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Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 162 (2021) 103335

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Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology

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Late radiation effects in survivors of head and neck cancer: State of

the science
Gabriela Barbieri Ortigara a, Laura Izabel Lampert Bonzanini b, Riéli Elis Schulz c,
Kívia Linhares Ferrazzo d, *
Department of Stomatology, Postgraduate Program in Dentistry; Emphasis on Periodontics, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil
Postgraduate Program in Dental Clinic, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Multiprofessional Residency Program in Stomatology With Emphasis on Oncology, AC Camargo Center, São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Pathology, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Keywords: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common neoplasms. Radiotherapy (RT) plays an
Head and neck cancer essential role in the management of such cases. Despite advances in the technique, hyposalivation, xerostomia,
Radiotherapy dysphagia, trismus, radiation caries, and osteoradionecrosis remain significant late complications of RT. The aim
of this narrative review was to summarize and update the main findings related to late side effects of radio­
therapy in survivors of head and neck cancer (HNC). Such effects limit the ability to speak, ingest food and
Osteoradionecrosis medications, and breathe and also exert a negative impact on social well-being and quality of life. This review
Radiation caries highlights research in the field for both researchers and clinicians, assisting in the prevention and management of
these adverse conditions. The findings can contribute to improving preventive management and multidisci­
plinary interventions for HNC patients.

1. Introduction effects are characterized as acute, whereas late effects are complications
that arise or persist after the completion of treatment. Both short- and
Radiotherapy (RT) is one of the most widely used therapeutic mo­ long-term sequelae are capable of significantly affecting the quality of
dalities for patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) and consists of life of irradiated patients (Bonzanini et al., 2020a, b; Ortigara et al.,
ionizing radiation administered to prevent the multiplication of malig­ 2019; Soldera et al., 2020).
nant cells as well as eradicate the tumor or diminish its volume (Deloch Recent studies have evaluated the impact of cancer treatment on
et al., 2016). RT can be used for curative or palliative purposes, as an quality of life and survival comparing different RT modalities, such as
adjuvant to surgery, or concomitant with chemotherapy (Galbiatti et al., intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), conformed radiotherapy
2013). High doses of RT can have severe consequences for soft and hard (3DCRT), or conventional radiotherapy (2DRT), reporting that IMRT
tissues of the oral cavity, which are strongly associated with the volume provides better quality of life, whereas a worse survival rate is found
of irradiated tissue, fractionation scheme, and radiotherapy modality with 2DRT (Santos et al., 2021; Haefner et al., 2017). Other studies
(Bentzen et al., 2010). concluded that IMRT generates less toxicity (Kamal et al., 2020) and is
The tissue injury mechanism in RT is explained by sclerosis in soft related to a lower incidence of side effects, such as radiation caries and a
tissues caused by radiation, which affects lymphatic structures, causing reduced salivary flow rate (Gupta et al., 2018).
lymphedema. Lymphedema consists of fluid leaking into tissues near Despite recent therapeutic advances that seek to minimize the side
damaged structures. Consequently, the tissue is replaced with fibrosis, effects of RT, a large number of patients receive conventional therapies,
resulting in the loss of tissue function and causing consequences such as especially at reference centers in developing countries that are main­
hyposalivation, trismus, radiation caries, and xerostomia (De Felice tained through public funding Mohamad et al. (2017). Therefore, the
et al., 2018). When occurring during or immediately after RT, these aim of the present narrative review was to analyze the available

* Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Roraima Avenue, 1000. Building 20. CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS. Brazil.
E-mail addresses: gabriela.ortigara@acad.ufsm.br (G.B. Ortigara), laurabonzanini@hotmail.com (L.I.L. Bonzanini), rielielisschulz@gmail.com (R.E. Schulz),
kivialinhares@uol.com.br (K.L. Ferrazzo).

Received 1 February 2021; Received in revised form 3 April 2021; Accepted 6 April 2021
Available online 13 May 2021
1040-8428/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.B. Ortigara et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 162 (2021) 103335

literature and describe the main late side effects that affect the oral transfer appear to be promising approaches to recovering the function of
cavity of patients having been undergone radiotherapy for head and glandular tissue after RT (Jensen et al., 2019).
neck cancer. Some studies suggest that amifostine can serve as a radioprotective
drug. However, the results should be interpreted with caution, as such
2. Materials and methods studies have serious methodological limitations and the benefits need to
be weighed against the side effects (Jensen et al., 2019). A recent sys­
The present review offers evidence regarding late oral complications tematic review suggests that pilocarpine and cevimeline have promising
related to RT in survivors of HNC. Due to the lack of studies on this results (Mercadante et al., 2017). The use of systemic pilocarpine during
subject, the aim of this study was to provide a focused examination of RT seems to prevent dysfunction of the salivary glands due to its ability
scientific literature on the definition, prevalence, pathogenesis, diag­ to promote functional stimulation, increasing unstimulated salivary
nosis, and management of these effects. Searches were performed in the flow and reducing the degree of xerostomia. The long-term use of
PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases for articles published up cevimeline may induce an increase in unstimulated salivation. Although
to October 2020. Combinations of the following search terms were used: the size of the relevant effect appears to be small, patients have reported
"head and neck cancer", "radiotherapy", "radiation", "side effects", a sensation of improvement, which can be considered clinically signif­
"hyposalivation", "xerostomia", "dry mouth", "dysphagia", "swallowing", icant. Once again, the findings should be interpreted with caution, as the
"late radiation associated dysphagia", "dysgeusia", "trismus", "osteor­ evidence is limited (Jensen et al., 2019; Mercadante et al., 2017).
adionecrosis", "radiation caries", and "oral health". Systematic reviews, Another prevention method that has been investigated is the use of
literature reviews, observational, retrospective, or prospective studies, an oral stent, which is an individual intraoral device that protects
and clinical trials that addressed at least one of the late side effects of structures adjacent to the tumor. The use of the device seems to decrease
interest were considered eligible. Studies without any specific results or the risk of xerostomia (Chen et al., 2020). Although there is no robust
conclusions were excluded. This paper corresponds to a literature review proven efficacy yet, the authors recommend its use as a preventive
not necessarily focused on a single question, grouping the results of method.
research on the late side effects of RT in survivors of HNC.
3.2. Radiation-induced dental caries
3. Results
Radiation caries is an important late effect of RT that can appear as
3.1. Hyposalivation/Xerostomia early as three months after the end of antineoplastic treatment and, in
more severe cases, can lead to complete tooth destruction within a year
Hyposalivation is characterized by a pathological reduction in sali­ (Vissink et al., 2003). This is a specific form of tooth decay with an
vary flow triggering the sensation of dry mouth or xerostomia. Hypo­ estimated incidence of 29 % in the first year and 37 % in two years after
salivation resulting from RT occurs due to the degeneration and the end of RT (Moore et al., 2020). Radiation caries has a multifactor
dysfunction of the salivary glands, which results in a reduction in sali­ etiology. It is currently believed that it originates from the sum of the
vary flow (Saleh et al., 2015). This is one of the most prevalent late direct effect of RT on the hard tissues of the tooth, damaging enamel,
effects of RT in the head and neck region (Soldera et al., 2020). The dentin, and the structure of the dentinoenamel junction (Lieshout and
reduction in salivary flow can affect chewing, swallowing, taste, speech, Bots, 2014), as well as the indirect effect of radiation on soft tissues,
and communication, generating a negative impact on quality of life resulting in hyposalivation, trismus, dysphagia, and dysgeusia (Moore
(Bonzanini et al., 2020a; Soldera et al., 2020). et al., 2020).
The mechanism of harm to glandular tissue caused by RT is not fully Studies on the direct effect of radiation on teeth are scarce and offer
understood. Studies suggest that radiation initially causes direct damage conflicting results (Fonseca et al., 2020). Dental deterioration likely
to the plasma membrane of acinar cells, causing the extravasation of occurs due to micromorphological and biochemical changes in the
acinar granules, edema, degeneration, and subsequent lysis, resulting in organic and inorganic components of the dentinoenamel junction
the massive death of acinar cells. Radiation-induced acinar cell (Fonseca et al., 2020) and root dentin (de A.C. Velo et al., 2018).
apoptosis has also been suggested to cause acute glandular tissue Damage to the dental structure is proportional to the radiation dose.
dysfunction (Jensen et al., 2019). Studies have shown an association Doses above 60 Gy seem to greatly increase the likelihood of radiation
between the reduction in glandular function and the increase in radia­ caries, causing moderate to severe damage (Walker et al., 2011). In
tion dose. Deasy and colleagues suggest that even a dose of 30 Gy is addition, changes in the volume and composition of saliva alter its
capable of significantly decreasing the production of saliva as well as the antibacterial properties and ionic concentrations, leading to a reduction
size of the parotid and submandibular glands, causing xerostomia in the in pH from 7.0–5.0 within the first year (Kielbassa et al., 2006). Tooth
long term (Deasy et al., 2010). Other studies show that IMRT has a less decay is also suggested to occur due to the acidogenic change in the oral
harmful effect on the glands, reducing the occurrence of microbiota (Meng et al., 2005), although other evidence suggests that
patient-reported xerostomia (Gupta et al., 2018). susceptibility to caries after radiation cannot be explained by microbi­
Regarding the clinical diagnosis of hyposalivation, some authors ological parameters (Zhang et al., 2015). This discussion lends strength
consider < 0.1 mL/min for resting salivation and < 0.5 mL/min for to the theory of a multifactor etiology and demonstrates that further
stimulated salivation. Other authors consider hyposalivation to be a studies are needed to clarify the etiopathogenesis of radiation caries.
stimulated salivary flow of less than 0.7 mL/min (Sreebny, 2000). In Radiation caries is most commonly found on tooth surfaces that are
contrast, the best way to assess xerostomia is through self-reports from relatively immune to tooth decay, i.e., buccal, palatal, incisal, and
patients (Meirovitz et al., 2006). The Xerostomia Questionnaire is a occlusal surfaces. The lower anterior teeth, which are normally the most
widely used tool for the assessment of xerostomia and consists of eight resistant to caries, are frequently affected (Palmier et al., 2020). Most
items that the patient classifies on a scale of 0–10, with higher scores often, the lesion extends superficially around the cervical area (Fig. 1)
indicating worse xerostomia (Eisbruch et al., 2001). and then progresses internally, resulting in complete destruction of the
Several strategies have been investigated with the aim of preventing crown. In the molar region, complete destruction is less frequent, but the
or reducing damage to glandular tissue induced by RT. The main tech­ caries tends to spread to all molar surfaces, causing changes in trans­
niques are the use of radioprotective drugs, systemic pharmacological lucency and color as well as increased friability and tooth breakage. Less
sialogogues, the surgical transfer of the submandibular glands, lubri­ frequently, radiation caries is clinically manifested as a dark brown
cating or stimulating agents, and the use of intraoral devices (mouth discoloration of the entire crown accompanied by wear on the incisal
opener/jaw stabilizer). Although incipient, gene therapy and stem cell and occlusal surfaces (Vissink et al., 2003) (Fig. 2).

G.B. Ortigara et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 162 (2021) 103335

Fig. 1. Radiation caries characterized by dark brown color and incisal wear.

Fig. 2. Radiation caries involving cervical region of mandibular incisors Fig. 3. Maximum mouth opening of approximately 19 mm in patient having
and canine. undergone radiotherapy of head and neck region. As the patient was partially
edentulous, the measurement was performed from maxillary alveolar ridge to
The prevention of radiation caries should be directed at the treat­ the mandibular incisal edge.
ment of xerostomia, adequate oral hygiene, a change in diet, the control
of cariogenic flora, and frequent fluoride applications (Vissink et al., those undergoing other forms of treatment (Shao et al., 2020). Some
2003). For the management of this condition, composite resin and authors suggest that IMRT reduces the occurrence of trismus and causes
resin-modified glass ionomer cement are preferable. Conventional glass less swallowing difficulty than conventional RT (Kraaijenga et al.,
ionomer cement can be used to help reduce recurrent cavities, but 2015).
frequent replacements are necessary to ensure the integrity of the Trismus occurs due to inflammatory changes caused by RT, which
restorative material (Hong et al., 2018). Moreover, the prescription of can cause muscle fibrosis. Studies report that trismus is more likely to
chlorhexidine at concentrations ranging from 0.12 to 0.2 % for one occur in patients who have a large tumor close to the masticatory
minute twice a day is fundamental to reducing oral microorganisms to muscles that requires extensive treatment (van der Geer et al., 2020).
below a pathological level. Patients should be evaluated and counseled Moreover, RT doses above 70 Gy are associated with a greater likelihood
before and after RT (with frequent monitoring) in order to avoid radi­ of causing limited mouth opening (Scott et al., 2008). Trismus can also
ation caries and prevent the occurrence of serious damage (Gupta et al., lead to other complications, such as difficulty swallowing, chewing, and
2015). speaking as well as psychosocial problems, which can affect quality of
life (Bonzanini et al., 2020b; Ortigara et al., 2019).
A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled
3.3. Trismus trials investigated possible therapies for trismus in patients with HNC
(Shao et al., 2020). Most studies use exercises supervised by a physio­
Trismus is defined as limited mouth opening. For patients with head therapist or jaw stretching devices, the most cited of which is Therabite.
and neck cancer, trismus is considered mouth opening equal to or less The authors reported that the exercise group exhibited greater im­
than 35 mm, measured by the distance between the maxillary and provements in mouth opening in the short (5–10 weeks) and long term
mandibular incisors (Dijkstra et al., 2006). In partially edentulous or (three months) compared to the control group. The findings demonstrate
edentulous patients, the measurement must be made with the prosthesis. that exercise therapy can lead to an improvement in trismus but cannot
In the absence of a prosthesis, the distance between the upper and lower prevent this side effect and some treatment is necessary. Another review
alveolar edges is determined, from which the average height of the with a similar research question highlights the importance of the timing
missing teeth is subtracted (Fig. 3). However, this can alter the results of of treatment, suggesting the onset of therapy before or during RT
the measurement and is pointed out as a limitation of some studies (Scherpenhuizen et al., 2015).
(Kamstra et al., 2015).
The prevalence of trismus ranges from 17.3–44.1 % (Kamal et al., 3.4. Dysphagia
2020; Cardoso et al., 2020; Watters et al., 2019). A study evaluating the
prevalence in patients treated with surgery, RT, and chemotherapy – Dysphagia is one of the most common, debilitating, and under-
either alone or in combination – found that the prevalence tends to reported acute and late complications faced by HNC patients undergo­
decrease 12 months after the completion of treatment (Watters et al., ing RT with or without concomitant chemotherapy (Crowder et al.,
2019). RT is the main reason for the development of trismus and a 2018). This effect – characterized by difficulty eating – may be related to
higher incidence is found among patients undergoing RT compared to an increased risk of aspiration and aspiration-induced pneumonia and

G.B. Ortigara et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 162 (2021) 103335

limits the oral intake of food and medications (Levendag et al., 2007). 3.5. Dysgeusia
Consequently, it exerts a significant influence on the health of these
patients, negatively impacting their nutritional status, social well-being, Radiation can also affect the taste buds, causing a change in the sense
and quality of life (Ortigara et al., 2019; Van den Steen et al., 2019). of taste, which is denominated dysgeusia (Vissink et al., 2003). Dys­
Evidence suggests that 54–59 % of HNC patients have some degree of geusia starts from the second or third week of treatment and can persist
swallowing difficulty (Crowder et al., 2018; Szczesniak et al., 2014). for weeks or months. Taste is usually restored to nearly normal levels in
Severe late dysphagia can occur in 19.2 % of patients (Huh et al., 2019) a period of 60–120 days after treatment (Correia Jham and Regina da
and 14–22% can become dependent on a feeding tube (Kraaijenga et al., Silva Freire, 2006). It is estimated that approximately 33 % (Carmignani
2015). et al., 2018) and 23 % (Dragan et al., 2019) of patients develop this
Impaired swallowing in HNC patients is most often associated with complication in the short and long term, respectively. However, the
the location of the primary tumor, which can directly affect the muscles prevalence of dysgeusia differs across studies due to the different case
involved in the eating process and influence any phase of swallowing: definitions employed (Irune et al., 2014).
anticipatory, preparatory, oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal (Dodds The reduction in taste sensation occurs due to the reduction in
et al., 1990). Moreover, RT can cause damage to structures related to physical contact between the tongue and food caused by a mechanical
chewing and swallowing and is consistently associated with the block resulting from the increase in salivary viscosity and the change in
dose-volume received by the masticatory muscles (Dale et al., 2016). the biochemical components of saliva (Correia Jham and Regina da Silva
Radiation can cause an acute inflammatory and edema reaction, char­ Freire, 2006). The loss of flavor is also related to the reduction in the
acterizing acute dysphagia (Denham and Hauer-Jensen, 2002). The late salivary flow rate (Vissink et al., 2003). The perception of savory and
effect can emerge during the healing phase, as permanent fibrosis may sweet flavors is less affected by the consequences of radiation compared
occur in muscle fibers that have a high glycolytic capacity (e.g., swal­ to the perception of bitter and acidic flavors (Mossman et al., 1982). A
lowing musculature) (King et al., 2016; Murphy and Gilbert, 2009). systematic review by Bressan et al. (2016) showed that this change in
Besides the effects of radiation, it is plausible that atrophy due to the taste triggers a loss of appetite and weight, directly affecting the pa­
decreased use of swallowing muscles (Murphy and Gilbert, 2009) and tient’s nutritional status (Bressan et al., 2016) and quality of life
other generic effects (Denham and Hauer-Jensen, 2002) are involved in (Crowder et al., 2018).
late swallowing difficulty (De Felice et al., 2018). Objective and subjective methods can be used for the diagnosis of
Late radiation-associated dysphagia can be evaluated with objective this condition. The objective approach involves measuring taste through
(clinical examinations) and subjective (questionnaires) methods. The chemical gustometry, which is an analysis of the necessary concentra­
"gold standard" exam for the assessment of swallowing is video-assisted tion of a given substance (with the quality of standard flavors, for
fluoroscopy, which enables the visualization of the oral, pharyngeal, and example, bitter or sweet) required so that the individual can identify its
esophageal phases using the modified barium test with esophagography flavor (Conger, 1973). Questionnaires are used for the subjective
(Palmer JB and Drennan, 2001) to determine the amount of residual assessment and are usually combined with the assessment of general and
food after swallowing, the occurrence of aspiration, and swallowing specific quality of life. For example, the University of Washington
compensation maneuvers (Martin-Harris and Jones, 2008). Another (UWQOL) questionnaire has a domain for assessing the impact of
objective exam is the Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing treatment on the taste of patients with HNC (Hassan and Weymuller,
(FEES), which is performed by a speech-language pathologist using a 1993). Another tool to detect changes in taste was created by the Na­
fiberoptic laryngoscope to assess the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. tional Cancer Institute in 2003 with the aim of investigating acute and
For the subjective evaluation, questionnaires have been developed to late side events resulting from cancer treatment. The Common Termi­
assess dysphagia-related quality of life. However, there is still no "gold nology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE version 3.0) also has a spe­
standard" for this assessment in HNC patients. The European Organi­ cific section addressing changes in taste (Trotti et al., 2003).
zation for Research and Treatment of Cancer core quality of life ques­ There is still no "gold standard" for the management and prevention
tionnaire has a diagnosis-specific criterion for patients with head and of dysgeusia (Thorne et al., 2015). However, some of the interventions
neck cancer (H&N35) (Bjordal and Kaasa, 1992). The most widely used include dietary guidance (counseling in relation to food choices and
questionnaire is the M. D. Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI), preparation) (Sroussi et al., 2017), dietary supplementation (such as the
which was developed specifically for HNC and assesses global, use of zinc sulfate) (Chi et al., 2020), and use of marinol, megestrol
emotional, functional, and physical domains (Chen et al., 2001). A acetate, and Synsepalum dulcificum (Thorne et al., 2015). Recently,
comparison of both forms of evaluation (objective and subjective) techniques such as acupuncture have also been studied for the man­
showed significantly similar results (Florie et al., 2016). agement and reduction of dysgeusia. However, the results vary among
By definition, a satisfactory result of dysphagia management is the post-radiation survivors of head and neck cancer (Kay Garcia et al.,
absence of aspiration and minimal food waste. Several techniques are 2013).
proposed for the treatment of this condition (De Felice et al., 2018;
Eerenstein et al., 2019), such as postural changes, changes in diet 3.6. Osteoradionecrosis
(consumption of foods of less consistency), resistance exercises, and
range of motion exercises. These conservative therapies can be com­ Osteoradionecrosis is a serious late adverse reaction to RT defined as
bined and enable an improvement in swallowing without necessarily an area of bone exposed for a minimum period of three (Morrish et al.,
changing the structures or physiology involved in this process. When 1981) to six months (Marx, 1983) in a previously irradiated field, with
such methods are insufficient, surgical intervention can be considered no relation to tumor persistence or recurrence (Chronopoulos et al.,
(De Felice et al., 2014). The choice of the appropriate treatment is 2018). The prevalence of osteoradionecrosis in patients irradiated in the
determined based on the situation of each patient, aiming at favorable head and neck region varies widely in the literature. This considerable
results and the satisfactory function of swallowing structures. Dose/­ difference in the prevalence and incidence of the disease is multifacto­
volume limits of 50− 60 Gy to the pharynx and larynx (Rancati et al., rial. Most studies determine the crude rate, which may underestimate
2010), techniques such as IMRT (Ursino et al., 2017), and prophylactic long-term risk. A recent study evaluated 252 patients who had oral and
swallowing exercises are recommended to prevent or reduce the oropharyngeal cancer and found a rate of 5.55 % (Moon et al., 2017).
occurrence of radiation-associated dysphagia (Carmignani et al., 2018). The factors that increased the prevalence of osteoradionecrosis were
smoking, tooth extraction prior to RT, and the type of RT. The preva­
lence was lower among patients treated with IMRT. Indeed, the authors
concluded that the incidence of mandibular osteoradionecrosis is lower

G.B. Ortigara et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 162 (2021) 103335

in contemporary times due to the preferred use of IMRT (Moon et al., the irradiated bone resulting from a drop in the vascularization potential
2017). With the introduction of modern three-dimensional methods as of the tissues due to radiation, leading to hypoxic, hypovascularized,
well as hyper-fractionated techniques, studies report a reduction of hypocellular tissue, followed by tissue degradation, in which cell death
around 5% in the risk of developing osteoradionecrosis since the 1990s and collagen lysis exceed cell synthesis and replication. This leads to a
(Studer et al., 2004). persistent wound that does not heal. A more recent hypothesis proposes
Tooth extraction after RT is considered an important risk factor for that osteoradionecrosis occurs through a fibro-atrophic mechanism
the development of osteoradionecrosis (Thorn et al., 2000). When ex­ induced by radiation associated with defects in osteoclastic and osteo­
tractions are performed in previously irradiated fields, there is a 3% blastic cells, which culminates in tissue necrosis and healing failure
increase in the incidence of osteoradionecrosis and the risk is threefold (Delanian and Lefaix, 2004). Although osteoradionecrosis is not an in­
greater in the mandible than the maxilla (Nabil and Samman, 2011). fectious process (Marx, 1983), secondary bacterial infection can occur in
Dental extractions performed prior to RT also increase the risk of the region of necrotic tissue, which plays an important role in the
developing osteoradionecrosis (Moon et al., 2017; Reuther et al., 2003; pathogenesis of this condition (Støre et al., 2005).
Lajolo et al., 2020), although the risk is lower in this situation (Wang In view of the morbidity related to osteoradionecrosis and the
et al., 2017). The evidence supports the recommendation of the removal treatment difficulties, efforts to prevent this condition are necessary.
of infectious foci prior to RT, including the extraction of non-viable Several preventive measures are described in the literature. In addition
teeth, to avoid tooth extractions after RT (Moon et al., 2017; Wang to recommending the prior extraction of untreatable teeth in the radi­
et al., 2017). ation area as a way to prevent osteoradionecrosis (Wang et al., 2017),
Other factors that increase the risk for the development of osteor­ the authors suggest limiting the number of tooth extractions per session,
adionecrosis are primary tumor surgery in the mandibular region prior waiting a minimum of two to three weeks before beginning RT, and
to RT, higher doses of RT (Sathasivam et al., 2018), generally above 60 performing the procedure with the least traumatic technique possible
Gy (Owosho et al., 2017), poor periodontal status, and alcohol con­ (Marx, 1983). Other preventive measures are regular oral prophylaxis
sumption (Owosho et al., 2017). Osteoradionecrosis has a notable pre­ and daily fluoride applications during and after RT (Reuther et al., 2003)
dilection for the body of the mandible, followed by the mandibular as well as the systemic use of prophylactic antibiotics, non-steroidal
ramus (Dai et al., 2015). Occasionally, more serious conditions can anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, pentoxifylline, tocopherol,
occur, such as cutaneous fistulas and fractures, which are more frequent and platelet-rich plasma. However, there is insufficient evidence to state
in the mandible than the maxilla (Bagan et al., 2009) (Fig. 4). which intervention performs better in preventing osteoradionecrosis of
The pathogenesis is not completely understood. According to the the jaw in irradiated patients (El-Rabbany et al., 2019).
oldest theory (Marx, 1983), osteoradionecrosis is ischemic necrosis of Some authors defend hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a way of

Fig. 4. A) Bone exposed in anterior region of body of mandible at site where extractions were performed three years after conclusion of radiotherapy; B) Osteor­
adionecrosis in anterior region of mandible and region of mandibular ramus – left side (spontaneous), with pathological fracture. In this case, biopsy was performed
to discard possibility of recurrence of tumor in region of left mandibular ramus.

G.B. Ortigara et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 162 (2021) 103335

preventing and treating osteoradionecrosis, as it increases the potential importance of the early, continual monitoring of survivors of HNC.
for tissue healing (Epstein et al., 1987) and thus promotes a reduction in Unlike other late side effects, osteoradionecrosis has serious com­
osteoradionecrosis when applied after surgical procedures (Nabil and plications. Although there is evidence that tooth extraction both before
Samman, 2011). However, the effectiveness of this therapy has been and after RT is a risk factor for the development of osteoradionecrosis
questioned (Chronopoulos et al., 2018). Just as there is no one preven­ and the risk is greater when extractions are performed after RT. Thus, it
tive intervention that is superior to another (El-Rabbany et al., 2019), is important for the dentist to assess the patient before RT and remove
there is no universal treatment for osteoradionecrosis. Treatment de­ possible infectious foci in order to avoid invasive procedures in the
pends on the severity of the disease (Epstein et al., 1987). In the early irradiated area after the end of RT. Educational measures are necessary
stages, less severe cases can be managed conservatively, which includes to ensure the recognition of symptoms, especially after RT, when pa­
local wound care, hygiene with mouthwashes, antibiotics, and the tients are not followed up as often. These aspects demonstrate the
conservative removal of necrotic tissue (Camolesi et al., 2020). importance of a multidisciplinary team in charge of the treatment and
For cases that do not respond to conservative treatment and supervision of such survivors of HNC.
advanced cases, more radical treatment is indicated, such as surgical Although recent research has shown that IMRT is associated with a
resection with or without reconstructive microvascular techniques (Dai lower frequency of adverse effects (Kamal et al., 2020) and the use of
et al., 2015; Camolesi et al., 2020). More recently, drug therapy has been this modality is widespread in developed countries, many treatment
proposed, such as the use of pentoxifylline and tocopherol combined or centers funded by the public sector in emerging countries use conven­
not with clodronate and antimicrobials (Delanian et al., 2011), which tional RT. Therefore, it is extremely important for healthcare providers
seems to play a role in resolving the disease and inhibiting the pro­ to be aware of the side effects caused by RT as well as the main forms of
gression of osteoradionecrosis in all stages (Heifetz-Li et al., 2019). treatment and be prepared to act in a multidisciplinary way in order to
However, further studies are needed to establish this protocol. The most reduce harm after treatment and preserve the patient’s quality of life.
effective method for treating osteoradionecrosis appears to be early IMRT is a more recent RT technique, an evolution of 3DRT, in which
intervention, with the conservative removal of necrotic bone combined the modulation of the treatment beam allows better dose distribution in
with pharmacological therapy (Camolesi et al., 2020). tissues and greater safety compared to other techniques. This technique
allows the irradiation of high doses in the target tissue and, at the same
4. Discussion time, protects the healthy adjacent tissues from radiation, offering less
toxicity (mainly, to the salivary glands) and better quality of life for the
Oral complications induced by RT are complex, dynamic, patho­ patient (Santos et al., 2021; Haefner et al., 2017; Kamal et al., 2020;
biological processes that exert a negative impact on quality of life and Gupta et al., 2018). A recent systematic review with meta-analysis
cause serious side effects (Ortigara et al., 2019). Direct cell damage (Alterio et al., 2020) assessed whether treatment with IMRT could
combined with loss of vascular perfusion and fibroblast production provide similar clinical results to 2DRT/3DRT, but with less toxicity, in
places irradiated patients at a high risk for the loss of salivary function, patients who had clinically advanced squamous carcinoma of the
swallowing difficulty, radiation caries, trismus, and bone necrosis, oropharynx. The study results suggest that there were no differences
which can affect patients after completion of RT (Strojan et al., 2017). between conventional techniques and IMRT for clinical results related to
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first critical review of the disease, considering the overall survival and disease-free survival pa­
literature on the late side effects of RT. Regarding hyposalivation, we rameters. The lack of homogeneity of the analyzed data did not allow a
found differences regarding the form of diagnosis. In a systematic re­ quantitative analysis to be made regarding the impact of IMRT on late
view, Jensen et al. (2010) found discrepancies in the literature in rela­ toxicities. The most debilitating late toxicities related to alone RT or RT
tion to the terms hypofunction of the salivary gland (hyposalivation) and concomitant with chemotherapy were hyposalivation / xerostomia and
xerostomia. According to the authors, the term xerostomia is often used dysphagia. The study suggests, through a qualitative analysis, less acute
as a synonym for hyposalivation, when it should be used only to indicate and delayed toxicity in patients treated with IMRT. Similarly, other
the perception of dry mouth reported by the patient (Jensen et al., authors have demonstrated there is good evidence that IMRT signifi­
2010). Moreover, most studies measure hyposalivation subjectively, cantly reduces the risk of moderate to severe acute and late xerostomia
which may lead to an overestimation of the prevalence. compared to 2DRT/3DRT in radiotherapy treatment with curative intent
Likewise, the prevalence of trismus, dysphagia, and dysgeusia re­ of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (Gupta et al., 2018).
ported in the literature differs among studies. This difference may be Still in relation to the effect of therapeutic modalities for the treat­
explained by the absence of defined criteria as well as the heterogeneity ment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck on oral toxicities,
of the samples evaluated in most studies, which include patients with therapeutic schemes that include chemotherapy have been associated
different types of tumors and having received different types of therapy. with more acute symptoms when compared to treatment with radio­
Despite the inconsistency of these data, most studies that assessed therapy alone. However, the additive effect of chemotherapy associated
patient-reported outcomes similarly concluded that limited mouth with radiotherapy on late toxicities has not been demonstrated (van Dijk
opening affects quality of life in a number of ways (Bonzanini et al., et al., 2021).
2020a, b). Difficulty swallowing and changes in taste are also common To date, there are no well-defined prevention routines for most late
and exert a negative impact on nutrition and, consequently, the quality side effects of RT, but some studies suggest therapeutic approaches that
of life of irradiated patients (Van den Steen et al., 2019). Thus, there is a can minimize the symptoms. Stretching devices have been recom­
need for a multidisciplinary team prepared to act with therapeutic mended for patients with trismus (Shao et al., 2020). Another way to
strategies to reduce the occurrence of these side effects of RT. help reduce the rate of oral complications from radiation therapy is to
Factors associated with the development of swallowing disorders, use a positioning stent, which is an individualized intraoral device worn
such as dysphagia, include a) the treatment of cancer itself, affecting by patients during RT to protect organs adjacent to the tumor, such as
muscles related to swallowing and mouth opening (King et al., 2016) b) the parotid glands, submandibular glands, tongue, swallowing struc­
difficulty eating and dietary modifications, which can lead to a decrease tures, and oral mucosa. Moreover, the risk of xerostomia is reported to
in use and possible decrease in function (Murphy and Gilbert, 2009), and be lower based on objective and subjective measures when a positioning
c) other side effects described above. Hyposalivation can contribute to stent is used (Chen et al., 2020).
difficulty forming and transporting the bolus (Mercadante et al., 2017) The present study is a narrative review. This type of design consti­
and trismus can make it difficult to eat (Ortigara et al., 2019), both of tutes a limitation in comparison to systematic reviews, which present a
which affect the oral phase of swallowing. Thus, a combination of effects global analysis of the main outcome measures and provide robust evi­
occurs, leading to a possible vicious cycle, which underscores the dence when the primary studies analyzed have adequate methodological

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Gabriela Barbieri Ortigara Dental Surgeon; Master Degree in Dentistry; PhD Student,
Szczesniak, M.M., Maclean, J., Zhang, T., Graham, P.H., Cook, I.J., 2014. Persistent
Postgraduate Program in Dentistry with Emphasis on Periodontics, Federal University of
dysphagia after head and neck radiotherapy: a common and under-reported
Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

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