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I am Banquo, the commander of the Scottish Army, and I speak to you from this

position to proclaim my innocence and plead for mercy for my fate to be thrown
from the balloon. Firstly, let it be known that I served my Kingdom with loyalty and
valor, leading my troops to victory against the ferocious and infamous Norwegian
When I was confronted with the prophecies of the weird sisters, foretelling the
rise of Macbeth and my own son to kingship, I did not succumb to the
treacherous whispers of ambition of regicide of King Duncan. Instead, I turned
my skepticism to the weird sisters, realizing that “they win us over by telling us
the truth about unimportant things, only to betray us when the consequences will
be most terrible”. Moreover, giving my full courtesy to my Highness appointed by
God, my allegiance to the crown was unwavering, as evidenced by my solemn
pledge to My Lord: “If I grow, the harvest is your own”. In acknowledgment, my
Lord affirmed my deep devotion to our country with action, praising, "True, worthy
Banquo; he is so valiant.
My name may be synonymous with valiant and triumph to faithfully serve under
Duncan’s rule yet my legacy extends beyond the battlefield. It is in the sacrifice I
willingly offer for the preservation and prosperity of my bloodline. Confronting the
murders in the darkened woods of the night, I swiftly secured my son Fleance's
escape, urging him to flee and seek vengeance, as I cried out, "O treachery! Fly,
good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Thou may'st revenge."
Further, this retribution goes to you, Macbeth, and you deserve to be cast out
from this balloon. Just as “a falcon … was by a mousing owl hawked at and
killed”, foolishly deceiving from the words of the witches, you, Macbeth,
committed the unnatural deed to regicide our sacred lord. Your ambition faltered,
yielding to fear in my presence. Even Lady Macbeth, your closest confidante,
deemed it necessary to admonish: "You must leave this." However, we cannot
neglect your wife, who was the one who cunningly planned the plot and took the
innocent lives of the chamberlains too. She attempts to conceal her guilt by
vigorously rubbing at the "Damned spot" and resorting to the "perfumes of
Arabia" in a desperate bid to escape detection. For such egregious crimes,
forgiveness and redemption are beyond reach. You and your wife have forfeited
any claim to remain here.
Thank you for your attentive ears, and I hope my words have left an impact on
your thoughts.

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