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Design of Steel Structures

Lecture 7: Bolted Connections:

Category B & C
Prof. Dr. Sherif Mohamed Ibrahim

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Categories of Bolted Connections

• Category A: Bearing Type Connections (with non-

pretensioned bolts – ordinary bolts)

• Category B: Slip Critical Connections (with

pretensioned bolts – high strength bolts)

• Category C: Bearing Type Connections (with

pretensioned bolts – high strength bolts)

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Bearing Type Connections
(Category A– Applications & Limitations)

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Pretensioned Bolts

• Two types of connections:

– Slip-critical connection (Category B) due to
pretension force, the clamping force is increased so that
friction resistance is adequate to support the service
load. However, at factored load bolts rely on shear like
bearing connection
– Bearing connection (Category C) bolts are
pretensioned but without proper surface preparation,
thus the resistance of bolts to shear is transferred by
shear due to lack of frictional resistance.

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Slip critical connections (category B –
Applications & Limitations)

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Bearing Type Connections (with pretensioned
bolts (category C) – Applications & Limitations)

2019-11-17 6
Slip Critical Connections With H.S. Pretensioned Bolts

• In slip critical joints, bolts are fully

pretensioned to cause clamping force
between the connected parts.

• The clamping force develops friction

resistance between the faying surface.

• The friction force allows joint to

withstand shear loads without bearing
into bolt body.

• Only bolts grade 10.9 and 8.8 can be

Pre tensioned Bolts subject to shear

Torque wrench is
used to tighten the
bolt Bolt Failure

Ag yeild Load transfer by

P T Anet yeild bearing + shear

mT Major slip
T: Pretension T
force Load transfer by
m: coeff of P

2019-11-17 8
Installations of Slip-critical H.S.B
1- Using Torque Wrench. This
commonly used but requires
regular calibration.

M = 0.2 x d x T
T = required bolt pretension
d = bolt diameter
Installations of Slip-critical H.S.B
2- Turn-of-nut method

Rotation angle = 900 + t + d

t = total thickness of connected parts (mm)
d = bolt diameter (mm)
Slip Critical Connection (category B)
Slip resistance of one bolt:
mT m
Ps = T = 0.7Fyb  A s  Ps = 0.7 Fyb  A s
 
As = stressed area of bolt (along threaded section)
∅= 1.0 for standard holes.
∅ =0.85 for slotted hole parallel to the line of action of the force;
m: mean slip (friction) coefficient which depends on surface treatment
m =0.5 for class A surface (with ST52)
m =0.4 for class B surface (with ST37 and ST44)
m =0.3 for class C surface
: a factor of safety
 =1.25 and 1.05 for load cases I and II for all steel work
 =1.6 and 1.35 for crane girders or girders mainly subject to dynamic loads.

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High Strength Bolts Grade 10.9


T = 0.7 Fy As M = 0.2d  T Ps =   m  T / 

• For grade 8.8 the table values for T, M and Ps are reduced by 30%
• Case I: DL + LL + dynamic effect + Centrifugal force
• Case II: Case I + wind load or earthquake load, breaking force,
lateral shock, temperature change, support settlement, concrete
creep/shrinkage, etc.
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2. Slip Critical Connections: Pretensioned bolts
• The connections may be subjected to:
– Shear force
– Tension force
– Shear and tension

• Service load must transfer by friction with no slip

• Factored load must be checked as bearing type

2019-11-17 13
Slip Critical Connection
• Bolts subject to Shear
Vb =  nPs
Vser is the shear due to Service load, N is the total number of bolts, n is the
number of friction planes
R b = u  leastR vb , R br 
10.9 :  v  (0.5  Fub )  A  n
R vb = 
 8.8 :  v  (0.6  Fub )  A  n v = 0.6
R br =  br  d  t min  (  Fu ) br = 0.7
 2
A = d when threads are excluded from shear planes
 2
A = A s  0.78 d when threads are included in shear planes
Vu is the shear due to factored load, N is the total number of bolts
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Slip Critical Connection

• Bolts subject Tension

R ub =  R tb
R tb =  t (0.8Fub )A s

Tu is the Tension due to factored load

N is the total number of bolts

2019-11-17 15
Slip Critical Connection
• Bolts subject to combined Shear and Tension (Service load)
Vser Tser ,b
Vser ,b =  Ps (1 − )
Vser ,b Tser ,b Tser Vser
+  1.0 where, Tser ,b = and Vser ,b =
Ps T N N
Vser Tser ,b Vser Tser
+  1.0  N = +
N  Ps N  T Ps T

Vser and Tser is the shear and tension due to Service load, respectively.
N is the total number of bolts
T is the pretension force per bolt (0.7FybAs)
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Slip Critical Connection
• Bolts subject to combined Shear and Tension (Factored loads)
2 2
 R uv   R ut 
  +    1.0
 R vb   R tb 
Ruv = actual factored shear force per bolt = Qu / N
Rut = actual factored tensile force per bolt = Tu / N
N = Number of bolts resisting combined shear and tension
Rvb = Shear resistance of bolt as previously determined
Rtb = Tensile resistance of bolt as previously determined
Can you determine N for given Qu and Tu?
N2 = (Qu/Rvb)2 + (Tu/Rtb)2

 R br =  br  d  t min  (  Fu )
Check also that : R uv =
2019-11-17 17
Example 1
HEB 400
Design the bolts required to
connect the shown angle to the 100 100 100 100
HEB 400. Use M20 G10.9
bolts. Steel used is steel 52.
Design the connection as a slip
critical connection considering
Pser = 36 t and Pu = 52 t PL 20 mm
(threads included in shear
PL 14 mm
planes). 2Ls

1. Bolts connecting angle to the plate

From table: Ps=6.17 t for M20 and st 52

Vser 36 Pu
N =
2  Ps 2  6.17
= 2.92 → 3 bolts
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Example 1
HEB 300
Use e = 45 and S =70
100 100 100 100
e>2d thus a = 2

Check ultimate limit state:

R vb =  v (0.5Fub )A s n
PL 14 mm PL 300x20
= 0.6  0.5 10  2.45x 2 = 14.7 t 100x100x10
R br =  br d  t min (  Fu )
= 0.7  2 1.4  2.0  5.2 = 20.4 t
Vu 52
N= = = 3.53  choose 4 bolts
R least 14.7 Pu

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Example 1 2Ls
Check Tension Member 100x100x10

Pr −1 =  t A gt Fy = 0.85  2 19.2  3.6 = 117.5 t

x 2.82
U = 1− = 1− = 0.866  0.9 ok
 3 7
Pr − 2 =  t Pn =  t A ne Fu =  t U  A n Fu
ex for L100x10 from tables
= 0.7 x{0.866(19.2  2 − 2.2  2)}x5.2 = 107.2 t

Pr=107.2 > 52 t SAFE

Check block shear rupture
A gt = 4.5 1x 2 = 9 cm 2 → A nt = 9 − 0.5  2.2  2 = 6.8 cm 2
A gv = (4.5 + 3  7) 1 2 = 51 cm 2 → A nv = 51 − 3.5  2.2  2 = 35.6 cm 2
A nt  Fu = 6.8  5.2 = 35.3 t & A nv  (0.6Fu ) = 35.6  0.6  5.2 = 111 t
A nt  Fu  A nv  (0.6Fu ) → Pr −3 =  v (A gt Fy + A nv 0.6Fu )
Pr −3 = 0.79  3.6 + 35.6  0.6  5.2 = 100.3 t  Pu = 52 t

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Example 1
HEB 300

Check bolts between end plate and

HEB 300 at service load (36 t) 45o
PL 300x20
PL 14 mm
Vser Tser
N= +
Ps T
where Ps = 6.17 t & T = 15.43 t from tables
36  0.707 36  0.707
N= + = 5.77 bolts  6 bolts
6.17 15.43 Pu

2019-11-17 21
Example 1
HEB 300
Check bolts between end plate and HEB
at factored load (52 t)

R vb =  v (0.5Fub )A s n 45o
= 0.6  0.5 10  2.45 = 7.35 t
PL 300x20
PL 14 mm
R tb =  t (0.8Fub )A s = 0.7  0.8 10  2.45 = 13.72 t

 52  0.707   52  0.707 
2 2

N2 =   +  = 32.2
 7.35   13.72 
N = 5.67  choose N = 6 bolts
R br =  br d  t min  Fu = 0.7  2 1.9  2  5.2 = 27.7 t Pu
52  0.707
R uv = = 6.2 t  27.7 t  safe

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3. Bearing Type Connections: Pretensioned bolts
Bolt Category C
• The connections may be subjected to:
– Shear force
– Tension force
– Shear and tension

2019-11-17 23
Bearing type connections: HSB Bolt resistance

Shear : R vb =  v  (0.5  Fub )  A s  n  for 10.9 bolts

=  v  (0.6  Fub )  A s  n  for 8.8 bolts
Bearing : R br =  br  d  t min  (  Fu )
Tension : R tb =  t  (0.8  Fub )  A s  v = 0.6
2 2  br = 0.7
 R ut   R uv 
Shear + Tension :   +    1.0  t = 0.7
 R tb   R vb 
 R br =  br  d  t min  (  Fu )
Check also that : R uv =

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