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Name: ___________________________________________________________ Score: _____________

Grade and Section: ______________________________________ Date ________________________

Directions. Read the question carefully and encircle the letter of the best answer.

I. To uncover
II. To make something secret or hidden publicly known
III. To make known through divine inspiration

1. Lyla would not reveal the location of their hidden garden. Based on the sentence, which of the
following dictionary meanings of reveal is its right meaning?
a. I only c. III only
b. II only d. I, II, and III

2. The clouds reveal a beautiful blue sky. Based on the sentence, which of the following dictionary
meanings of reveal is its right meaning?
a. I only c. III only
b. II only d. I, II, and III

3. Susan was unresponsive to the guidance counselor’s question because he was embarrassed to tell
the truth. Which of the following is the most appropriate meaning of the underlined word as used in
the sentence.
a. not acting c. not moving
b. not listening d. not reacting

4. He could never forget his painful encounter with bullies that causes him anxiety. Which of the
following is the most appropriate meaning of the underlined word as used in the sentence.
a. aching c. exciting
b. unpleasant d. violent
Amphibians are organisms that live a dual life. They can live on land as well as in
water. They have a porous skin that requires moisture. Also, amphibians lay eggs in the
water, and their young have gills to survive in the water. They venture onto land only when
fully mature.
Reptiles, on the other hand, have adapted to live completely on dry land. They are
viviparous and breathe through lungs. They have scales on their body that help to retain
moisture and protects them against predators.

5. The selection below is an example of what text-type?

i. enumeration iii. contrast and comparison
ii. time order

a. i only c. i & iii

b. ii & ii d. iii only

I was eating his breakfast while watching the news from their television. I learned from the news
that there are actually many ways by which people can avoid getting sick with COVID 19 such as
washing hands regularly, using sanitizer and alcohol often, wearing mask in places in the
presence of other people, avoiding crowded areas, and observing social distancing. After finishing
my breakfast, I brushed my teeth and took a bath. Then, I wore my school uniform and asked
help from my mother in tying my shoe lace. After that, I started walking to school with just enough
time not to be late.

6. The selection below is an example of what text-type?

i. enumeration iii. contrast and comparison
ii. time order
a. i only c. iii only
b. ii only d. i & ii

7. The company has a clearly laid out hierarchy. All major decisions go through the president, who
controls the entire operation, but most daily decisions go to the board. Beneath the board members
are the regional managers, who oversee the branch managers, who run each local branch.
Which of the following graphic organizers would best present the organization of idea in the

8. Teacher Karrie asked her pupils to read and summarize the life story of Andres Bonifacio. If you
were one of her pupils, what type of text organization would you use to summarize the ideas you
a. Chronological Order c. Parts of a whole
b. Order of importance d. Comparison and contrast.

9. Grade VI pupils’ least mastered topic in Vertebrates Animal are the topic about amphibians and
reptiles. They are confused on the difference of the two. If you were the teacher of the class, how
would you organize the ideas of these topics.
a. Order of importance c. Chronological Order
b. Comparison and contrast d. Parts to whole

10. Cardo wants organized the information from the article he read. He applied the Parts to Whole type
of organization. What do you think is the topic of the article he read?

a. Benefits of listening to music in terms of emotional, mental and social aspects

b. Steps in writing and editorial
c. Philippine History
d. Living Organisms

11. Marta was a little disappointed by her essay that she submitted to her teacher because it has many
erasures. She wants to ask her teacher if shou could rewrite it. If you were Marta, what will you say
to your teacher?
a. Ma’am, I will rewrite my essay.
b. Ma’am, could I rewrite my essay?
c. Ma’am, can rewrite my essay?
d. Ma’am, may I rewrite my essay?

12. Where did Bonifacio Isidro display his inventions? Choose the most appropriate response to this
a. At the National Science Development Board.
b. He displayed his inventions at the National Science Development Board.
c. He is a multi-awarded inventor.
d. His invention is displayed at the National Science Development Board.

13. Grade six pupils should be allowed to bring and use cell phones in school. Which of the following
shows the forceful statement of agreeing to this issue?
a. I think we should allow them to bring and use cell phones in school.
b. I strongly believe that cell phones can help pupils to improve their performance in school.
c. I strongly believe that bringing and using cellphones in school would distract pupils from their
d. I strongly believe that allowing the use of phone is beneficial it as it can be noted that
researches found out that schools who allow pupils to use phones have pupils who perform


Cell Phones in School?

Allowing students to bring and use cell phones inside the school campus might prove to
be beneficial to them.
First and foremost, students can learn how to be responsible users of the cellphone.
They, too see that in school, non-teaching and even teaching personnel are free from using
the gadget to their advantage. Discriminatory, isn’t it? Second, there are times that parents
need to contact their children. What if an emergency happens? Lastly, we are in a
technology-oriented era, why would we inhibit the use of phones if the teachers and students
can make use of it and its relevant applications to enrich the learning-teaching process?
Hence, we must promote the responsible use of the cell phone among students for their
benefit rather than banning it to their disadvantage.

Which of the following illustrates how the author organized his idea?
a. reasons argument conclusion
b. conclusion reasons argument
c. argument reasons conclusion
d. conclusion argument reasons

15. Based on the editorial presented in item no. 14, how do the author persuade his readers?
a. by using expert opinion
b. by using statistics
c. by using personal observation
d. by using strong language

Prepared by:


Teacher III

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