Glycemic Index

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The Glycemic Index

Physiological Mechanisms Relating to Obesity,
Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease
David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD
The glycemic index was proposed in 1981 as an alternative system for clas-

LL DIETARY CARBOHYDRATES, sifying carbohydrate-containing food. Since then, several hundred scientific
from starch to table sugar, articles and numerous popular diet books have been published on the topic.
share a basic biological prop- However, the clinical significance of the glycemic index remains the subject
erty: they can be digested or of debate. The purpose of this review is to examine the physiological ef-
converted into glucose. Digestion rate, fects of the glycemic index and the relevance of these effects in preventing
and therefore blood glucose response, and treating obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
is commonly thought to be deter-
JAMA. 2002;287:2414-2423
mined by saccharide chain length, giv-
ing rise to the terms complex carbohy-
drate and simple sugar. This view, which kins et al6 proposed the glycemic in- were examined. Interventional stud-
has its origins in the beginning of the dex as a system for classifying carbo- ies involving cardiovascular disease–
century,1 receives at least tacit sup- hydrate-containing foods according to related end points were selected if they
port from nutritional recommenda- glycemic response. This review exam- controlled for the effects of macronu-
tions that advocate increased consump- ines the hormonal and metabolic events trient composition.
tion of starchy foods and decreased that occur following consumption of
consumption of sugar.2 foods whose glycemic index differs and GLYCEMIC INDEX:
Throughout the past 25 years, how- how these events might affect risk for A PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS
ever, the relevance of chain length in or treatment of obesity, diabetes, and FOR CLASSIFYING
carbohydrate digestion rate has been cardiovascular disease. CARBOHYDRATE
questioned. Wahlqvist et al3 demon- Glycemic index is defined as the incre-
strated similar changes in blood glu- METHODS mental area under the glucose re-
cose, insulin, and fatty acid concentra- A MEDLINE search using the key sponse curve after a standard amount of
tions after glucose as a monosaccharide, words glycemic index or glycaemic in- carbohydrate from a test food relative to
disaccharide, oligosaccharide, or poly- dex identified a total of 311 citations, that of a control food (either white bread
saccharide (starch) had been con- including animal and human studies. or glucose) is consumed.12,13 The glyce-
sumed. Bantle et al4 found no differ- These citations were examined for rel- mic index of a specific food or meal is
ences in blood glucose responses to evance to pathophysiological mecha- determined primarily by the nature of
meals with 25% sucrose compared with nisms affecting body-weight regula- the carbohydrate consumed and by other
meals containing a similar amount of tion, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. dietary factors that affect nutrient di-
energy from either potato or wheat Articles relating metabolic events in the gestibility or insulin secretion.14 As
starch. Nevertheless, the physiologi- postprandial state to disease risk were shown in the TABLE, glycemic index val-
cal effects of carbohydrates may vary found by additional literature searches ues for common foods differ by more
substantially, as demonstrated by and discussions with experts in the
Author Affiliation: Department of Medicine, Chil-
marked differences in glycemic and in- fields of nutrition and diabetes. Popu- dren’s Hospital, Boston, Mass.
sulinemic responses to ingestion of lar books advocating the use of low– Corresponding Author and Reprints: David S. Lud-
wig, MD, PhD, Department of Medicine, Children’s
isoenergetic amounts of white bread vs glycemic index,7-9 reduced carbohy- Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115
pasta (FIGURE 1).5 For this reason, Jen- drate,10 or low-energy-density11 diets (e-mail:

2414 JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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than 5-fold.16 In general, most refined levels exceeding about 180 mg/dL (10.0
Figure 1. Glycemic and Insulinemic
starchy foods eaten in the United States mmol/L) are associated with immedi- Responses After Ingestion of Carbohydrates
have a high glycemic index, whereas ate (glycosuria and calorie loss) and
nonstarchy vegetables, fruit, and le- long-term (renal failure, retinopathy, A Glycemic Response

gumes tend to have a low glycemic in- atherosclerosis) consequences.32 For 50

∆ Plasma Glucose, mg/dL

White Bread
dex. Coingestion of fat or protein low- these reasons, blood glucose concen- Spaghetti
ers the glycemic index of individual tration is tightly regulated by homeo- 25
foods somewhat17,18 but does not change static regulatory systems. Hyperglyce-
their hierarchical relationship with re- mia stimulates insulin secretion, 0
gard to glycemic index.19 Despite ini- promoting uptake of glucose by muscle
tial concerns, 20,21 the glycemic re- and adipose tissue. Hypoglycemia elic- –25
sponse to mixed meals can be predicted its secretion of glucagon, epineph-
with reasonable accuracy from the gly- rine, cortisol, and growth hormone, B Insulinemic Response
cemic index of constituent foods when counterregulatory hormones that an-
standard methods are used.19,22-26 Regu- tagonize insulin action and restore nor-

∆ Plasma Insulin, µU/mL


lar consumption of high–glycemic in- moglycemia.32 30

dex meals, compared with isoenergetic The rapid absorption of glucose fol-
and nutrient-controlled low–glycemic lowing consumption of a high–
index meals, results in higher average 24- glycemic index meal challenges these 10
hour blood glucose and insulin levels, homeostatic mechanisms, complicat-
higher C-peptide excretion, and higher ing in effect the transition from the post- 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
glycosylated hemoglobin concentra- prandial to the postabsorptive Time, min

tions in nondiabetic and diabetic indi- state.23,33-36 Within the first 2 hours after Responses were measured after ingestion of 50 g of
viduals.27,28 The term glycemic load, de- a high–glycemic index meal (FIGURE 2, carbohydrate as white bread or spaghetti made from
identical ingredients.5 Qualitatively similar results were
fined as the weighted average glycemic early postprandial period), integrated obtained after consumption of these foods as part of
index of individual foods multiplied by incremental blood glucose concentra- mixed meals,22 although nutrient interactions can
modulate the magnitude of these responses to some
the percentage of dietary energy as car- tion can be at least twice that after a low– degree.17,18 Adapted with permission from the Euro-
bohydrate, has been proposed to char- glycemic index meal containing iden- pean Journal of Clinical Nutrition.5
acterize the impact of foods or dietary tical nutrients and energy. This relative
patterns with different macronutrient hyperglycemia, acting in concert with Table. Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
composition on glycemic response: thus, elevated concentrations of the gut hor- Values of Representative Foods*
a carrot has a high glycemic index mones glucagon-like peptide-1 and glu- Glycemic Glycemic
Food Index† Load‡
but a low glycemic load, in contrast cose-dependent insulinotropic poly-
Instant rice 91 24.8 (110 g)
to a potato, in which both are high peptide, potently stimulates insulin Baked potato 85 20.3 (110 g)
(Table).14,29 release from pancreatic beta cells and Corn flakes 84 21.0 (225 mL)
Carrot 71 3.8 (55 g)
The glycemic index and glycemic inhibits glucagon release from alpha White bread 70 21.0 (2 slices)
load of the average diet in the United cells. The resultant high insulin-to- Rye bread 65 19.5 (2 slices)
States appear to have risen in recent glucagon ratio would tend to exagger- Muesli 56 16.8 (110 mL)
Banana 53 13.3 (170 g)
years30 because of increases in carbo- ate the normal anabolic responses to eat- Spaghetti 41 16.4 (55 g)
hydrate consumption and changes in ing, including uptake of nutrients by Apple 36 8.1 (170 g)
Lentil beans 29 5.7 (110 mL)
food-processing technology. What ef- insulin-responsive tissues, stimula- Milk 27 3.2 (225 mL)
fects might high–glycemic index diets tion of glycogenesis and lipogenesis, and Peanuts 14 0.7 (30 g)
Broccoli ... ...
have on health? suppression of gluconeogenesis and
*To determine the glycemic index of a specific food, sub-
lipolysis. Between 2 and 4 hours after jects are given a test food and a control food on sepa-
ACUTE METABOLIC EVENTS a high–glycemic index meal (Figure 2, rate days, each food containing 50 g of available carbo-
hydrate, and changes in blood glucose concentration are
FOLLOWING CONSUMPTION middle postprandial period), nutrient measured. Glycemic index is calculated with the trap-
OF A HIGH–GLYCEMIC absorption from the gastrointestinal
ezoidal rule as the incremental area under the blood glu-
cose curve for 2 hours after the test food is eaten di-
INDEX MEAL tract declines, but the biological effects vided by the corresponding area after the control food is
eaten, multiplied by 100%. Values for the most com-
The body has an obligatory require- of the high insulin and low glucagon monly consumed carbohydrate-containing foods have
been determined and can be obtained from published
ment for glucose, approaching 200 g/d, levels persist. Consequently, blood glu- lists. Ellipses indicate value not computed; the values for
determined largely by the metabolic de- cose concentration falls rapidly, often most nonstarchy vegetables are too low to measure.
†Glycemic index values are taken from Foster-Powell and
mands of the brain.31 Should blood glu- into the hypoglycemic range. The physi- Miller16 and expressed as a percentage of the value for
cose concentration fall below 40 mg/dL ological significance of this hypogly- ‡Glycemic load is calculated as the glycemic index mul-
(2.2 mmol/L), coma, seizure, or death cemia is demonstrated by a greater tiplied by grams of carbohydrate per serving size,15 in-
dicated in parentheses, divided by 100%.
may ensue. Conversely, blood glucose fall in glucose oxidation rate after
©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 2415

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Figure 2. Sequence of Physiological Events After Ingestion of a High–Glycemic Index Meal Compared With a Low–Glycemic Index Meal

Consumption of a Low–Glycemic Index Meal Consumption of a High–Glycemic Index Meal

Blood Blood
Glucose Glucose
Early Postprandial (0-2 h After Meal)


Hepatic Hepatic
Nutrient Glucose Nutrient Glucose
Absorption Output Absorption Output
Incretins Insulin Glycogenesis Incretins Insulin Glycogenesis
Glucagon Gluconeogenesis Glucagon Gluconeogenesis

and and
SKELETAL MUSCLE Lipogenesis Fatty SKELETAL MUSCLE Lipogenesis Fatty
Acids Acids
Glucose Uptake Lipolysis Glucose Uptake Lipolysis

Blood Blood
Glucose Glucose
Middle Postprandial (2-4 h After Meal)


Hepatic Hepatic
Nutrient Glucose Nutrient Glucose
Absorption Output Absorption Output
PANCREAS Glycogenesis PANCREAS Glycogenesis
Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis
and and
SKELETAL MUSCLE Lipogenesis Fatty SKELETAL MUSCLE Lipogenesis Fatty
Lipolysis Acids Acids
Glucose Uptake Glucose Uptake Lipolysis

Blood or
Glucose Glucose
Late Postprandial (4-6 h After Meal)


Hepatic Hepatic
Nutrient Glucose Glucose
Absorption Output Output
PANCREAS Glycogenolysis Glycogenolysis
Gluconeogenesis or Gluconeogenesis
ADRENAL Hormones
Lipolysis Fatty
Glucose Uptake Acids or Glucose Uptake Acids

Vertical outlined arrows indicate direction and magnitude of change from baseline (preprandial) state indicated by horizontal outlined arrows. Early postprandial pe-
riod: rapid absorption of carbohydrate after a high–glycemic index meal results in a relatively high blood glucose level and a high insulin-to-glucagon ratio. Middle
postprandial period: blood glucose level decreases to below preprandial level, and free fatty acid concentration remains suppressed after a high–glycemic index meal.
Late postprandial period: counterregulatory hormones after a high–glycemic index meal restore euglycemia and cause a marked increase in free fatty acid concentration.

2416 JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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consumption of a high– compared with food intake as the body attempts to re- meals.53 For example, obese children
a low–glycemic index carbohydrate dur- store energy homeostasis. For ex- were given high–glycemic index in-
ing this interval.37 Free fatty acid, the ample, modest transient decreases in stant oatmeal or low–glycemic index
other major metabolic fuel, is more sup- blood glucose concentration, either steel-cut oats with identical energy and
pressed after a high–glycemic index spontaneous or insulin-induced, were macronutrient content at breakfast and
meal. Approximately 4 to 6 hours after associated with hunger and initiation lunch, and ad libitum energy consump-
a high–glycemic index meal (Figure 2, of feeding in rats and humans.42,43 Ad- tion was monitored throughout the af-
late postprandial period), the low cir- ministration of 2-deoxyglucose, a com- ternoon. Energy intake was 53% higher
culating concentrations of metabolic pound that inhibits intracellular glu- after the high– compared with the low–
fuels trigger a counterregulatory hor- cose use, increased hunger and food glycemic index meals.23
mone response that restores euglyce- intake in nondiabetic subjects.44 In- Four groups studied the effects of di-
mia by stimulating glycogenolytic and deed, insulin-induced hypoglycemia ap- etary glycemic index in an outpatient
gluconeogenic pathways and elevates pears to provoke prolonged hyperpha- setting. Slabber et al54 found signifi-
free fatty acid concentration to levels gia, persisting well after restoration of cantly more weight loss in obese hy-
well above those observed after a low– normal blood glucose levels.45 Further- perinsulinemic women after 12 weeks
glycemic index meal. This combina- more, hyperinsulinemia46 and hypo- of consuming an energy-restricted low–
tion of elevated counterregulatory hor- glycemia44,45 may preferentially stimu- compared with high–glycemic index
mone and free fatty acid levels resembles late consumption of high–glycemic diet (crossover arm: −7.4 vs –4.5 kg;
a state of fasting normally reached only index foods, leading to cycles of hypo- P=.04). According to preliminary data,
after many hours without food.38 After glycemia and hyperphagia. Weight- Bouche et al55 found lower adiposity by
a low–glycemic index meal, by con- loss efforts may exacerbate this phe- DXA scan in 11 obese men after 5 weeks
trast, hypoglycemia and its hormonal nomenon, as demonstrated by relatively on an energy- and nutrient-controlled
sequelae do not occur during the post- severe postprandial hypoglycemia af- low– compared with high–glycemic in-
prandial period owing to continued ter overweight subjects on very low- dex diet (a difference of −0.5 kg;
absorption of nutrients from the gas- calorie diets consumed high–glyce- P⬍.05). Spieth et al56 determined ret-
trointestinal tract and rising hepatic glu- mic index carbohydrate.47 rospectively that body mass index
cose output. Thus, consumption of (BMI) decreased significantly more
meals containing identical energy and Experimental Evidence throughout an average of 4 months in
nutrients can produce markedly differ- There are no long-term clinical trials ex- children prescribed an ad libitum low–
ent physiological responses through- amining the effects of dietary glyce- glycemic index diet compared with
out a 6-hour period. mic index on body-weight regulation. those prescribed an energy-restricted
Although genetic factors would be However, numerous animal studies and low-fat diet, after the effects of con-
expected to influence individual re- short-term or small-scale studies in hu- founding factors were controlled (a dif-
sponse, postprandial hypoglycemia fol- mans have addressed this issue. ference of –1.2 kg/m2; P⬍.001). In ad-
lowing consumption of high–glyce- Rats fed amylopectin (a high– dition, Clapp57 found less maternal
mic index carbohydrate is so common glycemic index starch) compared with weight gain during pregnancy (11.8 vs
as to be considered normal. For ex- amylose (a low–glycemic index starch) 19.7 kg; P⬍.01) and lower placental
ample, mean plasma glucose nadir was under nutrient- and energy-con- weight among nonobese women treated
below the fasting level in the majority trolled conditions for 3 to 5 weeks ex- with controlled low– compared with
of 650 nondiabetic individuals who had hibited physiological changes that high–glycemic index diets. Of particu-
an oral glucose tolerance test and was would favor fat deposition, including lar note, infants born to women in the
below 47 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L) in 10% larger adipocyte diameter, increased low–glycemic index group had lower
of the individuals.39 A similar phenom- glucose incorporation into lipids, and adiposity (301 vs 402 g; P⬍.01).
enon has been observed after consump- greater fatty acid synthase and Glut 4 An interesting parallel can be drawn
tion of mixed meals containing high– gene expression in fat tissue.48-50 By 7 to ␣-glucosidase inhibitors, a class of
glycemic index foods.23,40 Moreover, weeks, animals fed a high–glycemic in- oral hypoglycemic agents that slow di-
postprandial hypoglycemia may be es- dex diet developed increased epididy- gestion of starch in the gastrointesti-
pecially pronounced in obesity.41 mal fat mass,51 and by 32 weeks, ac- nal tract, in effect lowering glycemic in-
cording to preliminary data, they dex. These medications not only
OBESITY developed marked obesity.52 improve measures of glycemic con-
The decreased circulating concentra- Among 16 single-day studies in hu- trol, but also produce modest weight
tions of metabolic fuels in the middle mans, 15 found lower satiety, in- loss (although adverse gastrointesti-
postprandial period after a high– creased hunger, or higher voluntary nal effects commonly occur).58 In con-
glycemic index meal would be ex- food intake after consumption of high– trast, most other drugs used in the treat-
pected to result in increased hunger and compared with low–glycemic index ment of diabetes cause weight gain.
©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 2417

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hyperinsulinemia itself can directly

Figure 3. High–Glycemic Index Diet and Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
compromise beta cell function. Sako
and Grill65 produced hyperglycemia
by glucose infusion in nondiabetic
High–Glycemic Index Meal
rats for 48 hours, with and without
coadministration of diazoxide, a
potassium adenosine triphosphate
Postprandial Counterregulatory Increase in
Hyperglycemia Free Fatty Acids
channel agonist that inhibits insulin
Hormone Secretion
secretion. After this treatment, they
measured glucose-induced insulin
Hyperinsulinemia secretion in isolated beta cells. Ani-
Beta Cell Demand Insulin Resistance mals that did not receive diazoxide
showed hyperinsulinemia in vivo and
marked inhibition of insulin secretion
in vitro, whereas diazoxide treatment
prevented in vivo hyperinsulinemia
and preserved beta cell function in
Glucotoxicity Lipotoxicity vitro. Del Prato et al59 showed that
long-term insulin infusion under
euglycemic conditions in healthy
human subjects decreased insulin
Chronic response to intravenous glucose and
Oxidative Beta Cell Failure Genetic Factors
Stress Lifestyle Factors decreased insulin sensitivity, as
assessed by hyperglycemic clamp
study. Conversely, prior somatostatin
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus treatment to achieve beta cell rest
increased insulin secretion rate,
improved insulin pulse mass, and
The hypothetical model relates a high–glycemic index diet to increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus.
restored the proinsulin-to-insulin
ratio to normal levels in subjects with
DIABETES MELLITUS specific inactivation of the insulin re- type 2 diabetes.66
FIGURE 3 presents a hypothetical model ceptor gene, would promote redistri- In addition to the mechanisms de-
in which dietary glycemic index alters bution of metabolic substrates to scribed above, high dietary glycemic in-
risk for type 2 diabetes, independent of adipose tissue and, as argued by Kim dex may also impair beta cell function
body weight change, via effects on hy- et al,61 predispose to diabetes. through the direct effects of elevated
perinsulinemia, insulin resistance, beta Insulin resistance may also occur with blood glucose and free fatty acid lev-
cell demand, and ultimately beta cell a high–glycemic index diet because of the els. Hyperglycemia is known to cause
function. direct effects of hyperglycemia,62 coun- beta cell dysfunction, a phenomenon
Calorie for calorie, high–glycemic in- terregulatory hormone secretion, and in- that has been called glucotoxicity.62 For
dex meals stimulate more insulin se- creased late postprandial serum free fatty example, Leahy et al67 studied in vitro
cretion than low–glycemic index acid levels.63,64 Even a modest elevation islet-cell function in partially pancre-
meals27,28 because of relative postpran- in blood glucose concentration, less than atectomized rats that drank either wa-
dial hyperglycemia and increased in- the difference in postprandial glycemia ter or a sucrose solution. Compared
cretin levels. This state of primary hy- often observed after consumption of with the water-treated animals, those
perinsulinemia may in turn cause high–compared with low–glycemic in- treated with sucrose showed a modest
insulin resistance, as demonstrated by dex foods, may produce insulin resis- 15-mg/dL (0.8-mmol/L) rise in post-
decreased whole-body glucose dis- tance in humans.62 Insulin resistance, in prandial blood glucose levels and a 75%
posal after insulin infusion under eu- turn, generally leads to compensatory hy- reduction in glucose-stimulated insu-
glycemic conditions in humans.59 In- perinsulinemia. Thus, habitual consump- lin response. Jonas et al68 performed
deed, primary hyperinsulinemia tion of high–glycemic index meals may 85% to 95% pancreatectomies on rats,
produced by insulin treatment of nor- initiate a cycle of hyperinsulinemia and resulting in differing degrees of hyper-
mal rats lowered insulin sensitivity of insulin resistance that places the beta cell glycemia but no increase in plasma free
muscle but increased insulin sensitiv- under long-term increased demand. fatty acid concentrations. Four weeks
ity of fat.60 These physiological changes, Several studies demonstrate how after surgery, analysis of beta cell mes-
similar to those observed after muscle- increased demand for insulin and senger RNA (mRNA) showed de-
2418 JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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creased expression of genes associ- There are no long-term interven- cient evidence of substantial long-
ated with glucose-induced insulin tional studies examining the effects of term benefit to recommend use of
release and lower levels of transcrip- dietary glycemic index in preventing glycemic index in the management of
tion factors involved in differentiation diabetes mellitus, although 3 observa- diabetes.93 Other professional associa-
in all groups of animals, even those with tional studies address this issue. The tions do recognize a role for glycemic
minimal hyperglycemia (⬍100 mg/dL Nurses’ Health Study29 and Health Pro- index in this regard.13,94-96
[5.6 mmol/L]). Long-term oxidative fessionals’ Follow-up Study77 found that
stress may compound these gluco- the risk of diabetes was higher among CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE
toxic effects, as demonstrated by both individuals in the highest quintile of The higher postprandial blood glu-
in vitro and in vivo studies.69 The in- glycemic index or glycemic load com- cose and insulin levels found in a high–
creased free fatty acid concentrations pared with those in the lowest quin- glycemic index diet may affect risk for
in the late postprandial period after a tile, after adjustment for BMI and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) through
high–glycemic index meal may also im- potentially confounding variables. By the physiological mechanisms dis-
pair beta cell function, a process termed contrast, no meaningful associations cussed below.
lipotoxicity.64 were found between glycemic index or
A variety of genetic and environmen- glycemic load and diabetes risk among Postprandial Hyperglycemia
tal factors are known to affect risk for women in the Iowa Women’s Health Postprandial hyperglycemia has re-
type 2 diabetes. The studies described Study.78 cently been recognized as an impor-
above suggest that a high–glycemic in- tant risk factor for CVD not only among
dex diet might increase risk in suscep- Management of Type 1 persons with diabetes, but also among
tible individuals by overstimulation, and Type 2 Diabetes the general population.97 Balkau et al98
glucotoxicity, and lipotoxicity, 3 criti- A low–glycemic index diet may in examined 20-year mortality in 3 Euro-
cal metabolic factors thought to con- theory improve management of diabe- pean cohorts and found an odds ratio
tribute to beta cell failure.70 tes by lowering early postprandial hy- (OR) of 1.6 for mortality among those
perglycemia and decreasing risk for in the highest quintile of blood glu-
Experimental Evidence postabsorptive hypoglycemia. Since cose level 2 hours after an oral glucose
Six studies compared the effects of 1988, 13 interventional studies have ex- tolerance test. de Vegt et al99 found that
high–glycemic index diets with those of amined this possibility, although some 2-hour, but not fasting, blood glucose
nutrient- and energy-controlled low– were apparently underpowered (sub- concentration was independently as-
glycemic index diets in either nondia- ject number: 6-104; duration: 12 days sociated with all-cause and cardiovas-
betic or diabetic rats. After 3 weeks, rats to 12 months). Twelve studies found cular mortality in a population with-
treated with a high–glycemic index diet improvement in at least 1 measure of out diabetes. Temelkova-Kurktschiev
showed greater Glut 4 gene expression glycemic control (hemoglobin A1c, gly- et al100 showed that postchallenge glu-
in fat tissue and lower maximal insulin- cated serum proteins, or blood glu- cose and glycemic spikes were more
stimulated glucose oxidation.48,49 Hyper- cose level) with the low– vs high– strongly associated with intima-media
insulinemia without insulin resistance glycemic index diet,79-90 1 found no thickness than fasting glucose or gly-
developed by 7 weeks,51 and insulin resis- difference between diets,91 and none cosylated hemoglobin levels in nondia-
tance developed by 8 to 12 weeks, as found improvement with the high– vs betic subjects.
assessed by an intravenous glucose tol- low–glycemic index diet. One of these Postprandial hyperglycemia appears
erance test.71,72 studies reported a lower number of hy- to increase CVD risk by producing oxi-
In humans, consumption of high– poglycemic events with the low– dative stress.101,102 In vitro studies have
glycemic index meals compared with glycemic index diet.89 In addition, qual- shown that glucose causes oxidation of
energy- and nutrient-controlled low– ity-of-life measures were higher among membrane lipids, proteins, lipopro-
glycemic index meals adversely af- children who had type 1 diabetes and teins, and DNA and activates inflamma-
fects glucose tolerance at a subse- were counseled to follow a low– tion. In vivo, hyperglycemia increases re-
quent meal.73 Net posthepatic glucose glycemic index diet compared with active oxygen species and lowers
appearance was substantially higher 4.5 those who received standard dietary ad- antioxidant concentrations, changes that
hours after ingestion of high– com- vice.90 An observational study found are associated with increased blood pres-
pared with low–glycemic index carbo- that glycemic index was positively re- sure, accelerated blood clot formation,
hydrate, suggesting resistance to insu- lated to hemoglobin A1c among 2810 and reduced endothelium-dependent
lin-stimulated uptake of glucose by the patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus blood flow. 101-105 Of particular rel-
liver.74 However, studies of 3 to 4 weeks’ in Europe.92 Recently, the American evance, the adverse effects of hypergly-
duration of whole-body insulin resis- Diabetes Association, citing method- cemia on endothelial function and other
tance with diets differing in glycemic ological issues with some of these stud- CVD-related outcomes occur rapidly fol-
index yielded inconsistent results.75,76 ies, concluded that there is insuffi- lowing consumption of glucose or mixed
©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 2419

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meals that induce high postprandial gly- 45 to 76 years, after BMI and other risk tentially confounding factors.92,113-116
cemia.104,106 Administration of antioxi- factors were controlled.110 Two of these studies directly com-
dants can prevent or reverse these ad- pared glycemic index and glycemic load
verse effects.104,105 Thus, it is reasonable Experimental Evidence with respect to serum lipid concentra-
to hypothesize that habitual consump- Thirteen interventional studies have ex- tions: one found that glycemic load had
tion of high–glycemic index meals in- amined the effects of dietary GI on se- a greater effect116; the other, that both
creases the risk for CVD, at least in part rum lipids under macronutrient- had similar effects.113 The sixth obser-
by hyperglycemia-induced oxidative controlled conditions (F IGURE 4). * vational study found no significant as-
stress. Because of the lack of statistical detail sociation between glycemic index and
and methodological differences, confi- heart disease.117
Hyperinsulinemia dence intervals cannot be estimated, nor
A high–glycemic index diet may also can a formal meta-analysis be pro- CONTROVERSIES
affect the risk for CVD by increasing in- vided. Nevertheless, the low–glycemic The clinical relevance of glycemic index
sulin levels (incremental area under the index diets resulted in lower triglycer- has been vigorously debated in recent
insulin curve may be 2-fold greater af- ide levels and low-density lipoprotein years. Some experts argue that any ben-
ter macronutrient-controlled high– cholesterol levels and lower ratio of total eficial effects of low–glycemic index
compared with low–glycemic index to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cho- diets on insulin resistance and related
mixed meals22,26). Hyperinsulinemia is lesterol in most of these studies. In one CVD risk factors are small in compari-
believed to mediate, in part, the in- study, marked reduction of plasmino- son with that of reduced-carbohydrate
creased risk for heart disease associ- gen activator inhibitor 1, a novel CVD diets.118 Another concern is that the con-
ated with the insulin resistance syn- risk factor, was also observed.88 Of 6 ob- cept of glycemic index might be too
drome (also known as syndrome X or servational studies, 5 demonstrated complicated to be practical119 or that
the metabolic syndrome) through in- higher HDL cholesterol levels, lower tri- potentially simpler principles, such as
dependent effects on blood pressure, se- glyceride levels, or lower myocardial in- energy density, effectively incorporate
rum lipids, coagulation factors, inflam- farction rates among individuals in the many of the advantageous aspects of
matory mediators, and endothelial lowest category of glycemic index or gly- low–glycemic index diets.
function.107-109 For example, the OR of cemic load compared with those in the In response to these concerns, the fol-
developing ischemic heart disease in- highest category, after adjustment for po- lowing points should be considered.
creased by 60% for each 1-SD increase First, several dozen interventional stud-
in fasting insulin level among men aged *References 27, 79-85, 88, 89, 91, 111, 112. ies have described statistically and clini-

Figure 4. Interventional Studies Examining the Effects of Dietary Glycemic Index on Serum Lipids

Triglycerides LDL Cholesterol Ratio of Total/HDL Cholesterol

Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors

Low–Glycemic High–Glycemic Low–Glycemic High–Glycemic Low–Glycemic High–Glycemic
Study, y Index Diet Index Diet Index Diet Index Diet Index Diet Index Diet

Jenkins et al, 1985111

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Jarvi et al, 199988
Giacco et al, 200089

–25 –15 –5 0 5 15 –25 –15 –5 0 5 15 –25 –15 –5 0 5 15 25

Change, % Change, % Change, %

The data are depicted as percentage of change in lipid concentration after a low– compared with a high–glycemic index diet. LDL indicates low-density lipoprotein;
HDL, high-density lipoprotein.

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©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 8, 2002—Vol 287, No. 18 2423

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