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Eyes Open 3 Elementary Unit 1 Standard Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Write questions. Use the present simple form of the words below.

1 you / like / English? ______________________________________________________________________

2 Where / she / work? _____________________________________________________________________
3 Peter / always / arrive / early? ______________________________________________________________
4 they / like / sports? _______________________________________________________________________
5 When / visit / your grandparents? ____________________________________________________________

2 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 never / you / he / anything / gives ____________________________________________________________.

2 have / some cereal / I / for breakfast / always __________________________________________________.
3 In Spain / it / very hot / usually / in the summer / is ______________________________________________.
4 sometimes / goes / to the cinema / she / at weekends ___________________________________________.
5 to the doctor / once a year / goes / Peter ______________________________________________________.

3 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Sorry, I can’t help you now. I ________________________ for an exam (study).

2 You know what? He ___________________________ tennis with Rapha Nadal! (play)

3 What ______________ they _______________? (do)

4 We ____________________ the house. It’s very dirty! (clean)

5 What book ________________ you _____________? (read)

4 Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Omar 1 _______________(come) from the North of Argelia. He 2 _______________(have) a big family: his parents
and seven brothers and sisters. The weather where he 3 _________(live) is normally quite warm but now it 4
_______(rain). In the summer Omar and his friends 5 ___________(go) swimming in the sea. At the moment in his
village, they 6 _______________(build) a swimming pool so, next summer Omar will swim there. They 7
_________(love) swimming!

5 Complete the text with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Last Saturday I met my friends in the morning. We wanted to do something different but the weather wasn’t very
nice – it 1 ______________(rain) and it was very, very cold. We decided to go for a walk in the mountains.
While we 2 ________________(walk) to the bus stop, we saw my mother. She 3 _______________(do) the shopping
and she told me not to be late. We caught the bus and when we arrived, it 4 _______________ (snow)! We got off
the bus and decided to walk. Mary 5 _________________(complain) because she was cold and Peter said we should
go back. We waited at the bus stop but it6 ________________(snow) even more. There were no other cars or
people and we didn’t know what to do. It 7 _________________(get) dark and we were all very cold. Suddenly, a
car appeared – it was my mum and she was not happy at all!
6 Circle the correct word

1 Jenny was playing / played video games when the phone rang.

2 I was going / went to the cinema yesterday.

3 My friends were climbing / climbed trees all day yesterday.

4 What were you doing / did you do yesterday at 7 p.m.?

5 Lola was having / had chicken for lunch on Sunday.

6 We were walking / walked in the woods when the storm started.

7 We were playing / played chess when we heard the really loud music.

8 He was driving / drove really fast when he hit the wall.

9 They were cooking / cooked me a beautiful meal for my birthday.

1 0 She was playing / played the piano when she was at school.

7 Read the sentences. Write advice to solve the problems with should (+) or shouldn’t (-). Use the information
in brackets.
1 I have a bad cold. You_______________________________________________ (+ drink a cup of hot tea)
2 He never does any physical activity. He_________________________________ (- play video games all the
3 Jane spends too much time watching TV. Jane________________________________(+ help around the
4 We only sleep four hours every night. We_______________________________________(- sleep so little)
5 My mother drinks seven cups of coffee every day. She_____________________________(+ drink water or

8 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

1 You_____________________ eat so many sweets. It’s bad for your health.

2 You ___________________ smoke in any buildings.

3 Paul ___________________ come to the party. We are going to have a great time!

4 I ______________________ remember all the things I have to do.

5 John __________________ drink sweet drinks before going to bed.

6 You __________________ use your mobile phone at school.

9 Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets and should/shouldn’t for advice (A) or must/mustn’t
when it’s necessary (N).
1 We _______________________ more time with our friends. (spend) (A)
2 How much money ______________ I ______________ to go to London? (save) (N)
3 You ____________________ to your music so loudly. (listen) (A)
4 Joe ___________________ to his sister like that. (speak) (A)
5 This is a secret. You _______________________ anyone. (tell) (N)
6 I _____________________ the guitar every day. (play) (N)

10 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to / had to or don’t / doesn’t have to.

1 I can’t go to bed. I _____________________ study.

2 He ____________________ come if he is busy.

3 When I was a little girl I ______________________ wear a uniform to school. I didn’t like it!

4 You’re lucky! You ___________________________ do any homework this weekend.

5 My father says we __________________________ take the dog for a walk every morning.

6 You ____________________________ go on a diet. You’re very thin!

7 She __________________________ help her mum around the house yesterday.

8 He ________________________ practise the violin every day – he practises twice a week.

11 Circle the correct words.

1 Mary, you mustn’t / don’t have to leave your room in this terrible mess!

2 I mustn’t / don’t have to do any more homework now – I can go out with my friends.

3 You don’t have to / mustn’t smoke inside the building.

4 My mum says I mustn’t / don’t have to eat cake every day. It’s bad for me.

5 The children mustn’t / don’t have to make so much noise – the baby is sleeping!

6 Steve mustn’t / doesn’t have to do any shopping because I did it this morning.

7 She doesn’t have to / mustn’t get up early tomorrow morning. She doesn’t work on Sundays.

8 The course starts at 9 a.m. so you don’t have to / mustn’t arrive before then.

9 You don’t have to / mustn’t drive over 40 kilometres per hour on this road.

10 0 You don’t have to / mustn’t play with fire. It’s dangerous!

12 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present perfect. Use the verbs in brackets.

1 He______________________ (play) the violin in many different concert halls. He’s very famous.
2 I _________________________ (never do) any graffiti in my life. I think it’s ugly!
3 Jennifer _________________________ (read) all his novels. She is a really fast reader!
4 I ____________________________ (never met) a famous rock star but Lucy has.
5 My sister ___________________________ (live) abroad for many years. In fact, she lives in Vienna
6 My mum and I _______________________________ (always watch) the series on television. We love
13 Match the sentence halves.

1 Matt has helped a graffiti all over our city.

2 They have done b football all his life.
3 We have seen c his parents to move house.
4 My father has played d my life. I love it!
5 Music has changed e lots of jugglers in town recently.

14 Write questions with the present perfect and ever. Use the verbs in brackets.

1 you (travel) to a foreign country? _____________________________________________________________

2 she (visit) her friend John? _______________________________________________________________

3 you (listen) to live music? ________________________________________________________________

4 he (do) graffiti? ________________________________________________________________________

5 they (meet) a famous person? ____________________________________________________________

6 you (go) to America? ___________________________________________________________________

15 Match the questions and answers.

1 Have you ever played a musical instrument? a Yes, I have. It’s so easy.
2 Has anyone in your family ever been to music school? b Yes, my mum when she was a little girl.
3 Have you ever met a famous musician? c No, never, but I love the violin.
4 Have you ever downloaded music from the Internet? d Yes, once but I didn’t like it. It was boring.
5 Have you ever been to a classical concert? e No, never. I’m not really interested in meeting anyone
like that.

16 Complete the letter. Use the correct form of the present perfect and the verbs in brackets.

Dear Ann,
How are you? I’m fine but very busy.
I 1_____________________just start) classes and I’ve got so much to do. I 2_______________________(decide)
to learn to play an instrument and I’m going to music classes! I’m going with Tom, my friend.
He 3 _____________________(start) to learn the piano.
I prefer the drums but my parents don’t! ____________________you (ever play) a musical instrument?
My other news is that I am going to Art club on Fridays. It’s great fun! The school 5 _________________ (give) us
a wall where we can do graffiti. I 6 ___________________(meet) a lot of new friends, which is great!
Our teacher told us last week that we can paint the common room when we 7 ___________________(finish) the
graffiti wall! I have to go now. I’ll write again soon.

17 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the present perfect and just. Use the verbs in the box.
Start fi nish arrive go
go 4 The tennis match _________________________

1 Jonathan __________________________at work.

2 The concert _______________________________

3 Be quiet! Your dad ___________________to bed.

18 Write the words in the correct order.

1 already / visited / we / have / the museum ______________________________________________________.

2 hasn’t / a job / found / Maria / yet ________________________________________________________.

3 hasn’t / Mark / still / seen / her ________________________________________________________.

4 you / booked / yet / have / a table _________________________________________________________?

5 have / already / you / a text message / sent ____________________________________________________?

19 Match the questions with the answers.

1 Where’s Matt? a No, he hasn’t. Just be patient!

2 Can I go out? b Listen carefully! I’ve already explained it!

3 Has he phoned? c It still hasn’t arrived.

4 Where’s the bus? d No, you haven’t finished your homework yet.

5 I don’t know what we have to do. e He’s already left.

20 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions using already, yet or still.

1 Have Peter and Susan arrived?

2 Has the plane left?
3 Have you tidied your room?
4 Has Emily finished her book?
5 Has he done the shopping?
21 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 I haven’t eaten________________ four hours.

2 How long have you known Ana? ___________________ July.

3 We have been best friends______________________ 2002.

4 Laura hasn’t visited me ___________________ two months.

5 They have lived in that beautiful house __________________ February.

22 Circle the correct words.
Anna: 1 Have you ever been / Did you ever go to Italy?
Lola: Yes, I 2 have been / went last year.
Anna: 3 Have you liked / Did you like it?
Lola: I 4 have loved / loved it! It’s so beautiful and the people are so friendly.
Anna: What 5 have you done / did you do when you were there?
Lola: We 6 have visited / visited lots of museums and galleries.
Anna: 7 Have you gone / Did you go shopping?
Lola: Yes, I bought a handbag and presents for my family. What about you? 8 have you ever visited / did you visit
another country?

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