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Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

San Marcelino Campus
San Marcelino, Zambales
College of Teacher Education (CTE)
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
Second Semester, AY 2022-2023

Peer and Self Ratings – Research Conceptualization Participation

Criteria Inadequate Developing Accomplished

(0-1 pts) (2-3 pts) (4 pts)

Struggles but participates, Volunteers comments but lacks Comments are timely and relevant to the

occasionally offers a comment depth, may or may not lead to topic; Provoke questions and deeper
Quality of

when directly questioned; Simply other questions from students; analysis; Accurately states and identifies
to the

restates questions or points Contributions are sometimes off- focal issues and foundational knowledge;
previously raised and adds nothing topic or distracting; Lacks focus in Elaborates extensively on ideas
new to the discussion. how main ideas are expressed
Does not listen when others talk; Does not listen carefully and Listens without interrupting; Incorporates
Listening skills

Interrupts or makes inappropriate comments are often non-responsive and expands on the contributions of others
comments; Frequently brings up to the discussion; Sometimes brings
topics that are not related to class up topics that are not related to
and engages in off-topic side class or engages in off-topic side
conversations conversations
Is not adequately prepared; Does Has read only some of the assigned Is clearly well-prepared; Knows the content

not appear to have read the material in advance of the readings

assigned material

Questions focus on facts of the Questions are relevant to the Prepared critical questions that connects

readings rather than important theme, but focuses less on the big the big ideas across the different readings;
ideas; Questions are about details ideas connecting all articles; Some Questions recognize and attempt to
that can easily be found in the questions fail to engage the class in address research gaps
article critical thinking
Kindly average the scores for each person. Papers with missing total scores will NOT be graded 
Republic of the Philippines
President Ramon Magsaysay State University
San Marcelino Campus
San Marcelino, Zambales
College of Teacher Education (CTE)
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
Second Semester, AY 2022-2023

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