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PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

SLTC Research University

YEAR 2 – SEMESTER 1 – July 2023

End–Semester Examination
ICM 1301 – Effective Communication

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Answer all the questions

No. of Questions: 9

No. of Pages: 07 (including the cover page)

Important Instructions to the Candidates

• Questions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 should be answered in the paper itself.

• The mode of the exam will be in the form a closed book examination.
• If a page or a part of this question paper is not printed, please inform the supervisor,
invigilator or the examination unit via the hotlines provided.
• Candidate's registration number, Module code and Module Name should be written
clearly and legibly on all answer sheets.
• Candidates must not seek, give or receive assistance of any kind during the exam. Any
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engaging in such improper conduct is a serious violation and will generally result in
disqualification of the candidate’s paper, and any other disciplinary action as may be
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• Candidates are requested to adhere to the examination guidelines circulated.

PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

1. Select the most suitable answer for each question from the given answers.
(10 Marks)
1. Select the correct answers which discuss about the importance of workplace
a. It builds and maintains relationships
b. Promotes effective teamwork and collaboration by avoiding confusions
c. It provides purpose and direction
d. It promotes socializing skills
i. a, b, c
ii. a, c, d
iii. a, b, d
iv. All of the above

2. What is not a role of a business meeting?

a. Convener
b. Timekeeper
c. Grammarian
d. Participants

3. What can be considered as an unethical meeting practice?

a. Executing the agenda
b. Assigning deliverables
c. Conducting inside jokes
d. Appreciating the attendees for their time

4. What kind of information should be included in a CV?

a. Work experience
b. Education
c. Affiliation and membership
d. Letter of recommendation
i. All, except (a)
ii. All, except (b)
iii. All, except (c)
iv. All, except (d)

5. What is an achievement that should not be included in a CV?

a. Work achievements – Best Emerging Employee
b. Affiliation and memberships – Vice President Membership - Gavel Club
c. Education – English Day Merit Awards
d. Sports – Colours Award - Tennis 2023

6. What can be considered as purposes of a Cover Letter?

a. Introduces you
b. Mentions the job you are applying to
c. Encourages your reader to read your CV
d. Finishes with a call of action

PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

i. a, b , c
ii. a, c, d
iii. b, c, d
iv. All of the above

7. What can be considered as unintentional plagiarism?

a. Using ChatGPT to write answers
b. Copying a friend’s work
c. Borrowing information without referencing
d. Including wrong referencing styles

8. What can be considered as sections of a Project Methodology?

a. Project Approach Summary, Task Breakdown and Time Estimates, Project
b. Executive Summary, Introduction, Objectives
c. Methodology, Budget, Timeline, Literature Review
d. Project Approach Summary, Abstract, Project Suggestions and Findings

9. What is the most suitable definition for “integrity” in a business environment

a. The ability to get along with others
b. Working on time
c. Conduct, attitude and behavior of someone in the business environment
d. Behave in a manner consistent with personal goals

10. Literature review is important because,

a. It provides background information
b. It provides information about similar or related research
c. It provides information on who has done similar work
d. It maps the current research on how it is going to fit in the related study field
i. a, b, c
ii. a, c, d
iii. b, c, d
iv. All of the above

2. State whether the following statements are true or false (05 Marks)
i. A CV should reflect your best achievements. (……)
ii. Paraphrasing and summary means the same. (……)
iii. When doing a project, completing tasks according to the timeframe is crucial. (……)
iv. The way how one dresses to the interview is not important. (……)
v. One should always cite when using another’s work. (……)

PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

3. Grammar (20 Marks)

3.1 Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. (10 Marks)

i. “I’m going to see my brother tomorrow,” said Ama.


ii. “I have already read the book,” he said.


iii. “Where do you live?” Nimal asked.


iv. He said, “The meeting may start early.”


v. He asked me, "Did you see John yesterday?"


vi. Don't play on the grass, boys!" she said.


3.2 Rewrite the following dialogues in reported speech.

Manoj: I want to repair my vehicle for a motor show.

Mechanic: When is the show?

Manoj: It is next Monday.

Mechanic: You can collect it by noon. I will give you a call when the car is ready.

Manoj told the mechanic (vii) ……………......................... his vehicle for the motor show. The
mechanic asked (viii) ……………......................... Manoj replied it was the following Monday.
The confectioner told him (ix) …………….............................. by noon and (x)
……………..................................... when the car is ready.

PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

4. You can see the process of making chocolate. Write the process using passive
voice. You can use the tagged verbs where necessary. (10 Marks)

5. Write down 5 general meeting etiquettes that are common to both online and
physical meetings. (05 Marks)
i. …………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………………………………………
v. …………………………………………………………………………………

6. CVs are rejected due to various reasons. Mention 5 reasons why CVs will get
rejected. (05 Marks)
i. …………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………………………………………
v. …………………………………………………………………………………

PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

7. Study the following paragraph and write a summary about mobile phones. The
word count should not exceed 150 words. (15 Marks)

Mobile phones, also known as cellular phones, are wireless and portable electronic devices. We
can use mobile phones for different purposes, depending on our requirements. When a mobile
phone was invented, it was only used for voice calling and text messaging. After several
technological developments, mobile phones have now transformed into multi-featured devices
offering numerous interpersonal and professional benefits. Moreover, technological advancements
have made our life easier in this highly-competitive world. A mobile phone is one of those
technologies that has massively improved our quality of living. A user can easily carry a mobile
phone because of its portability.
Mobile phones have gained immense popularity in every country in the last ten years. It has become
a part and parcel of our day-to-day life because of its numerous advantages. From a school student
and a corporate employee to a retired person, no one can imagine their everyday life without the
presence of mobile phones. Mobile phones are one of the electronic gadgets that have become
popular among every age group. It has made it easier for us to reach out to people and accomplish
our daily activities with only a few clicks on the screen. In simple words, mobile phones make our
lives easier by bringing the entire world to our fingertips. We have realized the importance of
technology and mobile phones, especially after the COVID-19 outbreak in the world, followed by
the nationwide lockdown. Mobile phones became their only alternative to connect with the outside
world. From contacting our loved ones to buying groceries for our daily needs, mobile phones
fulfilled our every requirement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only during the pandemic,
but mobile phones have also fulfilled our needs since the time of their invention. In the last ten
years, mobile phones have evolved and have become multi-featured gadgets.

Question 8 (20 Marks)

8.1 List down 4 workplace ethics (4 Marks)

8.2 Read the scenario given below and write how the CEO of ABC Company breaches the
ethical conduct in the workplace and write the consequences that would arise as a result of
the CEO’s unethical behavior. (6 Marks)

Mr. Malan was appointed as the new CEO of ABC company two years ago. He was very
friendly with everyone at the beginning. Later on, his character started to change. He recruited
some of his close relations to managerial positions and started to fire very talented people.
Moreover, he started to use abusive language to blame employees in public. Also, he started to
interfere in manipulating the expenses of the company. Due to this reason the company
experienced a huge loss at the end of the year.

PL/EX/02 Index Number: _________________________

8.3 Study the email given below and critique it using your own words. Discuss at least 5 points
in detail (10 Marks)

To :
From :
Subject :

Did you sea what Kasuni was wearing todayShe LOOKS like a stupid girl. I mean that
lipstick colour. Don’t you think she is trying to get everyone’s attention. ANNND did
you here how she Talked to our head? She is overacting right? AM I RIGHT?

Question 9 (20 Marks)

8.4 Mention 4 types of barriers in communication. (4 Marks)

8.5 Why do you think workplace communication is important? If you are a manager of a
reputed company, mention how you propose to improve communication in your
workplace. (6 Marks)

8.6 “The next generation conversational AI technologies like ChatGPT kills the creativity of
students.” Write a paragraph of 150 -175 words expressing your opinion on the above-
mentioned statement. (10 Marks)

--------------------------------------------End of the Paper-----------------------------------------------

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