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::illustrationPLUS++ -4b15h-

bbb 2016 PROSE [ownerships,belonging & marriages]

Poetry such as this may become metaphorical [-physical ] tools

in understanding Life's secrets lying beyond the rules

employed by civilisations , traditions or a society ,

which by their very nature are transitory

In , as much , this fine quality

a preserve of the living philosophy

dares to make bare with extreme fine care

the listener or the reader needs to attune intently .

Such is the re-discovery of the Law of Nature

that exist whether within or without it matters NOT

the effect to lay open , if seen clearly , shatters the hidden plot;
- the Mayic illusion which , some say , leaves humanity to rot !

Belonging & ownerships are illusions in which we suffer

and marriages , a societal norm , cannot be any real either .

But relationships .... ahhhh! - that is an enigma entire .

The assumed relationships in marriages are not pure ,

- being commonly conditional , hence illusory .

The conditions are , again , the mayic rules

of unchallenged security , morality ,& traditionality – to name a few .

Until the dawn of light with the first golden ray fills a receiving

mind with luminosity extraordinaire and all chains of karma disappear !

Like a dark receding night ending a stupendous sleep , leaving ,

an enduring dawn , awakening ,once and for all , this “ waking dream .”

This indescribable beauty is not a thing , yet , it is a million NOTS

that unbinds this planet's humanity's every knot !

Who but the one who is awake delves in this region ,

bridging Science & Philosophy in a metaphysical terrain .

One is too objective , the other too subjective ;

hence both incomplete and ineffective in approaching reality !

So , Bhavana , the Journey of Life in meaningless corridors continues

for those who possess many things , yet have not the foggiest clues

and who escape , in their fashionable shoes , ignoring real Life issues

inviting morosity , conflict , disorder and myriads of depressive blues .

For a fate more piteous , a historic urgent travesty , has never awaited humankind

You & I , being members , “born” & bonded in this bind

Will you not allow and really listen to your inner Heart in kind ?

Do see , in sensitivity , the rise of intense feeling ,

the Spiritual flame of Compassion - a precious find !

Ending the calculative unkindly devious brain unveiling the sublime Mind .

Culminating in rapturous vitality that comes into being

like a fresh breeze , every moment afresh , in joyous chime .

Is this ,in 2016 [ numerologically adding to the last digit : nine] , final Valentine ?

Effortlessly ,remaining loose & natural, you too can witness this Truth Divine .

.11.32am2016v prose from Al. digitalised today Sat 6/::2016v prose from Al. digitalised today Sat
6/Feb/2016,,2016v prose from Al. digitalised today Sat 6/Feb/2016

Lo 2016 V A L E N T I N E PROSE

[ ownerships , belonging & marriages ]

Poetry such as this may become metaphorical

[-physical ] tools

in understanding Life's secrets lying beyond the


employed by civilisations , traditions or a society ,

which by their very nature are transitory .

In , as much , this fine quality

a preserve of the living philosophy

dares to make bare with extreme fine care

the listener or the reader needs to attune intently .

Such is the re-discovery of the Law of Nature

that exist whether within or without it matters


the effect to lay open , if seen clearly , shatters the

hidden plot ;

- the Mayic illusion which , some say , leaves

humanity to rot !

Belonging & ownerships are illusions in which we


And marriages , a societal norm , cannot be

any real either .

But relationships .... ahhhh! - that is an

Enigma entire .

The assumed relationships in marriages are not

pure ,

- being commonly conditional , hence illusory .

The conditions are , again , the mayic rules

of unchallenged security , morality , &

traditionality – to name a few .

Until the dawn of light with the first golden

ray fills a receiving

mind with luminosity extraordinaire

and all chains of karma disappear !

Like a dark receding night ending

stupendous sleep , leaving ,

an enduring dawn , awakening ,

once and for all , this “ waking dream .”

This indescribable beauty is not a thing , yet ,

it is a million NOTS

that unbinds this planet's humanity's every knot !

Who but the one who is awake delves in this region ,

bridging Science & Philosophy in a

metaphysical terrain .

One is too objective , the other too subjective ;

hence both incomplete and ineffective in

approaching reality !

So , B h a v a n a , the Journey of Life in

meaningless corridors continues

for those who possess many things , yet have

not the foggiest clues

and who escape , in their fashionable shoes ,

ignoring real Life issues

inviting morosity , conflict , disorder and

myriads of depressive blues .

For a fate more piteous , a historic urgent travesty ,

has never awaited humankind

You & I , being members , “born” & bonded in

this bind

Will you not allow and really listen to your inner

Heart in kind ?

Do see , in sensitivity , the rise of intense feeling ,

the Spiritual flame of Compassion

- a precious find !

Ending , the calculative , unkindly devious brain

unveiling the sublime Mind .

Culminating in rapturous vitality that comes

into Being like a fresh breeze , every moment a fresh , in

joyous chime .

Is this , in 2016 [ numerologically adding to the

last digit : nine] , final Valentine ?

Effortlessly , remaining loose & natural , you too

can witness this Truth Divine .

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