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ACED, Alliance University, Bengaluru

Machine Learning with Python (CSE521)

November 2023
Assignment 2
Note: Write answers to the following questions in a blue book.
1. What are dependent and independent variables used in linear regression model? Explain with
an example. Define slope in a linear regression.
2. How to improve the performance of linear regression model? What is L1 and L2 regularization?
3. Define sum of squares due to error in a multiple linear regression. What is multicollinearity?
4. Explain bias function? What is polynomial regression? Write a Python program to perform
polynomial regression.
5. How to measure the performance of regression model? Explain various error calculation methos
for regression model?
6. What is classification model? Explain classification model steps in detail.
7. What are the important algorithms of classification? Write 10 classical examples of classification.
8. What is the logit function? Explain. What is logistic regression? Explain in detail and write a python
program to implement logistic regression model.
9. What is k-NN algorithm? Explain in detail and also write python program to implement k-nn
10. Why is the k-NN algorithm called a lazy learner? White advantages and disadvantages of k-NN
11. What is the decision tree algorithm? Explain in detail and write a python program to implement
decision tree algorithms?
12. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the decision tree algorithm? Write 5 applications of
13. What is a random forest model? How does it work? Write the advantages and disadvantages of it
and write a python program to make a random forest mode.
14. What is entropy of a dicision tree? How to calculate entropy of a decision tree? Explain in detail?
15. How to choose value of k in k-NN? Explain. Discuss error rate and validation rate in the k-NN
16. How to measure the performance accuracy of a classification model? Explain in detail
17. What is a confusion matrix? Explain various errors can be measured in it?
18. What is underfitting in context of ML models? What are the major causes of underfitting?
19. What is overfitting? When does it happen? What is Hyper parameter tuning? Explain.
20. What is the k-fold validation method? Write a python program to implement it.
21. Discuss working of K-fold cross-validation for classification task with a dataset of 50 samples with
22. Evaluate accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score based on following confusion matrix:
True Positives (TP): 40 True Negatives (TN): 35 False Positives (FP): 15 False Negatives
(FN): 10
23. What is clustering? White ten applications of clustering. Discuss strengths and weaknesses of k-
means algorithms.
24. What are the three categories of clustering techniques? Explain the characteristics of each briefly?
25. What is k-means algorithm? Explain in detail and write a python code to implement it.
26. Discuss strength and weakness of k-means algorithm.
27. Discuss one technique to choose appropriate number of clusters at the beginning of clustering
28. How to recompute the cluster centroid in the k-means algorithm?
29. Explain how the market basket analysis uses the concept of association analysis?
30. Explain the Apriori algorithm for association rule learning with an example.
31. What is the association rule? What frequent set or frequent pattern set? Explain with example?
32. Explain support and confidence.
33. What is reinforcement learning? How reinforcement is different from supervised and
unsupervised learning methods?
34. What are the components of reinforcement learning? Distinguish between the term's total
rewards and total future reward. Discuss Sampling thompson sampling algorithm.
35. Differentiate between supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.
36. What is NLP and bag of words model?
37. What is a neural network? What is an artificial neural network? What is step function
38. What is convolution neural network? Explain is activation function.
39. Explain architecture of convolutional neural network. Explain different types of activation
40. Explain single layered feedforward and multi-layered feedforward ANN?
41. What are the applications of ANN and What are the applications of CNN?

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