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AIESEC The University of New South Wales

Annual Report 2009

Introduction to AIESEC AIESEC UNSW in Detail AIESEC Conferences Looking Forward to 2010 Partners 3 4 7 9 10

Introduction to AIESEC AIESEC: Our Organisation AIESEC, the worlds largest student-run organisation, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential in order to have a positive impact on society. One key difference between AIESECers and other students is the skills and competencies developed through an integrated AIESEC Experience. Personal and Professional Development AIESECers have the opportunity at every stage of the AIESEC Experience to develop key skills and competencies that are essential for leaders of positive change. Members are then able to apply this knowledge by leading teams and in turn plan, make decisions, and turn their ideas into reality. A Connection to the World AIESECers interact with industry, government, NGOs, universities and students both in Australia and abroad. This allows members to be some of the most connected young citizens in Australian Universities. Societal Impact Through involvement in a range of activities on and off campus, AIESECers are able to discover their particular area of impact, and develop knowledge and expertise in areas that they are passionate about, such as Environmental Sustainability and Entrepreneurship. International Experiences Various international experiences are available for AIESECers at UNSW, including involvement in international conferences and participation in arguably the most transformative experience of all, AIESECs Global Exchange Program. Through international AIESEC UNSW (2009):
20 global internships (projected) 6 Active teams Over 40 high quality members 10 rich and fulfilling leadership opportunities Attended 2 National Conferences Activating Leadership Since 1968

The AIESEC Experience:

AIESECs Innovative Development Process

AIESEC Globally in 2010

Active in over 110 countries 9,600 leadership opportunities annually 8,000 internships annually 40,000 high-potential students developing into globally minded, responsible leaders 62 years of creating young leaders and fostering international exchange!

engagement, AIESECers develop into global citizens and the change agents that this world needs.

AIESECs Australian Network

New South Wales University of NSW University of Sydney University of Technology, Sydney Macquarie University ACT Australian National University Queensland Griffith University Queensland University of Technology University of Queensland

Victoria Monash University RMIT University University of Melbourne Western Australia Curtin University University of Western Australia South Australia University of Adelaide University of South Australia Flinders University

AIESEC UNSW in Detail AIESEC has existed in UNSW since 1968. The current structure of UNSW began in 2007 and in 2009 AIESEC UNSW is about to finish a record year in terms of results. This has been a culmination of effort over the past three years to create an organisation that is actively developing its members and providing unique international opportunities. Outgoing Exchange (OGX) Outgoing exchange is the largest part of AIESEC as an organisation in UNSW. We provide international opportunities for members to

challenge their world view, try new opportunities, and have a hands-on experience in making a difference in communities and students overseas. 2009 (to date)* Raises (RA) Matched (MA) Realised (RE) 20 21 11 2008 9 6 8 2007 6 3 1

* December which is not recorded is the month where most realisations occurs Raises number of people who have successfully completed the application process to participate in an AIESEC internship Matches number of people who have been successfully matched to an international AIESEC internship Realisation number of people who have completed and AIESEC internship.

Sample country and internship placements that UNSW students have participated in 2009: Country Togo City Lome Program/Internship Young EntrepreneurS Program (YES) Afritour Project Brief Summary Deliver workshops to increase the entrepreneurship skills for African student, helping them acquire skills to develop and execute business plans. Research, connect, and increase the image of the tourism sector all stakeholders in the tourism industries in West Africa. The project objectives are to deliver learning opportunities (workshops, exercises) that will promote development of emissaries and champions of HIV/AIDS prevention among those children, Research and develop community development projects in the rural areas of Bahia. Elaborate and implement an international capture of resources plan and give support to the national capture of resources strategies. 4

Cote DIvoire Cote DIvoire



ASK Program



Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia (Permaculture Institute of Bahia)

Country China

City Shanghai

Program/Internship Red Wings Project Migrant Children We Care

Brief Summary Volunteers develop and execute training courses to educate school children especially rural migrant children in the cities on HIV/AIDS issues in China. Organise memorial activities for International AIDS day. Database development, fundraising, participation in research studies on the use of child labour in specific industries, and the development of national and international public relations for leading programs on child labour in India Understanding child rights issues in India, through working with mentally and physically disabled children from teaching arts and craft, sports, drama, and music. Working with mentally ill children and teenagers, organize different activities for those people like games, competitions, and teach them some basic English



Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save the Childhood Movement)



HEAD - Education and Child Rights Initiative Groups STOWARZYSZENIE (Handicap)



Incoming Exchange (ICX) AIESEC UNSW maintains its membership as a local committee of AIESEC in Australia because it is able to provide unique opportunities for AIESECers overseas by approaching companies to open up internship positions. This year AIESEC UNSW realised a partnership with BVN Architecture. BVN Architecture was tremendously interested in finding an intern from Latin America to join their team. AIESECs large global network and member development program allows companies to access a huge pool of human resources from around the world.

AIESEC UNSW is also very excited to announce a new partnership with the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) at UNSW. They have opened a position for an AIESEC intern to help in research and report writing activities. AIESEC and CSI shared very similar values to increasing awareness and education in running a not-for-profit and increasing Corporate Social Responsibility values in the community. We thank CSI for supporting youth leadership development and believing in the AIESEC exchange program. We look forward to continue a strong relationship with CSI.

External Relations (ER) External Relations have maintained very good relationship with UNSW Careers and Employment. We would like to thank Careers and Employment for their continued support and allowing for our participation at their careers and volunteer expositions. We continue to thank the support of the ASB, in particular Sue Bennett-Williams and Jennifer Harris and the Faculty of Arts and in particular the School of Education, for our international placement programs for students. We also thank ARC for supporting student campus activity. ER was the main driver for our recruitment programs, which is key factor in UNSW achieving record results for 2010. ER will have structural changes going into 2010, and will be rebranded MaC (Marketing and Communications). Their role is to increase AIESEC brand awareness in 2010 in UNSW and beyond, and to increase and maintain communication channels between AIESEC and stakeholder in UNSW. Talent Management (TM) Member development is one of the missions of AIESEC. TM is the driver of talent management at UNSW. TM is responsible for planning weekly meeting with skills development exercises and discussions based on world issues. On one meeting, we were privileged to have Shasheen Jayaweera come talk to us. Shasheen was a finalist in the 2007 Young Australian of the Year award, an AIESEC UNSW Alumni and was the founder of his own NGO, Youth for a Sustainable Future. He talked to our members about what it means to gain leadership and management skill, and what inspires him to make a difference in the world. Next year will see the introduction of Personal Learning Plans (PLP) for members so they are better able to track their development in AIESEC and beyond. Finance (FN) Finance in UNSW won the Finance Award at January National Conference! It was awarded based on the best revenue growth in the country and the best member development and engagement. We congratulate the finance portfolio in winning this award! Finance maintains the tracking and budgeting of our local committee which is essential in planning the strategic direction for the local committee. Documentation process and financial policies have also improved this year. Finance is also responsible for the internal control of the local committee and the organisation of an audit. We continue to thank Dr. Maria Balatbat from the UNSW School of Accounting for her support and pro bono audit work to the local committee. We hope to continue our partnership with Quicken in 2010 to continue running successful Quickbooks training events. Next year will see the introduction of sponsorship procurement in the Finance portfolio role description. 6

Events AIESEC Developing Leaders Day Saturday 4th April 2009 AIESEC UNSW was proud to host Developing Leaders Day. The Developing Leaders Day (DLD) was aimed at delivering key ideas, techniques and skills of leadership to young people. As the next generation of movers and shakers of the world, AIESEC seeks to develop students' abilities to their full potential. This vital training will give students the chance to receive external training in areas such as project and team management, leadership and business innovation.

Andrew Maloney
Founder - Student Services Australia UNSW & AIESEC Alumni

Leadership from Inside Out

Andrew Hughes
Founder - Dare2XL

Environmental Leadership
Patrick Medway AM
President - Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia

Leadership Discussions
Robyn Rohrlach
Executive Manager, Risk & HR - Encompass Credit Union

AIESEC Conferences January National Conference South Australia 11 UNSW students attended the week long January National Conference. The nation set high exchange and member development goals in 2009 January conference and the role of the National Conference is to up-skill AIESECers on planning methodologies to ensure that members are able to deliver these goals. AIESEC NSW State Conference (April) NSW state conference is a long weekend getaway where most new members in AIESEC UNSW got to know the organisation. Activities in the conference are designed to increase teamwork, self awareness, communication, and understanding on how to plan and deliver AIESEC activity on a local level

July National Conference - Victoria 22 UNSW students attended the week long July National Conference. The aim of July National Conference is to up-skill members in terms of delivering AIESEC exchanges and member development. A Developing Leaders Day on the first day of conference brought in external speakers to talk to students about sustainability issues and what it means to be a young leader in those issues. The chair of the conference was David Bacon, who is the founder of the NGO, Carpets for Communities. The chair throughout the conference inspire delegates about the impact of the NGO on child labour and development in Cambodia and gave us an insight about what it takes to start up your own NGO on what you are passionate about. September Presidents Meeting The outgoing and incoming President of AIESEC UNSW attended this conference. The role of the conference is to up-skill the next National Leadership Team for AIESEC in Australia. Sessions are involving the incoming team in national strategy building and to network all the Local Committee Presidents from around the country. The best session of the conference was run by Peter Ivett, who is the CEO of Vivente Australia, which is an executive coaching business, aimed at increasing the leadership and management skills. The session gave the national leadership team a deep insight about what it takes to be a leader and manager of a self sustaining not-for-profit. Transition Conference (November) Every year outgoing executives of AIESEC UNSW runs a transition conference for the incoming executives board to up-skill them in terms of organisational knowledge, self awareness, planning, strategy development, and team dynamics. This is an intensive conference is designed to turn members who have taken the initiative to lead a portfolio in AIESEC to be leaders in the direction, activity, and future of the Local Committee in UNSW. The Chair of the Conference was Pedro Montenegro, who is on the AIESEC Australia National Committee. He was a Local Committee President in his home city of Sao Paolo in Brazil. He shared many insights into what it means for AIESEC to be an international organisation, and what it means for a local chapter in Australia to contribute to the global development of leaders and the facilitation of the AIESEC exchange.

Looking forward to 2010 2010 will be very exciting times for AIESEC UNSW. Results are at record levels, and with the foundations built from the results of 2009, 2010 should see increase ability to provide member development and even more unique life changing international placements. 2010 will also see AIESEC in NSW play host to the AIESEC National Conference in July 2010. This brings together over 200 young leaders from around the country to develop new skills, attend workshops run by external businesses and NGOs. Thank you to all that have supported AIESEC in 2009. We look forward to continue our relationship. We greatly value your time and effort. Lastly, AIESEC UNSW would like to recognise the effort of the Executive Board in 2009. The time and effort required to run AIESEC is a testament to the commitment of these individual to social enterprise and personal development. AIESEC UNSW would also like to welcome the 2010 team, and wish them every success.

2009 Executive Board

Local Committee President Alpha Cheng External Relations Director Tristan Velasquez Talent Management Director Linda Lin Finance Director Esther Ho Outgoing Exchange Director Kai Foo Corporate Relations Director Haresh Nair

2010 Executive Board

Local Committee President Htet Yan Marketing & Communications Director Katie Zhang Talent Management Director Matthew Sin Finance Director Varun Chhabra Outgoing Exchange Directors Annie Tan & Lisa Ye Corporate Relations Director Martin Liang

Partners & Supporters

We sincerely thank all of AIESEC UNSWs partners and supporters for their kind and generous support throughout the year.

Special thanks to:

Pro Vice Chancellor: Professor Joan Cooper

UNSW International Office: Anna Martin

Centre for Social Impact Cheryl Kernot Anne Measday

Australia School of Business: Dr Geoff Dicks Sue Bennett-Williams Simon Arnold Chris Witt Nina Mistilis

Careers and Employment Office: Dawn White Lyndall Partington

Bligh Voller Nield (BVN) Ian Goodbury

Auditor ARC Maria Balatbat


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