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UID: 20BBA2404

This is to clarify that Mr. Ugyen choeda S/o Mr. Sonam dorji has completed his project report on

the topic “Human Resource Management with Aashman Foundation” under the guidance and

supervision during the Academic year 2020-2023 in the partial fulfillment for awarding the


To the best of my knowledge the work done by the student is Original and will be valuable

source for the Scholars and organizations to carry advance research work in the field under


Dr. Syed Sajid Hussain

Assistance professor

I Ugyen Choeda, student of BBA 5th semester, hereby declare that the project has been prepared

by myself based on the original study under the direct guidance of the C.G faculty,

CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY, PUNJAB. As part of partial fulfillment for the award of the


I further declare that this project is based on the original study undertaken by me has not been

submitted to ant other Institutions or University for the award of any other degree, diploma, or


PLACE: Chandigarh University Punjab

Ugyen Choeda

BBA 5th sem


My dissertation would not have been successful without the guidance, assistance and the tireless

efforts from several individuals. Firstly, I would like to thank my God for helping me get the

internship, guiding me and protecting me throughout all the processes. Secondly, I would like to

express my special thanks to Chandigarh University for providing such an opportunity for us

students to develop exceptional skills and experience in the organizations that are assigned to us

as well as the fact that we get to have a look at how the world in the field of business looks like.

Thirdly, I would like to thank all the staff in the BBA department like our Head of Department

(HOD) Sir, our coordinator and my supervisor Dr. Syed Sajid Hussain for monitoring and

directing me in the whole summer project term and for ensuring that the internship program is

accomplished and its goals are achieved thoroughly. I would also like to thank Aashman

Foundation and Ms. Harshita Gaur my HR supervisor for taking me in as an intern and for giving

me wonderful teams that I have been able to work with and learn a lot from. Lastly, I would like

to sincerely express my special thanks to my family, fellow classmates, colleagues and friends

for helping me dearly in all aspects of my life and mainly for showing me support in the times I

had to work during my internship sessions.




1.1 Introduction to human resource management

1.2 Advantages of human resource management

1.3 Disadvantages of human resource management

1.4 7ps of human resource management



1.1 about company

1.2 company objective

1.3 company analysis purpose

1.4 limitation

1.5 solution to limitation

1.6 mission and vision




1.1 strength

1.2 weakness

1.3 opportunity

1.4 threats







Human resource management, HRM, is the department of a business organization that looks

after the hiring, management and firing of staff. HRM focuses on the function of people

within the business, ensuring best work practices are in place at all times.


1. Human Resource Planning (HRP):

It is the first step of human resource management. HRP is a process through which the company
makes an assessment of the present manpower-the number of people employed, number of post
vacant, whether there is excess or shortage of staff and prepares plans and policies to deal with
them accordingly. It also estimates the future man power requirement. It matches the supply and
availability of manpower with the company’s purpose and makes the best person available for
the job.

2. Job Analysis:

An important task of HRM is job analysis. It provides the basis for recruitment, training and
development of staff. Every job is analyzed to identify the inherent requirement of the job –
“what the job demands of a worker”. Job analysis provides a detailed picture of the nature of job,
the skill and abilities required to perform the job, the duties and responsibilities of the worker
required for the job.
This helps in the process of recruitment and selection, to appoint the appropriate person for the
job and also facilitates arranging training and development programed for the employees to
match their skill and abilities with the job requirement.
3. Job Evaluation:

It forms the basis of wage and salary determination. Different jobs are compared and evaluated
to determine the relative importance of different jobs within the organization. The jobs are
compared, graded and ranked. Job evaluation determines how much pay to be affixed to the
particular job on the basis of their importance in the organisation functioning. This helps to
determine a fair wage and salary and to determine a rational pay structure.

4. Recruitment and Selection:

The company on the basis of human resource planning and job analysis identifies the
requirement of personnel and explores different internal and external sources from where
manpower can be acquired. This process is called recruitment. The right person is selected and
put to work.

The selection process involves steps like receiving applications, tests, interviews, medical
examination and final selection. Right selection and placement provides employee satisfaction
which improves their productivity and efficiency and benefits the organization.

5. Performance Appraisal:

It is a systematic method of evaluating the performance of employees. This helps to assess the
efficiency, strength and weakness of the employees. It is a controlling process whereby the
employees’ performance is matched with the standard level of performance and remedial
measures taken in case actual performance does not meet the standard.
It helps the management in their decision-making relating to promotion, pay hike that may be
rewarded if the employee meets standard or outperforms the standard. It also helps the
management to decide about the training and development needs for employees, who needs up
gradation and development of skill.
6. Training and Development:

Human resource management is concerned with arrangement of training and development

programed for the newly appointed staff as well as for existing employees. This helps to enhance
the qualitative and quantitative performance of the work force.

Training helps the employees to cope up with the changing technological and other internal and
external work situations. Training and development make employees excel in their present post
as well as make them competent for future higher job responsibilities.

7. Employee Compensation:

Human resource management performs the function of determining the pay structure for
different employees on the basis of qualification, efficiency, experience, nature of the job. It also
determines rewards and incentives to be paid for their contribution towards the organisation.

8. Employee Motivation:

Motivation of employees is essential for retention and sustenance of employees within the
organisation. Motivation plays an important role in management of personnel. It helps to
improve productivity of personnel. There are different ways by which employees may be
encouraged. Recognition and reward for performance, promotion, pay-hike, and other monetary
and non-monetary rewards motivate the employees.
9. Employee Welfare:

Human resource management focuses on the welfare of employees by providing canteen

facilities, crèche’s, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education,
health and safety, medical care, sickness benefits, recreation facilities.
It aims at improving the quality of work life by providing a better environment worth working,
job security, flexible working hours, eliminating workplace hazards, which will have a positive
impact on the productivity and quality of work. Along with monetary benefits provided to
employees these non-monetary benefits improves the morale of the employees and motivates

10. Industrial Relation:

Labour unrest, conflicts between the work groups and between workers and management over
issues like low wage, bad work environment are common problems that must be handled
carefully by establishing a balance between the worker’s interest and interest of the organisation
and management. Human resource management considers establishment and maintenance of
harmonious and cordial relation between employer and employees.

This is achieved through careful interactions with labour or employee unions, addressing their
grievances and settling the disputes effectively through negotiation, joint consultation, collective
bargaining, in order to maintain peace and harmony in the organization.

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Management (HRM) helps in estimating the right number of people required
for carrying out the necessary activities of an organization. It analyses different work positions
within a business for identifying the skill sets needed for such positions. Proper information
regarding job designations helps in acquiring the right peoples.

Hiring Workforce

It enables business in hiring skilled and qualified workforce by creating a large pool of
competent peoples. Human Resource Management conducts whole recruitment process of an
organization in accordance with the requirements of job positions.

Retaining Employees

Human Resource Management plays an efficient role in retaining skilled employees for a longer
term within an organization. It monitors working environment provided to workers and ensures
that they get hygienic working place, better remuneration, extra benefits and facilities. This leads
to long term associations of workers with organization.

Enhance Organization Effectiveness

Human Resource Management influences the overall productivity and profitability of a business
organization. It is the one which monitors the allocation of all resources and ensures that they are
full utilized with minimum wastage. Human Resource Management matches right person with
right job which improves the effectiveness of an organization.

Handles Disputes and Queries

It handle disputes and resolves all queries of workforce from time to time. Human Resource
Management leads to smooth functioning of an organization by redressing all problems of
employees in a better manner.
Motivating Employees

Motivation of employees towards their roles is must for achieving the desired goals and
objectives. Human Resource Management motivates workforce by rewarding them as per their
performance and providing welfare facilities. It examines their output level for deciding their
incentives which boost the overall morale of workers.

Improves Employee Relations

HRM focuses on establishing good relations among management and labors for ensuring
continuity of business. It provides fair remunerations to workers and take cares of all their
necessities. Human Resource Management builds up better coordination in between employer
and employees by considering their ideas and suggestions in policy making.

Costly Setup

Human Resource Management systems require huge costs for installation within the business
origination. Owners need to give proper training to its workers for setting up and running these
systems. Small business can’t afford to run these systems within their operations.

Recent Origin

Human Resource Management lacks universal approval academic base due to its recent origin.
There is no uniformity in its terms and different people characterize the term in a distinct way.
Organizations are renaming their workforce department as HRM which may not yield real
results. It requires changes at a fundamental level in approaches, mentality and philosophy of


Another major limitation is inability to predict the external events and behavior of peoples. HRM
needs a full support of all working people and top management in an organization for its
successful implementation. In absence of proper support from top management, it may not yield
expected results.

Improper Development Programmes

HRM requires implementation of development programmes such as on job training, career

planning, counselling, MBO etc. within the organization. In actual, these development
programmes are limited to classroom lectures which undermine this approach in providing the
expected outcomes.
Insufficient Information

Lack of essential information about workers adversely affects the performance of Human
Resource Management systems. These systems require proper database of employees before
implementing them. Many organizations do not maintain a proper data of their workforce and
therefore need to acquire, retrieve and store the required information.



This refers to the HR policies and allied services & programs offered by the HRM function. The
key elements here are features, portability (self-service or service by the HR team), ease of using
the service, employee-friendliness quotient, "after-service" support, etc. Design of the HR
policies, allied service & programs should consider factors like organization's HR ideology, cost
considerations, available IT support, employees' age & education profile, etc. Further, it is vital
to get feedback from the employees on their experiences & perceptions about the HR policies &
allied services, to change or to refine or even to withdraw them, for meeting the legitimate
expectations of the employees.


It is about the techniques that the HR Head employs for communicating the HR policies &
services to the employees. Akin to Marketing, here also the aim of promotion is to create
awareness, educate employees and create a healthy image of the organization. So, for and
effective communication, the HR Head needs to plan the core message, decide on the best
channel and in some cases factor in the cost. For instance, an invite for a training event should be
worded differently depending on the profile of the participants. The communication channel for
juniors could be a mass mail and for senior guys, it could be individualistic and more personal.
Another case could be a new HR policy on a tender subject. Such a policy could be transmitted
more effectively in mini-workshops and not through a mass channel.

This is a tricky dimension. Warren Buffet has aptly said, ‘price is what you pay. Value is what
you you get. So for all the hard work the employees put in, they should sense that they are being
'valued' by the organization, right from entry to exit. This is the one of the core tasks of the HR
Head, who also has to make sure that the employees are not made to run from pillar-to-post for
getting legitimate services and support. The higher the degree of recognition (through suitable
HR systems & policies) by the organization for employees' diligent and fastidious efforts, higher
will be their sense of being valued.


This is about ensuring that the employees get required services where & when they need it. Gone
are the days, when employees were required to come to the HR Head for their requirements.
Gone is the period, when the services were delivered through the manual mode. Today, it is
about a more personalized approach and use of relevant IT tools. Very much like the Marketing
Head, the HR Head should make sure that, the services are available to the employees at the right
time and at the right spot with due clarity. Depending on the size and the spread of the
organization, the HR Head can adopt the "kiosk" concept or put the services & information
"online", for the employees' convenience and faster reach.


This piece is pretty straightforward. People refer to the members of the HR team, who are
responsible for providing services and information to the employees. These team members, apart
from the sound domain knowledge, should have an adequate know-how of the HR services; be
creative and good at interpersonal skills. More importantly, they should have information on the
HR policies of the competing organizations as it helps them benchmark. It is the duty of the HR
Head to equip the team members adequately, so that they can serve the employees effectively.


This refers to the ways in which the HR team provides services to the employees. Interpersonal
skills & humility of the HR team are two critical aspects here. The most employee-friendly HR
policy or service will not serve the intended purpose, if delivered poorly. Moreover, the degree
of complication or simplification in availing the HR services affects the employee satisfaction.
Like the Marketing Head, the HR Head is responsible for creating brand-loyalty among the
employees and developing a lasting relationship between the organization & the employees.
Physical evidence:

This is about the physical and the psychological environment of the organization. In order to get
the employees' confidence & trust in the organization, the HR Head must make sure, a healthy
environment and an enabling work culture, so that the employees enjoy working & cherish their
association with the organization. If this is achieved, then it is obvious that happier employees
will turn brand ambassadors and aid in attracting potential prospects.




Aashman Foundation is a Nongovernmental Organization which is providing internships to

anyone that is willing to help the less privileged in any way possible, almost 10 different

departments and in each department each person is assigned a very unique task that is to be

carried out carefully and with precise instructions. The main theme of this organization is to

provide a less painful life for the less privileged all around India, to make sure that they are in

great spirits no matter what has happened to them in the past. The organization works mostly in

the field of child’s education, health for both genders and the rights that each and every one is

supposed to have in this life. The main goal of this organization is to work unconditionally on

Women Empowerment, Single income families and underprivileged children through relevant

healthcare, innovative education and environmental based livelihood programs. In this

organization, everybody involved plays a huge role in keeping the company stable with the day

to day work that happens, a lot of activities are prepared, important decisions have to be made

and for that, one needs to have a role in order to complete all tasks and in this report all those

roles, important details, activities as well as personnel are covered as it is the final report.

Aashman Foundation is an organization that is formed independently and is run by independent

personnel, it is typically a non-profit entity and it is mainly active in humanitarianism or social

Its contributions are important not only in terms of the results achieved but for the optimism that

people may feel about the defense of human rights in the world but also because Aashman

Foundation is in a very direct sense, a tool that is available to be used by individuals throughout

the years to come.

As with most NGOs, Aashman Foundation provides for the less fortunate across the nation with

help from volunteers across different cities. It was started in the year 2009 by a group of people

who wanted to give something back to the society in one way or the other and then it was

latregistered as a Non-Governmental Organization in the year 2012. Aashman Foundation is a

non-profit organization which works to uplift families of single income widows, it supports the

women by empowering them with skills that enable them to become the bread earners of their

family. Some of the skills are stitching, beauty parlor, patient care, computers etc and these are

all taught by the organization. Aashman Foundation is majorly in community, personal and

social services business and currently its company operations are active, the company is

registered in Delhi (Delhi) Registrar Office. There is a widow helpdesk foundation which is a

unit of Aashman Foundation, it works with widows to educate their children and make them

financially empowered. The average annual salary in Aashman Foundation is INR 3.6 lakhs, the

salary estimates are based on 92 Aashman Foundation salaries received from various employees

of Aashman Foundation, and even interns are able to contribute to the cause as much as they can.

Aashman Foundation is a good company to work for as it has an overall rating of 3.3 out of 5

based on over 139 reviews that were left anonymously by employees. About 48% of employees
would recommend working at Aashman Foundation to a friend and 43% have a positive outlook

for the business.

This Non-Governmental Organization works towards encouraging the youth to take part in

charity work and to better the nation easily by seeing both of the best worlds in communities

surrounding us.


1. It has objectives to continue to be one of the largest youth-run NGOs situated in Ahmedabad

with its operations extended in the city of Bangalore.

2. It wants to keep working for under and less privileged children in the field of education, health


3. It wants to continue to create a society where children can prosper to their complete potential

& enjoy in its true essence.

4. It will keep promoting the culture of kindness & wants to install a sense of giving back to the

society amongst modern youth.


The purpose of this organization is to provide a less painful life for the less privileged all around

India, to make sure that they are in great spirits no matter what happened to them in the past. The

organization works mostly in the field of child’s education, health for both genders and the rights

that each and every one is supposed to have in this life. The purpose of this organization is to

work unconditionally on Women Empowerment, Single income families and underprivileged

children through relevant healthcare, innovative education and environmental based livelihood

programs. These are the core purposes of this well-established Non-Governmental Organization.

Lack of financial resources can be a limitation in the Aashman Foundation and this is a serious

issue as there are shortages of funds.

Lack of trained staff as the volunteers of NGOs are not specifically trained in handling problems

that concern people.

There is a Lack of community awareness as well as underdeveloped board of trustees.

There is limited territory.

The competition is so unhealthy.

NGO’s often lack the technical and organizational capacity to implement and full fill their

mission and a few are willing or are able to invest in training for capacity building.

Weak capacity affects the fundraising ability, governance, leadership and technical areas all


Lack of financial resources can be a limitation in the Aashman Foundation and this is a serious

issue as there are shortages of funds.

Lack of trained staff as the volunteers of NGOs are not specifically trained in handling problems

that concern people.

There is a Lack of community awareness as well as underdeveloped board of trustees.

There is limited territory.

The competition is so unhealthy.

NGO’s often lack the technical and organizational capacity to implement and full fill their

mission and a few are willing or are able to invest in training for capacity building.

Weak capacity affects the fundraising ability, governance, leadership and technical areas all


Aashman Foundation, despite all the problems faced with NGOs makes sure to teach and educate

the less privileged.

Aashman Foundation, despite all the problems faced with NGOs makes sure to teach and educate

the less privileged.


Even though there are problems faced by Aashman Foundation as mentioned earlier, all these

can be solved, and here we look at the kind of solutions that can be outlined in order to make the

organization free from problems.

In terms of Funding, for the organization to receive the right funds, there is a need to create a

well-crafted proposal, invest in necessary trainings if needed because these open windows of


Having a mindset that the other NGOs are considered as competition is very unhealthy as it

hinders the chance of partnering up with them and making more moves for engagement with

more of the less privileged that need a lot of help from as many organizations as they can get. It

is better to make use of the other organizations as there is more power in unity.


The mission of Aashman Foundation is to work unconditionally on women empowerment, single

income families and underprivileged children through relevant healthcare, innovative education

as well as environmental based livelihood programs.


It works with a vision to create a society where children can prosper to their complete potential

and enjoy quality in its true essence, this organization also promotes the culture of kindness and

wants to install the sense of giving back to the society amongst modern youth.


H. John Bernard in (2009). This Human Resource Management book is not really ordinary

book, you have it then the world is in your hands. The benefit you get by reading this book is

actually information inside this reserve incredible fresh, you will get information which is getting

deeper an individual read a lot of information you will get. This kind of Human Resource

Management without we recognize teach the one who looking at it become critical in imagining

and analyzing. Don’t be worry Human Resource Management can bring any time you are and

not make your tote space or bookshelves’ grow to be full because you can have it inside your

lovely laptop even cell phone. This Human Resource Management having great arrangement in

word and layout, so you will not really feel uninterested in reading.

(Youndt et al. 1996, 87).There has been in the recent literature little direct consideration of a

fourth fit, that between the HR system and the organization’s environment, though this is

captured indirectly through the concept of the organization’s strategy, this being the

management’s posture towards the environment.

Anupama Gupta (2010) explained the consequences of the challenges faced by the Human

resource management in context with the current economic status and the challenges faced

should be taken in consideration. This article insists on the challenges in the short fall of talented

employees. This also emphasis on how Human resources Management tackles the problems

handled on a day to day activities. It also suggested some important points to handle things

better. Saini R.R. (2010) this article explains Management in United Commercial Bank which is
a case study of Chandigarh State which elaborates HRD rules and regulations. Basically this

study explains the hurdles in the process of framing the rules and process of executing it. This

analytical study contains a sample size of 100 people and analyzed their opinion about HRD

rules and regulations. As a result of this study is qualification plays a important role in

recruitment in top, middle and low level management. The practice of selecting right candidate

for the level of management helps the organization to achieve more and retain employees in the


Kundu. Subhash C., Divya Malhan (2009) in their article on "Human Resources Management

Practices in Insurance Companies: The study was made in Indian and MNC’s and explains the

benefits of the organization is generated only by Human Resources .However the advantage of

giving insurance to the Human Resources is one of the employee benefits issued by the Human

Resource Management. The findings of the study says that both domestic and international

Insurance companies have to improve more on their HR practices like performance appraisal,

HR planning and Recruitment.

Tripathy (2008) explained that the organization have the optimum usage of Human resources in

the organization. They follow the 3 C concept (i.e) Competencies, commitment and culture. By

following these 3 C culture in the work organization give the positive results in the organization.

This practice is considered to be the best result earning which resulted in the increase in the

financial growth.
Singh S.K (2008) in this study he explained that for a good organizational growth employee

should maintain their involvement to yield high productivity. Employee’s dedication helps him

to achieve his target, and increases his quality of work. Organization should also help the

employee in training him to develop his interpersonal skills. Both Employer and Employee

should equally contribute each for individual’s growth.

Patil, Kallinath S. (2007) the development of facility management industry has an important

place in the growth of the country. Life Insurance Corporation is one of the major service

providers in which they provide the best service. The Transmission doesn’t come in a day. For

that employees have put in lot of efforts to bring the service in the field of service.

Hemant Rao (2007) in his study he explained the changes in the role Human Resources. There

was an extraordinary change in the role of Human resource department. They should work in the

organization such that they should treat the employees irrespective to cast, religion, gender etc.

The productivity of the company is based on the quality of work done by the employees in the


Sharma and Jyoti (2006) in this article they have explained about the Job Satisfaction that they

finalize it the best and effective reason for an employee in the working situation. They also

explain that this emotional factor helps the employee in the organization to yield best results.

Dissatisfaction is one of the main reasons for attrition of employee in the organization. So, job

satisfaction is the primary reason of an employee’s carrier growth and development of an

Martin, T.P. (2003) in his study he explains the Human Resource Development shows the

progress of the organizational growth with different process like recruitment and selection,

payroll processing and maintains the rules and regulations of the office. By the way of best

approach towards the employees which the in the high productive of the employees.

Vidya A. Salokhe (2002) in her study he explained the Human Resource department have

several processes to improve the employee’s individual growth in the organization. It also helps

the organization to achieve more in the profit with their effective smart work. Employees are the

asset of any organization which they make profit out of them.

Mishra and Bhardwaj (2002) in his research he made an empirical study on the Private

companies and their nature of work in Human resources Department. A random sample of 107

managers with different levels like low level, middle level and top level management are taken

into consideration. A questionnaire was circulated to them to know about the Human Resource

department and analyzed. As a result the situation present in the HRD is satisfactory.

T.V. Rao (1999) the study in his book explains that the audit conducted describes the methods

and ideas which have to be implemented in the Human Resource Audit. His framework helps to

estimate the different criteria like core competency, culture and value of the organization. By

evaluating the employee’s interpersonal skills, they can improve in some of the factors which are

they lacking in the system. They also have broadminded people in the top level management

which helps the low and middle level employees to know about their concerns. So they each and

every employee in the organization helps them to achieve more by increasing the productivity.

Udai pareek &T.V. rao (1999) in his study he explains that the limitations of Human Resource

Department where they need to improve in the personal growth of employee and the
organization. In his he elaborately explains about the importance of the training and

Development, HR Audit, Planning and Development, Organizational Behaviors. This also gives

the lots of information about the Educational Institutes and lot of professional people.

Venkateswaran (1997) explains in his article about how Human resource Department helps the

organization in their financial growth. For that he made an empirical study by collecting data

from a sample of 132 executives of a private organization. This study helps to know how the

HRD works in the organization and how for employees are benefited out of them. As a result, the

HRD works in better way how such that employees are more much comfortable in the rule and

regulations of the organizations. This also helps the organization to maintain a good decorum.

Looise and van Riemsdijk (2004) suggest that four aspects of HR are important for innovation in

an organization, namely, work design, people, performance management and rewards, as well as

communication and participation.

Leede and Looise (2005) present a model relating the HRM strategy to organizational results, such as

innovation and success, noting that HRM practices, resulting from the strategy, can lead to

results such as creativity, commitment and competencies, resulting in the organizational results

of innovation and success.

Seeck and Diehl (2017) were the first and so far only scholars to systematize the theme of innovation

in HRM, identifying 35 empirical studies linking HRM and innovation over 25 years (1990–

2015). The results indicate the importance of the relationship: HRM practices implemented by
organizations have a positive effect on innovation. Given the growing importance, and the speed

of innovation, examining the development of this strand of literature is of utmost importance.

Potgieter and Mokomane (2020) argue that the strategic emphasis of a human resource

management (HRM) department can be summarized as the effective management of teams and

individuals in an organization aimed at competitive advantage and performance success. Thus, there is

growing interest in investigating the role of HRM departments and practices in supporting companies’

capacity for innovation.

Natalicchio et al. (2018), the success of innovation practices is not in the recruitment of highly

qualified employees but in the ability to implement employee training activities. In other words,

innovation occurs through teams, with a focus on learning and developing innovative minds.

Thus, it is important to adopt collaborative and competitive mechanisms to manage innovative ideas

that arise within a company.

Lopez-Cabrales et al. (2009) argue that the impact of innovation and organizational performance

depends on the systematization of HR knowledge. They argue that knowledge-based HRM

practices have a positive influence on innovation and profit. However, it is important to realize that

these practices become more difficult in small-and medium-sized companies.




A SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is a framework used

to evaluate a company's competitiveness and develop a strategic plan. SWOT

analysis evaluates internal and external factors and the company’s current and future potential.

SWOT analysis aims to provide a realistic, evidence-based overview of the strengths and

weaknesses of an organization or industry. Organizations should avoid stereotypes and gray

areas and instead focus on real-world situations to ensure the accuracy of their analysis. It’s a

very important factor that a company must invest in.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that provides an assessment tool.

Identifying key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats leads to fact-based

analysis, new perspectives, and new ideas.

SWOT analysis extracts information from both internal sources (the strengths and weaknesses

of a particular company) and external forces (opportunities and threats) that can influence

decision-making beyond its control.

SWOT analysis works best when different groups or voices within an

organization can provide more realistic data than a prescribed message.

The results of SWOT analysis are often synthesized to support a single goal or

decision facing a company.


1.1 Strengths

• No direct competition

• Passionate volunteers and donors, AASHMAN FOUNDATION as an NGO keeps receiving

people from different area who are interested in helping either financially or academically and

other various kind of assistance needed.

• Positive word of mouth from people and promotion is strength to the AASHMAN


• Valuable services provided by AASHMAN FOUNDATION

• Better impact from people who are offered different kind of services by AASHMAN


• Clear vision, mission and goals of the organizational benefit members.

• Human resources and house skills

• Stable sources of finance

1.2 Weaknesses

• Small volunteer base of organization constrain AASHMAN FOUNDATION in different

aspects as they want many manpower to accomplish different tasks and programs.

• Volunteer and staff turnover, this also limit AASHMAN FOUNDATION as they lost some

volunteers whom they were working with

. • Lack of communication internally and externally.

• Poor organization record-keeping.

• Issues with funding

• Weaknesses at management level

• Consistently understaffed

• Gaps in collaboration at the team level

1.3 Opportunities

• Positive Service impact

• Community passion about the AASHMAN FOUNDATION service and program

• Targeting 30 – 60 year old women for volunteering and donations.

• Support from donors and other organizations

• Support and buy in from the community

• Support from the media and other advocacy organizations

• External policies are supportive

1.4 Threats

• Not simple to measure impact of AASHMAN FOUNDATIONs and its programs

• Cash flow and external costs

• Sometimes Society and community isn’t as familiar with or comfortable talking and promoting

about organization program and service.



Aashman Foundation helps the society quite exquisitely, helping children to prosper is the main

item in their catalogue. This organization empowers children, ensures a better life to them,

educated them and most importantly spreads smiles all over their faces as they say ‘kindness is

limitless’. All their projects and events have one main goal and that is to reach out and touch,

being from the other side of the society it becomes our duty to do something to spread smiles and

to give back to those who are not so fortunate, therefore we have to take initiative and do things

to help improve lives, we need to be the change we wish to see in the world. Aashman

Foundation offers a lot of important roles and positions, each member functions according to

how the management rules out the policies and guidelines and it is mandatory that everyone

follows the rules. In conclusion, the planning process is a disciplined and time taking process; it

produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape the organization. Most of the analysis is

based on how Aashman Foundation is an NGO working for single income family widows,

women empowerment and child education, Aashman Foundation supports single income family

widows by supporting them with monthly groceries and they are currently supporting 1,000 plus

widows across India. Aashman Foundation believes in empowering widows and females. They

are running different schools by the name of nishulak pathshala, they have 16 schools in 11

states of India where over 4,500 students are taking free education along with moral

development and these students are all provided with the necessary tools that they need to

complete their education smoothly. In Conclusion, as a member of an NGO such as Aashman

foundation, one tends to appreciate life more often and everything that is given because one can

now understand that everything you have can be shared with someone to make their life even

better. People need to be encouraged to reach out and touch any human being that needs help,

providing the necessities for the ones who need it is the main function of this organization and it

will forever grow in that way and mentality for as long as it can. Aashman Foundation helps to

conceptualize and formulate projects that respond to communities’ particular needs and

constraints, everyone in the organization regardless of what position they may have helps

wholeheartedly in any way possible because the goal is the same throughout the organization and

that is to promote and improve and the social and political conditions of the society on a broad

scale. In conclusion, Aashman Foundation helps the society quite exquisitely, helping children to

prosper is the main item in their catalogue. This organization empowers children, ensures a better

life to them, educated them and most importantly spreads smiles all over their faces as they say

‘kindness is limitless’. All their projects and events have one main goal and that is to reach out

and touch, being from the other side of the society it becomes our duty to do something to spread

smiles and to give back to those who are not so fortunate, therefore we have to take initiative and

do things to help improve lives, we need to be the change we wish to see in the world just like

Mahatma Gandhi said. The management and interns are so good and the motive of the NGO to

help the needy ones, women and children should be an encouragement to many if not all, to

become better each day and to always share the little we have been blessed with.


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