Câu 50. Which of the following will identify a hedging sentence?

A. "yes" and "no"
B. "may" and "seems"
C. "yesterday" and "today"
D. "absolutely" and "sincerely"
E. "confident" and "doubtful"

Câu 51. One effective way to clarify your sentences and improve clarity is to string
many nouns together as modifiers.
A. True
B. False

Câu 52. The flush-left, ragged-right margin ________.

A. is commonly used for headings and subheadings
B. creates a denser look because the uniform line lengths decrease the amount
of white space along the right margin
C. is not a good choice for routine business documents because it produces
large gaps between words that make the text more difficult to read
D. creates a more open appearance on the page, producing a less formal and
more contemporary look
E. can accommodate more text in a given space

câu 53. Isabel has written a long report on the current market situation. When
reviewing her report, she finds that though the report is well-written, some words
have been repeated often, and this makes it monotonous to read. Which of the
following tools can help Isabel keep her writing fresh and interesting?
A. style checker
B. grammar checker
C. revision tracker
D. spell checker
E. Thesaurus
Câu 54. Quick proofreading ensures quality because large amounts of material can
be reviewed in one sitting. Moreover, this method of proofreading is beneficial
when you're tired.
A. True
B. False

Câu 55. Use the word "can" instead of the phrase "you have the capability" to make
your sentence more concise and avoid ________.
A. parallelism
B. a "you" statement
C. wordy phrases
D. using too many pronouns
E. hedging

câu 56. Malcolm has to pitch an idea for a new ad campaign to a demanding client.
He needs to sound confident about his idea and needs to avoid stating a judgment
as a fact. Which of the following should Malcolm avoid?
A. conciseness
B. hedging
C. illustration
D. parallelism
E. transitions

câu 57. Which of the following suggestions will NOT make your message more
A. Use short words and phrases.
B. Eliminate redundancies.
C. Use double modifiers.
D. Delete unnecessary words.
E. Avoid dangling modifiers.

Câu 58. Which of the following features of word processing software is used to
choose either a portrait or landscape orientation for a document?
A. page setup
B. themes
C. style sheets
D. column formatting
E. templates
câu 59. In which of the following cases would a numbered list be more appropriate
than a bulleted list?
A. You are listing the benefits of a new software application that was installed
for all employees.
B. You are listing the ten largest countries in the world in terms of area.
C. You are listing the advantages of globalization for Third World countries.
D. You are listing the items you need to take on holiday.
E. You are listing the causes of the Second World War.

Câu 60. Which of the following statements about improving readability is true?
A. Grammatically parallel headings and bullets reduce readability and should
not be used.
B. The greater the complexity of a document, the fewer headings and
subheadings it should have.
C. Long sentences are the best way to convey complex ideas or list a number of
related points.
D. One-sentence paragraphs are easy to understand and should be used widely
in business writing.
E. Bulleted lists should only be used when items are ranked; numbered lists are

Câu 61. Which of the following, either based within a software or on a website,
offers alternatives to a particular word?
A. a computer-based grammar checker
B. a computer-based autosummary
C. a computer-based thesaurus
D. a computer-based style checker
E. a computer-based revision tracker

câu 62. A(n) ________ compares your document with an electronic dictionary,
highlights unrecognized words, and can be used to find typos in a document.
A. thesaurus
B. style checker
C. autosummarizer
D. revision tracker
E. spell checker

câu 63. Which of the following is an advantage of long sentences?

A. Long sentences can be processed quickly.
B. Long sentences are the best way to list a number of related points.
C. Long sentences are easier for nonnative speakers to understand.
D. Long sentences are easier for readers to skim through
E. Long sentences are useful when writing needs "punch" and a quick pace.

Câu 64. Short sentences ________.

A. are the best way to convey complex ideas
B. are harder to skim than medium-length sentences
C. are more difficult for nonnative speakers to interpret
D. have more informative power than medium-length sentences
E. are capable of making writing seem choppy and disconnected

câu 65. "Chicago has the most modern, up-to-date transport system in the United
States." Why is this statement less concise?
A. It lacks parallelism.
B. It contains redundant words.
C. It uses camouflaged verbs.
D. It has too many nouns.
E. It has a dangling modifier.

Câu 66. Jacob is designing a page in the company newsletter that informs
employees about a new company policy. The subject is fairly complex, and requires
a lot of explanation, but Jacob cannot use more than one page. Which of the
following alignments will help Jacob fit in the maximum number of words?
A. flush right with a ragged-left margin
B. centered
C. flush left with a ragged-right margin
D. justified
E. centered with a ragged-right margin

câu 67. To keep your message as clear and as concise as possible, keep the subject
and the predicate of a sentence as far away as possible.
A. True
B. False

Câu 68. In which of the following cases would a list be the most effective way of
organizing information?
A. You are describing your favorite TV show.
B. You have to write about a person who inspired you.
C. You are writing to a friend about your holiday plans.
D. You have to describe a recent victory by your home team.
E. You are documenting the steps in a process.

Câu 69. Which of the following includes a dangling modifier?

A. Situated in the break room, employees will find the vending machines.
B. The vending machines are situated in the break room.
C. Employees will find the vending machines situated in the break room.
D. The break room has several vending machines for employees to use.
E. The vending machines in the break room are for employees' use.

Câu 70. Which of the following is true for creating readable lists?
A. Long sentences should be used to increase the likelihood that readers will
find the key points.
B. Use one-sentence paragraphs for emphasis.
C. Skimming is more difficult with bulleted lists.
D. Introductions are avoided as lists enable skimming.
E. Using parallelism makes it easier for readers to skim through lists.

Câu 71. Which of the following is true for writing concise sentences?
A. All relative pronouns should be eliminated from sentences to minimize
B. Using infinitives to replace phrases is grammatically incorrect.
C. Longer words usually make a sentence easier to read and understand.
D. Double modifiers are easy to understand and make a sentence more
E. The subject and predicate of a sentence should be placed as close together
as possible.

Câu 72. A(n) ________ can monitor word and sentence choices and suggest
alternatives that might produce more effective writing.
A. autosummary
B. spell checker
C. revision tracker
D. style checker
E. wiki
câu 73. Which of the following features of word processing software is used for
captions, callouts, and margin notes?
A. tables
B. objects
C. headers
D. text boxes
E. Footers

Câu 74. Long sentences ________.

A. are easier for nonnative speakers to interpret
B. are the best way to convey complex ideas
C. can make writing choppy and disconnected
D. are easier to understand than short sentences
E. are easier to skim through than short sentences

câu 75. Serif typefaces ________.

A. create a more open appearance on the page, producing a less formal and
more contemporary look
B. have small crosslines at the ends of each letter stroke
C. do not have small crosslines at the ends of each letter stroke
D. require generous amounts of spacing between lines
E. are rarely used for text paragraphs but are commonly used for headings and

câu 76. Which of the following is true of creating multimedia documents?

A. In order to include various media elements in a document, you must first
ensure that you have the legal rights to use them.
B. Multimedia documents follow a rigid linear structure from beginning to end
and hence a conventional outline is suitable.
C. Developing multimedia documents require minimal creative and technical
skills as tasks such as adding photographs and video clips to webpages have
gotten much easier in recent years.
D. The costs associated with creating multimedia documents are practically
negligible as consumer versions of several software tools are easily available.
E. Multimedia elements can run on all types of software and hence
compatibility is not an issue.

Câu 77. The beginning and end of a message are the parts that usually have the
greatest impact on an audience.
A. True
B. False

Câu 78. Which of the following statements about designing a message is true?
A. If you need a design that is balanced, an informal design in which elements
flow freely across the page is not recommended.
B. Changing margins, spacing, colors, and typefaces within a document can
increase readability and is recommended for business messages.
C. Extremely wide columns of text can be difficult to read; in many cases a
better solution is to split the text into two narrower columns.
D. If you need a balanced document design, you have to adopt a formal design
in which the various elements of the page are placed in a rigid grid pattern.
E. Design elements like colors and decorative touches should be used as often
as possible, as simple messages are not easily memorable.

Câu 79. Clare has been asked to edit and revise a document written by her
colleague, Megan. Which of the following should Clare do?
A. She should rewrite the document according to her own impression of
Megan's intent.
B. She should concentrate more on the style of writing than on the readability
of the message.
C. She should rewrite the document to suit her own style of writing in order to
make the piece more effective.
D. She should stick to Megan's style of writing unless absolutely necessary and
ask Megan about the intention of the message.
E. She should avoid asking Megan about her intent so that she can revise the
document from a fresh perspective.

Câu 80. Robert is writing an instruction manual for a line of power tools. Though
the manual is in English, it will be used by people from many different countries.
What should Robert do to improve the readability of the document?
A. He should use mostly medium-length sentences to show relationships
among ideas.
B. He should use only short sentences in order to explain the concepts clearly.
C. He should use only long or medium-length sentences as the processes are
D. He should primarily use short sentences, but vary sentence length as
E. He should use mainly long sentences, as he is explaining complicated

Câu 81. Using dangling modifiers is one way to improve the clarity of your
A. True
B. False

Câu 82. Which of the following statements is true regarding justified type?
A. It produces an informal look and is easier to read.
B. It is flush right with a ragged-left margin.
C. It is placed flush left, with a ragged-right margin.
D. It is able to accommodate more text in a given space.
E. It is used in business documents as it is easy to format.

Câu 83. Identify the faulty construction in the following sentence: Our students
receive encouragement to improve their performance.
A. hedging
B. parallelism
C. dangling modifier
D. camouflaged verb
E. intensification

câu 84. ________ refers to the physical design of letters, numbers, and other text
A. Wiki
B. Revision tracking
C. White space
D. Typeface
E. Hedging

Câu 85. Which of the following statements about proofreading is true?

A. Reading pages backward or aloud is not an efficient way of proofreading.
B. Placing a finger under each word while reading can slow down proofreading
and is not recommended.
C. Proofreaders should focus on a different aspect each time they go through a
D. Proofreaders should make all the necessary changes in just one thorough
check of the document.
E. A document should be proofread as soon as it is written, so that the material
remains fresh.

Câu 86. Daniel is the page designer for a business magazine. He decides to opt for a
flush-left, ragged-right alignment. Which of the following is the best criticism for this
A. It will produce a denser, more formal look, which will not be suited to the
B. It will increase hyphenation at the ends of lines and will be difficult to format.
C. It creates a more open appearance on the page, accommodating less text
than a justified alignment.
D. The spacing between words will vary, making it difficult for readers to skim
through the text.
E. The line lengths decrease the amount of white space along the right margin.

Câu 87. Descriptive headings ________.

A. give the reader some context and may point toward any conclusions or
recommendations that is offered in the section
B. simply identify a topic without suggesting anything more
C. refer to spaces that are free of text or artwork
D. refer to the physical design of letters, numbers, and other text characters
E. are graphical elements that precede each item in a list

câu 88. Which of the following statements about using paragraphs in business
writing is true?
A. One-sentence paragraphs should be used rarely, and only for emphasis.
B. Using short paragraphs is preferred, as this makes the use of transitions
C. One-sentence paragraphs are not recommended and should never be used
in business writing.
D. For complicated subjects, long paragraphs help readers maintain a train of
thought and prevent distraction.
E. Long paragraphs are easier to read and can help to emphasize an idea or

Câu 89. Using infinitives in place of some phrases can shorten sentences and make
them clearer.
A. True
B. False
Câu 90. The phrase "final outcome" is an example of a dangling modifier.
A. True
B. False

Câu 91. Why do business documents prefer a flush-left, ragged-right margin over
justified type?
A. It can accommodate more text in a given space.
B. It can produce large gaps between words and increase white space.
C. It produces a more formal look as spacing between words is consistent.
D. It creates a denser look as uniform line lengths decrease the amount of white
E. It produces a less formal and more contemporary look.

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