NEET Botany 11th Full Test 1 Solutions

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NEET | Botany

Name: _______________ neet botany test 1 Date: 16/03/2024

Roll No: __________ Time: 50 Minutes Marks: 180

Solution (Explanation).
Section A
Placentation -
1. Which of the following statement is true regarding seed Placentation
dormancy? The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as

A. It may be due to seed placentation. It is of following types:
B. It helps the seed to
coats impermeability to overcome unfavorable 1. Marginal placentation: The placenta forms a ridge along the
CO2 condition ventral suture of the ovary and ovules are borne on this ridge
forming two rows. Placenta developing along the junction of the

C. It helps the seed to D. Failure of a seed to
two margins of the carpel in one chambered ovary. E.g., pea, gram,
germinate during germinate under
unfavorable condition favorable condition
2. Axile placentation: The placenta is axial and the ovules are
(Plant Growth and Development => (Topic Name) => Seed attached to it in a multilocular ovary. The placenta develops from
Dormancy) the central axis and the ovary is two to many chambered. For

Solution (Explanation).
Seed Dormancy -
There are certain seeds that fail to germinate even when external
example, tomato, cotton, China rose, lily, etc.
3. Parietal placentation: The placenta develop on the inner wall of
the ovary or on peripheral part. Ovary is one chambered but
becomes two chambered due to false septum called replum. E.g.,
conditions are favourable. mustard, argemone.
Such seeds are understood to be undergoing a period of 4. Free central placentation: The placenta develops on the central
dormancy which is controlled not by external environment but axis and septa are absent. E.g., Dianthus, primrose, etc.
are under endogenous control or conditions within the seed itself. 5. Basal placentation: Ovary is unilocular and the placenta
- develops at the base of the ovary. Ovary bears only a single ovule,
e.g., wheat, maize, aster, sunflower, etc.

2. Assertion: All food chains will come to stand still if bacteria

6. Superficial placentation: Ovary is multilocular and placenta
disappear from earth. Reason: Bacteria are only associated with the
develop all around the inner wall of the ovary. For example, water
soil fertility and hardly have any role in food chains.

A. Both Assertion and B. Both Assertion and

Reason are correct and Reason are correct but -
Reason is the correct Reason is not the correct Free central placentation: The placenta develops on the central axis
explanation for explanation for and septa are absent. E.g., Dianthus, primrose, etc.
Assertion . Assertion.

C. Assertion is correct but D. Assertion is incorrect but 4. Tricarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in
Reason is incorrect Reason is correct.
A. Liliaceae B. Solanaceae
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Characteristics of
Kingdom Protista) C. Fabaceae D. All of these

(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) =>

Solution (Explanation). Description of Some Important Families: Liliaceae)
Decomposers, like fungi and bacteria, complete the food chain.
Decomposers turn organic wastes, such as decaying plants, into Solution (Explanation).

inorganic materials, such as nutrient rich soil. They complete the

cycle of life, returning nutrients to the soil or oceans for use by Vegetative characters:
autotrophs. This starts a whole new series of food chains. Hence Stem: Perennial herbs with underground bulbs/corms/ rhizomes
the correct option is C. Leaves: mostly basal, alternate, linear, exstipulate with parallel
3. In free central placentation Floral characters
Inflorescence: solitary / cymose; often umbellate clusters
A. Septation is present in B. Placenta develops on the
Flower: bisexual; actinomorphic
ovaries marginal axis
Perianth tepal six (3+3), often united into tube; valvate aestivation
C. Placenta develops on D. Placenta does not occur Androecium: stamen six, 3+3, epitepalous
the central axis Gynoecium: tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => with many ovules; axile placentation
Placentation) Fruit: capsule, rarely berry
Seed: endospermous Endosperm is formed as a result of double-fertilisation. Endosperm
- nourishes the developing embryo during seed development. In
Tricarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in plants such as beans, gram, and peas, the endosperm is not present
Liliaceae in the mature seed because the endosperm is completely consumed
during the development of the seed. Such seeds are called non-
5. In pea, the corolla shows endospermic or exalbuminous.
In monocots and caster beans (dicot), embryos do not consume all
A. Presence of keel B. Presence of standard endosperm during seed development. So it persists in the mature
petal seeds. Such seeds are called endospermic or albuminous seeds.
C. Presence of wings D. All of these

(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Parts of a 8. Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

Flower - Aestivation) A. Puccinia– Smut B. Root – Exarch
Solution (Explanation). C. Cassia– Imbricate D. Root pressure –
aestivation Guttation
Parts of a Flower - Aestivation -
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Basidiomycetes

Parts of a Flower - Aestivation
The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with (Club fungi))
respect to other members of the same whorl is called aestivation.
There are following types of aestivation in corolla and calyx: Solution (Explanation).

Puccinia commonly called rust fungus requires one host. Smut is
1.Valvate Aestivation: When sepals and petals in a whorl just
Ustilago requires two unrelated host. Both rust and smut belong
touch one another at the margin, without overlapping, as
to the class-Basidiomycetes.
seen in Calotropis, it is called valvate aestivation.
2.Twisted Aestivation: If one margin of the appendage

overlaps that of the next one and so on as seen in China 9. Assertion: The endoplasmic reticulum which lacks ribosomes is
Rose, Lady’s finger and cotton, it is called twisted. called smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Reason: SER is
3.Imbricate Aestivation: If the margins of sepals or petals mainly involved in protein synthesis.
overlap one another but not in any particular direction as in A. If both Assertion and B. If both Assertion and
Cassia and gulmohar, the aestivation is called imbricate. Reason are true and Reason are true but
4.Vexillary Aestivation: In pea and bean flowers, there are
Reason is the correct Reason is not the correct
five petals. The largest (standard) overlaps the two lateral explanation of Assertion. explanation of Assertion.
petals (wings) which in turn overlap the smallest anterior
C. If Assertion is true but D. If both Assertion and
petals (keel). This type of aestivation is called vexillary and
Reason is false. Reason are false.
the corolla is called papilionaceous.
5.Quincuncial Aestivation: When two petals are inner and (Cell: The Unit of Life => (Topic Name) => Components of the
Endomembrane System: Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER))

two outer and one is partly inner and partly outer, it is

called quincuncial. For example, Ranunculus.
- Solution (Explanation).
In pea and bean flowers, there are five petals. The largest (standard) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) possesses smooth

overlaps the two lateral petals (wings) which in turn overlap the membranes which do not bear ribosomes. It is, therefore, also
smallest anterior petals (keel). This type of aestivation is called called agranular endoplasmic reticulum. SER is reponsible for
vexillary and the corolla is called papilionaceous. synthesis of fats inside the cells of adipose tissue, formation of
sphaerosomes, synthesis of glycogen as well as glycogenolysis
(hydrolysis of glycogen) in liver cells, synthesis of sterols and
6. Rhizome of following plant is used to obtain anthelminitic drug

steroid hormones as in the interstitial cells of testis and ovary and

A. Drypteris B. Pteris formation of visual pigments from vitamin A in retinal cells.

C. Adiantum D. Rhynia
10. Which one of the following is a correct statement?
(Plant Kingdom => (Topic Name) => Classification of

Pteridophytes) A. Pteridophyte, B. In angiosperm, female

gametophyte has a gametophyte is freeliving
Solution (Explanation). protonema and leafy
Pteridophyta in medicine - stage

Rhizome of Dryopteris is used to obtain anthelminitic drug. C. Antheridiophores and D. Origin of seed habit
- archegoniophores are can be traced in
Anthelminitic drugs are medicine that expels parasitic worms present in angiosperms. pteridophytes
(Plant Kingdom => (Topic Name) => Classification of
7. Endosperm is the result of angiosperms)
A. Single fertilisation B. Partial fertilisation
Solution (Explanation).
C. Double fertilisation D. Triple fertilisation

(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The Seed) Characteristics of Angiosperms -
Angiosperms are the most advanced and most dominant of all
Solution (Explanation). plants found.
Angiosperms are seed-bearing plants which form flowers and
fruits. It means that the seeds of angiosperms are covered inside
the fruit.
Angiosperms grow in a wide variety of habitats and occur in
different forms i.e. herbs, shrubs and trees).
The smallest angiosperm is Wolffia and the tallest is Eucalyptus
(100 meters tall).
Angiosperms are useful to us in many ways like food, fodder,
fuel, clothes, medicines and several others.
The root system is the tap root system or adventitious root
Xylem has vessels and tracheids as the main conducting elements
and phloem has companion cells and sieve tubes.
Leaves show reticulate or parallel venation.

Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes due to
heterospory in some plants
wherein female gametophyte is retained on the sporophyte.

11. Contractile vacuole is absent in
A. Sporozoa B. Sarcodina

C. Zooflagellate D. Slime moulds
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Protozoa)

Solution (Explanation). -According to R.H Whittakers' classification system, eukaryotic,

Contractile vacuoles and food vacuoles are absent in the class- cell wall containing, heterotrophic organisms were placed in the

12. Bacterial blight of rice is caused due to

UN kingdom Fungi.

15. Which one of the following is a dry indehiscent fruit?

A. Caryopsis B. Pod
A. Xanthomonas oryzae B. Helminthosporium
C. Follicle D. Lomentum
C. Pseudomonas falcatum D. Xanthomonas falcatum
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The Fruit)
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Eubacteria)
Solution (Explanation).
Solution (Explanation). Caryopsis is a small, dry, one-seeded fruit. In caryopsis, the seed

Bacterial blight of paddy or rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae. It coat becomes fused to the fruit wall during maturation, e.g., wheat,
is a rod-shaped, aerobic, non-capsulated, non-spore forming, Gram corn, oats, etc.
negative bacterium. It has a single polar flagellum.
16. Assertion : The pigment which causes photoperiodic stimulus

is called phytochrome. Reason : Chemically phytochrome is a

13. The rRNA is synthesied by starch.
A. golgi body B. nucleus A. If both Assertion and B. If both Assertion and
C. nucleolus D. cytoplasm Reason are true and Reason are true but
Reason is the correct Reason is not the correct

(Cell: The Unit of Life => (Topic Name) => The Nucleus) explanation of Assertion. explanation of Assertion.
C. If Assertion is true but D. If both Assertion and
Solution (Explanation).
Reason is false. Reason are false.
A nucleolue is very small spherical structure present in cell nucleus.
rRNA is also synthesized by nucleolus. (Plant Growth and Development => (Topic Name) =>


14. According to R.H Whittakers' classification system, eukaryotic,

Solution (Explanation).
cell wall containing, heterotrophic organisms were placed in the
Phytochrome is a pigment involved in the perception of

photoperiodic stimuli controlling flowering, seed germination and
A. Plantae B. Protista other morphogenetic phenomena. It is a protein with a
chromophore (pigment-coloured portion) prosthetic group ( e.g.,
C. Fungi D. Animalia
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => History of
17. Region of root present just above the root cap is called the
region of
Solution (Explanation).
History of classification - A. Elongation B. Meristematic activity
According to R.H Whittaker, the five kingdoms are Monera,
C. Root hair D. Maturation
Protista, fungi, plantae and animalia. An outline of five kingdom
classification is: (Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The Root
System: Regions and Functions)
Solution (Explanation).
19. In endomitosis
Meristematic activity.
A typical root possesses four parts or regions: A. Cytokinesis does not B. Karyokinesis does not
(i) Root Cap the root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like occur occur
structure called a root cap. It protects the tender apex of the root as C. Both a and b D. None of these
it makes its way through the soil.
(Cell Cycle and Cell Division => (Topic Name) => Significance
(ii) Region of Meristematic Activity a few millimetres above the
and Types of Mitosis)
root cap. The cells of this region are very small, thin-walled and
dense protoplasm. They divide repeatedly.
Solution (Explanation).
(iii) Region of Elongation The cells proximal to the meristematic
In Endomitosis the Chromosomes and their DNA duplicate but fail
zone undergoes rapid elongation and enlargement and are

to separate which lead to polyploidy.Hence, the correct option is
responsible for the growth of root in length.
(iv) Region of Maturation The cells of the elongation zone
gradually differentiate and mature. This zone lies just proximal to
the region of elongation 20. The wall of bacteria consist of
A. N-acetylglucosamine B. N-acetyl muramic acid

18. Gynoecium of solanaceae is C. Both (a) and (b) D. Cellulose
A. Monocarpellary B. Bicarpellary apocarpous
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Eubacteria)

C. Bicarpellary D. Polycarpellary
syncarpous syncarpous Solution (Explanation).
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The bacterial cell wall contains peptidoglycan or mucopeptide or
Description of Some Important Families: Solanaceae) murein with diaminopimelic acid, lipid and protein. Chemically,
peptidoglycan is composed of N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) and
Solution (Explanation).
Description of Some Important Families: Solanaceae
It is a large family, commonly called as the ‘potato family’. It is
widely distributed in tropics, subtropics and temperate zones.
Vegetative Characters
UN N-acetyl muramic acid (NAM).

21. In the table below, some of the crop plants, their diseases and
the pathogens are given. Match the three columns and identify the
correct choice.
Plants mostly herbs, shrubs and rarely small trees
Stem: herbaceous rarely woody, aerial; erect, cylindrical,
branched, solidor hollow, hairy or glabrous, underground stem
in potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Leaves: alternate, simple, rarely pinnately compound, exstipulate;
venation reticulate

Floral Characters
A. A-III-2 B-I-4 C-IV-1 B. A-I-2 B-III-4 C-II-3
Inflorescence : Solitary, axillary or cymose as in Solanum
D-II-3 D-IV-3
Flower: bisexual, actinomorphic
C. A-IV-3 B-I-2 C-III-1 D. A-II-1 B-IV-3 C-I-2

Calyx: sepals five, united, persistent, valvate aestivation

Corolla: petals five, united; valvate aestivation D-II-3 D-III-4
Androecium: stamens five, epipetalous (Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Characteristics of
Gynoecium: bicarpellary obligately placed, syncarpous; ovary Fungi)
superior, bilocular, placenta swollen with many ovules, axile
Fruits: berries or capsule Solution (Explanation).

Seeds: many, endospermous

Floral Diagram:

22. A compound leaf, which appears as a simple leaf due to the

suppression of one or two leaflets is found in one of the following
A. Hardwickia B. Parkinsonia
C. Coriandrum D. Citrus

(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Types of

Economic Importance:
source of food (tomato, brinjal, potato), spices (chilli); medicine
Solution (Explanation).
(belladonna, ashwagandha); fumigatory (tobacco); ornamentals
A compound leaf that appears simple due to suppression of 1−2
lateral leaflets is found in Citrus. The leaves of citrus are not simple
Gynoecium of solanaceae is bicarpellary syncarpous.
whereas they are unifoliate. In citrus leaves, the number of leaflets farthest away from it. Reason: In cymose, tap root system, the
is reduced. primary root itself stops growing after some time, but secondary
roots carry on further growth of the root system.
23. Which of the following tissues has cells devoid of protoplasm?
A. Both assertion and B. Both assertion and
reason are correct is the reason are correct but
A. Collenchyma B. Sclerenchyma
correct Sol. for reason is not the correct
C. Parenchyma D. All of these assertion. Sol. for assertion.
(Anatomy of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Simple C. Assertion is correct but D. Both assertion and
Permanent Tissues: Sclerenchyma Fibres) reason is incorrect. reason are incorrect.
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The Root
Solution (Explanation).
System: Regions and Functions)

Simple Permanent Tissues: Sclerenchyma Fibres
Solution (Explanation).
Sclerenchyma is the simple permanent tissue made up of thick-
In cymose, tap root system the primary root stops growing after
walled, lignified and dead cells.
some time and secondary root grow further. In cymose, tap root
They have a secondary wall deposited with lignin which makes
system, oldest branch very near the growing point while the

them devoid of protoplasm and dead.
youngest one is at the farthest distance from it and is found in
It consists of two types of cells: Fibres and Sclereids
shallow-rooted plants like grams, pea etc.
These are elongated cells with pointed needle like ends called

tapering ends. 26. Style arising from the base of the ovary is called
They are always dead at maturity. A. Lateral B. Gynobasic
These originate from the procambium of apical meristem and
C. Terminal D. None of these
from vascular cambium.
Fibres can be classified on the basis of their position in plant (Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Parts of a
body as follows:
1.Intraxylary fibres: present in xylem (wood).
2.Extraxylary fibres: present outside xylem, that is, in
UN Flower - Gynoecium)

Solution (Explanation).

Intraxylary Fibres: these are of following types: Style:

Libriform fibres: Thick walled wood fibres having simple pits. The stalk like-structure present above the ovary is called the
Fibre Tracheids: Thin walled wood-fibres having bordered pits style.
Extraxylary Fibres: these have simple pits and are of following The style may be long (Datura) or short (grasses) or absent
types: (Papaver).
Cortical fibres: these are present in cortex In the family umbelliferae (apiaceae) the base of the style is
swollen and forms a structure called stylopodium.

Perivascular fibres: these are present in the periphery of vascular

bundles There are three types of styles as described below :
Phloic fibres: these are present in the phloem 1.Terminal style : If the style arises from terminal part of the
Functions of fibres: provide mechanical strength, maintain ovary, it is called terminal style, e.g., Datura, Hibiscus and

elasticity and are economically important. Solanum.

The cells of sclerenchyma are devoid of protoplasm because of 2.Lateral style : If the style arises from one side of the ovary,
lignified secondary cell walls. it is called lateral style, e.g., Mango.
3.Gynobasic style : If the style arises from the base of the
ovary it is called gynobasic style, e.g., Ocimum, Salvia.
24. In plants

A. Mesophyll is B. The mesophyll is -

differentiated into constituted by loosely If the style arises from the base of the ovary it is called gynobasic
palisade and spongy arranged cells style.

C. Layer of bundle sheath D. The chloroplasts in leaf 27. Which of the following is not true regarding pteridophytes ?
cells around vascular are dimorphic i.e.
bundles is not seen granal and agranal. A. Few pteridophytes are B. Spore are formed after
heterosporous meiosis in ferns

(Photosynthesis in Higher Plants => (Topic Name) => The C4

Plants) C. They possess vascular D. Their main plant body
tissues is haploid
Solution (Explanation). (Plant Kingdom => (Topic Name) => Pteridophyta)

In plants, mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and Solution (Explanation).

spongy layer as in plants. The mesophyll is mainly constituted
by loosely arranged cells. The vascular bundles are surrounded by Pteridophyta -
radially enlarged bundle sheath cells. Hence, the correct answer is Pteridophytes are first vascular and successful terrestrial plants
option d. with true roots, stem and leaves but no flowers, fruits and seeds.
These plants are mostly found in cool, damp, shady places. Some
25. Assertion: In cymose, tap root system, the oldest branch lies may also be found in sandy-soil conditions.
very close to growing point of root while the youngest branch is
The dominant stage in the life cycle of pteridophytes is manganese (Mn) is essential for the photolysis of water. Hence,
sporophyte. It possesses roots, stem and leaves. option 3 is correct.
The sporophyte of pteridophytes possesses vascular tissue i.e.
xylem and phloem.
32. Which of the following plants has haustorial roots?
In xylem, true vessels are absent but tracheids are found.
In phloem, companion cells and sieve tubes are absent, however, A. Pea B. Trapa
sieve cells are present. C. Lily D. Cuscuta
The leaves in pteridophytes can be of two types i.e. they can be
small, microphyllous without leaf gaps as in Selaginella and (Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The Root
Lycopodium or they can be large macrophyllus as in Ferns like System and Its Types)
The main plant body of pteridophytes is sporophytic (diploid). Solution (Explanation).

Cuscuta is a total stem parasite that grows on a number of plants
like Duranta, Ziziphus, etc. Cuscuta sends a number of haustoria
28. An example of colonial alga is : into the host. Each haustorium digests its way to reach the vascular
A. Chlorella B. Volvox strand of the host

C. Ulothrix D. Spirogyra

33. Assertion: The phloem present in the xylem elements is called
(Plant Kingdom => (Topic Name) => Algae and their
protophloem . Reason: The phloem elements develop in the middle
of xylem elements are secondary in nature.

Solution (Explanation). A. Both assertion and B. Both assertion and
As we learnt in reason are correct and reason are correct but
Thallophyta / Algae - reason is the correct reason is not the correct
Chlorophyll - bearing, thalloid, avascular plants and are usually explanation for assertion. explanation for assertion.
aquatic. C. Assertion is correct but D. Assertion is incorrect
- wherein
Eg. Chlamydomonas, Volvox.

29. In protozoans like Ameoba and Paramecium, which of the

UN reason is incorrect but reason is correct.
(Anatomy of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Phloem)

Solution (Explanation).
following organelle is found for osmoregulation? Protophloem is the first formed phloem which has thin walled cells.
It is formed from procambium . Therefore, assertion is incorrect.
A. Contractile vacuole B. Mitochondria
During secondary growth the vascular cambium gives rise to xylem
C. Nucleus D. Food vacuole and phloem cells. There are different types of arrangement of xylem
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Protozoa) and phloem. One of such arrangement is amphivasal , in which the
phloem is in the center and xylem surrounds it from all sides.

Solution (Explanation). Therefore, reason is correct. Thus, the correct answer is option D.
Unicellular organisms such as Amoeba,Paramecium use organelles
called contractile vacuoles for osmoregulation. 34. A thin an delicate stem branch that runs above the soil surface

and bears adventitious roots at nodes is called

30. When moss spores germinate, the form A. Rhizome B. Runner C. offset D. sucker
A. Leafy gametophyte B. Capsule
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) =>
C. Protonema D. Rhizoids Modification of the Aerial Stem)

(Plant Kingdom => (Topic Name) => Classification of Bryophytes)

Solution (Explanation).
Runner is slender stem that grows horizontally along the ground,
Solution (Explanation).
giving rise to roots and aerial branches at specialised points called
In mosses the first stage is protonema stage, which develops
directly from a spore.

35. The ability of a plant to modify its development pathway is

31. Which one of the following is essential for photolysis of water?
A. Copper B. Boron

A. Elasticity B. Plasticity
C. Manganese D. Zinc
C. Specialisation D. Differentiation
(Photosynthesis in Higher Plants => (Topic Name) => Basics of
(Plant Growth and Development => (Topic Name) =>

Solution (Explanation).
Solution (Explanation).
Water photolysis is the process by which water molecules are
broken down into hydrogen and oxygen under the action of light in
Development -
the photoreaction process of photosynthesis. 2H 2 O ? 4H ++ 4e ?
Development is a term that includes all changes that an organism
+ O 2 The photolysis of water requires light energy and OEC
goes through during its life cycle from germination of the seed to
(complex evolving oxygen) and electron carriers. OEC has four Mn
ions. Light energy causes changes in Mn that help remove electrons
Plants follow different pathways in response to environment or
from OH - the component of water that forms oxygen. Therefore,
phases of life to form different kinds of structures.
This ability is called plasticity, e.g., heterophylly in cotton, C. If Assertion is true but D. If both Assertion and
coriander and larkspur. In such plants, the leaves of the juvenile Reason is false. Reason are false.
plant are different in shape from those in mature plants.
(Photosynthesis in Higher Plants => (Topic Name) => Basics of
On the other hand, the difference in shapes of leaves produced in
air and those produced in water in buttercup also represent the
heterophyllous development due to environment.
Solution (Explanation).
I n bacteria, photosynthesis utilizes light of wavelength more than
The ability of a plant to modify its development pathway is called
700 nm and their reaction centre is B-890

40. Which is correct for the structure of cell wall of bacteria and

Section B (Any 10) A. Both are made up of B. Both have mucopeptide
36. stands for (in plants)
C. Both are made up of N- D. None of the above
A. Perfect flower B. Bisexual flower acetylgucosamine

C. Either (a) or (b) D. Imperfect flower (Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Characteristics of
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The

Solution (Explanation).
N-acetylglucosamine is found at the inner layer of bacterial and
Solution (Explanation).
fungal cell wall and it is commonly known as chitin.
– Bisexual flower (having both male and female reproductive
41. Cluster of light harvesting antenna pigments in a photosystem

37. When calyx , corolla , androecium and gynoecium are present

in one flower called

A. Complete answer B. Dehiscent flower

UN A. Absorbs electron
C. Pass energy to reaction
B. Do not absorb photons
D. Breakdown H2O

(Photosynthesis in Higher Plants => (Topic Name) => Introduction

C. Pewrianth D. Incomplete flower to Photosynthesis)
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The
Flower) Solution (Explanation).
Photosynthetic Unit -
Solution (Explanation). Serve as an antenna of several hundred light harvesting chlorophyll
As we have learned molecules and a pair of photochemically reactive chlorophyll a

Complete flower - (P700 and P680) molecuels called the reaction center.
Calyx , corolla androecium and gynoecium are present in one -

- 42. Which one of the following also acts as a catalyst in a bactrial

38. 1) Dispersal of seeds by air is called anemochory 2) Dispersal A. 5s rRNA B. sn RNA
of seed by water is called hydrochory
C. hn RNA D. 23s rRNA
A. 1 -correct , 2 - incorrect B. 1 - incorret , 2 - correct

(Cell: The Unit of Life => (Topic Name) => Structure of

C. 1- correct , 2- correct D. Both are incorrect
Prokaryotic Cell)
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => The Seed)
Solution (Explanation).

Solution (Explanation). A component of bacterial ribosomes is 23S rRNA.

As we have learned Peptide bond formation during protein synthesis is aided by its
Dispersal of seeds by different medium - peptidyl transferase catalytic activity.
Dispersal of seeds by air is called anemochory Dispersal of seed by Small nuclear RNA (sn RNA) and heterogeneous RNA (hn

water is called Hydrochory. RNA) are two types of RNA.

- A component of the large subunit of the ribosome is 5s RNA.
Thus, the correct answer is option 4).
39. Assertion: Bacterial photosynthesis occurs by utilizing
wavelength longer than 700 nm. Reason: Here reaction centre is B- 43. Alcohol consumption adversely affects the digestion of
890. proteins within liver cells, which can eventually lead to liver
damage. Given this information, which organelle in liver cells is
A. If both Assertion and B. If both Assertion and most directly affected?
Reason are true and Reason are true but
Reason is the correct Reason is not the A. Nucleus B. Golgi apparatus
explanation of Assertion. correct explanation of C. Rough ER D. Lysosome
(Cell: The Unit of Life => (Topic Name) => Components of the
Endomembrane System: Lysosomes and Vacuoles)
Solution (Explanation). Solution (Explanation).
The lysosomes are the cellular organelles containing the hydrolytic In some legumes, the leaf base may become swollen, which is
enzymes which help in the metabolism of the complex and toxic called the pulvinus.
compounds. The alcohol which is consumed is degraded and In the opposite phyllotaxy, a pair of leaves arise at each mode and
digested by the lysosomes which decrease the rate of digestion of lie opposite to each other as in Calotropic (Aak/Madar) and Guava
the other complexes like the proteins. This decreased lysosomal (Psidium) plants
activity leads to liver damage.
47. How many mitotic divisions are required to produce 128 cells
44. Epidermal tissue system provides from a single cell?

A. Protection B. Storage A. 16 B. 8 C. 14 D. 7

C. Conduction of cell sap D. All of these (Cell Cycle and Cell Division => (Topic Name) => Mitosis)
(Anatomy of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Tissue
System) Solution (Explanation).
In mitosis, each cell divides into two. So starting from a single cell,
the increase in a number of cells will occur as per the following

Solution (Explanation).
progression- 1->2->4->8->16->32->64->128. Thus , a total of 7
Tissue System - divisions is required to produce 128 cells starting from a single cell
Tissue System or 2 n times the division.

In the plant body, the structural tissues are organized into tissue
systems on the basis of physiological similarity. 48. Malignant tertian malaria is caused by the species of
The tissue system helps in division of labour.
A. Entamoeba B. Leishmania
According to Sach, a plant body has the following three types of
tissue systems: C. Clostridium D. Plasmodium
1.Tissue system for protection - Epidermal Tissue System
2.Tissue system for conduction of food and water - Vascular
Tissue System
3.Tissue system for storage and other functions - Ground
UN (Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Protozoa)

Solution (Explanation).
As we have learned
Tissue System
Sporozoa protozoan -
Have infectious spore - like sporozite.
- Eg. Plasmodium.
Tissue system for protection - Epidermal Tissue System Plasmodium flaciparum is a causative agent of malignant
tertian malaria in which the vector is a female mosquito of the
45. On the basis of origin and development meristematic tissue genus Anopheles.

divided into
A. Promeristem B. Primary Meristem 49. After incubation of two bacterium cultures for 132 minutes, the
number of bacteria present is 20000. What is the generation time?
C. Secondary Meristem D. More than one

A. 2 minutes B. 5 minutes
(Anatomy of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) => Classification
of Meristematic Tissues) C. 10 minutes D. 30minutes

(Cell Cycle and Cell Division => (Topic Name) => Control and
Solution (Explanation). Regulation of the Cell Cycle)

Meristematic tissues on the basis of origin and development: Solution (Explanation).

1. Promeristem/Primordial Meristem
2. Primary Meriste
3. Secondary Meristem

On the basis of origin & development, meristem can be
Promeristem, Primary meristem and Secondary meristem.

46. Study the following statements and choose the correct option.
I. Buds are present in the axil of leaflets of the compound leaf. II.
Pulvinus leaf base is present in some leguminous plants. III. In
Alstonia, the petioles expand, become green and synthesize food. 50. Pick up the wrong statement:
IV.Opposite phyllotaxy is seen in guava
A. Protista have photosynthetic and heterotrophic modes of
A. II and IV are correct B. I and III are correct but II nutrition
but I and III are wrong and IV are wrong
B. Some fungi are edible
C. I and IV are correct but D. II, III, and IV are correct
II and III are wrong but I is wrong C. Nuclear membrane is present in Monera
(Morphology of Flowering Plants => (Topic Name) =>
D. Cell wall is absent in Animalia
(Biological Classifiction => (Topic Name) => Characteristics of Naked DNA and RNA
kingdom Monera) Membrane bound organells absent
Ribosome : 70 S type
Solution (Explanation). Reproduction by asexual method
As we learnt in Cell division is amitotic.
Characteristics of kingdom Monera – - -
Prokaryotic organism without nuclear membrane, nucleolus


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