Lesson Plan G8 Week 12-13

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Grade :8 Week : 12-13

Subject : Physics Term :1&2

Unit/Chapter :3

Time Allocation : 3 x 40minutes


Lesson 1-2

The Student are able to

Explain that white light is made of many colours and this can be shown through the dispersion of white light, using a prism.

Lesson 3-4

The Student are able to

Describe how colours of light can be added, subtracted, absorbed and reflected.

Topic: Force and Motion

Day and Date: 3 & 5 October 2022

Demonstration of Learning:

Observation and discussion


Type of activity Instruction And Activities Material Resources

Opening 1. Greeting, checking attendance

2. Checking the background knowledge from previous

3. Learning Objectives explanation

Main Activities Discuss with learners where colours come from using a rainbow as Torch, prism
an example.
Where do the colours of a rainbow come from?
What is your hypothesis? What evidence or observation do you
have for it?

Learners discuss, in pairs, what their hypothesis is for the

phenomenon of coloured light.
Introduce a hypothesis that pure light is white and contaminated
light is coloured.
Does this hypothesis sound reasonable?

Introduce an alternative hypothesis that white light is made of

many colours and we only see coloured light when the white light
is separated or split.
Does this hypothesis sound reasonable?

Learners test the alternative hypothesis by using a light source

(e.g. a torch) and a prism; they project the image onto plain paper
(or white cloth) to demonstrate the colours of the rainbow.
How many colours can you identify?
Where have the colours come from?
Place a card with a slit in front of the light source, so that only one
colour passes through, and show learners that the single-coloured
ray of light does not split into the colours of the rainbow when a
second prism is placed into its path. Now remove the card with the
slit to show that the second prism can recombine the rainbow to
give white light.

Ask learners to write a laboratory report including the following

(1) State the hypothesis
(2) Describe the method
(3) Record and describe the results
(4) Make a conclusion explaining whether the evidence
supports the hypothesis

Closing Teacher will checking the observation paper, and telling the
student that they should present the result on the next meeting


Observation paper


Day and Date: 11 & 13 October 2022

Demonstration of Learning:

Observation and discussion

Observation and discussion


Type of activity Instruction And Activities Material Resources

Opening 1. Greeting, checking attendance

2. Checking the background knowledge from previous

3. Learning Objectives explanation

Main Activities Explain that the colour of a surface depends on the pigments found Color filter, torch.
in the surface material. Each pigment absorbs certain colours of
white light and reflects the other colours. For example, a ‘green’
surface absorbs all colours except the green light which is
reflected; the surface appears green because only the green light
reaches our eyes.

Show learners ray diagrams to represent this concept, explaining

that a ray diagram is a model for light. Ask learners to draw ray
diagrams to show how everyday items (e.g. a ‘red’ flower, a ‘blue’
shirt) appear to be the colour that we see. Explain that all the
colours are reflected by a ‘white’ surface and all of the colours are
absorbed by a ‘black’ surface.

Explain that coloured light can be subtracted from white light by

the use of a filter (e.g. a green filter absorbs all the colours of
white light except for green light; we say that green light is
subtracted). Ask learners to draw ray diagrams showing the
subtraction of light.

Finally, explain that coloured light can be added; when all colours
are added together they make white light. There are three primary
colours of light (i.e. red, green and blue) and secondary colours of
light are formed when two of the primary colours are combined
(i.e. magenta, yellow and cyan). Learners draw three overlapping
circles on a white piece of paper, colouring them in red, green or
blue (other than the overlaps). They show yellow in the overlap
between red and green; magenta in the overlap between red and
blue; cyan in the overlap between green and blue and leave the
centre (i.e. where all three circles overlap) white.

Introduce the analogy: Light behaves like mixing paint. Discuss

with learners why this is a bad analogy and what a better analogy
could be.
Closing Challenge students’ misconceptions.

Explain activities for the next meeting.


Learners book pg 76


Denpasar, October 2022

Acknowledged by Subject Teacher

Sugeng Hariyanto, S.Pd.,M.M. I Wayan Arnata, S.Pd.

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