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Wall balls

Every 2 minutes x 8 (16 minutes total):

12 front rack walking lunges @ challenging weight + 10 v-ups

AMRAP with partner:

5 minutes for max reps:

Partner A: Max unbroken wall balls with light ball
Partner B: While partner A works, partner B does sit ups. Whenever the max set is done, switch.

2 minutes break

5 minutes for max reps:

Partner A: Max rep thrusters @ 2x 12.5-22.5kg dumbbells
Partner B: While partner A works, partner B holds a wall sit, can be weighted. Whenever the max set
is done, switch.

2 minute break

5 minutes for max reps:

Partner A: holds plank
Partner B: does burpee over partner A. Switch when needed, try to accumulate as many burpees as


5 minutes handstand hold play time:

Try to hold 3x 1 minute handstand hold. If possible, facing the wall. Aim is to make yourself as tall as
possible and look at the floor in between your thumbs.
Partner workout, you go - I go:


100 double unders/ 120 single unders (together at the same time)

80 (banded) pull ups/ bent over rows (devide as you like)

60 Kettlebell Swings 16/24kg (devide as you like)

40 Burpee Box Jump Over (devide as you like)

20 devils presses @ 1x 15/22.5kg (devide as you like)

Overhead mobility to finish


Equipment list:
(fat) bars

4 round of:
10 Romanian deadlifts
10 rebounding broad jumps ( )
30m sled sprint

60 seconds break between rounds

For time:

Buy in:
100m partner sled push (partner on sled)

10min AMRAP (individually):

20 dumbbell snatches @ 12.5kg/20kg
20 burpee over dumbbell

100m partner sled push (partner on sled)

Squat mobility work included in the warm up

4 rounds of:

45 seconds wall sit

10 pistol squats left (may be single leg box step up)

10 pistol squats right (may be single leg box step up)

Every 3 minutes x 8 (24 minutes total) complete:

10 plate sit ups

20 lunges with plate (if possible, overhead)

30 plate ground to overhead


Wall balls

Sled (if desired, with TRX bands to pull)


Yokes + plates

Boxes + bands to hold them together (2 per box)

AMRAP 35 minutes:

400m run with wall ball

50m sled pull

25 wall balls

400m run with wall ball

50m sled push

25 burpees

400m run with wall ball

50m overhead yoke carry

25 Box Get Overs (two boxes on top of each other, get over using your hands and feet )


3 rounds for bulletproof knees & chins:

15 tibialis raises

15 (weighted) calf raises

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