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Year 3 Laboratories

Prestressed Concrete Beam Test

Technical Note

Surname (Family Name): Murphy

Student ID Number: 201510652 Tutor: Ping Dong

Other Names: Peter

Demonstrator’s Name: Fabio Bohns

Lab group number: C10

Date of experiment (DD/MM/YYYY): 02/12/2022

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

1 Overview

This technical note template is the entire submission for the PSB lab. Complete it by
following the prompts and instructions, then submit it on Canvas under the CIVE343
module. This technical note contains the following sections, each worth the percentages to
their right:

Aims of the Lab Class. Description of the test procedure 10

Description and results of concrete properties tests: 10
 Cube Strength
 Flexural Tensile Strength
 Young’s Modulus
Strain distributions showing position of neutral axis at all stages 10
Deflections and crack formations: 10
 Calculation of theoretical deflections
 Theoretical and practical results plotted
Calculations leading to effective prestressed force: 10
 Elastic shortening losses
 Shrinkage losses
 Creep losses
 Relaxation losses
 Final prestressed force
Calculations of: 10
 Design working load (i.e., load at 1st crack)
 Deflection at working load
 Ultimate load
Discussion of results: 20
 Concrete properties
 Comparison of experimental and theoretical loads
 Stress distributions
 Position of neutral axis
 Mode of failure
 Safety factors
Conclusions 10
Presentation (not a section but for the overall layout and quality of the figures) 10
Total 100

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

2 Aims of the lab & description of the test procedure

This lab procedure is carried out with the intention of satisfying predetermined aims;

- To determine concrete's properties through standard sample tests

- To investigate how a simple pre-tensioned concrete beam performs under bending

- To compare the outcomes with the corresponding theoretical calculations.

A concrete characteristic test is a type of laboratory test used to evaluate the physical and
mechanical properties of concrete. It is important to conduct these tests as the properties of
concrete can significantly impact the performance of a structure. For example, the strength and
durability of concrete can affect the load-bearing capacity of a building or bridge. There are several
different types of concrete characteristic tests that can be conducted, this experiment focuses on
tests for compressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength. These tests were performed
on small samples of concrete that have been cured under controlled conditions in a laboratory
(poured 20/09/22, stored at 20°C). The results of these tests can be used to assess the quality of the
concrete and to predict its performance in the field

In total, four individual procedures were carried out. The first is the compression test of concrete
cubes, this involves taking three 100mm3 samples, measuring the mass of each and then placing the
concrete into a Tonipact compression machine. A downward compressive force is applied to the
cubes at a rate of 7KN/s until failure, the load at failure is recorded and the process is repeated with
the next sample. From this data, density and cubic/cylindrical compressive strength can be

The dynamic elastic modulus test is performed using the Resonant Frequency Method, this involves
taking a rectangular prism of defined size (500x100x100mm) and measuring the mass. The prism is
then oscillated in a fixed position and the amplitude is measured by a pick-up at one end, the
frequency of oscillation is then varied until the amplitude is a well-defined maximum. This frequency
can then be used to calculate the dynamic modulus of elasticity and further, the static modulus of

Using a smaller prism (300x100x100mm), a flexural tensile strength test can be performed. This
involves the prism being simply supported whilst subject to two-point loading, each load is applied
1/3L from each end of the prism. Load is then applied at a steadily increasing rate of 0.2KN/s until
failure, this provides the failure load which can be used to calculate the flexural strength.

The final procedure involves a 3.5m prestressed beam with an inverted T cross-section placed onto
two roller supports. The initial deflection is measured using an LVDT displacement transducer, and
the top and bottom strain are also recorded using a Demec gauge. Third-point loading is applied to
the sample through a spreader beam and the load is increased using 2KN increments, deflection and
strain are recorded at each stage. The load is increased until the first crack appears, this is recorded
as the working load. At this point, the beam is unloaded and the deflection at self-weight is again
recorded. The load is then re-applied at the same rate until the beam reaches failure, allowing the
failure load to be identified.

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

3 Description and results of concrete property tests

3.1 Cube Strength

Average Failure Load (P)= =494.5 KN

P 494500 2
Cubic Compressive Strength (F cu )= = =49.45 N /mm
A 100∗100

Cylindrical Compressive Strength (F ck )=0.8 F cu=39.56 N /m m

2.34+ 2.35+2.34
Average Mass ( m )= =2.34 kg

m 2.34 3
Cube Density ( ρ ) = = =2340 kg /m
V 0.1∗0.1∗0.1

3.2 Flexural Tensile Strength

F∗l 20400∗300 2
Flexural Tensile Strength ( F cf ) = 2
= 2
=6.12 N /m m
d 1∗d 2 100∗100

3.3 Young’s Modulus

m 12.06 3
Prism Density ( ρ ) = = =2412 kg/m
V 0.5∗0.1∗0.1
2 2 −15
Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity ( E D ) =4 n ∗L ∗ρ∗10

2 2 −15
¿ 4∗4125 ∗500 ∗2412∗10

¿ 41 GPa
Static Modulus of Elasticity ( E cm )=1.25 E D −19=1.25∗41−19=32.25 KN /m m

4 Calculations leading to effective prestressed force

4.1 Elastic shortening losses

Initial Prestress ( P0 ) =σ∗CSA=1239∗1 0 ∗0.0173=21.4 Mpa

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

Beam CSA 0.075∗0.1+0.125∗0.05=0.01375 m 2

Initial Moment ( M )=
w L2 ( 0.245∗25000 )∗3. 5
= =9.34 KNm
8 8

40.9+ 40.9+ 40.9+ 15.9+44.1

Average Eccentricity ( e )= =36.54 mm
I 26.73∗10 2
Z t= = =317835 mm
yt 84.1
I 26.73∗1 0 2
Z b= = =405615 m m
yb 65.9

α e= =6.36

P0 21.4∗10
( P' )= = =19.9 MPa
( ) ( )
2 −5 2
Ap e A 9.82∗1 0 0.03 7 ∗0.01375
1+α e 1+ 1+6.36 1+ −5
A I 0.01375 2.67∗1 0

Elastic Shortening Loss=21.4−19.9=1.5 MPa

4.2 Shrinkage Losses

( Δ P )=ε cs∗E s∗A p=550∗10−6∗205∗1 09∗9.82∗1 0−5=11.1 KPa

4.3 Creep losses

ϕ(∞ ,t 0) Ap
( Δ P )= ∗E s ∗P ' ¿)
1.05 E cm A

( )
−5 2
1.25 9 9.82∗10 6 0.03 7 ∗0.01375
= 9
∗205∗10 ∗19.9∗1 0 1+ −5
1.84 MPa
1.05∗32.2∗1 0 0.01375 2.67∗10

4.4 Relaxation losses

From Table (L’) = 1%

Loss = (0.01*19.9) = 0.2 MPa

4.5 Final prestressed force

= E.S + Shrink + Creep + Relax

= 1.5 + 0.0111 + 1.84 + 0.2

= 3.55 MPa

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

Percentage of Total = 3.55/21.4*100=16.6%

5 Strain Distribution Diagrams showing position of neutral axis at all stages

6 Deflections and crack formations

6.1 Calculation and theoretical deflections

Theoretical Deflection at first crack(8KN)
¿ a(3 L ¿ ¿ 2−4 a ) ¿ 1(3∗3 ¿ ¿ 2−4 ¿ 1 )
2 2
¿P =8000 =8.91 mm ¿ ¿
24∗E cm∗I 24∗32.2∗1 09∗2.673∗1 0−5

Actual Deflection at First Crack = 9.85 mm

Max Theoretical Deflection

¿ a(3 L ¿ ¿ 2−4 a ) ¿ 1(3∗3 ¿ ¿ 2−4 ¿ 1 )
2 2
¿P =18000 =20.0 mm ¿ ¿
24∗E cm∗I 24∗32.2∗10 9∗2.673∗1 0−5

Actual Max Deflection = 43.7 mm

6.2 Theoretical and practical results plotted

Load 1st Loading Deflection 2nd Loading Deflection Theoretical Deflection
(KN) (mm) (mm) (mm)
0 0 2.33 0.00
2 3.06 5.57 2.23
4 4.66 7.63 4.45
6 6.6 10.42 6.68
8 9.85 13.97 8.91
10 14.8 17.73 11.13
12 20.68 21.76 13.36
14 N/A 27.41 15.59
16 N/A 34.72 17.81
17 N/A 43.7 18.93
18 N/A 0 20.04

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

Load versus Deflection for 1st, 2nd & Theoret Loading

Load (KN)

10 1st Loading
2nd Loading
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Midspan Deflection (mm)

7 Further Calculations

7.1 Design working load (i.e. load at 1st crack)

Loss factor ( K )=1−0.166=0.844

M cr =K∗P 0 e+ ( ) Zb
+ f cf ∗Z b =0.844∗21.4∗10 ∗ 0.037+ (
+6.12∗10 ∗0.406

¿ 536.5 MNm

7.2 Deflection at working load

Deflection first crack(8KN)
¿ a(3 L ¿ ¿ 2−4 a ) ¿ 1(3∗3 ¿ ¿ 2−4 ¿ 1 )
2 2
¿P =8000 =8.91 mm ¿ ¿
24∗E cm∗I 24∗32.2∗1 09∗2.673∗1 0−5

7.3 Ultimate load

Ultimate Stress ( σ p )=γ p∗σ 0∗K=0.9∗1239∗1 0 ∗0.844=941 MPa

σp 941
ε s= = =0.00459>ε y , therefore stress at bottom=tendon yield stress
Es 205∗10 3
2 2
π∗5 2 π∗5 2
Bottom A p= ∗3=58.9 mm Top A p = =19.63 mm
4 4

F cc 0.87∗f yk∗A p 0.87∗1770∗78.5

S= = = =71.86 mm
0.567∗f ck∗b 0.567∗f ck∗b 0.567∗39.56∗75

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

s 71.86
x= = =89.8 mm
0.8 0.8

M u=f sl∗A pb∗( d 1−0.4 x ) +f sl∗A pt ∗( d 2−0.4 x )=[ 1770∗58.9∗(125−0.4∗89.8 ) ] + [ 1770∗19.63∗( 100−0.4∗89.

6 M u 6∗11.5∗1 06
P u= = =23 KN
L 3000

7.4 Neutral axis at failure

0.87∗F y∗A p =0.567∗f ck∗b∗s


PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

8 Discussion of results

8.1 Concrete properties

All concrete data and calculations showed results that would be expected from theoretical
knowledge, the concrete showed a high compressive strength of 49.45 N/mm 2 in cube form. This
value was significantly lower for the cylindrical sample at 39.56 N/mm2 (20% lower), this is due to the
cylindrical sample having a higher length to diameter ratio which leads to less end restraint and
higher distribution of stress through a cross-section. The concrete sample is shown to be
considerably weaker in tension as it is only capable of resisting 6.12 N/mm2, these properties are the
main reason that steel reinforcement is used as steel possesses a high tensile strength in comparison
to concrete.

8.2 Comparison of experimental and theoretical loads

When comparing the experimental data with the expected theoretical data, it is clear that the
experimental values are similar to the theoretical initially. When focusing on the first loading, the
experimental values follow the theoretical until the load reaches 10KN, at this point the beam starts
to show cracking and the deflection starts to increase at a greater rate. This does not occur in the
theoretical model as there in no physical deformation taking place. When comparing the first and
second loading, it can be seen that the initial deflection does not return to zero after the first load is
removed. This will mainly be due to some plastic deformation taking place and cracks starting to
appear, as the load is removed the cracks will become filled with debris and may not return to their
previous state. This causes an initial deflection for the second loading of 2.33 mm, as the load is
increased further the rate of deflection increase rises up to the point of failure where the beam
cannot resist anymore loading. The greater the load applied, the further the experimental values
vary from the theoretical.

8.3 Strain distributions

Initially, there is a slightly higher strain at the top of the beam in comparison with the bottom (893 to
879 respectively). As the load is applied, the strain at the top of the beam decreases due to the top
half of the beam acting in compression so the change in length is of course decreasing. In contrast,
the lower half of the beam is acting in tension and therefore the outer fibres are being
extended/stretched leading to an increasing strain. The strain at the bottom shows greater change
of 243 when compared with the smaller change at the top of 153.

8.4 Position of neutral axis

8.5 Mode of failure

Due to the high load imposed at the centre of the beam, the beam showed flexural failure as the
load exceeded the flexural capacity of the reinforced concrete. This leads to gradual cracks
appearing and then the complete failure of the concrete at the lower half of the beam due to high
tensile forces.

PSB Technical Note // CIVE343

8.6 Safety factors

All structural elements will be created with safety factors calculated, this allows a member to be
used safely as the load capacity is considerably higher than the loads it will typically be subject to.
This ensures the failure of members is rare and even when overloaded they can still operate at a
safe standard without signs of failure.

9 Conclusions
- Concrete shows very high compressive strength of 49 N/mm2 when in cubic form, this is
considerably weaker when cylindrical at 39 N/mm2.
- When subject to flexural tensile forces, comcrete performs poorly, only resisting 6.12
N/mm2 until failure occurs
- When loading a beam multiple times, the beam shows signs of permanent deformation and
will not return to initial deflection or strain due to cracks occurong.
- -When subject to bending, a reinforced beam is most likely to fail via flexural failure due the
the low tensile capacity of the concrete despite steel reinforecments.

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