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Name of the school Excel Global school - Thiruvattar

Name of the student stevin

Group size 3

Date of the presentation January 5th /2024

Description of the Presentation : The group of students have presented their overall presentation explaining how they
did their coursework project during the school sales fair running their enterprise and earning profit. They presented
sharing all their experiences throught the journey of their business with provided evidences.the presentation is
witnessed and assessed by the cambridge AS & A level English Facilitator along with the IGCSE Enterprise facilitator .

Comments on Students Performance :

literally we got a good experience

Assessment Criteria:
Communication - Excellent , clear and precise througout
Problem solving - Manged to tackle the questions posed very well.
Initiative - Asking the finance director for further evidence and showing the results of fundraising and Marketing the
products, was well prepared with all evidence

Supporting Items : Power point Slides, business plans

Teacher Signature:

Teacher Signature:

Student Signature:

Date :

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