RE Procrastinacion IN

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the art of postponing
• The habit of putting off one or more
tasks we ought to be doing in order
to do other, less important, things
• Very common when faced with
writing a tricky report for work or
any household chores we really don’t
fancy doing.

Why do we

Low self-esteem:
not seeing yourself
as capable.
Time management techniques
Disagreeable emotions: • Organise your time efficiently:
stress, fear, frustration… devote a few minutes to 4. Neither urgent nor important:
scheduling and planning tasks you can reject or eliminate.
your days before you begin - Respect your rest times
Poor self-control.
each day. in accordance with your
• Eisenhower Matrix: split performance curve.
Difficulty your tasks into four boxes: - Leave some leeway for
planning ahead. unforeseen circumstances:
1. Urgent and important: about 30-50 minutes every day.
tasks that need doing
Excessive perfectionism. - Use organisers and time
immediately (handing
management tools.
in a project because the
deadline is here). - Delegate: learn to work as a
Ambiguous tasks. team and delegate.
2. Important, but not
- Identify and eliminate
urgent: tasks that you can
Multi-tasking. distractions and ‘thieves of time’
schedule to do later on (a
(phone, chatting, etc.).
team meeting, which has
no deadline - unlike the - The two-minute rule: if you
project). need less than two minutes to
finish a task you do it at that
The keys to stopping 3. Urgent, but not important:
procrastination tasks you can delegate to - Tidy your physical and digital
someone else. space.
• Define your goals clearly
and specifically.
• Reduce your perfectionism:
it is far more efficient to get
three good reports done than 2 1
a single, perfect one.
Procrastination can become
• Divide your tasks.
• Look at your checklist. 3 an enemy to our goals,
taking us away from them
• Always set yourself deadlines. and hindering our path.
• Reinforce your achievements:
Coherent organisation,
prioritising goals and
put something gratifying to
do after each task (eating
4 efficient management are
something, going for a walk, essential to break this habit.
writing to a friend...).

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The Emotional Intelligence Programme is a service provided by Sanitas Emisión, S.L., a company belonging to the Sanitas Group. This service is designed to provide information and general support regarding health
so that customers can make informed decisions on healthcare matters. Through this service we do not diagnose or recommend specific medical treatments and the service does not replace direct medical care. The
information we provide in this programme is of a general nature. We recommend you visit your doctor in the event of any complications.

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