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SECTION A: Attempt all question in section A /55 MARKS

SECTION B: Attempt all question in section B /30 MARKS

SECTION C: Choose one (1) question in section C /15 MARKS

SECTION A: Attempt all question in section A /55 MARKS

QUESTION 1: adobe Photoshop consist of different tool and each tool perform different task in image editing. Explain
what is healing tool? (5MARKS)

ANS: The spot healing brush is the default healing tool in Photoshop and can be used to clone areas from an image
and blend the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area. The basic principle is that the texture
from the sample area is blended with the color and luminosity surrounding wherever you paint.

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 2: Each image has Resolution and it is determined by number of pixels taken by that image. Give the
types of resolution of digital images (5MARKS)

 ANS: pixel resolution, the term resolution refers to the total number of count of pixels in an digital image.
For example
 Spatial resolution is a term that refers to the number of pixels utilized in construction of a digital image.
Images having higher spatial resolution are composed with a greater number of pixels than those of
lower spatial resolution.
 Spectral resolution describes the ability of a sensor to define fine wavelength intervals. The finer the spectral
resolution, the narrower the wavelength range for a particular channel or band.
 The
 radiometric resolution of image data in remote sensing stands for the ability of the sensor to distinguish
different grey-scale values. It is measured in bit.

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 3: in digital image editing, sometimes we need to remove unwanted part on image. As a good designer
write the steps to Crop an Image in Photoshop? (5MARKS)

The process to crop image (1MARK)

1. Select the any part of the image. (1MARK)
2. Select the shape of cropping tool from the menu(1MARK).
3. Hold shift key and drag to select the marquee to a square or a circle. (1MARK)
4. Hold a marquee from its canter, hold down Alt after dragging and select image on Crop menu item. (2MARK)
2nd way
 Open Photoshop

 Select crop tool

 Set the size of your image cropped

 Use handles around the image

 Press enter to allow crop

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 4: Define the term “Smart Object” In Adobe Photoshop? (5MARKS)

Layer is known as Smart Objects Layer, that contain image data from raster or vector images,
REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION5: What is the best resolution for printing digital images (5MARKS)
REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

Ans: Print: 300dpi is standard, sometimes 150 is acceptable but never lower, you may go higher for
some situations. (2.5MARKS

Web/Digital: DPI doesn’t equate to digital it’s a print measure. It was commonly believed for a long
that 72dpi was ideal for the web. (2.5MARKS

QUESTION6: Define color mode and list different color modes existing digital photography

Ans: color model?

A color model is simply a way to define color. A model describes how color will appear on the
computer screen or on paper.

The color mode or image mode determines how colors combine based on the number of channels in a
color model. (2.5MARKS)

1. RGB mode (millions of colors) . (0.5MARKS)

2. CMYK mode (four-printed colors). (0.5MARKS)
3. Index mode (256 colors). (0.5MARKS)
4. Gray scale mode (256 grays). (0.5MARKS)
5. Bitmap mode (2 colors). (0.5MARKS)
REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

QUESTION 7: Write the steps to change color mode in adobe Photoshop (5MARKS)

With Adobe Photoshop CS6

1. Next, select “Image”. (2MARKS)

2. Choose “Mode”. (1.5MARKS)
3. Find and click on “CMYK Color” (1.5MARKS)
REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image
REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 8: Deeply describe the difference between lossy and lossless compression

Ans: Lossy compression is the method which eliminates the data which is not noticeable. While Lossless
Compression does not eliminate the data which is not noticeable (2.5MARKS)
In Lossy compression, A file does not restore or rebuilt in its original form. While in Lossless Compression, A file can
be restored in its original form. (2.5MARKS)

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 9: Differentiate DPI and PPI in digital image editing (5MARKS)

ANS:DPI: Dots per inch. The number of dots in a printed inch. The more dot’s the higher the quality
of the print (more sharpness and detail). (2.5MARKS)

PPI: Pixels per inch. Most commonly used to describe the pixel density of a screen (computer
monitor, smartphone, etc…) but can also refer to the pixel density of a digital image. (2.5MARKS)

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 10: Give the advantages of the following adjustment in adobe Photoshop while editing
digital image: (5MARKS)

A. Curves
B. Levels
C. Exposure
D. Black and white
E. Brightness and contrast

Brightness/Contrast: applies the same adjustment to every pixel in the selection or image (i.e., if you increase the
brightness value by 30, 30 is added to the brightness value of every pixel). (1MARK)

· Levels: allows precise adjustments using three variables (highlights, shadows, and midtones). Use the black
(shadow), white (highlight), and gray (midtone) sliders to adjust the black point, white point, and overall brightness
respectively. (1MARK)

Curves: is similar to levels, but rather than changing sliders on a plane you can add points to a graph. (1MARK)

· Exposure: use multiple sliders to adjust the exposure, offset, and gamma of an image. (1MARK)

The Black & White Adjustment Layer allows you to easily make a color image appear grayscale and then apply other
effects from there. This feature works the same in all recent versions of Adobe Photoshop: CS5, CS6, and Creative
Cloud (CC). (1MARK)

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE : LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 11: Outline 5 mostly used compression techniques applied in image compression

Ans: Zip, (1MARK)



LZW (Lemple-ZifWelch), (1MARK)

RLE (Run Length Encoding) (1MARK)

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE : LU 4: Edit digital image

SECTION B: Attempt all question in section B /30 MARKS

QUESTION 12: After editing a photo the last step is to save it for future use. Explain how do you save a Photoshop
file so that you can edit it later? (10MARKS)

Ans: Choose File > Save or press Ctrl+S/Command-S. Or, choose File > Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S/Command-Shift-S)
to save a new copy of the file. In the Save dialog that appears, select a location on your hard disk (if you want to move
it to a new location) A. A Save the file so you can edit it later. 10MARKS)

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 13: How to whiten teeth in adobe Photoshop (10MARKS)

Ans: Teeth whitening

Step 1: Select the Lasso Tool (2MARKS)

Step 2: Draw a Selection around the Teeth

Step 3: Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer (2MARKS)
Step 4: Change the Edit Option to Yellows (2MARKS)
Step 5: Lower the Saturation of the Yellow (2MARKS)
Step 6: Change the Edit Mode Back To Master
Step 7: Drag The Lightness Slider To Brighten The Teeth (2MARKS).
REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image
REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

QUESTION 14: How to remove wrinkles on a skin (10MARKS)

Step 1: Add A New Blank Layer. (2MARKS)

Step 2: Select The Spot Healing Brush. (2MARKS)
Step 3: Select The "Sample All Layers" Option. (2MARKS)
Step 4: Select "Content-Aware"(2MARKS)
Step 5: Click On The Skin wrinkles To Heal Them(2MARKS)
How to Remove Skin Blemishes In Photoshop

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

SECTION C: Choose one (1) question in section C /15 MARKS

QUESTION 15: How one can be blemishes free on skin (15MARKS)

How to Remove Skin Blemishes In Photoshop

Step 1: Add A New Blank Layer. (3MARKS)

Step 2: Select The Spot Healing Brush. (3MARKS)
Step 3: Select The "Sample All Layers" Option. (3MARKS)
Step 4: Select "Content-Aware" (3MARKS)
Step 5: Click On The Skin Blemishes To Heal Them(3MARKS)

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image
QUESTION16: You are expert in digital images editing, how a fat image can be reshaped.

Step One

Open an image in Photoshop (File > Open). (1MARK)

Step Two

In the Layers panel, select the Background layer and choose Cmd/j (PC - Ctrl/j) to duplicate the layer. We will be
working on the duplicate layer so the original doesn't get ruined. (1MARK)

Step Three

With the top layer selected in the Layers panel, choose Filter >Liquify (Cmd/Shift/x (PC - Ctrl/Shift/x). The Liquify
dialog box opens(1MARK).

Step Four

You can use the Hand and Zoom tools to zoom and move around your image. The Photoshop Hand tool shortcut
(Spacebar) and Zoom tool shortcuts (Cmd/+ or Cmd/- (PC - Ctrl/+ or Ctrl/-)) also work. (1MARK)

Step Five

In the upper right corner you can set the Brush Size and Brush Pressure. The Brush Pressure setting controls the
brush sensitivity. The standard Adjust Brush Size shortcut also works ([ or ]). (1MARK)

Step Six

Set your Brush Size and choose a low Brush Pressure, then click the Forward Warp tool (w key). (1MARK)

Step Seven

As you click and drag in the workspace the image distorts based on the brush strokes. (1MARK)

Step Eight

To shrink an area, choose the Pucker tool (s key) and paint your image. (1MARK)

Step Nine

To enlarge an area, choose the Bloat tool (b key) and paint your image. (1MARK)

Step Ten

An easy way to reverse selective changes is paint with the Reconstruct tool (r key) (1MARK).

Step Eleven

The Push Left tool (o key) pushes the pixels left or right depending on whether you are moving the brush up or down.

Step Twelve

To remove all of your changes, click the Restore All button. Once you are finished, click OK to accept your changes.

REFERENCE: LU 1: Assess digital image

REFERENCE: LU 4: Edit digital image

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