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Chapter 4 STEAM NOZZLES AND STEAM TURBINES 4,1. STEAM NOZZLES 4.1.1. Introduction The function of a steam nozzle is to conv: . y ert the heat energy of steam into kinetic energy. Its chief use is to produce a high velocity jet of steam which is used to drive a steam turbine. This is achieved by allowing the steam to flow (expand) from a region of high pressure at the inlet to a region of low pressure at the outlet. As the steam expands through the nozzles, its velocity and specific volume both increase. Its dryness fraction will also vary due to condensation of steam. Since the weight of steam per second flowing across any section of the nozzle is constant the cross-section of the nozzle will vary in accordance with velocity, specific volume and, the dryness fraction of steam. Depending upon its shape, the nozzles are of two types: (2) Convergent-divergent Nozzle: In this type of nozzles the cross-section first decreases until it reaches a minimum at a section called throat of the nozzle and then it increases, the largest cross-section being at the exit end, Fig. 4.1(a). (b) Convergent Nozzle: Here, the exit of the nozzle is throat itself, Fig. 4.1(b). The nozzle is designed to discharge the maximum weight of steam for a given pressure drop. it ip 1 1 1 ' ! Throat (b) Convergent (a) Convergebnt-Divergent Fig. 4.1. Types of nozzles. 4.1.2. Flow of Steam Through Nozzle a / Usually steam enters the nozzle with a small initial velocity (ooh Eaves neglected in many cases). As it expands through the nozzle, a i raat Pr oo: 4S well as its total heat. The loss in its total heat is converte: ie eee kinetic energy, that is, its velocity of flow. It is simple to ass neta oes through the nozzle occurs adiabatically and hence without any ; 99 ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 100 // Power Plant Engineering energy transfer takes place during the expansion of steam through the (that is, no heat is supplied or rejected), by the application of the steady equation of the first law of thermodynamics, we get, for 1 kg of steam flor’ Gain of kinetic energy = loss in total heat of steam " m7 ls Be) an velocity of steam at any section considered, m/s is, = Total heat of steam entering nozzle, kJ/kg, 5 = Total heat of steam at any section considered, kj/ag Here, the velocity of steam entering the nozzle is neglected. Equation (4.1) can be written as V, = f2x1000(15; = 15,0) m/s - = 44,7 (Is, - Is,a)* m/s 4.2) In equation (4.1), the LHS. has been divided by 10° knowing that 1 newton metre = 1 Joule = 10% kJ Note: Here (,, ~ Is,a) refers to adiabatic heat drop, which in the absence of friction, will be the same as the actual heat drop. In practice, friction loss does occur in a nozzle, the effect of which is to reduce the heat drop through the nozzle and hence decrease the velocity of steam at the exit. Since the friction loss in the convergent portion of the nozzle is usually ver small compared with that in the divergent portion, it is common to assume tt the total frictional loss occurs in the divergent portion of the nozzle. where Reheat Ory Reg" Total Heat Is, kk ‘Scanned with CamScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 101 The expansion of steam through the nozzle is shown on the Mollier diagram, Fig. 4.2. both in the dry region as well as the wet region. Points A, T and B correspond to inlet, throat and exit of the nozzle. AB represents the adiabatic expansion of steam through the nozzle, the line AB giving the heat drop in the nozzle. Due to friction in the nozzle, the actual heat drop will not be equal to AB but will be equal to AC, the energy lost in friction being transformed into heat which tends to dry or superheat the steam. But the expansion must end on the same pressure line as B, line CD is drawn horizontally to meet this pressure line at D. Since the frictional loss is assumed to occur in the divergent portion of the nozzle, the actual expansion of steam through this portion will be along line TD and not along line TB. The ratio of actual heat drop and adiabatic heat drop is called the ‘nozzle efficiency’ that is _ AC __Actualheat drop __ Is, -Isy “AB Adiabaticheat drop Is, Is,a Considering the effect of friction, equation (4.2) gets modified to Vy = 44.7 Jn, = 150) m/s The nozzle efficiency may be as high as 99% in well rounded and smooth convergent nozzles. It may be as low as 90% in convergent divergent nozzles. Another quantity called the ‘nozzle velocity co-efficient’ is defined as Tn Actual velocity at the given nozzle section Ideal velocity at the same section 44.7 fri (Is, — 150) ~ 447 Js; — 15,0) wn ace If the velocity of steam at nozzle inlet, V, (called velocity of approach) is not small, then equation (4.2) becomes, V, = 44.7 [(Is, - Isa) + (V2/2 x 10°)]* 4.1.3. Mass Flow Rate of Steam Through the Nozzle ‘The adiabatic flow of steam through the nozzle, may be approximately represented by the equation: po” = constant where p and v are pressure and volume of steam at any section, and n = 1.30 for superheated steam 035 + 0.1q, for wet steam (q = dryness fraction) If steam is saturated, that is q=1, then n = 1,135 The heat drop can be calculated as Pp Is, - Is = fodp = en p02), in N-m units p n n P2V2 = (pp, -py,) = 2] 1-22]. Say iPad a be] Pit ¢ 5) v2 ‘Scanned wih ComScanner 102 // Power Plant Engineerin, Now [B)" ee 1 (2) m/s hy If A is the area of cross-section of nozzle, at the section considered, in 2 is the volume of 1 kg of steam at absolute pressure p, and m is the mag’ steam flowing through nozzle per second, then, ui _ Volume offlow persec A,V, or "* Volume of {kg ofsteam = 2 a1 Now aea(2] : Py 1 =I m= (2) I Yan (2)* ap, n-1 Pr 7 2 mt o = 2h) Pe frye | r aaa (4 Pla) Cpe). KB/sec (47 4.1.4. Critical Pressure Ratio It is clear from equation (4.7) that for given inlet steam flow rate will first increase as the Pressure ratio (p,, /P,) falls b it drops again, Fig. 43. It is also clear, that ‘m‘ will be zero (that is no mass flow) if the pressure, p,, at the exit of the nozzle becomes zero. However, it has been seen 4 experimentally that the discharge through the nozzle increases (along the curve (a~ bc) as the pressure ratio (p,/ P;) decreases below 1 until it becomes maximum at point ‘C’. The pressure corresponding to point ‘C’ is called critical pressure and the pressure ratio. ° ———— > P2/P, at point ‘C’ thatis, (p,/p,) is called Fie 4.3, Massflow variation ith presey the critical pressure ratio, ure, condition, the mass | elow unity and then ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines / / 103 roe Ao . ion of ; ha tion of To find the value of ‘r’, it is clear from equation (4.7), that m is a func! eye" i is itic re ratio, There in only one value of ratio (p2/p), that is, the critical pressui ti which will produce maximum discharge for the nozzle. To find it, the iene for m should be differentiated with respect to (p,/p,) and the result set equal to zero. From there it is seen that, ree (Ar (4.8) Py nt For superheated steam, 1 = 1.30, therefore r = 0.546 For saturated team, n = 1.135, therefore, r = 0.577 If the back pressure (exit pressure no further increase in the wei maximum value (line c - d), ) is less tnan the critical pressure, there is ight discharge, which remains constant at the 4.15. Area Change in Flow Through Nozzles ‘The flow of steam through a nozzle may be treated as one-dimensional, The ‘mass continuity equation for one dimensional flow is, m= p AV, where p is the density of the fluid, from here, de aA dv ep Aty =a (4.9) For steady flow through nozzle, we know that, v2 Is +> = constant * d1, =~ Vvav Also dl, = vdp dp =—p VdV or dv = -£ (4.10) From equation (4.9 and 4.10), we get, 2" = =/2)[2)ve-1 A (3 ép. P, where ‘a’ is the velocity of sound in the fluid. dA ‘e)( 1 ) . > =| Ila -1 Where M is the mach. number = V/a. Now, the various types of flow through the nozzle (subsonic, sonic and ‘Scanned wih CemScanner 104 // Power Plant Engineering supersonic can be studied with the help of equations (4.10 and 4.11), noting thy for a compressible fluid, 4 is always positive, (a) Subsonic flow : In sub-sonic flow, the velocity of fluid is less than velocity of sound, that is, M is < 1. From equation (4.10), it is clear that for dy to be positive, dp has to be negative. It means that for velocity to increase, , dropping pressure is necessary. Also, from equation (4.11), it can be noted that with M <1, & is positive. Hence, a pressure drop will occur only in a section of decreasing area. jf means that for sub-sonic flow, the nozzle is only a converging one. dA (0) Sonic Flow: Here, M = 1, equation (4.11) gives “75 = 0. It means that sonic flow will occur at a section of the nozzle where the area is either a maximum or a minimum. It has been seen above that the sub-sonic flow accelerates ina converging nozzle. Hence, sonic flow can occur only at a section of minimum area and never at a section of maximum area. In a converging nozzle, throat is the section of minimum area, therefore, sonic flow can occur at throat. Now, the velocity of flow at the section where the pressure is critical can be found by substituting, the value of critical pressure ratio (Equation 4.8) in equation (46) then, V, = [2 pyoyn/(n + 1))* Now po" = constant a ed ee (4.12) Where p, and v are the pressure and volume at the throat of nozzle Ps 2 ey A ae so, Pr (al From (4.12), n+l Which is the velocity of sound in the fluid at - jon | ‘ [ the sectior ideratit It is thus clear that at the section of the nozzle where the presnes ential te | velocity of flow will be sonic. Thus the critical thon pressure, p,, and som velocity occur when the mass flow rate through the nozele ewan ‘Scanned with CemScanner see Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 105 (c) Supersonic Flow: Here, M > 1. Again from equation (4.10), accelerating flow can occur only if ‘dp’ is negative, that is, a decrease in pressure occurs. However, from equation (4.11), with M > 1,24 is negative. Thus for suppersonic flow, the area should increase for the flow to accelerate. Thus for supersonic flow to be attained, the nozzle has to be convergent divergent, with flow accelerating from sub-sonic (nozzle inlet) to sonic (nozzle throat) and then from sonic to supersonic in the divergent portion of the nozzle. If the exit pressure for a nozzle is higher than or equal to critical pressure, the nozzle need be only a convergent one. However, if the exit pressure p,, is less than the critical pressure, p,, the nozzle will be convergent divergent. Since the mass flow rate through the nozzle remains constant, PAV; =0)- A, Vi=9,- A, V, (4.13) Vi ANY _AY. GPs” Hy Ae Pe where ‘q’ is the dryness fraction and ‘y, is the specific volume of steam at the section considered. or (4.14) Example 4.1. Find the velocity of steam issuing from a nozzle in which the steam has been expanded from an initial condition of 10.3 bar abs., dry, to a pressure of 0.686 bar. (1) Neglecting friction (2) considering frictional loss as 10 per cent of the heat drop. Solution: From Mollier diagram, the heat drop is Ty = Tygq = 456 KI/kg, ) V = 44.7 ((Ty—Ta, m/s = 44,7 x 21.35 = 945.53 m/s 10% Nn V = 447 Jina Tan) = 44.7 0.90 456 = 44.7 x 20.26 = 905.85 m/s Example 4.2, Steam at a pressure of 6.85 bar and 0.9 dry expands through a nozzle having a throat area of 4.65 cm?, The back pressure is 1.03 bar, Determine: (1) the mass of steam flowing per min (2) the diameter of the mouth of nozzle for maximum discharge (3) the final velocity of the steam. Solution: Since the steam is saturated, the critical pressure at the throat of nozzle, for maximum discharge, will be 577 x Py .577 x 6.85 = 3.95 bar Now from Mollier diagram, the heat drop from the inlet of nozzle to the nozzle throat is 2.95 kJ and dryness fraction 872 “ velocity of steam at throat, V, = 44.792.95 = 431 m/s ‘Scanned wih CemScanner ™A t is 106 // Power Plant Engineering Fi a Trom steam tables, the specific volume of steam at nozzle thro Yq = 0.463 m3/kg () ms? 4.65 x 431 © 0,872 0.463% 108 (2) Again from Mollier diagram, the heat dro the nozzle is m = 0.496 kg/s p from the inlet to the mouth of Tey — logy = 297 KJ and qy = 0.83, From steam tables, the specific volume of steam is Ug = 1.64 m?/kg Velocity of steam at the nozzle mouth is = 44.7297 = 771 m/s AxYs ae m= gta Ae 0.496 x 0.83 1.64 = 8.757 cm? 7 ™ ~. Diameter of nozzle mouth = = 3.34 cm 4.2, STEAM TURBINES The steam turbine is a prime mover that converts the stored mechanical energy in steam into rotational mechanical energy. The thermal energy of steam delivered to the turbine is converted into the kinetic energy of the steam flow (as steam is allowed to expand in stationary nozzles or blades). The jets of high-velocity steam are then directed on to a ring of blades which are free to revolve. These moving blades are fixed to the rim of a revolving wheel or rotor. In a modern steam turbine, there are several wheels of moving blades which are keyed to the same shaft. Between each row of moving blades, there is a ring of fixed blades. These stationary blades are fixed to the turbine casing and they face in the opposite direction to the moving blades. The function of fixed blades is only to receive the steam jet coming out of the moving blade ring and to divert it on to the next ring of moving blades by changing its direction, Fig. 4.4. A turbine pair consists of ring of fixed blades and a ring of moving blades. The blades are so designed that the steam glides over the blade surface without striking it. As the steam flows over the curved surface of the blade, Fig. 4.5. It exerts a pressure on the blade along its whole length owing to its centrifugal force, The motive force on the ae Will be the resultant of the centrifugal pressures on the blade length plus © effect of change of velocity of steam as it flows over the blade. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 107 3 oy SG i) rss SEE t Fig. 4.4. Arrangement of blades. SEN Moving pm Blade Resultant Force oot SS Fig. 4.5. Flow of steam over moving blade. 42.1. Types of Turbines There are different ways of classifying steam turbines, but basically there are two types of turbines: (A) Impulse Turbines: Here, the steam is expanded in stationary turbine nozzle, where it attains a high velocity. This high velocity jet then flows over owing blades without further expansion, that is, its pressure remains constant, Fig. 4.6(a). (B) Reaction Turbine: In this type, the steam is expanded in both fixed blades (nozzles) and moving blades Fig. 4.6(b). The relative amount of expansion varies with the particular design. Depending upon the direction of flow of steam relative to the axis of turbine ft, the steam turbine can be classified as: {) Axial Flow Turbine: In this type, the steam flows over the blades in a rection parallel to the axis of the turbine shaft. shat dis ‘Scanned wih CemScanner 4 the blades are arranged radially ang f the wheel and flows towards the 108 // Power Plant Engineering (2) Radial Flow Turbine: In this type, | steam enters at the blade tip nearest the axis o| circumference. Majority of the steam turbines are ‘axial flow’ type. The other ways to classify steam turbines are given below: (a) Central-Station Turbines: These turbines are used to drive electrica) generators at synchronous speed (usually 3000 rev/min) and have capacities ranging from 16 to 1500 MW. (b) Condensing or Non-condensing Turbines: Steam turbines are classified as condensing or non-condensing depending upon whether the back pressure is below or above atmospheric pressure. () Reheat Turbines: The reheat turbine returns its steam after partial expansion to the boiler for resuper-heating and then expands it to back pressure. | (@) Superposed or Topping Turbines: These are high pressure non-condensing | turbines installed in existing low pressure steam plants. They exhaust into the existing low pressure turbines, thus, increasing plant capacity and overall thermal efficiency. (©) Bleeder or Extraction Turbines: In these turbines, part of the steam leaves the turbine casing before the exhaust, for feed water heating. (f) Extraction-Induction Turbines: These turbines have provisions for both removing and introducing steam into the turbine at intermediate poin's ~ Stream In Buckets Fixed Moving Steam Pressure | Steam Speed (a) impulse Stage | (©) Reaction Stage Fig. 4.6. Types of turbines, ‘Scanned with CamScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 109 Advantages of Steam Turbines Ove: 1. If properly designed prime movers. . Steam consumption does not incre . Very high speeds and a wide ran . Theoretically, a perfect balance is Possible with steam turbines. . The thermal energy in steam can be converted into useful work upto the almost lowest limit imposed by nature, that is, the cooling water temperature and its corresponding vapour pressure. 6. Steam turbines possess enormous amount of powers per unit weight. Inasingle stage turbine (one ring of stationary nozzle and one ring of rotating blades), the steam is expanded in a Single ring of nozzles from the boiler pressure down to the exhaust pressure, resulting ina extremely high velocity, of the order of 30.000 rev/min. With Such a turbine, the blade tip stresses and the disc friction losses will be very high, resulting in low efficiencies. In thermal power stations where the generators usually run at 3000 or 3600 rev/min, single stage turbine is undesirable. To get reasonable blade tip speeds in turbines, the method known as “Compounding” is employed. In this method, a number of rotors in series, keyed on the same shaft, are used and the steam pressure or the jet velocity is absorbed in steps as it flows over the moving blades. There are two types of compounding-velocity compounding and pressure compounding. (1) Velocity Compounding: In this method the steam is expanded from boiler pressure to condenser pressure in one set of stationary blades or nozzles. However, the total flow energy is absorbed not in one but in a number of rows of moving blades (2, 3 or even 4), with a row of fixed guide blades between every them, Fig. 4.7. Since the Pressure remains constant as the steam {| blades, hence, the turbine is an im| known as ‘Curtis stage’. (2) Pressure Compounding: This type is equivalent to number of simple impulse stages in series. The pressure drop occurring in each stage is only a Portion of the total pressure drop Fig. 4.8. This method of compounding is knows as ‘Rateau turbines’. r Steam Engine: and constructed, steam turbines are the most durable ase with years of service. ie of speeds are possible, sawn pair of lows over the pulse turbine. Such an impulse turbine is ‘Scanned wih CemScanner 110 // Power Plant Engineering Blades ‘Wheel (Rotor) Guide Blades Woving Blades Moving Blades ‘Guide Blades Lost Velocity Steam Pressure Initial Condenser Steam Velocity Pressure Fig. 4.7. Velocity compounding (3) Combined Velocity-Pressure Compounding: This method employs bolt types of compounding discussed above. The overall Pressure drop of steam * divided into stages and the velocity attained in each stage is also compounde*” Fig. 4.9. In this types of turbine, a bigger pressure drop is allowed in each sta8® resulting in lesser number of stages, which gives a shorter turbine for a giv" Pressure drop. Since the pressure during each stage remains constant, this '/P* of turbine is an impulse. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Moving Blades, Steam Inlet Pressure Initial Steam Velocity Condenser Pressure Fig. 4.8. Pressure compounding. 4.2.2. Workdone in Impulse Turbine The flow of steam over the surface of moving and fixed blades of the stage of an impulse turbine is shown in Fig. 4.10. Fig. 4.11 gives the velocity diagrams for the moving blade at the entrance and exit ends of the blade. The nomenclature in these is given below: V, = linear velocity of moving blade in m/s. a =nozzle angle or exit angle of fixed blade. This is the angle which the steam jet makes with tangent of wheel at entrance of moving blade. © = entrance angle of moving blade. B = entrance angle of fixed blade. This is the angle which the leaving steam jet makes with tangent of wheel at exit of moving blade, ‘Scanned wth Cams 112 // Power Plant Engineering Steam in Nozzles ‘Casing -[ Exhaust Rotor Labyrinth Shaft Li, seal + ae Labyrinth seal iS S E ‘Nozzle all | ell lle Control 8] olla sil girs Valves al Biel [Bl lal ol ale eisigis| | RISISIE Elsie} [EIFISIE fa i wily i Steam ti Chest h k Pressure |, y WA \| Condenser. Ly Pressure =e ffi waa ES vas ' Steam Velocity Velocity Fig. 4.9. Velocity-pressure compounding. = exit angle of moving blade. bsolute velocity of steam entering moving blade, m/s. ibsolute velocity of steam leaving moving blade, m/s. V,, = tangential component of V,, known as veloci is rane? ee eee 1 's velocity of whirl m/s, at entr Vig = tangential compx blade. Vj, = axial comy i ‘ in 1 = Beal Component of V, that is, velocity of flow at entrance of movi"s onent of V,, known as velocity of whirl at exit of movi$ Vy, axial com; i ‘i vi axial component of V,, that is, velocity of flow at exit of movi" ‘Scanned wih CemScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines / / 113 Fig. 4.10. Steam flow over blades. Fig. 4.11. Velocity diagram. For convenience in solving problems, the velocity diagrams of Fig. 4.11 are drawn combinedly as shown in Fig. 4.12. In impulse turbines, since, there is no fall in steam pressure as the steam flows over the blade and also if friction is neglected, Fig. 4.12. Combined velocity diagram If friction is taken into account (which is usually 10 to 15% loss in the relative Velocity), then Vig =k + V x(k = 0.85 to 0.90) called the blade velocity co-efficient. The workdone by steam on the blade is due to tangential component of ‘elocity of steam jet. The axial component causes an axial thrust on the rotor. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 114 // Power Plant Engineering Now, tangential force of wheel / mass of steam x acceleration mass of steam/sec x change of velocity of steam in direction in motion 1 F = m(V, ~ Vg) newtons o ~-(4.16) It should be noted that Vjo is negative since the steam is discharged in the opposite direction to the blade motion. Thus values of V,, and Vio are actually added together in equation (4.16). Now, workdone on blade per sec is WD. = F x distance moved per sec m (Vp, — Vig) x Vyy Nmv/s (4.17) +. Power per blade ring =m (Vy ~ Vig) Vp, watts (4.18) Now blade or diagram efficiency _ W.D. on blade ~ Energy supplied to blade 2 = V5 Vin ~ Vig) x Ga h = 2%(Vn ~Vio) ra (4.19) In terms of heat drop, if (I,, — Ij) is the heat drop in the nozzle ring of an impulse wheel, then, Total energy supplied per stage = (Igy ~ Ig) per kg of steam W.D. on blade “ Stage efficiency n, = 7 eT energy supplied por stage or n, = Yon —Yio) . (I~ 12) Note: The stage efficiency is the same as the blade efficiency except for losses in the nozzles. =~ Axial force on wheel = m(V,; ~ Vag) newtons (421) Note: In the above analysis, it has been assumed that the kinetic energy of the steam leaving the blade is wasted. ‘The De Laval Turbine: This was the first turbine to be made. It consists of a single impulse wheel on which the steam jets impinge from several nozzles arranged around the circumference. The special features of the De Laval turbine are: (4.20) a = 20° and 6 = > Also, since it is impulse turbine, / Vz = Vig (neglecting friction) The velocity diagram for this turbine is shown in Fig, 4.13. ‘Scanned wih CemScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 115 Fig, 4.13. Velocity diagram for De laval turbine. Now W.D. per kg of steam = energy supplied - energy rejected Ww = op Nak | The WD. will be maximum, that is, efficiency will be maximum, when Vo is | minimum, that is B = 90° ' ow _,("%y) Energy supplied ~V~ 1-(# 2 Now Vp =V, sina Meee = sin? a = cos? & sne(4.22) and with a = 20° 883 tn Fig. 413, since "0 = 6, -. A ABC = A EBD AB = BE Then V, = 3% etioed ww(4.23) Now, the loss of energy per kg of steam due to friction in buckets is a Mave. Sui0- +. With friction, oer Va U-#)-Vo _ 201+k) (Vi Vp cosa — Ve) ve yw Ne 1 low Vy = pVicosa Tax = tik ost a =sf(A.24) ‘Scanned with CamScanner 116 // Power Plant Engineering ‘The ratio (V/V) is called the velocity ratio (V.R.). Therefore, for maximum efficiency, VR. = Foote (4.25) 4.233. Efficiency of a Velocity Compounded Turbine Fig. 4.14 shows the velocity diagrams for the stage of a velocity compounded impulse turbine, which consists of a ring of nozzles, followed by rings of moving blades, fixed blades and moving blades. The velocity diagram is drawn on the same base. While drawing the velocity diagram, it has been assumed that the moving blade angles 6 and @ are the same for both blade rings and the frictional loss in steam velocity occurs when the steam passes over a blade. Now, total work done per stage per kg of steam = workdone by first ring + workdone by second ring = V4 2 (Vy ~ Vig) Power per stage = m V, = (Vjq ~ Vj), watts (4.26) Fig. 4.14. Velocity diagram for velocit ; locity compound it i Blade or diagram efficiency rene ~ Workdone 20204 Va) vu "i (4.27) ve fi 2 Stage efficiency = Ye®Wa-Voo) . (ala) a fotal axial thrust = . 4.24, ‘ . m Z(V,1 ~ Vig) ae .2.4, Reaction Turbine In reaction turbi moving blades, ere rent so expands as it lows over the sig of ine relative velocity of steam does not remain constant as ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 117 it flows over the moving blades. On the contrary, there is an increase in relative velocity, that is Vig is greater than V,,. In reaction tribune, there are no actual nozzles. Fixed blades take the place of nozzles. Then reaction turbine begins with a ring of fixed blades (in place of nozzles). Then each ring of moving blades is separated by a ring of fixed blades. The fixed blades change the direction of steam and also increase the velocity of steam as it expands over these blades. In Parson’s reaction turbine, the fixed and moving blades are made identical that is a= and O=8 The degree of reaction turbine is defined as Degree of reaction . Heat drop in moving blade Heat drop in moving blade + Heat drop in fixed blade In Parson’s reaction turbine, since, the fixed and moving blades are made identical, Heat drop in moving blade = Heat drop in fixed blade :. For Parson's reaction turbine, 1 Degree of reaction = 5 Thus Parson's turbine is known as half degree reaction machine or turbine having a 50% reaction. ‘The velocity diagram, Fig. 4.15 is drawn on the same lines as for impulse turbine. After drawing the velocity diagram, the various items are calculated by the usual formulas. Veo Va My af} " ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 128 //-Power Plant Engineering 3) Energy lost in blades 2 ya va Vio. 2 (5502 - 3962) 22 Ta = 72840 Nm/kg = 72.84 K/kg fixed and moving blades are identical. and of the discharging tips 20°. Blade s and the heat drop per pair of Example 4.5. In a reaction turbine, the The angle of the receiving tips are 35° speed is 37.5 mls, steam consumption is 1 kg/' blades is 5.45 kJ/kg. Determine: (1) Power developed per pair of blades. (2) Efficiency of the turbine. Solution: The given data is = 20°, 0 35° V, =375 m/s, m = 1 kg/s With this information, the velocity diagram (which will be similar to Fig. 4.15) is drawn. From the velocity diagram, (Vy, - Vig) = 115 m/s +. Workdone per kg of steam = Vs Vn - Vio) 375 x 115 = 4312.5 J 4.3125 kJ/kg. @ m x work done per kg of steam 1 x 4315 KJ/s = 1x 4.3125 kW a __ Workdone per kg of steam Heat drop/kg 3125 5.45 ne = 79.135% Example 4.6. In a reaction turbine, the drum di: turbine is 750 rev/min and the steam flow is 14, 2 kylice of blades, the blade height is 15.875 cm and the di the pressure of steam is 0.04 N/mm? abs ai Determine: (1) Power developed by the particular ring (2) Heat drop through this turbine pair, secur: none mine Pait, assuming turbine efficiency of Solution: The given data is 7 d =215 m, a= = 25° adn _ *x215%759 is 2.15 m, speed of sec. At a particular ring the enmBe angle is 25°. Here, its dryness fraction is 0.97. 5 @ 6 = 84.43 m/s Now ie n(d+h)hVa 9% ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 129 h = 0.15875 m 4 =097 », m?/kg (From steam tables at pressure of 0.04 N/mm? abs.) 14.2 = 1(2.15+0.15875) x 0.15875 xv, 097%4 N V, = 47.85 m/s (Vj, = Vig = “ a = 47. Now wheel velocity at mean blade height,” 85 m/s) v, = Basin 0 y, = 230875750 5 = Fp = 90.66 m/s With the above data, the sty dit _, is drawn, From here, e velocity diagram (which will be similar to Fig. 4.15) (Vi, — Vig) = 110 m/s a Power =m x V, (V,, ~- Vig) watts 14.2 x 90.66 x 110 = 141.6 kW (2) Now, n= MeV) heat drop 90.66 x 110 Heat drop = [= leat drop = Fa a9 = 1247 Example 4.7. A reaction turbine with identical blades has three fixed and three moving rings all of the same height. The mean blade velocity of the moving rings is 66 nvs. For the mean moving ring, the inlet absolute and relative velocities are 82.5 m/s and 30.6 mvs, respectively and the specific volume is 0.156 m3/kg. For a steam flow of 2.5 kg per sec, determine: (1) the required area of blade annulus. (2) the power developed. (3) the total heat drop if the efficiency of steam expansion is 80%. Solution: Refer to Fig. 4.15 V, = 66 m/s, V, = 825 m/s V, = 30.6 m/s With this information, the inlet velocity triangle ABD can be drawn. Then es the blades are identical, the inlet and outlet velocity triangles will be similar, us, Thus the complete Velocity triangles can be drawn. From here, 1 = Vyg = 28 m/s, (Vj, - Vig) = 89 m/s m = Atea of blade annulus x velocity of flow Specific volume of steam Now ‘Scanned wih ComScanner 4130 // Power Plant Engineering lus (1) Area of blade annul 2:5%0.156 _ 439.285 cm? B Q) Power =3 x mx ViVi ~ Vio) = 3s25x66289 aa x ~ 1000 3) Heat drop in fixed blades 2 Heat drop in moving blades _Va-Ve 2x 1000 Since blades are identical, the two heat drops will be equal. Kj/kg We-Ve 1 2x1000 «. Heat drop per pair = 2x 82.57 -30.67 heat dh = 3x2 Total heat drop aon Example 4.8. A reaction turbine used 9000 kg of steam per hour. At one poitl | in the turbine, the blades are 20 mm high and the discharge angle of both fixed | and moving blade is 20°. The steam leaves the fixed blade at a pressure of 032 | N/mm? with a dryness fraction of 0.95, and a velocity of 120 m/s, Assume the ratio of axial velocity of flow to blade velocity as 0.70 at entry to and 0.76# exit from the moving blades. Assuming a tip leakage of 6% of the total stea™ determine: (2) Speed of the turbine in rev/min, (2) Power developed. Solution: Here, the inlet and outlet velo is © # B (Fig. 4.15) Given: city triangles are not symmetry cal: thé! Yoo 10 = 5255s = 130.26 m/s From velocity triangle (Vi, - Vig) = 1766 m/s Now from steam tables specific volume of dry steam = 05724 m3/kg ‘Scanned wih CemScanner Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines // 131 9000 Now m = DE x094 = 2.35 kg/s = Area x velocity of flow 4X, 2.35 x0.95 x 0.5724 44.55 Note: When a blade height is mentioned, it is customarily quoted with reference to the conditions at the exit from the blade. That is why, above velocity of flow equal to V,9 has been used, Area = 2. Area 86.84 cm? x(d + h)k = 286.84, h = 2m .. Mean diameter = 2s = 45.65 cm ax x mean diameter x n ae = ne aoe = 2453 rev./min. @ Power veka Sul Power = Benes = 24.33 kW Example 4.9. Steam enters the turbine at 300 nv/s when the nozzle angle is 20°. The diameter of turbine is 100 cm and it rotates at 3000 rev/min. The blades are equiangular. If the friction loss is 35% of kinetic energy corresponding to relative velocity at inlet, find the power developed by the turbine. The axial thrust is 150 N. Solution: Refer Fig. 4.12. Given: V, = 300 m/s, a = 20° 21003000 1, Y4= ~Joo0x60 = 157 avs So complete triangle ABD, measure V,, and 0 V,, = 161.64 m/s, @ = 39.4° Now friction loss = 0.35% a = Vi _ 935 Ya 2 . From here, Vig = 130.3 m/s ‘Scanned with CamScanner __ 132 // Power Plant Engineering _— Now <0 = 394° So complete triangle ABC. Now axial thrust = m(V,, ~ Vig) , ill be Measure V,, and V,o from the velocity diagram and find m. It will = 7.4 kg/s :. Power = m(Vy, ~ Vig) Vp watts = 262 KW impulse turbine with a So an of the wheel. The blade ‘equal to the blade the blades, calculate the blade Example 4.10 Steam enters the moving blade velocity of 500 mV/s at inclination of 20° to the plane of th velocity is 150 m/s, Assuming that blade angle at outlet is angle at inlet and frictionless flow of steam over efficiency. Refer Fig. 4.12 V, = 500 m/s, a = 20° V, = 150 m/s 0=4,Vn= Va Complete velocity triangle ABD. Measure V,, and 0 Make $ =Oand Vo = Vy ‘Then complete velocity triangle ABC. Measure V,, and Vig Calculate blade efficiency by equation (4.5), hy a = 76.76% fi Example 4.11. The mean diameter of the blades of an impulse turbine with a single row wheel is 105 cm and the speed is 3000 rev/min. The nozzle angle is 18°. The ratio of the blade speed to steam speed at entry to blade is 0.42. The blade velocity co-efficient is 0.84, due to friction. Outlet angle of the moving blade is 3° less than the inlet angle. Find: (a) Power developed. (b) Blade efficiency, (0) Axial thrust. Solution: Refer Fig. 4.12 x 1« 105 x 3000 *j00%60 i006 ‘15 m/s Now V/V, = 042 “ Vy = V4/0.42 « 3927 m/s a = 18° Complete triangle ABD. Measure V,, and 0, Vy = 244.26 m/s, 0» 314° $5 0-3" = 284° also, Vig © 0.84 % Vj, = 205.17 m/s . Complete triangle ABC. Measure V,, Vy Vj, and Vip ‘Scanned wih CamScanner ‘ci = %Vy-v, () Blade efficiency = “ted cen Ya-V, (o Axial thrust “0 59.10 N/ig EXERCISES = une 1, What is the function of a nozzle in stea +2, Discuss the two types of nozzles, rive an equation for the veloci issui S aering friction and with conailenn a 4, Derive an expression for the mass flow 5, Define critical pressure ratio, 6. With the help of a neat dia; nozzle with pressure. im turbines 7 ng from a nozzle, without rate through a nozzle, gram explain the variation of mass flow through the 7. Show that for maximum discharge to take place through a nozzle that ratio of throat pressure to supply pressure, is = (3). Where 1 is the expansion n4+1)n-1 index. 8 Discuss the various types of turbines, 9, Enumerate the advantages of steam turbine over a steam engine, 10, Discuss the various methods of reducing the speed ofthe turbine shaft, U1, Derive expressions for workdone by steam on blades ofthe turbine 12. What is the difference between blade effi Derive expressions for the two. 13. Define “velocity ratio”. What is the value of velocity ratio for maximum efficiency? 14. Define degree of reaction in the case of reaction turbines, 15. Discuss the various losses, occurring in a steam turbine. ciency and stage efficiency of a turbine? 16. With the help of neat diagrams, explain the various methods of turbine governing. 1. Dry steam at 1.03 N/mm? abs is expanded in a nozzle to pressure of 0.103 N/mm?, Find the issuing velocity of steam (882 m/s). 18. Anozzle is supplied with steam at 0.687 N/mm? which is superheated to 200°C. The nozzle discharges into a vessel where the pressure is 0.137 N/mm?. The steam flow is 0.068 kg per sec. Assuming a friction loss of 10% in the nozzle, find the throat and exit diameters of the nozzles. (Ans. 9.25 mm, 11.94 mm). Steam ata pressure of 0.825 N/mm? abs with 22°C superheat is expanded through 4 Sct of convergent nozzles to 0.48 N/mm? Mass flow rate is 1.80 kg per sec. Assuming the nozzle efficiency of 96 per cent, calculate: (a) the exit velocity of steam (b) the total outlet area of the nozzles. (Ans . 450 m/s, 15.24 cm?) Steam at a velocity of 600 m/s and at the rate of 1.36 kg/s flows over the blades of an impulse turbine. The nozzle angle is 25° and the angles of the moving blade 30°, Neglecting friction, determine: 19, ‘Scanned wih ComScanner 134 // Power Plant Engineering 21. i 2 angle at entrance, the power, the diagram efficiency and Blade speed, fixed blade angle w power the diagram efficiency an the axial thrust on turbine. Steam with a velocity of 600 m/s enters an impulse rotor at an angle of 25: AE i exit angle of the blade is 20°, determine: © blade speed is 240 m/s, and the exi : a exit velocity of steam, workdone per kg, of steam and the diagram nificeney. Relative velocity at exit is 0.9 of the relative velocity at entrance. Rye ate (Ans, 39.72, 184.m/s, 155 kNm, 84.8%), . Ina reaction turbine, the fixed and moving blades are identical in shape‘but reversed in direction. The receiving angle is 35° and the discharge angle 20°. The mean diameter of the blade ring for a pair of fixed and moving rings is 77.5 cm and the speed is 1500 rev/min. If the steam consumption is 1.36 kg/s, find the power developed per pair of ring, if the efficiency of the pair is 80%, determine (Ans. 16.2. kW, 15.07 kJ) In a reaction turbine, the blade tips are inclined at 35° and 20° to the direction of motion. The blades are identical. At a certain place in the turbine, the drum diameter is 1.05 m and the’ blades are 10 cm high. At this place, the steam has a pressure of 0.17 Nmm? and dryness of 0.935. If the speed of the turbine is 250 the heat drop. rev/min and the steam passes through the bl. developed in the ring of moving blades. jades without shock, find the power (Ans. 3.163 kW per kg of steam) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 000

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