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EE 201 – Signals and Systems

Mohammad Javad Omidi (Sec. 1, 2, 3)

1. Introduction – General Information

Course Instructores:
• Dr. Mohammad Omidi, Dr. Basem M. ElHalawany
Teaching Assistants: Eng. Ms. Sara Hamed, Mr. Khalid Sakat, and Mr. Mustafa Alhariri

4 Credit course, structured per week as

• Three 1 hour lectures or Two 1.5 hours Lectures
• One Lab session

Attendance Will be recorded on each Lecture

Come on time and pay attention. Working with Mobile is not allowed in the class.

If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at anytime.

1. Introduction – Office Hours

 Office Location: G222

 Office Hours:
◼ Posted on Moodle
◼ Send me an email to setup an appointment outside office Hours
 Email:

1. Introduction – Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

1. Students in this course obtain the basic skills of dealing with signals employed in some real- life
applications as in communications, control, and signal processing problems.
2. Students will be able to understand the basic fundamentals of systems, simple Linear Time Invariant
LTI systems and its impulse response representation and apply them on programing software.
3. Students will be able deal with both continuous-time and discrete-time signals.
4. Students should be able to determine and calculate Convolution sum outputs for discrete signals, as
well as convolution integrals for continuous signals, and apply them on programing software.
5. Students will be able to analyze the behavior of the continuous-time system by the Fourier transform
analysis and study the Fourier transform and their properties.
6. Students will be able to analyze the behavior of the discrete-time system by the Fourier transform
analysis and study the Fourier transform and their properties and apply them on programing
7. Students will be able to analyze the behavior of Laplace Transform and study their properties.

1. Introduction – Topics to be covered

1. Introduction – Recommended Readings
 Recommended book:
◼ Signals, Systems, and Transforms, 4th edition, Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr, Prentice Hall, 2008.
 Other books:
◼ Linear System and Signals, B.P. Lathi, Oxford University Press, 2010.
◼ Digital Communications, M. Salehi, J.G. Proakis, Mc Graw Hill, 2007.

1. Introduction – Grade Distribution

Assessment Tool Weight

Four HW Assignments 10 %
Three Quizzes 5%
Lab Experiments 20 %
Lab Exam 5%
Midterm Exam 20 %
Final Exam 40 %
Total 100 %

EE201: Lab Description
 Lab experiments cover basics of matrix operations on signals, plotting and sketching of curves and output signals,
calculation of convolution outputs, calculation of Fourier transform outputs and its frequency representation on the
programing software.

EE201: Tentative weekly Plan
Week Start Date (Sunday) Content Notes

Week 1 04 Feb. Signal Properties

Week 2 11 Feb. Signal Properties

Week 3 18 Feb. Signal Properties: Energy vs power definitions (CT only), power of cosine, even/odd, signal classification

Week 4 25 Feb. System Properties: Linearity, Time-Invariance, memoryless, causality and invertibility
(National and Liberation days 25 and 26)

Week 5 03 March CT Convolution

Week 6 10 March CT Convolution

Week 7 17 March Revision Week: Review Signal and System Properties

Week 8 24 March Midterm exams week: No classes. [23 March – 30 March]

Week 9 31 March Fourier series

Week 10 07 April Fourier Transform

(9-12 April Eid Elfetr)
Week 11 14 April Fourier Transform

Week 12 21 April Laplace Transform

Week 13 28 April Laplace Transform: Go over Laplace Tutorial questions

Week 14 05 May Revision Week: Review CT Convolution, Fourier series, Transform and Laplace

Week 15 12 May No classes,

May 12-15 FYP presentations

Week 16 19 May Final exams [May18-25] Sat. 18 to Sat. 25

Week 17 26 May Makeup Final exams [May 29-30] 10

1. Introduction – Definitions
 What is the goal of this course?
To provide the knowledge and skills in order to understand and analyze:
1. Signals in continuous and discrete time,
2. Systems which produce output signals as a function of input signals and the proper
characteristics of the system.

 Why is this useful?

Understanding signal analysis aids in the implementation of systems, optimizing their behavior
in terms of performance.

 What sectors can we encounter in signals and systems applications?

All applications deal with signals: electrical, computer, networks, mechanical, chemical,
business modeling etc …

1. Introduction – Applications (1)
 Examples of systems:
◼ Sensors that determine the orientation of your phone
◼ Radar systems
◼ GPS satellite navigation systems
◼ Satellite communication and imaging systems
 Satellite TV, satellite internet, remote sensing etc…
◼ Compass
 Senses the magnetic field strength

1. Introduction – Applications (2)
IEEE Signal Processing Society Videos

1. Introduction – Applications (2)
 In this course, we will be dealing with the modeling of:



1. Introduction – Signals
➢ Mathematically, signals are represented as a function of one or more independent variables.
• Signal may be a function of time that represent the evolution of variable
• Signal is a pattern of variation of some form
• Signal is variable that carry information

➢ Examples of signal include:

Electrical signals
–Voltages and currents in a circuit
Acoustic signals
–Acoustic pressure (sound) over time
Mechanical signals
–Velocity of a car over time
Video signals t

–Intensity level of a pixel (camera, video) over time

1. Introduction – Signals (2)
➢ Signal may be a function of:

• A single variable x(t),

• Two variables f(x,y) or
• Multiple variables f(x,y,z,….)

✓ 𝑥(𝑡): signal of one independent variable 𝑡 (e.g. time, distance,

temperature, etc.), 𝑥 is called dependent variable.

✓ A common convention is to refer to the independent variable as time,

although may in fact not.

✓ The dependent variable may be voltage, current, speed, distance,

temperature, light intensity, or any other physical variable we want to

1. Introduction – Signals Modeling
The independent variable Sometimes we have 2 independent Sometimes we have 2
represents the horizontal axis in a variables represented on the horizontal independent variables
2D plot, while the dependent and vertical axes in a 2D plot, represented on the x and y axes
variable represents the vertical axis. in a 3D plot,
the dependent variable represents
intensity or color of the points the dependent variable represents
height/amplitude of the points

EE 201 – Signals and Systems

Lecture (2)

Physical World Modeling
 What signals processing field deals with is the:

• The modeling of physical signals by mathematical functions (continuous/Discrete time),

• The modeling of physical systems by (accurate) mathematical equations, and

• The solutions of the equations (Systems) when excited by the functions (signals).

❑An example of the model of a physical system is a linear electric-circuit model of Figure 1.1 [R1]:

✓ The physical signal modeled here is the voltage that is applied to the circuit,
which is modeled as a function of independent variable ( time )
✓ The physical system is the group of connected elements (R, L, C) that is
modeled using differential equation (1.1)

[R1] CHARLES L. PHILLIPS, SIGNALS, SYSTEMS, AND TRANSFORMS, Pearsons education Inc., NJ, 4th Edition
System Definition

❑ An entity that manipulates one ore more signals to accomplish a function (job), thereby yielding new

❑ Any process or interaction of operations that transforms an input signal into an output signal with
properties different from those of the input.
- Aircraft - Transmitter
- Car - Break system
- Educational system 21
System representation

SISO: Single-Input Single-Output MIMO: Multi-Input Multi-Output

𝑥(𝑡) System 𝑦(𝑡) I1 O1

I2 System O2
Excitation signal Response signal I3
Input: I Output: O

SIMO: Single-Input Multi-Output MISO: Multi-Input Single-Output

System I1
I O2
I2 System
O3 O

How is a Signal Represented?

❑ Signals Described in Math Form:

• Consider the network of Figure 1.1 where the switch is closed at time t = 0
• We wish to describe Vout in a math form for the interval:

• We should divide the time interval into 2 parts:

How is a Signal Represented?

❑ Signals Described in Math Form:

• Consider the network of Figure 1.1 where the switch is closed at time t = 0
• We wish to describe Vout in a math form for the interval:

• We should divide the time interval into 2 parts:

How is a Signal Represented?

❑ Signals Described in Math Form:

• By combining both equations, we could get:

• This waveform is an example of a discontinuous function.

• A function is said to be discontinuous if it exhibits points of
discontinuity, that is, the function jumps from one value to another
without taking on any intermediate values.

➢ The previous signal is similar to a well-known discontinuous function in communication engineering.

A waveform that changes

abruptly from 0 to 1
at t = 0

➢ What is the difference if the waveform changes at t = t0 or - t0 instead of t =0

This is the
property of signals

In general, we
have some
multiplied with the
unit-step function

Classification of Signals

❑ A signal is classified into several categories depending upon the criteria used for its classification.

1. Deterministic or Random

Deterministic Signals:
▪ If the value of a signal can be predicted for all time in advance without t x(t)
any error, it is referred to as a deterministic signal.
▪ Deterministic signals can generally be expressed in a mathematical, 0 0
or graphical, or tabular form. 1 5
2 8
3 10
4 8
5 5
Classification of Signals

1. Deterministic or Random

Random Signals:

✓ Conversely, signals whose values cannot be predicted with complete accuracy for all time are
known as random signals.
✓ Random signals cannot be modeled precisely and generally characterized by statistical
measures such as means, standard deviations, and mean squared values.

✓ received signal due to random noise
✓ thermal noise generated by a resistor.

Classification of Signals

2. Continuous-Time (CT) and Discrete-Time (DT) Signals

✓ The independent variable may be either continuous or discrete

✓ If a signal is defined for all values of the independent variable t (over some time interval), it is
called a continuous-time (CT) signal.

𝑡1 𝑡2

• CT signal is usually denoted by x(t) with regular parenthesis

• 𝑡 can take any real value.
• Values for 𝒙 may be real or complex
• 𝑥(𝑡) may be 0 for a given range of values of 𝑡

Classification of Signals

2. Continuous-Time (CT) and Discrete-Time (DT) Signals

✓ if a signal is defined only at discrete values of the independent variable , it is called a discrete-
time (DT) signal.
✓ The independent variable takes only a discrete set of values:
𝑥[𝑛] where 𝑛 ∈ℤ={…−3,−2,−1,0,1,2,3…}
✓ Values for 𝑥 may be real or complex
✓ DT is denoted with square parenthesis
we denote
a one-dimensional (1D)
DT signal x by x[k] 𝑛
we denote
a Two-dimensional (2D)
DT signal x by x[m,n]
like the output of CCD
camera 30
Classification of Signals

2. Continuous-Time (CT) and Discrete-Time (DT) Signals

✓ Sometimes, we define the samples at regular intervals (kT).

where T denotes the time interval
Temperature measurement, monthly or daily sales
between two consecutive samples.

• temperature of a room measured at the same hour

every day for one week.
• No information is available for the temperature in
between the daily readings.

Classification of Signals

2. Continuous-Time (CT) and Discrete-Time (DT) Signals

Classification of Signals

2. Continuous-Time (CT) and Discrete-Time (DT) Signals


Classification of Signals

3. Analog and digital signals

✓ A second classification of signals is based on their amplitudes (Dependent Variable)
✓ A signal whose amplitude can take on any value in a continuous range is an analog signal.
✓ This means that an analog signal amplitude can take on an infinite number of values.
✓ The amplitudes of many real-world signals, such as voltage, current, temperature, and
pressure are analog

➢ Digital signals, on the other hand, can only have a finite number of amplitude values.
➢ A digital signal whose amplitudes can take on L values is an L-ary signal , where the binary
(L = 2) is a special case.

Classification of Signals

3. Analog and digital signals

✓ The terms “continuous-time” and “discrete-time” qualify the nature of a signal along the time (horizontal) axis.
✓ The terms “analog” and “digital,” on the other hand, qualify the nature of the signal amplitude (vertical) axis.

It is clear that analog is not necessarily continuous-time and that digital need not be discrete-time.

Analog, CT Digital, CT

Analog, DT Digital, DT

Classification of Signals

3. Analog and digital signals

It is clear that analog is not necessarily continuous-time and that digital need not be discrete-time.

Analog, CT Analog, DT

Digital, CT Digital, DT

Classification of Signals

Continuous-time vs. Discrete-time system

Systems are classified according to the type of input signals and output signals.

 Continuous-time system: all the signals are CT signals.

𝑥(𝑡) System 𝑦(𝑡)


 Discrete-time system: all the signals are DT signals.

𝑥[𝑛] System 𝑦[𝑛]


Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals

at all time t and for some positive constant T0

❑ Periodic signals must start at 𝑡 = −∞ and continues forever in order to maintain the previous
condition for all t

❑ If x(t) is periodic, it can be generated by the periodic extension of any segment of a duration To
❑ The area under any given interval of duration To is the same

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals

✓ A familiar example of a periodic signal is a sinusoidal function

And Since :

✓ The sinusoidal signal x(t) has a fundamental period :

For m =1

➢ A signal that is not periodic is called an aperiodic or non-periodic signal.

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals

• Is the given signal periodic?
• If yes, what is the fundamental period? Using an equation
𝑥 𝑡 = 3 cos(2000 π 𝑡 − )
Yes, CT Sinusoidals are periodic

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals

• Are the given signals periodic?
• If yes, what are the fundamental periods? Using a graph

Sawtooth Signal Half-Wave Rectified Signal Full-Wave Rectified Signal

1 Sec To Sec To Sec

Notice the time axis
Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals

Examples: Is 𝑥 𝑡 = 𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑡) periodic? Is 𝑥 𝑡 = 𝒕 𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑡) periodic?

periodic aperiodic

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

The sum of continuous-time periodic signals is periodic if and only if the ratios of the periods of the individual
signals are ratios of integers (Rational Number).

• Remember to eliminate any

common factors from the
numerator and denominator.

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

𝜔1 = 4 𝜔2 = 𝜋 𝜔1 = 2 𝜋 𝜔2 =4𝜋
2𝜋 2𝜋 𝜋 2𝜋 2𝜋
𝑇1 = = = 𝑇1 = = =1
𝜔1 4 2 𝜔1 2𝜋

2𝜋 2𝜋 2𝜋 2𝜋
𝑇2 = = =2 𝑇2 = = = 0.5
𝜔2 𝜋 𝜔2 4𝜋
𝜋 𝑇1 1 𝑘 2
𝑇1 2 𝜋 = =2 = =
= = 𝑇2 0.5 𝑚 1
𝑇2 2 4

The results is not a rational number The results is a rational number

i.e., not periodic i.e., periodic and the period T is:

Note: 𝜋 is irrational number and it is actually 𝑇 = 2𝑇2 = 𝑇1 = 1 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑

doesn’t equal to a rational number 𝟕 ,
it just an approximation
Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

𝜔1 = 4000 𝜋 𝜔2 =1000 𝜋 𝜔1 = 60 𝜋 𝜔2 =10

2𝜋 2𝜋 1 2𝜋 2𝜋 1
𝑇1 = = = 𝑇1 = = =
𝜔1 4000𝜋 2000 𝜔1 60𝜋 30

2𝜋 2𝜋 1 2𝜋 2𝜋 𝜋
𝑇2 = = = 𝑇2 = = =
𝜔2 1000𝜋 500 𝜔2 10 5

1 1
𝑇1 2000 1 𝑘 𝑇1 1
= =
4 𝑚 = 30
𝜋 =
𝑇2 6𝜋
500 5
The results is a rational number The results is not a rational number
i.e., periodic with period: i.e., not periodic
𝑇 = 𝑘 𝑇2 =m 𝑇1 = 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

• Since the unit step function u(t) 𝜔1 = 20 𝜋 𝜔2 =10 𝜋

is not periodic, the summation is
2𝜋 2𝜋 1
also not 𝑇1 = = =
𝜔1 20𝜋 10

2𝜋 2𝜋 1
𝑇2 = = =
𝜔2 10𝜋 5
𝑇1 10 1 𝑘
= 1 = =
𝑇2 2 𝑚

The results is a rational number

i.e., periodic with period:
𝑇 = 𝑘 𝑇2 =m 𝑇1 = 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

Is the sum periodic?

• find the least common multiple of the denominators

of the ratios >> LCM(7,3)

𝐿𝐶𝑀 3,7 = 3𝑥7 = 21 = 𝑘

• The fundamental period of is

𝑇 = 𝑘x 𝑇01 = 21 x = 12 𝜋

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

What if we add another one:

The total signal is not periodic

Classification of Signals

4. Periodic and aperiodic signals Sum of periodic signals

Is the sum periodic?

• find the least common multiple of the denominators

𝑇𝐴 2 of the ratios >> LCM(3,2,5)
𝑇𝐵 3
𝐿𝐶𝑀 3,2,5 = 3𝑥2𝑥5 = 30 = 𝑘
𝑇𝐴 2 1
= =
𝑇𝐶 4 2

𝑇𝐴 2 • The fundamental period of is

𝑇𝐷 5

𝑇 = 𝑘x 𝑇𝐴 = 30 x 2 = 60 𝑠𝑒𝑐
• All are rational, then it is periodic

Slide courtesy: Dr. Basem M. Elhalawany


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