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Topic 1: Talking about yourself

1. How often do you meet a friend for coffee?

I often meet friends for coffee anywhere from once a week to once a month, depending on their schedules and

2. What do you think your home says about you?

I think my home reflects my personality, interests and values. It’s a blend of comfort, creativity and
organization, showcasing what matters to me in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

3. Do you think you are an extrovert or an introvert?

I consider myself to be more of an extrovert. Because I am someone who brings positive energy to myself and
those around me, I find it easy to communicate and can expand relationships wherever I go.

4. Are you patient when you need to wait or deal with a difficult?
Yes, I am generally patient when I need to wait or deal with difficult situations. When facing difficulties, I tend
to assess the situation calmly, seek possible solutions, and if needed, seek advice or assistance from others. I
also try to maintain a positive mindset and remind myself that challenges are opportunities for growth and

Topic 2: Memory
1. What do you eat and drink to improve your memory?
To improve my memory, I focus on consuming foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins B,
C, D, and E. Some examples include blueberries, fatty fish like salmon, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and green tea.
Additionally, staying hydrated with water is essential for optimal brain function.

2. What sports do you remember doing as a child?

As a child, I remember participating in various sports such as soccer, basketball, swimming, and track.

3. What kinds of toy do you remember doing as a child?

As a child, I remember playing with action figures, dolls, building blocks, puzzles, board games, and toy cars.

4. What techniques do you use to remember new words in English?

To remember new words in English, I use several techniques such as creating flashcards, associating words with
images or situations, using mnemonic devices, practicing through repetition and usage in sentences, and
engaging in conversations or activities where I can apply the new vocabulary.

Topic 3: Food
1. What is your favorite kind of street food? Why?
My favorite kind of street food is banh mi, a Vietnamese sandwich. I love banh mi because of its delicious
combination of flavors and textures, including crispy bread, savory meats or tofu, tangy pickled vegetables,
fresh herbs, and flavorful sauces. It's portable, affordable, and offers a delightful culinary experience with each
2. What food do you never get bored of eating?
I never get bored of eating sushi. The variety of flavors, textures, and combinations always keep it exciting and
delicious for me.
3. What is your favorite type of restaurant?
My favorite type of restaurant is a cozy café with a relaxed atmosphere, where I can enjoy a good book or have
deep conversations with friends over a cup of coffee or tea
4. When choosing a restaurant to eat at, what things are important types of food, the prices, the
When choosing a restaurant to dine at, the most important aspect is the quality of the food and service.
Delicious food and excellent service will make diners enjoy their meal and feel comfortable.

Topic 4: Goals and ambition

1. Do you have a/an ( burning ) ambition? What is your ( burning ) ambition?
Yes. I want to become a useful person for society. By doing so, you can contribute to making the world a better
place and bring benefits to the community around you. When you dare to live fully with your dreams, success
will never turn its back on you. Have faith in your dreams, and the results will come closer to you every day.

2. What steps do you plan towards achieving your ambition?

I continuously strive to expand my knowledge base, enhance my capabilities, and refine my skills.

3. Do you set goals for the future or do you live in the moment?
I strive to find a balance between setting goals for the future and living in the present moment.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making future plans?

The advantages of making future plans include having a clear direction, increased motivation, and the ability to
anticipate and prepare for obstacles. However, disadvantages may arise from the inflexibility of plans, potential
disappointment if goals are not achieved, and the possibility of missing out on unexpected opportunities that

Topic 5: Home and away

1. Where do you think of as home?
Home, to me, is where I feel comfortable, safe, and surrounded by the people and things that bring me joy and a
sense of belonging.

2. What makes a place feel like home to you?

For me, what makes a place feel like home is the sense of familiarity, warmth, and connection with the people
and surroundings.

3. Is there anywhere what you think of as a second home?

A second home could be a place where you feel extremely comfortable and connected, even if it's not your
primary residence. It could be a favorite vacation spot, a friend's house, or even a particular city or country that
holds special significance to you.

4. How often do you throw things out and find a place for new things?

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