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S.NO Audit question Observation/Objective evidence C/NC

1. Whether OHS Policy
2. Whether OHS Organizational set up exist
3a. Whether competence criteria for OHSAS
3b. Education& Training on OHS in place?
Whether induction training in place?What
are the topics covered?Whether training
effectiveness assessed?Whether training
conducted in local language?
3c. Whether contractors are provided
3d. Whether any visits to safety institutions
4. Whether employee participation in
place/how are they selected
5. Whether applicable Legal&Other
requirements documented/complied
6. Whether equipment safety check lists in
7. Whether incident/accident
reporting,investigation,implementation of
recommendation in place?Whether
statistics in place for reportable/non
reportable for the last 3 years?Any analysis
7a. What is the method of emergency
communication with local bodies
8. Whether HIRA made?What is the criteria
followed?What is meant by acceptable
risk,unacceptable risk?Any
objectives,targets,programs set?
8a. Whether hazards list updated with new
9. Whether safety inspection in place
10 Whether Occupational health diseases
10a. Whether employee health examination in
place/whether health improvement
recommendations implemented?
11. Whether first aid in place
12. Whether PPE in use?
13. Whether good housekeeping in place ?
What is method to deal with spills?
Whether sufficient bins in place suitably
located?Whether walkways clearly
marked?Whether floor is slippery?
13a. Whether scrubbing systems in place
14. Whether machines guarded
15. Whether material handling eqpt in
place(trolleys,fork lifters hoists etc)
15a. Whether alternate power source in place.
16. Whether ventilation, illumination, noise
monitored/records if industrial
hygiene surveys
16a Whether any system of periodic cleaning
and replacing the light fittings?
17. Whether safe operating procedures in
place? Whether they reflect consequence
of failure/mitigation measure?
17a. Whether instructions to contractors
including supply chain (transporter
compliance monitoring)in place
18. Whether work permit systems in place
19. Whether fire prevention, protection and
fighting systems in place/testing records in
19a. Whether any safety interlocks, alarms and
trip systems in place and tested
20. Whether on site emergency plan in place
21. Whether Hazardous waste transport
/disposal in place
22. Whether safety in warehousing ensured?
23. Whether contractor safety ensured?
24. Whether visitor safety ensured?
25. Whether material safety data sheets in
26. Whether potential emergencies identified
27. Whether mock drills conducted?
28. What is the periodicity of safety committee
meeting? Whether MOM of safety
committee available?What are the
recommendations?how they are
implemented?Whether minutes circulated?
Whether minutes sent to DOF?
29. Whether OHS measuring eqpt in
30. Whether safety budget in place? Whether
it is reflected in annual report?
31. What is strength of safety department?
32. Whether there is internal training within
safety dept?
33. What are the authorities of safety Head
34. Whether safety contests organized?
35. Whether safety publications made
available to the employees
36. Whether safety day celebrated?
37. Whether OHS Center in place? Whether
emergency drugs in place? Whether
doctor/compounder available round the
clock? Whether any tie up in place with
nearby hospital?

38. Whether plant lay out available indicating

fire exits, fire extinguishers etc
39. Whether fire fighting system approved,
tested and maintained as per relevant
40. Whether inspection and maintenance
schedule available for fire fighting eqpt in
41. Whether colour coding of pipe lines for
hazardous chemicals?
42. Whether electrical installations undergo
periodic inspections? Whether flame proof
fittings in place wherever required?
43. Whether static electricity points
identified/earthed/antistatic charge
devices fitted
44. Whether earth pits maintained?
45. Whether pressure vessels& lifting tackles
tested periodically by a competent person?
46. Whether drivers training in place?
47. Whether adequate number of warning
signals/signs available in the plant area?
48. Whether all drain covers in good condition?
49. Whether chemical storage areas identified?
provided with emergency vent,relief
valve,bursting disc,level indicator,pressure
guage,overflow line/ ultrasonically tested?
50. Whether stand by empty tanks provided?
51. Whether cylinders stored properly/possess
52. Whether licensed vehicles used for haz.
Material transportation?
53. Whether corrosion protection ensured for
all the steel structures?
54. Whether external communication
maintained with regulators/any
complaints, concerns? What are the details
of interested parties visits?
55. What is OHSAS Documentation in place
56. How do you control the documents?
57. What are external documents identified?
58. How do you control OHSAS records?
59. What are details of internal audit?
(Periodicity, audit schedule)
60. How many trained internal auditors
61. What are the details of Management
review? Whether all the agenda points
62. What do you mean by OHSAS

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