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MES2 – A2

Demonstrate the performance testing procedure of a level switch

1. Test Planning and Preparation:

o Define the objectives: Clearly establish the goals and

expectations of the performance test, keeping in mind the
specific marine application and safety requirements.
o Identify test scenarios: Determine the different situations and
level changes that the level switch should be tested against,
considering the varying conditions at sea.

o Define test criteria: Specify the desired level thresholds for

detection, such as high level and low level, and determine
acceptable accuracy and response time requirements suitable for
marine operations.
o Prepare the test environment: Ensure the level switch is
installed in the actual marine system or create a simulated setup
that closely resembles the onboard conditions. Take into account

factors such as vessel motion, vibrations, and environmental


2. Calibration:

o Prior to the performance test, calibrate the level switch

according to the manufacturer's guidelines, ensuring accurate
o Use appropriate calibration tools and procedures, considering
the specific marine conditions, to adjust the switch's settings and
verify its accuracy.
3. Test Configuration:

o Determine the instrumentation required: Install appropriate

sensors or instruments to collect data during the performance
test. Consider factors such as the compatibility of the
instruments with marine environments and their ability to
withstand harsh conditions.
o Ensure the data collection system is properly calibrated and
capable of accurately capturing the switch's output in a marine
4. Test Execution:

o Begin the performance test by simulating the defined test

scenarios, considering the challenges and variations encountered
at sea.
o Introduce changes in liquid or solid levels gradually or
suddenly, as per the test scenarios, considering vessel motions,
accelerations, and other dynamic factors.
o Monitor the switch's behaviour and record the measurements
and responses. Pay attention to any issues related to stability,
false alarms, or delays caused by the marine environment.
5. Data Analysis:

o Analyze the collected data to evaluate the performance of the

level switch. Compare the actual level measurements with the
switch's indications to assess its accuracy in a marine
o Consider factors such as vessel motions, vibrations, wave
impacts, temperature variations, and humidity levels that can
affect the switch's performance.
o Determine the response time by measuring the time taken by the
switch to detect and respond to level changes in a marine
o Identify any discrepancies or deviations from the desired criteria
and investigate the possible causes, including any marine-
specific challenges.

6. Performance Evaluation:

o Evaluate the level switch's performance based on the analysis

conducted, considering the marine-specific requirements and
safety considerations.
o Assess its accuracy, responsiveness, and reliability in different
test scenarios that represent typical operational conditions at sea.
o Determine if the switch meets the predefined criteria and
performance requirements suitable for marine applications.
7. Troubleshooting and Improvement:

o If performance issues are identified, troubleshoot the level

switch to determine the cause. This may involve checking for
issues related to marine environmental factors, such as sensor
positioning, damping mechanisms, or signal filtering.
o Take corrective actions or make necessary adjustments to
improve the level switch's performance, considering marine-
specific challenges and safety regulations.
o Re-test the modified switch or conduct additional tests to verify
the effectiveness of the improvements in a marine environment.
8. Documentation:

o Document the entire test process, including the test objectives,

setup, test scenarios, collected data, analysis, findings, and any
recommendations for improvement, with specific reference to
the marine environment.
o Maintain clear records for future reference, compliance, and
auditing purposes, considering the importance of safety and
regulatory compliance in the maritime industry.
By following these steps, marine engineers can effectively evaluate
the performance of a level switch in a marine environment, ensuring
its accurate and reliable operation in detecting and indicating changes
in liquid or solid levels on board a vessel. Always refer to the
manufacturer's guidelines and relevant marine regulations to ensure
adherence to safety standards and best practices.

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