Nail Care WS 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of San Pablo City


Brgy. Santisimo Rosario San Pablo City, Laguna

Technology and Livelihood Education 8

Beauty Care Services

(Nail Care)

Worksheet 2
Week 2

Name: _____________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _______________________

Barangay: _______________________________

Contact Number: _________________________

Teacher: Kissarah B. Villanueva

My Scores:

What I Know -Pre-test LO2: ____ / 15

What’s In – Activity Sheet #2.1: _____ / 13

What’s New – Activity Sheet #2.2: _____ /11

What’s More- Activity Sheet #2.3: _____ /10

What I Have Learned - Activity Sheet #2.4: _____ / 11

What I Can Do - Activity Sheet #2.5: _____ / 60

Assessment: _____ /15

Additional Activities: _____ / 60


At the end of this worksheet, you are expected to:

1. use tools according to task requirement
2. observe safety procedure of using tools and equipment

Let us find out how much you already know about the different nail care
services and the use of nail care tools, equipment and, materials.

Pre-test LO2

Direction: Identification. Choose your answer inside the box below. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper. (Total Score =15)

Foot spa Manicure Hand spa Pedicure

Nail Cutter Foot Spa Machine Pumice Stone Nail File
Foot Scrub Toe Nail Separator Cuticle Nail Pusher Nail Buffer
Callus Remover Nail Polish Remover Orangewood Stick

1. __________________ is the treatment for the care of the hands and

2. __________________ is the treatment for the care of the feet and toenails.
3. ___________________a treatment done to replenish, restore, and rejuvenate
naturally tired hands.
4. __________________ a relaxing and effective technique that caters with all
the demands of the feet.
5. __________________ is an electronic gadget used for giving foot spa.
6. __________________ is a tool that is used to give the nails a natural glow.
7. __________________ is an implement used to bevel and smoothen the nails.
8. __________________ is a tool used to remove calluses.
9. __________________ is used to remove nail polish
10. __________________ is a soft material inserted between toes
11. __________________ is an implement with pointed and rounded ends used
to remove excess polish.
12. __________________ is an implement used to push dead cuticle.
13. __________________ is a mixture of natural ingredients to keep feet soft,
smooth, and moisturized.
14. __________________ is a type of volcanic rock that removes dry and
annoying skin of the feet as well as calluses.
15. __________________ is used to trim fingernails and toenails.


Nail care, once considered as luxury for the few or as a mark of distinction
between the rich and poor, is now within the reach of the general public. In fact, part
of a person’s grooming and a form of inexpensive relaxation is a regular nail care
activity- be it manicure, pedicure, hand spa or foot spa.

Let us find out how much you need to know about using nail care tools
and equipment.

Activity Sheet # 2.1

Direction: The table below shows the different conditions of the hand, feet and nails.
List the tool or equipment needed for these conditions. (Total Score = 13)

Condition Tool/s and Equipment Needed

(1 possible answer)

( 4 possible answers)

( 1 possible answer)

( 1 possible answer)

( 1 possible answer)

( 2 possible answers)


( 2 possible answers)


Let us find out the new information that you need to know about the use of tools and

Activity Sheet # 2.2

Chronologically Challenged (Total Score = 11)

I. Direction: Arrange the following steps in using nail care tools and
equipment chronologically. Write 1 for the first step, 2 for the second and
so on. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

A. How to use the nail file?

_____ Do not file too deep into corners.

_____ Hold the file firmly with your dominant hand.
_____ Inspect the free edges if there are rough spots, file nails by lightly filing in
downward stroke with fine side of the emery board.
_____ Position the nail file and tilt it slightly under the free edge of the nail and file
nails by sliding the nail file across the free edge to center of nail in one stroke.
_____ Work from corner to center of the nail; avoid sawing action to prevent splitting
or breakage of nails.

B. How to use the cuticle nipper?

_____ Use it with utmost care to remove dead cuticle and hangnails so as not to
injure live tissue.
_____ Place the thumb on the side of the handle and the remaining fingers over the
opposite handle.
_____ Pick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and turn the cutting edges towards
you; place the bent tip of the index finger over the top of the shank.

C. How to use the nail buffer?

_____ Apply a small amount of powder over the buffer then buff the nails with
downward strokes from the base to the free edge of each nail until a smooth clear
gloss has been obtained.
_____ To prevent heating and burning sensation, lift the buffer from the nail after
each stroke.
_____ Place the thumb and the ring finger under the handle of the buffer while the
index and the middle fingers are on its top and the pinky is on its side.

Read and appreciate the concepts that you need to know and understand.
These concepts, as presented below, revolve around the prime information
about the use of nail care tools and equipment.

Information Sheet # 2.1

Success in nail care service depends on the correct and proper way of
handling equipment and implements. Your client will trust you if they know that you
are confident in what you are doing.

1. Nail File

 Hold the file firmly with your dominant hand.

 Position the nail file and tilt it slightly under the
free edge of the nail and file nails by sliding
the nail file across the free edge to center of
nail in one stroke.
 Work from corner to center of the nail; avoid
sawing action to prevent splitting or breakage
of nails.
 Do not file too deep into corners.
 Inspect the free edges if there are rough
spots, file nails by lightly filing in downward
stroke with fine side of the emery board.

2. Emery Board

 It is held in the same manner as the nail file.

 File the rough surface of the nail using the
fine side to smoothen it.

3. Orangewood Stick

 It is held in the same manner as in writing

with a pencil.
 To loosen cuticle, work around nail.
 For applying cuticle solvent, slightly dip the
cotton-tipped orangewood stick and work
around the base of the nail to clean under the
free edge of the nail, from the center toward
each side, with gentle pressure so that live
tissue at the root of the nail will not be injured.

4. Cuticle Nail Pusher

 It is held in the same manner as in writing

with a pencil.
 The dull spade side is used to push back and
loosen the cuticles.
 Keep cuticle moist using cuticle remover
while working.

5. Cuticle Nipper

 Pick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and

turn the cutting edges towards you; place the
bent tip of the index finger over the top of the
 Place the thumb on the side of the handle
and the remaining fingers over the opposite
 Use it with utmost care to remove dead
cuticle and hangnails so as not to injure live

6. Nail Clippers/Cutter/Trimmer

 Hold clippers with cutting edges downward

between thumb, index, and middle finger.
 Press clipper handles by squeezing them
together and removes excess nail length.

7. Nail Brush

 Insert the ring finger and pinky in the nail

brush handle.
 Brush the nails with a downward motion from
the base to the fingertips to clean the nails
and fingers.

8. Nail Buffer

 Place the thumb and the ring finger under

the handle of the buffer while the index and
the middle fingers are on its top and the
pinky is on its side.
 Apply a small amount of powder
over the buffer then buff the nails
with downward strokes from the
base to the free edge of each nail
until a smooth clear gloss has
been obtained.
 Buffing helps in giving the nail natural
gloss and increases blood circulation to
the finger tips.
 To prevent heating and burning
sensation, lift the buffer from the nail
after each stroke.


9. Foot File

 Start with the course side of the foot

 Gently slide it back and forth across
the ball of your foot and the bottom the
 Still with the rough side of the file work
mostly on the outside rim of the heel.
 Flip the file over and repeat the
process with each foot.
 The fine side will smoothen the skin
and leave it feeling polished.

10. Callous Remover

 Insert the blade into the callous

remover with care.
 Lay the callous remover on the top
thick part of the callous.
 Do not lay the blade above the area
that is going to be cut, as this may
result in cutting the soft part of the foot,
resulting to open wound.

 Applying light pressure with a steady
hand on the callous remover, gently
glide it over the callous.
 Repeat the process if necessary until
the callous is thinner.
 Smoothen the callous with a foot file.

11. Pumice Stone

 After soaking the feet in warm soapy

water, use the pumice stone to
gently buff away cracked or dry skin
of the feet with a soft, circular
 Never apply heavy pressure to the
pumice for this can cause sores,
open wounds and possible infection.

12. Hand and Foot Spa Machine

 Make sure that electrical wirings are dry and protected from accidental water
 Set the machine to the temperature that the client can withstand.

Learning to use tools and equipment properly assures you that you will
give your client a nail care service safely. You should carefully follow these tips if
you want to achieve quality service all the time.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Personal Protective Equipment are the garments designed to protect the

wearer’s body from injury or chemicals or for job-related occupational safety
and health purposes.

1. Glove is a garment covering for the whole


2. Smock gown is a loose

cloak or robe worn to protect
the clothes.

3. Mask is a protective face

covering for hygienic purposes
and to prevent the face from
chemical exposure.

4. Headband is a band of
absorbent material worn on or
around the head across the
forehead to keep the sweat and
the hair off the face.

Let us find out how deep is your understanding and skills about use of nail
care tools and equipment.

Activity Sheet # 2.3

I. Directions: Answer each question briefly. Write your answer on a separate

sheet of paper. (Total Score = 10; 2 points each)

1. Why should filing be done from the corners to the center of the nails?

2. Why is gentle pressure applied in using orangewood stick?

3. What effect does buffing have on the nails?

4. Why should a cuticle nipper be used with utmost care?

5. What would likely to happen if heavy pressure is applied when

using a pumice stone?

Let us find out how much have you learned from our today’s
lesson. Take this test.

Activity Sheet # 2.4

I. Directions. Supply the missing word. Write your answer on a separate

sheet of paper. (Total Score =11)

1-2) Place the nail file under the free edge and file the nail from __________ to

3) Emery boards are ______________ after use on one person.

4-5) When using orangewood stick to clean under the free edge of the nail, from
the center toward each side, with __________ ___________ so that live
tissue at the root of the nail will not be injured.

6) Keep cuticle __________ using cuticle remover while working with cuticle nail

7) Brush the nails with a ______________ motion from the base to the fingertips
to clean the nails and fingers.

8) ______________ helps in giving the nail natural gloss and increases blood
circulation to the fingertips.

9) When using foot file, start with the ______________ side of it.

10-11) After soaking the feet in __________ ___________ water, use the pumice
stone to gently buff away cracked or dry skin of the feet with a soft, circular

Let us find out what you can do to demonstrate the knowledge and skills
you have learned about the use of nail care tools and equipment.

Activity Sheet # 2.5

I. Demonstration on the proper use of nail care tools. (Total Score =60)

Materials and Tools needed:

 Cuticle remover
 Benzalconium Chloride (Merthiolate) – this is optional
 Cuticle nail pusher or orangewood stick
 Manicure nail brush (old tooth brush can be an alternative but it should
be cleaned and sanitized well before use)
 Clean old towel
 Alcohol
 Cotton
 Cellphone as timer

Duration: 30 minutes only

*** You may work with your family or with yourself in doing this

1. Lay the old towel on the table or any flat surface that you will be working
2. Sanitize your tools first by putting alcohol to the cotton and wipe it with the
3. Set your timer to 30 minutes.
4. Apply cuticle remover to the fingernails specifically to the cuticles in one
stroke. Spread it with a brush.
5. Allow to stand for 1 minute.
6. Hold the orangewood stick or cuticle nail pusher 2.5 cm from the tip.
7. Starting at one side of the nail, gently begin to loosen the cuticle with a
rotating action. Work from one side of the nail to the other.
8. Using tip of the orangewood stick / cuticle nail pusher, remove the matter
or dirt under the free edge of the nails.
9. Apply little amount of benzalconium chloride at the corner only of the nails
and spread it with a brush.

How well did you perform?
Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Card honestly and sincerely. Remember it is your
learning at stakes. Write your score in your TLE notebook.

Direction: Evaluate yourself by checking the appropriate boxes to indicate the

degree of competency learned.

Rating Scale:
15 points- I consistently perform tasks to standards without supervision or help of
my parents/relatives.

10 points- I can perform the task with limited supervision or help of my

parents/relatives and/or does not perform the task to standard.

5 points- I can perform the task with direct supervision and help of my

Criteria 15 10 5 Score
I was able to identify the tools and materials
needed in the activity.
I was able to follow and apply the step by step
procedures correctly.
I was able to perform the activity safely.
I was able to perform the activity on time.
Total Score:

Let us evaluate how much have you learned from our today’s lesson.
Take this test.

Self-Check # 2.1

I. Multiple Choice. Choose only the letter of your answer. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper. (Total Score = 15)

1. It gently buffs away cracked or dry skin after soaking the feet in warm soapy
A. Foot File C. Callus Remover
B. Pumice Stone D. Foot Spa Machine

2. It is discarded after filing nails of the client or after being used in one client.
A. Nail Cutter C. Emery Board
B. Nail File D. Cuticle Nail Pusher

3. It is used with utmost care to remove dead cuticle and hangnails so as not to
injure live tissue.
A. Cuticle Nipper C. Orangewood Stick
B. Nail Buffer D. Callus Remover

4. It gives the nail natural gloss and increases blood circulation to the fingertips.
A. Nail File C. Foot File
B. Nail Brush D. Nail Buffer

5. It is used to remove excess nail length.

A. Nail Cutter C. Cuticle Nipper
B. Cuticle Scissor D. Cuticle Nail Pusher

6. It cleans the nails and fingers and use with a downward motion from the base
to the fingertips.
A. Nail Buffer C. Emery Board
B. Nail Brush D. Foot File

7. It is held in the same manner as in writing with a pencil and the dull spade
side is used to push back and loosen the cuticles.
A. Orangewood Stick C. Cuticle Nail Pusher
B. Nail File D. Nail Cutter

8. It is never use back and forth because it would cause the nails to crack and
A. Cuticle Nail Pusher C. Cuticle Nipper
B. Callus Remover D. Nail File

9. An electronic gadget used to soothe pain from arthritis, and muscle spasms,
and dry cracked skin of the hands.
A. Foot Spa Machine C. Hand Spa Machine
B. Sterilizer D. Nail Dryer

10. It is used to strip off calluses from the feet.

A. Callus Remover C. Pumice Stone
B. Foot File D. Foot Spa Machine

11. A tool with fine and course side used to smoothen the skin of the feet and
leave it feeling polished.
A. Callus Remover C. Pumice Stone
B. Foot File D. Foot Spa Machine

12. It used to remove excess nail polish.

A. Orangewood Stick C. Nail Brush
B. Cuticle Nail Pusher D. Nail Buffer

13. An electronic gadget used for soaking, bathing, and massaging the feet during
a foot spa.
A. Foot Spa Machine C. Hand Spa Machine
B. Sterilizer D. Nail Dryer

14. A protective face covering for hygienic purposes and to protect the face
against chemical exposure.
A. Gloves C. Mask
B. Headband D. Smock Gown

15. It is a hand covering.

A. Gloves C. Mask
B. Headband D. Smock Gown

Shaping the Nails (Total Score =60)

Duration: 15 minutes only

I. Directions. After learning how to use the different nail care tools and equipment
properly, you will be shaping the nail using the emery board or nail file on your own.

1. Hold emery board/nail file between thumb and index finger of the dominant hand.
2. Hold the client’s fingertip between thumb and index finger of auxiliary hand.
3. Position the emery board/nail file under the free edge of the nail.
4. Slide emery board/nail file across free edge to center of nail edge in one stroke.
Work from the corner to the center of the nail.
5. Place the emery board/nail file on the opposite side of the nail and repeat
6. Repeat until desired shape is achieved.
7. Check nail edge for rough spots. Bevel nail by lightly filing edge downward with
the fine side of the emery board/nail file.

How well did you perform?

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Card honestly and sincerely. Remember it is your
learning at stakes. Write your score in your TLE notebook.

Direction: Evaluate yourself by checking the appropriate boxes to indicate the

degree of competency learned.

Rating Scale:
15 points- I consistently perform tasks to standards without supervision or help of
my parents/relatives.

10 points- I can perform the task with limited supervision or help of my

parents/relatives and/or does not perform the task to standard.

5 points- I can perform the task with direct supervision and help of my

Criteria 15 10 5 Score
I was able to identify the tools and materials
needed in the activity.
I was able to follow and apply the step by step
procedures correctly.
I was able to perform the activity safely.
I was able to perform the activity on time.
Total Score:


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