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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Nick Capitano Boys & Girls Club November 10, 2011 Agenda

1. Welcome Members & Guests...Lynn Dumais a. Ronnie Deese, Chair of East Pasco Board b. Keith Lawless, Cox Radio, Inc. 2. Consent Items a. September 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1) b. October, 2011 Financial Report (Not yet available)

3. Strategy Session update.............................................................................Lynn Dumais

4. Reports a. Development.....Lisa Richardson b. Community Relations.....Ricky Gallon c. Grants/Pasco County...Chris Letsos d. Teen Risk Behavior Survey.........................................................Jennifer Hayes 5. Presidents Report.........Brad Baumgardner a. Riverview 6. Announcements 7. Adjourn Notes: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



Members Present: Keith Bricklemyer, Joe Garcia, Luis Garcia, Greg Hearing, Scott Jacobsen, Shelley Kolseth, Lori Liburdi, Phillip Malcolm, Chris Roederer, Jerome Ryans, Don Smith, Marc Spencer, Andrea White. Others Present: Brad Baumgardner, Brenda Browning, Father Dennis Donovan, Ricky Gallon, Chris Harrell, Jennifer Hayes, Chris Letsos, Bill Ross, Lisa Richardson, Jorge Vera and guests Keith Lawless, Sister Danielle Gonzalez, Russ Riley. Chairman Elect, Greg Hearing called the meeting to order at 12:16 p.m. and introduced guests, Keith Lawless with Cox Radio, Inc & Russ Riley with Tribridge and Grow Financial. Greg reminded everyone of the Strategic Session scheduled all day on Friday, October 14 th and encouraged everyone to attend if they could. Consent Items: Minutes of the July 14, 2011 meeting were provided to the members for their review prior to the meeting. Motion to approve the Minutes by Scott Jacobsen, second by Shelley Kolseth, Motion carried. The August 2011 Financial Report was provided to the members prior to the meeting. Bill Ross stated we were tracking well and ahead of budget. Motion to approve the Financial Report by Scott Jacobsen, second by Jerome Ryans. Motion carried. Joe Garcia spoke of the partnership with the Salesian Sisters and that Glenn Permuy was instrumental in the success of the partnership. He stated that Brandon was the first partnership with a church, then Mary Help with the help of Father Dennis. The Riverview club, in partnership with the Diocese of St. Petersburg, has been a struggle for the last 10 years but we are finally getting ready to open that site. Strategy Teams Jennifer Hayes spoke about the Summer Care Program and they added a creative component by having the members make a video. The Smith Salesian location won the 1st place award for the video that was then shown to the board members. Brad Baumgardner stated we were working on Teen Strategy and needed to be able to get and keep teens. How we communicate with teens is important. Jennifer gave a presentation regarding our Teen Focus Group Report where 249 of our teens, ages 13 to 17, took the survey. She reviewed the results, the highest being: If you didnt have this job, what would you be doing this summer: 25% reported Come to the Club. Why did you choose to work at the club instead of somewhere else: 23% reported Wanted to be at the Club.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, September 8, 2011

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What is the most important thing you have learned through this program: 25% stated Being Responsible. When does your group meet? 47% reported We Meet on a Scheduled Day/Time. What do you like best about your job: 37% stated Interacting with Younger Members.

It was also reported that they thought we should have more activities for teens only, extend the hours of the club for teens only and would like to see sports leagues with other clubs, teen nights, Keystone Club be active all year long, culinary arts program. They also stated that working with kids isnt all that easy. Phil Malcolm gave the Marketing Report. For the past 6 to 7 months, they have been identifying our target audience to drive up participation. They are working on the right message to send our kids, donors & parents. Sister Danielle Gonzalez, Principal of Villa Madonna was introduced to everyone. Development Report: Lisa Richardson reported that Club Blue held a 1st Anniversary Mixer at Lee Roy Selmons on September 29th. She asked for support from members that play golf, for the Malcolm Pirnie Tournament being held at November 11th. This event has raised $20K in the past. Lisa asked board members to let her know if they want a table at the Steak Dinner because we do expect to sell out. She also provided a copy of an ad we put in the St. Pete Times, (courtesy of the St. Pete Times) in honor of Lee Roy Selmon, last years Community Hero. We will also be doing a short slide presentation in his honor at the dinner. She thanked Marc Spencer for his leadership of the Steak Dinner Committee. Lisa spoke about the Heritage Club. She spoke of a large gift we recently received from a womans estate that had no family. It was a missed opportunity for us. Had she been a Heritage Club member, we could have included her in mailings and events. Lisa asked the members to think about leaving a planned gift through the Heritage Club. Scott Jacobsen stated that he joined the Heritage Club because he loves the Boys & Girls Clubs and board members should set an example. The goal is to build our endowment and get it up to the $10M range. Glenn Permuy spoke about next year being the 85th anniversary of the Boys & Girls Clubs and hed like to see $85M in the endowment. Lisa reported that 13 Ugly Men canceled their board meeting but we should benefit from their New Years Eve Event, which could bring in $20K-$25K. Greg asked for board support for this event. The next new board member orientation is on August 19th at noon. Stylez White and Terrence Williams have stepped down from the board, both relocating to another area. Community Relations Report: Ricky Gallon provided an update on community relations. This Saturday, Day for Kids is being held at Mary Help for all clubs. It will be a fun day with face painting, laser tag, 3 moon walks, dunk tank and many other activities. Over 575 kids will be attending, ages 7 to 17. Ricky invited the board to join in the festivities. Ricky also reported of various upcoming events such as We Care on December 9th sponsored by Herman Miller, Town & Country will be hosting Heros Day on September 11th from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, September 8, 2011 Page 2

Father Dennis announced the BGC will be the beneficiary this year of the Don Bosco Golf Tournament hosted by the Korean Catholic Mission of Tampa which is based at Mary Help of Christians Center being held September 24th. Chris Letsos reported on Pasco County and he and Jennie Pearson-Yingling are working on Stanley Park. West Pasco has set a record with 90 kids attending the club. On the grants, he is working with the YMCA for programs at Sulphur Springs that are specific to serve middle school kids. He has applied for another 21st Century Grant but will not be receiving the funds. We are on our second year on the 1 st grant with them and they didnt want to give us another. Presidents Report: Brad provided an update on the Riverview Club. We plan to open the 1st week in October. We are waiting on the Certificate of Occupancy. Regarding staff changes, Fred Spencer is the new Director and were very excited for him being there. Jason Jenkins was moved from North Tampa to Belmont Heights, replacing Fred. We are currently interviewing for the North Tampa position. We are working on a partnership with Salvation Army. Zonta uses their gym and they use our computer room. Brad thanked Chris Roederer for talking to the mayor regarding the Citys Capital Improvement Budget. In 2012, the dollars arent there and we need to look at the next couple of years to expand Liberty, located across from Robinson High School. Brad introduced Shelton Jones, the Director at Joe & Anne Garcia Salesian BGC for 14 years and invited the board to take a look at the new teen center. Greg thanked Brad for all his work on Riverview. Brad thanked Joe Garcia & Earl Lennard and stated we still have $80K to match before the end of the year. With no other business, Greg asked for a motion to adjourn, Scott made the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm.

Brenda Browning, Recorder

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Shelley Kolseth, Secretary


Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, September 8, 2011

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