General Physics I Weekly Activity Sheet 12

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GENERAL PHYSICS I Weekly Activity Sheet Week No.

: 3 Date: Oct 26 – 30, 2020 Quarter: 1

Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________________________________
School: _____________________________________ Teacher: ________________________________
Most Essential Learning CODE: STEM_GP12KIN-Ic22
Competencies (MELC): References:
➢ Deduce the Young, Hugh D, et al. University Physics: With Modern Physics. 13th
consequences of ed., Boston, Addison-Wesley, 2012, pp. 77-85.
the independence Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics. 12th ed., Harlow, Essex, Pearson
of vertical and Education, 2015. pp. 183 – 189
components of
projectile motion.
A Projectile is any body that is given by an initial velocity and then follows a path that is
determined entirely by the effects of the gravitational acceleration and air resistance (Young, 2012).
The motion of the projectile comes from the combination of the horizontal and the vertical
components of its motion.
For us to have a better understanding of projectile motion, we will treat the “idealized” motion
of the projectile, where air resistance is neglected and the only force influencing the motion of the
projectile is the gravitational force.
Before proceeding to the activity, keep in mind the following terms that will be frequently used
in our discussion of projectile motion:
Range – is the horizontal displacement covered by a projectile.
Trajectory – is the path followed by a projectile.
In doing the activity, keep in mind that the only force acting on the projectile is the force of
gravity, and because gravity is a force that pulls objects downwards, this means that gravity only
influences the vertical component of the projectile and never the horizontal.
Objectives: Materials: Strategy: Module
1. Describe the horizontal and the vertical • Activity Sheet
components of the motion of the projectile. • Pen and Paper

Activity 1. Describing the Horizontal and the Vertical

Components of Motion of the Projectile
• Activity Sheet
• Pen and Paper

1. Study the illustrations below. The illustrations below show the positions of the ball as it
moves every one second.

Figure 1. Projectiles launched horizontally. Hewitt, 2015. Pp 184
2. Answer the following questions below.
a. In illustration A, which shows the horizontal motion of the ball, how will you describe the
distance travelled by the ball in every second?
b. How will you describe the velocity of the ball in illustration A?
c. How will you describe the acceleration of the ball in illustration A?
d. In illustration B, which shows the vertical motion of the ball, how will you describe the
distance travelled by the ball in every second?
e. How will you describe the velocity of the ball in illustration B?
f. How will you describe the acceleration of the ball in illustration B?
g. How will you describe the trajectory of the ball in illustration C and D?
h. How will you describe the position of the ball in every one-second interval in illustration
C and D?
3. The illustration on the left side below shows a projectile that is launched at an angle, while
on the right side, the projectile is launched vertically upward. You will also see from the
figure that the velocity 𝒗
⃗ of the projectile as it travels in space is divided into its components,
the 𝑣𝑥 for the horizontal component and 𝑣𝑦 for the vertical component of its velocity. Take
note that in the figure below, the time that it would take for the projectile on the left to
complete the travel in its trajectory is equal to the time that it would take for the projectile
on the right to rise and then fall. Study the illustration and answer the following questions.

Figure 2. Projectiles launched one at an angle and the other straight upward. Young, 2012. Pp 78
a. On the left figure, compare the velocity 𝑣0𝑦 and velocity 𝑣1𝑦 .
b. On the left figure, compare the velocity 𝑣1𝑦 and velocity 𝑣3𝑦 .
c. On the left figure, compare the velocity 𝑣0𝑥 and velocity 𝑣3𝑥 .
d. Compare the velocity 𝑣1𝑦 on the left and the velocity 𝑣1𝑦 on the right.
e. On the position of the projectile where its velocity is equal to 𝒗 ⃗ 2 , what should be its
velocity 𝑣2𝑥 and velocity 𝑣2𝑦 ?
f. For the projectile on the left, what is its horizontal component of acceleration 𝑎𝑥 and
vertical component of acceleration 𝑎𝑦 ?
4. Below is an illustration that shows the path of several projectiles, all with the same initial
speed but with different launching angles. The figure ignores the effect of air drag, so the
trajectories are all parabolas. Study the illustration below, and then, answer the following
questions below.

Figure 3. Ranges of a projectile shot at the same speed at different projection angles. Hewitt, 2015. Pp 188
a. How will you describe the ranges obtained by two different launching angles whose angles
add up to 90O?
b. How will you describe the range obtained by a projectile launched at an angle of 45O?
5. It is already mentioned that in our discussion of the projectile motion, we will treat this
motion as an “ideal motion”, this means that everything that you answered above is only
possible if the only force influencing the motion of the projectile is gravity. Below is an
illustration that shows the difference between an actual path and an ideal path of the
projectile. Study the illustration and then answer the following question.

Figure 4. The actual path and the ideal path of a projectile. Hewitt, 2015. Pp 189
a. How will you explain the difference between the actual path and the ideal path of the

Activity 2. Multiple Choice Test

• Activity Sheet
• Pen and Paper

Direction. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your paper.
1. It is the motion of the projectiles.
a. free fall b. constant motion c. projectile motion d. fluid motion
2. These are objects projected with an initial velocity at an angle and continues its motion by
its own inertia.
a. projectile b. bullets c. moving objects d. ball
3. The path followed by a projectile.
a. way b. projectile path c. trajectory d. distance
4. Pedro throws a rock at an angle from the horizontal and lands at some distance away from
him. This horizontal displacement by the projectile is called its
a. trajectory b. range c. final distance d. projectile
5. Neglecting the air resistance, the idealized trajectory of a projectile would be
a. circular b. straight c. parabola d. oval
6. Ignoring the air resistance, the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is constant
a. there is no opposing horizontal force that acts on the projectile.
b. it is affected by the gravitational pull of the earth.
c. there is an opposing force that acts on the projectile.
d. it is in free fall.
7. Ignoring the air resistance, the vertical component of the projectile motion acts just like free
fall because
a. it is affected by the force of gravity.
b. it is not affected by the force of gravity.
c. only the horizontal component of projectile motion is affected by the force of gravity.
d. because the velocity of the projectile is constant.
8. An object was thrown horizontally and the same object beside the initial position of the first
object was dropped vertically, which one would land first to the ground?
a. The one that was dropped
b. The one that was thrown horizontally
c. Both of them
d. not enough information was given about the problem
9. A baseball is batted at an angle into the air. Once the ball is airborne and neglecting air
resistance, the ball’s acceleration vertically is
a. zero, because no horizontal force that acts on the ball.
b. equal to the acceleration to gravity 𝑔 because the force of gravity is horizontal.
c. zero, because no horizontal force acts on the ball.
d. equal to the acceleration due to gravity 𝑔 because the force of gravity is vertical.
10. A projectile is launched at an angle of 35O from horizontal and strikes the ground at a certain
distance downrange. At what other angle of launch at the same speed would this projectile
land just as far away?
a. 45O b. 65O c. 55O d. 75O
Concepts Learned:
Write here the things that you have learned:

Write here the questions for clarification:



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