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A Dissertation Presented
to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Business
University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Pińas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of

July 2023

This dissertation entitled, “INFLUENCING FACTORS IN INNOVATIVE

prepared and submitted by QI MENG in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, has been examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval for Final Oral Examination.




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of __________.


Member Member


Member Member



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Doctor of Business Administration.


Dean, Graduate School

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the Lord God Almighty for His iii

shower of blessings throughout her master’s study. She could not have done this

without the Grace of God.

Secondly, the researcher would like to express her deep and sincere

gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the people who helped, guided and supported

her in the completion of study.

To DR. ANTHONY JOSE M. TAMAYO, President, University of Perpetual

Help System Dalta, for the motivation to pursue the study.

To DR. EDUARDO C. ZIALCITA, Dean, Graduate School, in providing

guidance to the researcher in conducting the study.


BACAY and DR. MARIA FE DE CASTRO, members of the panel for their

invaluable support, encouragement, challenging questions and insightful comments

to achieve the goals and objective of this study.

To DR. RONALDO A. POBLETE, his thesis adviser for giving his the

opportunity to do the study and providing unwavering guidance and advice

throughout this thesis.

To all RESPONDENTS of the study and the management of the subject fast-

food companies for their willingness to make time to participate in the survey.
To the EXPERTS, who contributed and participated in the study, without their iv

passionate inputs and participation, the test validation could not have been

conducted successfully.

Last, but not the least, he is extremely grateful for her parents for their love,

prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating and preparing her for her future. To her

husband and daughter for their love, understanding and unending support to

complete this study.



Page vi











Introduction 1

Background of the study 3

Theoretical Framework 5

Conceptual Framework 11

Statement of the Problem 12

Hypothesis 13

Significance of the Study 13

Scope and Limitations of the Study 15

Definition of Terms 15


Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care 19 vii

Architectural Innovation 22

Radical Innovation 25

Incremental Innovation 27

Disruptive Innovation 28

Artificial Intelligence 30

Virtual Reality 34

Augmented Reality 36

Internet of Things 38

Synthesis 39


Research Design 41

Population and Sampling 41

Respondents of the Study 42

Research Instrument 43

Likert Scale 45

Validation & Reliability of the Instrument 47

Data Gathering Procedure 48

Statistical Treatment of Data 48


Demographic Profile 50

Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care 51

Extent of Real State Industry 61

Do Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care Have a Significant

Influence to the Real State Industry 71


Summary of Findings 79

Conclusions 87

Recommendations 90



Table no. Title Pages

Table 1 Frequency & Percentage of Respondents According to

Forms of Business 50

Table 2 Frequency & Percentage of Respondents According to

Years of Operation 51 ix

Table 3 Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care in terms of

Architectural Innovation 51

Table 4 Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care in terms of

Radical Innovation 53

Table 5 Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care in terms of

Incremental Innovation 55

Table 6 Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care in terms of

Disruptive Innovation 57

Table 7 Summary of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care 59

Table 8 Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms of

Artificial Intelligence 61

Table 9 Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms of

Virtual Reality 63

Table 10 Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms of

Augmented Reality 65

Table 11 Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms of

Internet of Things 67

Table 12 Summary of Extent of Real Estate Industry 69

Table 13 Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of x

Elderly Care and Artificial Intelligence 71

Table 14 Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of

Elderly Care and Virtual Reality 73

Table 15 Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of

Elderly Care and Augmented Reality 75

Table 16 Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of

Elderly Care and Internet of Things 76


Figures No. Title Pages

Figure 1 Theoretical Framework 6

Figure 2 Conceptual Framework 11

Chapter 1 1



With societies throughout the world having to confront the challenges

imposed on by an aging population, the real estate sector is undergoing a significant

shift. A significant area of attention for the real estate industry is innovation in aged

care techniques due to the rise in the number of older people needing care and

support. The purpose of this introduction is to examine the different influencing

elements that form innovative methods in senior care within the real estate market,

emphasizing the necessity for adaptable solutions to satisfy the particular demands

and preferences of the aging population.

The demographic shift towards an aging population is one of the key

influencing factors in the creative approaches to aged care in the real estate

business. The number of old people in the population is growing quickly as life

expectancy increases and birth rates fall. Due to this demographic change, the

housing and care industries must come up with creative solutions to meet the

specific demands and preferences of elderly people. In recent years, there has been

a significant change in the expectations and preferences of the senior population

with regard to care and living conditions. Options that promote independence,

autonomy, and a sense of community while still providing comprehensive healthcare

and support services are becoming more and more popular with older people. The
real estate sector's innovative approaches to aged care must adjust to these shifting 2

demands by offering a variety of housing options, specific amenities, and

specialized care services.

Technology development is a key factor in the development of innovative

strategies for elderly care in the real estate sector. Technology offers a wide range

of opportunities to improve care quality, increase safety, and enable older adults to

continue living at home, from wearable technology and smart homes to remote

condition monitoring and assistive robots. By incorporating these technologies into

real estate projects, it is possible to give individualized and effective care while

encouraging independent living and enhancing older individuals' overall wellbeing.

The real estate sector's innovative methods to elderly care are becoming

more and more influenced by environmental and sustainability factors. There is an

increasing need for eco-friendly and energy-efficient architecture as society

becomes more aware of how buildings affect the environment. Including green

areas, outdoor access, and eco-friendly methods into elderly care facilities may also

improve the wellbeing and quality of life for senior citizens.

So many influencing factors impact how innovation in elderly care is

approached in the real estate sector. New and flexible models of aged care are

being created as a result of demographic changes, evolving geriatric expectations

and preferences, technological breakthroughs, environmental issues, and

governmental frameworks. The real estate sector can play a critical role in ensuring 3

that older persons receive high-quality, person-centered care while also tackling the

mounting social difficulties brought on by an aging population by comprehending

and responding to these contributing elements.

Background of the Study

The world population is aging quickly, which is forcing a big paradigm change

in the real estate sector. This demographic growth presents both distinct obstacles

and possibilities for the real estate industry's development of cutting-edge strategies

for aged care. Forging successful marketing strategies that address the changing

requirements of the aged population requires an understanding of the driving forces

behind these novel approaches.

Developing successful marketing strategies that address the changing

requirements of the aged population requires an understanding of the driving forces

behind these novel approaches. This study's backdrop examines the important

elements that affect the real estate sector's adoption of novel elder care tactics,

laying the groundwork for the creation of marketing plans to advertise and

distinguish such services.

The real estate business, particularly elder care, has undergone significant

change as a result of the quick development of technology. Technology is crucial in

providing effective and individualized care solutions, from smart home automation to
telemedicine and remote monitoring systems. Real estate developers may attract 4

tech-savvy senior people and their families by highlighting the creative nature of

their elder care services and incorporating the most recent technological

developments into their marketing strategies. Elderly people's lifestyle preferences

and expectations for elder care are changing as the older population differs. Many

senior citizens are looking for socially and physically active situations that support

their wellbeing, independence, and feeling of belonging. The positioning of new

elder care solutions within the real estate sector as chances for seniors to pursue

full and satisfying lives must take into consideration these shifting preferences in

marketing initiatives.

Elder care services, as well as the real estate market, are increasingly being

influenced by sustainability and environmental concerns. The environmental effect

of older individuals' living arrangements is a growing issue for them and their

families, who want ecologically friendly design practices, energy-efficient structures,

and access to green areas.

Real estate developers may distinguish out together with their cutting-edge

elder care products by using sustainability as a core marketing theme and woo eco-

aware customers.

In this study of creating efficient marketing program initiatives that address the

demands of the senior population, it is important to understand the driving forces

behind cutting-edge elder care practices in the real estate sector. The elder care 5

landscape is influenced by changes in the population, technology improvements,

lifestyle choices, environmental issues, and regulatory frameworks. By taking into

account these factors, real estate developers can effectively position their cutting-

edge elder care services, differentiate their offerings, and develop persuasive

marketing campaigns that connect with the target market, likely leading in

mainstream success and better care outcomes for elderly people.

Theoretical Framework

This study is grounded with the innovative approaches of elderly care in the

real estate industry. According to Talin, 2023, Innovation is the practical

implementation of ideas that leads to various new sorts of new offerings, including

as goods, services, processes, and business models, with the aim of enhancing or

disrupting current applications or developing new solutions, this model of Innovation

in the Real Estate


Figure 1


Architectural Innovation

Innovative methods of providing care for the elderly are developed in large

part through architectural innovation. Environments that encourage wellness, safety,

and a good quality of life must be urgently created as the older population rises. A

fundamental idea in architectural innovation for elderly care is aging-in-place design.

In order to promote independence and reduce the need for institutionalized care, it

focuses on developing living environments that enable older individuals to age

comfortably in their own homes or communities. To address mobility issues and

guarantee ease of movement within the living environment, features including

single-level layouts, larger entrances, grab bars, non-slip surfaces, and accessible 7

facilities are implemented.

The use of technology into the architectural design is a common component

of cutting-edge approaches to elder care. To improve safety, advance health

management, and enable remote care, assistive technology, smart home systems,

sensor-based monitoring, and telehealth capabilities are combined. These

technology developments help provide more effective and individualized care,

allowing older persons to age in home and maintain their wellbeing. Technology

integration into architectural design is a common component of creative methods to

caring for the elderly. To improve safety, support health management, and enable

remote care, assistive technologies, sensor-based monitoring, smart home systems,

and telehealth capabilities are all used. These technology developments help

provide care that is more effective and individualized, allowing older individuals to

age in place while still being safe and healthy.

Advanced techniques of providing care for the elderly are developed in large

part through architectural innovation. In order to build care facilities that promote the

wellbeing, autonomy, and dignity of elderly people, aging-in-place design, person-

centered design principles, integration of technology, environmental concerns,

multifunctional spaces, and safety precautions are all important. The aged care

industry can give elders with changing surroundings that improve their quality of life,
encourage independence, and meet their changing requirements by embracing 8

architectural innovation.

Radical Innovation

The introduction of innovative and disruptive ideas, concepts, or behaviors

that fundamentally alter present system is referred to as radical innovation. When it

comes to creating new strategies to address the specific requirements and

difficulties encountered by the aging population, radical innovation is essential.

Radical innovation in elder care uses cutting-edge technology to provide

game-changing solutions. This involves using telemedicine, virtual reality, robots,

and artificial intelligence into clinical procedures. For instance, telemedicine enables

remote monitoring and healthcare services, virtual reality can improve cognitive

stimulation and mental health, and robotic companions can offer social connection

and help. These innovations might transform how care is provided, increase older

people's access to healthcare, and improve their quality of life in general.

Elderly care includes the design and development of care facilities. This

involves designing facilities with an emphasis on comfort, safety, and accessibility.

As an illustration, creating age-friendly living areas, adding natural features, and

encouraging social interaction inside care facilities. By the creation of spaces that

suit their holistic requirements, these cutting-edge design ideas help improve the

physical and emotional health of older people. The necessity of ongoing study and
learning is highlighted in the field of elder care. This includes funding research and 9

development projects to investigate cutting-edge technology, industry standards,

and models of evidence-based care. Care providers may adjust and develop their

methods to suit the changing requirements of older individuals and provide the

highest levels of care by being at the cutting edge of knowledge and innovation.

Incremental Innovation

The concept of incremental innovation emphasizes the ongoing development

and enhancement of current goods, services, or procedures. Incremental innovation

is crucial in the senior care setting for improving care quality, maximizing operational

effectiveness, and meeting the changing requirements of older persons. Elderly

care places a strong emphasis on enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of care

delivery procedures. This includes simplifying office procedures, improving care

coordination, and lightening the load on caregivers. Automated appointment

scheduling, remote monitoring, and the use of digital health data can all assist to

streamline processes, cut down on mistakes, and enhance care coordination in


To enhance healthcare delivery, incremental innovation incorporates

telemedicine and health monitoring technologies. These can include applications for

remote health management, wearable gadgets for remote vital sign monitoring, and

virtual consultations with medical specialists. These innovations permit fast medical
action, enable early diagnosis of health problems, and increase older individuals' 10

access to healthcare services. (Nigura, 2020)

Disruptive Innovation

In the telehealth and remote monitoring technology and providing care

remotely is a critical part of disruptive innovation in the elderly care sector. This

contributes to the overall citizens to access healthcare services from the comfort of

their homes and obtain quick medical consultations, vital sign monitoring, and

treatment. Reducing the need for in-person visits and enhancing access to

treatment for elderly people in remote or underserved locations are two goals of

disruptive telehealth platforms and wearable technology. The geriatric care involves

the use of virtual reality (VR) and cognitive stimulation technology to boost cognitive

function and increase mental well-being. Applications for virtual reality (VR) can offer

immersive experiences that jog memory, calm anxiety, and lift mood. Interactive

technology is used by cognitive stimulation programs to involve older persons in

mental and brain training activities. These innovative methods boost social inhas the

possibility of transforming aged care by enhancing independence, better results, and

meeting the changing requirements of elderly people. The elderly care industry can

lead transformational changes in care practices by embracing remote monitoring

and telehealth, artificial intelligence and robotics, smart homes and IoT solutions,

virtual reality and cognitive stimulation, co-living and intergenerational communities,

data analytics, and predictive modeling. Interaction, advance social involvement, 11

and increase quality of life in general.

Conceptual Framework


Profile of the

Level of innovative
approaches of
elderly care in
terms of
innovation; Data Gathering
Radical Innovation;
Incremental Statistical
Treatment of Marketing Plan
innovation; and
Data on the elderly
care in the real
Presentation, estate industry
Extent of real Analysis and
estate industry in Interpretation of
terms of: Artificial Data
intelligence; Virtual
Augmented reality;
and Internet of

Figure 2, presents the conceptual framework of the study. Based on the framework 12

above, the Input contains the demographic profile of the respondents and the level

of innovative approaches of elderly care and the extent of real estate industry. In the

Process, which contains the construction of the survey questionnaire, gathering of

data, and analyzing statistical treatment to be used. Lastly is the Output, which

contains the output of this study which is a marketing program that can be used by

business owners in sustaining their business in a technology driven industry.

Statement of the Problem

The study if aimed to determine the influencing factor in innovative

approaches of elderly care in the real estate industry and focused on the marketing

program that this industry needs for provide better care.

Specifically, the following questions were addresses in this study:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Forms of Business;

1.2 Years of Operations;

2. What is the level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of:

2.1 Architectural innovation;

2.2 Radical Innovation;

2.3 Incremental innovation; and

2.4. Disruptive innovation?

3. What is the extent of real estate industry in terms of:

3.1 Artificial intelligence; 13

3.2 Virtual Reality;

3.3 Augmented reality; and

3.4. Internet of things?

4. Do innovative approaches of elderly care have a significant influence on real

estate industry?

5. Based on the findings, what proposed marketing program can be derived from the



Null Hypothesis: There is no significant influence of the innovative approaches of

elderly people on the real estate industry.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant influence of the innovative approaches

of elderly people on the real estate industry.

Significance of the Study

The researcher. In particular believed that this research study would be beneficial

and relevant not only with the industry, business owners but with its clients as well.

Elderly Care Industry. It's vital to remember that these benefits could change

depending on a person's unique situation, the level of care given, and the particular
services supplied by the aged care business. Recent studies can offer more detailed 14

insights into the particular advantages and effects of the sector.

Elderly Care Business Owners. Owners of real estate companies that venture into

the aged care industry might take advantage of synergies and cross-marketing

possibilities. For instance, they can create integrated senior living communities that

pair housing with care services to produce a thorough and alluring selection. The

real estate and care industries may effectively cross-promote and refer business

thanks to this combination.

Clients/ Elderly. The development of healthcare procedures and treatments is

frequently the focus of research on novel approaches to elder care. This may result

in the creation of novel medicines, treatments, and preventative measures that

enhance the health of older persons. The management of chronic disorders, the

prevention of diseases, and the promotion of healthy aging may all be improved by

the use of evidence-based research by healthcare practitioners.

Future Researchers. This research study could be relevant and reliable source of

research materials for it might use to lead in conducting a study in the future.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

In China, the current retirement age is 60 years old, but for most female 15

employees, the retirement age is 55 years old. Nevertheless, there are exceptions

and changes to these general retirement ages.

The research study is focused on the clients in the elderly care industry in

Anhui China. The respondents of the study is 200, age 55-90 years old, male and

female which are the elderly who have retired and will be retiring.

The study will be using purposive sampling known as judgemental or

selective sampling, is a non-probability sampling approach used in research. In

purposive sampling, researchers purposefully pick certain individuals or instances

that contain certain features or attributes that are important to the study aims.

Rather than depending on random selection, purposive sampling involves deliberate

and intentional selection based on the researcher's knowledge, skills, and judgment.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined as they were used in the study. Enable to

facilitate the reader’s understanding and accurate interpretation of the content.

Architectural Innovation. This refers to the development and application of original

and ground-breaking theories, concepts, designs, and methods in the area of

architecture. It entails the introduction of creative and revolutionary solutions that

break from established design principles and question current standards.

Artificial intelligence. It refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines, 16

enabling them to accomplish activities that traditionally require human intelligence,

such as visual perception, voice recognition, decision-making, problem-solving, and

learning. AI attempts to construct intelligent systems that can observe, comprehend,

reason, and respond in ways that mirror or exceed human capabilities.

Augmented Reality. This refers to the technology that overlays digital information,

such as photos, movies, or 3D objects, over the real-world environment in real-time.

It merges the actual and virtual worlds, increasing the user's perception and

engagement with their environment. AR often requires the usage of devices such as

smartphones, tablets, or dedicated AR headsets. These gadgets employ sensors,

cameras, and displays to capture the real-world environment and overlay digital

material upon it.

Disruptive Innovation. This refers to the introduction of a new product, service, or

business strategy that fundamentally disrupts current markets and displaces

established incumbents. It often entails the construction of a solution that is simpler,

more economical, or more convenient, hence appealing to a new range of clients or

fulfilling previously unmet demands.

Elderly Care. It is also known as elder care or geriatric care, refers to the support,

help, and services offered to older persons to satisfy their physical, emotional, and
social requirements. It comprises a range of services and treatments meant to 17

enhance the health, well-being, and quality of life of older persons.

Incremental Innovation. This refers to a continuous and iterative improvement

process that builds upon current goods, services, or processes. It entails making

modest, incremental modifications and upgrades to existing services in order to

maximize performance, functionality, or efficiency. Incremental innovation often

focuses on improving and fine-tuning existing features rather than proposing drastic

or disruptive improvements.

Innovative Approaches. This relate to innovative and creative ways, tactics, or

practices that are different from typical or conventional approaches. These

techniques are defined by their capacity to bring about creative solutions, enhance

efficiency, handle difficulties, and generate value in numerous fields. Innovation

means offering something new or different that generates positive change or

provides value.

Internet of Things. This refers to a network of networked physical items, including

as cars, appliances, and other machinery, that are equipped with sensors, computer

software, and network connectivity. In layman's words, it is the idea of linking

common things to the internet, enabling intelligent, automatic communication and

interaction between them and with humans.

Radical Innovation. It refers to the introduction of wholly new and breakthrough 18

ideas, concepts, products, or procedures that profoundly disrupt current systems,

practices, or industries. It includes a major break from standard techniques and

traditions, frequently leading to dramatic changes and new opportunities.

Virtual Reality. This refers to a technology that provides a simulated, computer-

generated world that people may interact with and experience as though they were

physically present within that environment. It immerses people in a three-

dimensional, simulated environment, generally through the use of headsets or

goggles that offer visual and aural stimulation.

Chapter 2


This chapter focuses on the review of related literature and studies that were 19

relevant to the present study’s problems in the industry. This comprises of local and

foreign literature and studies which allowed the various perspectives of this research


Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care

With the fast graying of China’s population, ensuring and improving the

quality of life for Chinese senior people has become an essential concern. With

13.5% of its population or 191 million people aged 65 and over, China, the most

populous country in the world is confronting serious problems in terms of caring for

its old. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of persons over the age of 60 will hit

around 300 million and might approach 400 million by the end of 2035,respectively

accounting for roughly 22% and 30% of the overall population With the rise of

industrialization and urbanization, many young labor force began to relocate across

provinces to pursue work, which led to the younger generation living in separate

regions with their parents. Older parents in China are likely to be “empty nesters”,

which implies they live alone or with their spouses only with one child ( Yang ,

2022 ) Although this unique elderly care solution is in line with China’s social,

cultural, and economic conditions, it is also publicly recognized that the family size in

China has been shrinking since the official start of China’s One-Child Policy in 1980,

which means young generation carry a much heavier burden of family care than
their parents did. Past research in context of senior care issue categorize the 20

responsibilities of the family care service into two categories in terms of the subject

and object of the service, namely the old person receiving care and the younger

person providing care and subsequently define their different caring burden. From

the perspective of the aged care recipients, the family caring burden refers to the

time, money and effort spent on en they are ill, while from the perspective of the

young caregiver, this refers to the psychological experience of stress, worry, anxiety,

distress, etc., associated with providing care services .Most previous studies on

family caregiving have been conducted from the perspective of older people owing

to the fact that it is the basis and foundation of the other perspective , yet we believe

conducting research from care providers’ perspective is also an indispensable part

of the entire field of study, and discovering and satisfying the needs of elderly care

providers can likewise greatly affect the construction and quality of the elderly care

service. In mining and analyzing the huge quantity of material on the web,

academics may acquire a more comprehensive knowledge of the current state of

affairs and scientifically forecast future trends. Text mining generally rely on natural

language processing methods to arrange text for subsequent examination. Natural

language processing (NLP) is the process of helping computers comprehend natural

language, integrating linguistics and artificial intelligence, frequently employing

massive data sets for subject refining and sentiment detection.

In Qian’s work, text mining methods were applied to determine the health 21

information demands of elderly individuals by evaluating text messages posted in

forums. We feel it is extremely practical to utilize text mining approach to examine

the psychological and emotional condition of young generation while caring their

senior parents.

With these status in mind, the introduction and adaptation of innovative

approaches to elderly care in the real estate Innovation means offering something

new or different that generates positive change or provides value. Innovative

techniques may be used to different fields, such as business, technology,

healthcare, education, social services, and more. They generally include a new

viewpoint, out-of-the-box thinking, and a desire to question the existing quo.

Integrating technology into senior care can increase efficiency, safety, and quality of

care. (Shi, 2020 ) This involves the use of remote monitoring devices, wearable

sensors, smart home technology, and telemedicine to provide remote healthcare

monitoring, fall detection, medication management, and social networking. Creating

age-friendly workplaces entails developing physical locations that are accessible,

safe, and comfortable for older people. This includes elements such as non-slip

flooring, handrails, proper lighting, and clear signs to enhance mobility and decrease

the risk of falls. Recent innovations in intelligent technologies for supporting older

people can give elders friendly, mutual, and individualized interactions. As the
intelligent gadgets should consistently offer an essential contribution to the smart 22

senior care business, smart services or policies for the elders are lately given by a

big number of government programs in China. At present, the smart senior care

business in China has drawn numerous investors’ attention, but the smart elderly

care industry in China is still at the starting stage. It is determined that smart elderly

care services suit the elders’ mental desires and that needs for improving

modernization services are the most commonly highlighted opportunities (Li, 2020).

However, the commonly reported problems behind potential include intelligent

goods not being able to address the just-needed, user-consumption idea and the

capacity to pay, which is the most frequently mentioned issue. The results of this

study will assist players in the smart elderly care sector to define the possibilities

and problems faced by smart senior care services in China’s growth process and

give a theoretical framework for improved decision making. (Hong, 2020).

Architectural Innovation

China has become the country with the biggest number of senior people in

the world. According to the latest figures from the National Bureau of Statistics, the

number of senior individuals over the age of 60 in China has been growing in recent

years. In 2013, it topped 200 million, accounting for just 14.9%, and it reached 240.9

million in 2017, shattering the record by 17%. By the end of 2018, the population

aged 60 and older was 249.49 million, accounting for 17.9%. Among them, the
population aged 65 and above was 166.58 million, accounting for 11.9%. The 23

percentage of the senior population has increased since the end of 2017. With the

aging of the population, the state has The smart elderly care industry is a product

under the background of the “supply-side structural reform” and a formula for

correcting the imbalance of China’s senior care industry structure.

Smart health and elderly care refer to the integration of information

technology and products such as health care electronics, Internet of Things, cloud

computing, big data, and mobile Internet for collecting data such as human signs

and home environment; realizing family, community medical institutions, health care

services and information interconnection, and analytical processing between

professional medical institutions; and providing intelligent, personalized, and

diversified products and services to meet the increasingly urgent health needs of the

people (Yang et al., 2016). (Yang et al., 2016).

In the light of architectural innovation Architectural innovation may occur at

numerous dimensions, from individual buildings and structures to complete urban

planning and design concepts. It involves a wide variety of characteristics, including

architectural aesthetics, building processes, materials, energy efficiency, spatial

organization, and technology breakthroughs. Entails the introduction of innovative

and creative design concepts that differ from traditional architectural styles and

norms. It strives to produce visually spectacular, unusual, and memorable

architectural shapes that defy standard concepts of aesthetics. According to Meng 24

2020, China’s smart senior care system is still in its infancy, and many elements are

impacting the development of the smart old-age environment, such as the residents’

requirements and preferences and the quality level of product service providers.

Some of these variables may positively encourage the development of a smart

elderly care industry, while some may become impediments in the growth of the

smart elderly care industry. China’s government has focused more on the growth of

the smart senior care sector as the country’s population ages. Incorporates the

newest technical breakthroughs and digital technologies. This comprises the use of

modern computer-aided design (CAD) tools, Building Information Modeling (BIM),

parametric design, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) to visualize and

improve design processes and allow effective communication. Architectural

innovation focuses on developing environments that enhance the human experience

and well-being. It entails combining user-centric design concepts, fostering

accessibility, comfort, and inclusion, and considers variables like as natural light,

acoustics, thermal comfort, and the link between indoor and outdoor areas, which

become part of the innovative approaches in terms of architectural innovation arena.

Radical Innovation
Radical innovations can lead to the creation of new care models, technology, 25

and techniques that greatly increase the quality of care offered to older individuals.

This may involve the utilization of advanced monitoring systems, tailored treatment

plans, new treatments, and remote care solutions that increase the efficacy,

efficiency, and precision of care delivery. may empower elderly people to keep their

independence and autonomy for longer durations. This may entail the use of smart

home technology, wearable gadgets, and assistive robotics that support activities of

daily life, enable improved mobility, and promote safety. By supporting

independence, older persons can keep their dignity, feeling of control, and quality of

life. The industry has a trend to be unstructured, practical, and intelligent due to the

progressive maturation of technologies like artificial intelligence and big data. For a

while, individuals who are entering talk about "intelligence and old age," while older

people have more technology and vigor. Regarding the smart hardware, the design

and usage of smart gadgets in China has evolved in China’s old-age community.

Considering the existing quo of China’s smart senior care, China is moving from an

agricultural civilization to an electronic society to attain the “modernization” seen in

the Western world (Hu, 2020 ) in elderly care might focus on preventative measures

and early intervention tactics. By combining data analytics, artificial intelligence, and

predictive modeling, healthcare professionals may identify patients at risk of

acquiring specific health disorders and intervene early to prevent or manage them.
This proactive strategy can lead to better health outcomes, less hospitalizations, and 26

increased general well-being. may increase older individuals' access to care and

services, especially in underserved or resource-constrained locations. The

development of China's smart old-age care is still in its infancy; news reporting study

on this topic is inadequate and time-sensitive. (Li, 2020) Telehealth technologies,

smartphone applications, and internet platforms can provide remote consultations,

health monitoring, and prescription administration, ensuring that older persons have

prompt access to healthcare experts and required support regardless of their

location. may concentrate on giving carers support and instruction. Digital tools,

training courses, and online resources that provide caregivers the know-how,

abilities, and support systems required to deliver high-quality care for senior citizens

may fall under this category. Radical innovations improve care results and the

wellbeing of both older individuals and their carers by empowering them. While

radical breakthroughs have the potential to significantly improve aged care, their

successful application necessitates careful consideration of ethical, privacy,

accessibility, and the unique requirements and preferences of older persons. (Titus,


Incremental Innovation
The study shows that incremental innovation in aged care entails ongoing 27

enhancements and modifications to current procedures, products, and settings. It

includes minor adjustments, adaptations, and improvements made in response to

older individuals' changing requirements and preferences. These small-scale

inventions target certain problems and gaps in aged care, enabling better results,

more effectiveness, and improved user experiences. Personalized care methods,

technology integration, environmental changes, and service improvements are

important areas of incremental innovation in aged care within the real estate sector.

In order to promote autonomy and well-being, personalized care options entail

modifying care plans and services to match the particular requirements of individual

residents. The application of wearable technology, smart home systems, and

telehealth technologies, which enhance monitoring, safety, and access to healthcare

services, is an example of technological integration ( Smith et al, 2019) Furthermore,

in order to build supportive and inclusive workplaces, environmental adaptations

include the adoption of age-friendly design elements, such as non-slip flooring,

suitable lighting, and accessible amenities. To guarantee the delivery of high-quality

treatment and client satisfaction, service innovations comprise ongoing development

in staff training, communication systems, and quality assurance procedures.

Stakeholders may constantly enhance their services, adjust to changing demands,

and give older folks the best possible living environment by adopting incremental 28


Moreover, according to Shen , 2022 it is also, a greater understanding of the

crucial role that technical innovation plays in supporting industrial transformation,

upgrading, and altering the economic development mode is necessary for China's

present innovation-driven development plan to be successful. Chinese academics

are particularly interested in China's growth stage and unique institutional

environment since the country is still in an economic transition period and the

market operating mechanism is still in its infancy. ( Li, 2022).

Disruptive Innovation

Elderly care entails the adoption of novel and out-of-the-box strategies that

go against accepted wisdom and cause big changes in the provision of care. By

utilizing cutting-edge technology, fresh business ideas, and alternative care

philosophies, it challenges conventional approaches to the provision of healthcare

and facility design. Technology-driven solutions include robots, virtual reality,

artificial intelligence, and IoT devices to improve care delivery, track health metrics,

and encourage social interaction. Alternative care models include unconventional

methods such co-housing communities, facilities for shared care, and self-directed

care to offer more individualized and adaptable care alternatives The current

business climate is very dynamic and technology focused. As a result, businesses

can't only rely on incremental breakthroughs. Radical innovations will continue to be 29

more significant, especially given the present developments in digitalization (Kraus

et al., 2019).

According to Alberti, 2019 stress that commercialization is one of the most

critical phases and also the less studied area of disruptive innovation By including

aspects of nature, accessibility, and community integration, user-centric design

focuses on developing living spaces and settings that emphasize the preferences,

comfort, and well-being of older persons.. Disruptive innovation has the potential to

transform elder care within the real estate sector. Stakeholders may rethink care

procedures, improve resource allocation, and create life-changing experiences for

senior citizens by embracing disruptive ideas. To be successfully adopted and

scaled up, disruptive technologies in aged care must overcome obstacles including

regulatory frameworks, ethical issues, and implementation impediments. (Cubero,


For real estate developers, operators, and politicians looking to implement

disruptive innovation in aged care, the study’s findings and examples serve as

inspiration and direction. Disruptive innovations may be used by stakeholders to

promote improvement, improve care outcomes, and affect the future of aged care

within the real estate sector. Unmet or underserved customer needs are frequently

addressed through innovation. Opportunities for disruptive solutions that offer higher
value, cost, convenience, or accessibility compared to present offers may be found 30

through identifying market gaps and comprehending client pain concerns. Requires

a culture that values imagination, curiosity, and the ability to adapt. Disruptive

innovation is more likely to occur in companies that promote an innovative culture,

value employee autonomy, and encourage experimentation.

Artificial intelligence

Throughout the research to market process, data and realistic situations are

increasingly important. To translate academic findings into practical applications in

industry, it's crucial to combine various AI approaches with useful applications.

Moreover, Chinese universities, research facilities, and private businesses

are collaborating closely to perform research relevant to AI and facilitate the

knowledge transfer that results, such as by putting in place cooperation laboratories

and training programs for AI professionals. Studying the intelligence process of

learning from tiny size of samples with low energy cost is one of the main problems

for AI approaches. By making use of gained information, sophisticated technologies

like computer vision, speech processing, and natural language processing may

develop to the next level for functional applications. To make AI technologies more

useful to business, there is a tendency to mix hardware and software. Those trying

to control the future of AI may have another chance with deep learning frameworks

with chips. Application systems are increasingly in need of the fusion of various AI
approaches and useful applications. Business scenarios must be connected with AI 31

application systems (Wang N.D.) AI capabilities have advanced significantly as a

result of the accessibility of more potent and effective computer gear, such as high-

performance CPUs and graphics processing units (GPUs). The ability to execute

complicated algorithms more quickly allows for AI systems to manage enormous

datasets and carry out computationally demanding tasks. Massive volumes of data

have been produced as a result of the internet and the growth of digital technology.

For training, learning, and generating precise predictions, AI systems rely on data.

Big data sets' accessibility enables AI systems to learn from many sources,

enhancing their precision and decision-making skills. AI developments have been

fueled by the creation and improvement of machine learning algorithms. Without

explicit programming, machine learning methods allow AI systems to discover

patterns in data, draw conclusions from it, and make predictions. Deep learning,

reinforcement learning, and neural networks are just a few of the methods that have

dramatically improved AI system performance. From 2016, artificial intelligence has

been a part of China's National Strategic Plan. The government has released a

number of regulations to aid in the advancement of AI, ranging from human

resource development and international collaboration to finance and intellectual

property protection. In addition to placing a strong priority on theoretical research,

these strategies also make the most of available resources to integrate Al into the 32

actual economy ( Wang et. Al 2020)

Furthermore, the accessibility of user-friendly AI frameworks, tools, and

libraries has facilitated the adoption of AI technology by developers and enterprises.

Open-source frameworks for creating AI applications, like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and

scikit-learn, lower entry barriers and promote creativity. High-speed internet access

is widely available, which has made it easier to share and analyse the data needed

for AI applications. The seamless transfer of data between devices, cloud services,

and AI systems is ensured by improved internet infrastructure, enabling real-time

interactions and distant access to AI-powered services. The need for AI-driven

solutions from companies and industries across a variety of industries has

significantly influenced AI research. Businesses are attempting to use AI technology

to increase operational effectiveness, automate procedures, obtain data insights,

boost decision-making, and provide individualized experiences. (Sun, 2020)

And also, it has the potential to transform the real estate sector, particularly

with regard to senior care. Real estate properties may be equipped with AI-powered

smart home devices to give senior citizens a safer and more comfortable living

space. These systems may be voice operated or managed through mobile

applications, and they can automate processes like temperature management,

lighting, and security. In order to increase comfort and independence, AI systems

may learn occupant preferences and modify settings accordingly. AI-powered health 33

monitoring tools may gather and examine vital indications like heart rate, blood

pressure, and sleep patterns to offer insightful data about one’s health. These

gadgets may be included into residential real estate facilities, allowing for constant

monitoring of occupants’ health and wellbeing. Healthcare professionals or

caregivers can be alerted to possible health risks by AI algorithms that can spot

abnormalities, allowing for preventative treatments and remote care management.

Older people who reside in real estate properties can get care and information 24

hours a day from chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI. These virtual

assistants are able to converse, give amusement, and send reminders for

appointments or medicines. These assistants may learn about and adjust to user

preferences thanks to machine learning and natural language processing

techniques, which enhances engagement and assistance. In order to implement AI

technology in real estate properties for senior care, it is important to solve user

acceptability issues, privacy and security problems, and ethical considerations. Yet

when used appropriately, AI may improve aged care in real estate by giving seniors

individualized support, pro-active monitoring, and a higher quality of life. From 2016,

artificial intelligence has been a part of China’s National Strategic Plan. The

government has released a number of regulations to aid in the advancement of AI,

ranging from human resource development and international collaboration to finance

and intellectual property protection. In addition to placing a strong priority on 34

theoretical research, these strategies also make the most of available resources to

integrate Al into the actual economy.

Virtual Reality

The virtual reality market in China has expanded significantly in recent years.

It has grown to be one of the biggest marketplaces in the world for VR applications

and technology. Seeing the promise of VR for a range of industries, including

entertainment, education, healthcare, fashion, cosmetics, manufacturing, and

tourism, the Chinese government has aggressively backed its development. A

number of variables, including a sizable population, rising disposable income, and

an expanding middle class that is tech-savvy, are driving China's VR business. The

demand for VR equipment, experience, and content has increased as a result.

Elderly persons may virtually tour homes and living spaces thanks to virtual

reality's deep and lifelike experience. Older individuals may make educated

judgments about their living arrangements and determine whether the setting is

appropriate for their requirements by having the capacity to envision and experience

properties before making a physical visit.

According to, VR technology can help elderly persons who

have mobility and physical restrictions. Older individuals may virtually tour several

places without the need for considerable travel by utilizing VR headsets or other
gadgets, saving time and energy. Opportunities for elderly persons who might have 35

trouble with in-person visits or long-distance travel are made possible by virtual

reality. VR can help seniors evaluate the design and security elements of real estate

sites. Via virtual reality (VR) simulations, users can go around the house, see

possible dangers, and gauge how easily accessible important spaces like toilets,

kitchens, and bedrooms are. Making choices regarding whether the property is

appropriate for their particular requirements is made easier as a result. VR can

make it easier for family members and caregivers to participate remotely in and be

included in the real estate decision-making process. Caretakers and family

members may virtually accompany senior citizens on property visits through shared

VR experiences, facilitating collaboration and discussions regarding

appropriateness, design changes, and care issues.

The extent to which VR is successfully implemented in the real estate sector

for aged care depends on a number of variables, including user comfort, content

availability, ease of use, and accessibility to VR technology. A significant influence

on aged care in the real estate sector also depends on tailoring VR experiences to

the unique requirements and preferences of older persons while resolving privacy

and ethical issues.

Augmented Reality 36

According to, 2023, hardware and software may be

separated out of the AR industry. Chip makers, who are at the very top of the value

chain, are among the hardware suppliers. They serve as the foundation for the

production of AR devices. They are in charge of giving makers of AR gadgets CPUs,

sensors, displays, power supply, and other components. The growth of the

smartphone market has accelerated the decrease in cost, size, and performance of

sensors and display devices, creating a strong technological basis for the adoption

of VR/AR goods in China. Qianzhan claims that between 2011 and 2019, the

quantity of AR-related items available on the App Store varied and grew generally. A

total of 4107 AR-related items were available on the App Store in 2019, a 16.4%

reduction from the previous year.

The extent to which VR is successfully implemented in the real estate sector

for aged care depends on a number of variables, including user comfort, content

availability, ease of use, and accessibility to VR technology. A significant influence

on aged care in the real estate sector also depends on tailoring VR experiences to

the unique requirements and preferences of older persons while resolving privacy

and ethical issues.

Age-related physical limits and mobility problems can be solved through

technology. Older individuals may virtually tour and evaluate real estate sites from
the comfort of their own homes by utilizing AR programs on smartphones or tablets. 37

This makes the process more easy and accessible by removing the need for lengthy

travel and in-person meetings. According to, 2023, Hardware

and software may be separated out of the AR industry. Chip makers, who are at the

very top of the value chain, are among the hardware suppliers. They serve as the

foundation for the production of AR devices. They are in charge of giving makers of

AR gadgets CPUs, sensors, displays, power supply, and other components. By

providing professional counsel and virtual cooperation for older persons and their

caretakers. With augmented reality (AR) applications, real estate brokers, carers, or

family members may virtually accompany senior citizens on property visits,

delivering expert help, responding to queries, and providing real-time counseling.

This makes it possible to make decisions in groups and allows for participation and

support from a distance.

Furthermore in this study The breadth and success of augmented reality (AR)

in the real estate sector for aged care depends on a number of variables, including

user acceptability and comfort, usability, content availability, and the integration of

AR into current workflows and procedures. A significant influence on aged care in

the real estate sector also depends on tailoring AR experiences to the unique

requirements and preferences of older persons while resolving privacy and ethical

issues. (Lux, 2020)

Internet of Things 38

In the study of Hauk et al, 2020, He clarified their chosen technology adoption

strategy. In combination with company adoption models, researchers looked into

consumer adoption models, and vice versa. An essential component of the Internet

of Things is the availability of reliable connection infrastructure, such as wireless

networks and high-speed internet. The smooth communication and data sharing

between IoT systems and devices is made possible by reliable and widespread

connection, creating a network of interconnected items. The linked gadgets and

sensors that make up the IoT produce enormous amounts of data. The capacity to

gather, handle, and analyze this data is essential for gaining insightful knowledge,

making wise choices, and advancing automation. Technologies like big data

analytics, cloud computing, and edge computing are essential for managing and

gleaning useful knowledge from IoT data. IoT system and data security and privacy

are crucial factors. To ensure the trustworthiness, dependability, and integrity of IoT

installations, it is crucial to protect IoT devices, networks, and data against

cyberthreats, unauthorized access, and data breaches. To protect IoT ecosystems,

it is essential to include robust security controls, encryption, authentication

protocols, and privacy frameworks.

The use and implementation of IoT technologies are influenced by legal and

ethical frameworks. Setting standards, guaranteeing compliance, and addressing

concerns like data privacy, security, and responsible data usage in IoT applications 39

are all responsibilities of governments and regulatory organizations.

These elements work together to form the environment and promise of the

Internet of Things, fueling its development and influence across a range of

industries, including manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and smart cities. The

potential and advantages of the IoT will continue to grow as a result of ongoing

improvements in technology, connectivity, standards, and security.


The development and use of new aged care strategies within the real estate

sector are shaped by a number of variables. The real estate sector is seeing a huge

need for creative aged care solutions, which is mostly driven by the aging population

and shifting demographics. There are chances for novel techniques to fulfill the

specific demands of the expanding population of older individuals who are looking

for high-quality care and adequate living conditions. Innovations in aged care are

built on the back of technological developments like AI, IoT, VR, and AR. These

innovations revolutionize the way that care is given to and experienced by older

people by enabling tailored care, remote monitoring, safety improvements, and

immersive experiences.

The need for cutting-edge aged care solutions is shaped by the tastes and

expectations of older persons and their families. More individualized, interesting,

and independent living opportunities are desired by older persons. Marketing 40

campaigns should reflect these preferences and emphasize how cutting-edge

methods satisfy consumers' needs for a better quality of life. The development and

use of innovative elderly care strategies is influenced by the regulatory framework

and the political landscape. For marketing initiatives to build credibility and

confidence among stakeholders, such as residents, families, and regulatory

agencies, compliance with laws and industry standards are essential. Innovative

elderly care methods are implemented and marketed based on their economic

feasibility. It's important to show how these strategies are financially advantageous

over the long run and cost-effective in order to draw in investors, property

developers, and people looking for care services.

These contributing variables must be taken into account when creating a

marketing program for novel aged care techniques in the real estate sector.

Marketing programs can effectively convey the advantages and value proposition of

novel approaches to elderly care by addressing the specific needs and preferences

of older adults, showcasing technological developments, emphasizing regulatory

compliance, encouraging collaboration, and highlighting economic viability and

cultural relevance.

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the research design, population and sampling,

respondents of the study, research instrument, validation/reliability of the instrument,

data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data. This was followed by

the researcher to determine the method of research and procedures.

Research Design

The descriptive quantitative correlational research was employed by the

researcher since it was in line with the requirements of the study. Without

considering the relationships between its variables, it was employed to identify the

existent factors. Descriptive statistics, on the other hand, were a tool for data

analysis that allowed the researcher to evaluate the data numerically and provide an

explanation. Descriptive statistics and descriptive correlational analysis were the

preferred methods for this investigation in order to accurately portray the data.

Population and Sampling

The population of the study was conducted in an elderly care industry in

Anhui China. From the elderly with the age bracket of 55-90 years old. The

respondents of the study is 200, the researcher decided to have a sample

respondent of 200 since the research is purposive sampling.

Distribution of Respondents 42

Age Bracket Sample Size

Retire and about to retire in Anhui, China 55-90 200

Respondents of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to measure the factors influencing the

innovative approaches of elderly care in the real estate industry towards marketing

plan in the real estate industry.

Criteria of the Respondents

The criteria for choosing the respondents in the factors influencing the

innovative approaches of elderly in the real estate industry in Anhui, China were as


1. Ages 55 to 90 years old

2. Retire and about to retire

Research Instrument

The researcher had developed a self-made survey questionnaire on how

factors influencing the innovative approaches in elderly care in the real estate

industry. A questionnaire was a form of electronic or written and marked answers to

a question. Hence, survey questionnaires were feasible and easy to collate data, for

this study to be possible. The instrument in this study was revised and validated by
various professors and managers on the subject aligned with the real estate 43


The questions in this study were divided into three parts so that they were

clear, specific, and the influence of new energy vehicle purchase decision based on

customer perceived value:

Part 1: Profile of Respondent. To determine the specific demographic that would be

used in this study.

Part 2: Level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of (a) Architectural

innovation; (b) Radical Innovation; (c) Incremental innovation; and (d) Disruptive


Part 3: Extent of real estate industry in terms of 9(a) Artificial intelligence; (b) Virtual

Reality; (c) Augmented reality; and (d) Internet of things

Likert Scale

Scale Range of Verbal

Descriptive Interpretation
Value Means Interpretation
The respondent strongly agree that the
factors influencing innovative
Strongly Agree
4 3.26 – 4.00 approaches is relevant in elderly care
in the real estate industry in Anhui,
The respondent agree that the factors
influencing innovative approaches is
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (A)
relevant in elderly care in the real
estate industry in Anhui, China
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (D) The respondent disagree that the
factors influencing innovative
approaches is not relevant in elderly
care in the real estate industry in
Anhui, China 44
The respondent strongly disagree that
the factors influencing innovative
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree approaches is not relevant in elderly
care in the real estate industry in
Anhui, China

A four-point Likert Scale was used in describing how the factors influence the

innovative approaches in an elderly care in the real estate industry in Anhui China.

The scale and meaning were presented in table 3. The interpretation of the table

was as follows: scale value of 4, with a range of means of 3.26 – 4.00, with a verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, and a descriptive interpretation that the respondent

strongly agree that the factors influencing innovative approaches is relevant in

elderly care in the real estate industry in Anhui, China. For the scale value of 3, with

a range of means of 2.51 – 3.25, with a verbal interpretation of agree, and a

descriptive interpretation that the respondent agree that the factors influencing

innovative approaches is relevant in elderly care in the real estate industry in Anhui,

China. While for a scale value of 2, with a range of means of 1.76 – 2.50, with a

verbal interpretation of disagree, and a descriptive interpretation that the respondent

disagree that the factors influencing innovative approaches is not relevant in elderly

care in the real estate industry in Anhui, China. Lastly for a scale value of 1, with a

range of means of 1.00 – 1.75, with a verbal interpretation of strongly disagree, and

a descriptive interpretation that the respondent strongly disagree that the factors
influencing innovative approaches is not relevant in elderly care in the real estate 45

industry in Anhui, China.

Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care

Scale Range of Verbal
Descriptive Interpretation
Value Means Interpretation
High Level of Innovative
4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)
Approaches of Elderly Care
Moderate Level of Innovative
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (A)
Approaches of Elderly Care
Less Level of Innovative
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (D)
Approaches of Elderly Care
Lowest Level of Innovative
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree
Approaches of Elderly Care
A four-point Likert Scale was used in describing part 2 of the research

instrument which was the level of personalized management response. The scale

and meaning were presented in table 4. The interpretation of the table was as

follows: a scale value of 4, with a range of means of 3.26 – 4.00, with a verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, and a descriptive interpretation of the high level of

innovative approaches of elderly care. For the scale value of 3, with a range of

means of 2.51 – 3.25, with a verbal interpretation of agree, and a descriptive

interpretation moderate level of innovative approaches of elderly care. While for

scale value of 2, with a range of means of 1.76 – 2.50, with a verbal interpretation of

disagree, and a descriptive interpretation less level of innovative approaches of

elderly care. Lastly for scale value of 1, with a range of means of 1.00 – 1.75, with a

verbal interpretation of strongly disagree, and a descriptive interpretation lowest

level of innovative approaches of elderly care. 46

Extent of Real Estate Industry

Scale Range of Verbal

Descriptive Interpretation
Value Means Interpretation
4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) High Extent of Real Estate Industry
Moderate Extent of Real Estate
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (A)
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (D) Less Extent of Real Estate Industry
Lowest Extent of Real Estate
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree
A four-point Likert Scale was used in describing part 3 of the research

instrument which was the extent of real estate industry. The scale and meaning

were presented in table 5. The interpretation of the table was as follows: scale value

of 4, with a range of means of 3.26 – 4.00, with a verbal interpretation of strongly

agree, and a descriptive interpretation high extent of real estate industry. For the

scale value of 3, with a range of means of 2.51 – 3.25, with a verbal interpretation of

agree, and a descriptive interpretation moderate extent of real estate industry. While

for scale value of 2, with a range of means of 1.76 – 2.50, with a verbal

interpretation of disagree, and a descriptive interpretation less extent of real estate

industry. Lastly for a scale value of 1, with a range of means of 1.00 – 1.75, with a

verbal interpretation of strongly disagree, and a descriptive interpretation lowest

extent of real estate industry.

Validation/ Reliability of the Instrument

For the validation and reliability of the instrument, it was approved by the
three experts in the Real Estate Industry and two academicians, based on 47

alignment, accuracy, objectivity, and cohesiveness. To determine the validation

and reliability of the instrument, the questionnaire was subjected to a dry run with

20 people for pilot testing. The statistical tool used was SPSS (Statistical

Packages for Social Science), which will uplift the reliability of the study.

Cronbach’s alpha (α) was determined to measure the reliability or

consistency of the instrument used in the study. The alpha coefficient (α = 0.939,

SD = 16.815). The high value for all items suggests that the items have relatively

high internal consistency. The reliability coefficient of 0.70 or higher was

considered “acceptable” in most research studies. A generally accepted rule was

that α =0.60 - 0.70 indicates an acceptable level of reliability, and α= 0.8 or

greater was a very good level.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the validation of the research instrument by the experts and hotel

consumers, to gather the data needed intending for the study, the researcher

followed the following procedure:

1. The researcher sought the assistance of the association of the

elderly care in an elderly industry.

2. As soon as the management of the association provided the

demographics; the researcher made a self-made questionnaire related to the

study on factors that influence in an elderly care. 48

3. Then the researcher presented the proposed survey questionnaire

to the adviser, experts, and hotel consumers for validation.

4. Then the adviser sought approval with the panels for the survey

via email.

5. After the validation of the survey questionnaire, and the approval of

panels the researcher conducted pilot testing on 20 individuals in the same


6. Then the respondent distributed the survey questionnaire to the

member of the elderly care in an elderly industry.

7. Through the help of a statistician, the collected questionnaires

would be checked, validated, presented, analyzed, and interpreted in Chapter 4

of this Study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The Statistical tool used in this study was Statistical Package for the Social

Sciences (SPSS). This was the common Statistical Software used by UPHSD –

Las Pinas, it was created for the management, research, and statistical analysis

of data. The following statistical concepts and treatments would be used in the

gathering of data for this study:

1. Percentage and Frequency. It was used for the collation and

counting of frequencies falling under each area of the Survey.

2. Weighted Mean. Was the arithmetic average of the data. This was 49

the sum of the data divided by the number of values.

3. Pearson r Correlation. It was used for computing statistical

relationships between two variables that were measured on the same interval.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the presentation, interpretation, and analysis of the

findings concerning the statement of the problem presented in Chapter 1. The study

showcased the influencing factors in innovative approaches of elderly care in the

real estate industry. The output of this study could be used for crafting the propose 50

marketing program. The respondents had acknowledged the online survey consent

form in the Gform, before answering the survey properly.


Table 1
Frequency & Percentage of Respondents
according to Forms of Business

Forms of Business Frequency Percent

Sole Proprietorship 106 53.00
Partnership 30 15.00
Corporation 64 32.00
Total 200 100
The table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents according to forms of business. Majority of the respondents are sole

proprietorship with the frequency of 106 or 53.00 percent, then corporation with the

frequency of 64 or 32.00 percent, and lastly partnership with the frequency of 30 or

15.00 percent.

Table 2
Frequency & Percentage of Respondents
according to Years of Operation

Years of Operation Frequency Percent

1 - 5 YEARS 74 37.00
5 - 10 YEARS 10 5.00
11 - 15 YEARS 14 7.00
16 - 20 YEARS 42 21.00
21 - 25 YEARS 36 18.00 51
26 YEARS AND ABOVE 24 12.00
Total 200 100.00
The table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents according to years of operation. Majority of the respondents are 1-5

years with the frequency of 74 or 37.00 percent, then 16-20 years with the frequency

of 42 or 21.00 percent, followed by 21-25 years with the frequency of 36 or 18.00

percent, then 26 years and above with the frequency of 24 or 12.00 percent,

followed by 11-15 years with frequency of 14 or 7.00 percent, and lasty 5-10 years

with the frequency of 10 or 5.00 percent.


Table 3
Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
in terms of Architectural Innovation

1. By using universal design
principles, architectural
components are made useable 3.16 AGREE
and accessible by people of all
2. To improve safety and
mobility, add grab bars,
handrails, non-slip flooring, and
the proper lighting.
3. Flexible configurations and
modular floor plans enable
alterations as inhabitants' needs
change over time.
4. Inclusion of outside places 52
like gardens, walking trails, and
seating areas encourages
exercise, relaxation, and social 3.18 AGREE
contact, all of which are
beneficial to the general
wellbeing of the elderly.
The table shows the level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of

architectural innovation and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents

choose To improve safety and mobility, add grab bars, handrails, non-slip flooring,

and the proper lighting with a weighted mean of 3.50 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree, followed by Flexible configurations and modular floor plans enable

alterations as inhabitants' needs change over time with a weighted mean of 3.41

and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, then Inclusion of outside places like

gardens, walking trails, and seating areas encourages exercise, relaxation, and

social contact, all of which are beneficial to the general wellbeing of the elderly with

a weighted mean of 3.18 and verbal interpretation of agree, lastly By using universal

design principles, architectural components are made useable and accessible by

people of all abilities with weighted mean of 3.16 and verbal interpretation of agree.

The overall mean is 3.31 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree in the level of

innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of architectural innovation.

In the light of architectural innovation Architectural innovation may 53

occur at numerous dimensions, from individual buildings and structures to

complete urban planning and design concepts. It involves a wide variety of

characteristics, including architectural aesthetics, building processes,

materials, energy efficiency, spatial organization, and technology

breakthroughs. Entails the introduction of innovative and creative design

concepts that differ from traditional architectural styles and norms. It strives

to produce visually spectacular, unusual, and memorable architectural shapes

that defy standard concepts of aesthetics. According to Meng 2020, China’s

smart senior care system is still in its infancy, and many elements are

impacting the development of the smart old-age environment, such as the

residents’ requirements and preferences and the quality level of product

service providers.

Table 4
Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
in terms of Radical Innovation

1. Placing senior people's
needs, tastes, and experiences
at the center of innovation
guarantees that solutions
address actual problems and
offer substantial advancements.
2. Using cutting-edge tools like 54
wearable technology, robotics,
telemedicine, and artificial
intelligence may completely
change how senior care is
3. The use of telehealth
platforms and remote
monitoring technologies
enables older people to obtain 3.24 AGREE
medical care, consultations, and
monitoring from the comfort of
their homes.
4. A more upbeat and
interesting living environment is
promoted by redesigning care
facilities to resemble thriving 3.46 STRONGLY AGREE
towns with a range of amenities,
services, and recreational
The table shows the level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of

radical innovation and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents choose

Using cutting-edge tools like wearable technology, robotics, telemedicine, and

artificial intelligence may completely change how senior care is provided with a

weighted mean of 3.51 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by

Placing senior people's needs, tastes, and experiences at the center of innovation

guarantees that solutions address actual problems and offer substantial

advancements with a weighted mean of 3.49 and verbal interpretation of strongly

agree, then A more upbeat and interesting living environment is promoted by

redesigning care facilities to resemble thriving towns with a range of amenities, 55

services, and recreational pursuits with a weighted mean of 3.46 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, lastly The use of telehealth platforms and remote

monitoring technologies enables older people to obtain medical care, consultations,

and monitoring from the comfort of their homes with weighted mean of 3.24 and

verbal interpretation of agree. The overall mean is 3.43 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree in the level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of

radical innovation.

By combining data analytics, artificial intelligence, and predictive modeling,

healthcare professionals may identify patients at risk of acquiring specific health

disorders and intervene early to prevent or manage them. This proactive strategy

can lead to better health outcomes, less hospitalizations, and increased general

well-being. may increase older individuals' access to care and services, especially in

underserved or resource-constrained locations. The development of China's smart

old-age care is still in its infancy; news reporting study on this topic is inadequate

and time-sensitive. (Li, 2020)

Table 5
Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
in terms of Incremental Innovation


1. Including seniors, carers,
medical experts, and other
stakeholders in the innovation
3.15 AGREE
process guarantees that
advancements are in line with
their preferences and needs.
2. Providing more effectively
and efficiently by streamlining
administrative procedures, 3.57 STRONGLY AGREE
workflows for providing care,
and communication channels.
3. Mistakes are minimized and
good adherence is ensured by
creating improved medication
management systems, such as
automated pill dispensers and
medication reminders.
4. Supporting aging in place by
providing reasonable options
for home modifications
3.23 AGREE
including ramp installation and
bathroom accessibility
The table shows the level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of

incremental innovation and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents

choose Providing more effectively and efficiently by streamlining administrative

procedures, workflows for providing care, and communication channels with a

weighted mean of 3.57 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by

Mistakes are minimized and good adherence is ensured by creating improved

medication management systems, such as automated pill dispensers and

medication reminders with a weighted mean of 3.50 and verbal interpretation of 57

strongly agree, then Supporting aging in place by providing reasonable options for

home modifications including ramp installation and bathroom accessibility

enhancements with a weighted mean of 3.23 and verbal interpretation of agree,

lastly Including seniors, carers, medical experts, and other stakeholders in the

innovation process guarantees that advancements are in line with their preferences

and needs with weighted mean of 3.15 and verbal interpretation of agree. The

overall mean is 3.36 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree in the level of

innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of incremental innovation.

The application of wearable technology, smart home systems, and

telehealth technologies, which enhance monitoring, safety, and access to

healthcare services, is an example of technological integration (Smith et al,

2019) Furthermore, in order to build supportive and inclusive workplaces,

environmental adaptations include the adoption of age-friendly design

elements, such as non-slip flooring, suitable lighting, and accessible


Table 6
Level of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
in terms of Disruptive Innovation


1. Innovative solutions can
result from embracing unusual
and creative thinking that 3.18 AGREE
departs from standard wisdom
and care delivery practices.
2. Providing drastic changed by
utilizing developing
technologies like artificial
intelligence, virtual reality,
augmented reality, genomics,
and biotechnology.
3. A conventional elder care
industry may be disrupted by
the introduction of novel
business models, such as 3.42 STRONGLY AGREE
individualized care services that
are available on a subscription
basis or co-living spaces.
4. Seniors may actively manage
their health, appointments, and
social connections by being 3.24 AGREE
given user-friendly technological
tools and platforms.

The table shows the level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of

disruptive innovation and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents

choose Providing drastic changed by utilizing developing technologies like artificial

intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, genomics, and biotechnology with a

weighted mean of 3.47 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by A

conventional elder care industry may be disrupted by the introduction of novel

business models, such as individualized care services that are available on a 59

subscription basis or co-living spaces with a weighted mean of 3.42 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, then Seniors may actively manage their health,

appointments, and social connections by being given user-friendly technological

tools and platforms with a weighted mean of 3.24 and verbal interpretation of agree,

lastly Innovative solutions can result from embracing unusual and creative thinking

that departs from standard wisdom and care delivery practices with weighted mean

of 3.18 and verbal interpretation of agree. The overall mean is 3.33 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree in the level of innovative approaches of elderly care

in terms of disruptive innovation.

According to Alberti , 2019 stress that commercialization is one of the most

critical phases and also the less studied area of disruptive innovation By including

aspects of nature, accessibility, and community integration, user-centric design

focuses on developing living spaces and settings that emphasize the preferences,

comfort, and well-being of older persons.. Disruptive innovation has the potential to

transform elder care within the real estate sector. Stakeholders may rethink care

procedures, improve resource allocation, and create life-changing experiences for

senior citizens by embracing disruptive ideas.

Table 7
Summary of Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
Architectural Innovation 3.31 STRONGLY AGREE
Radical Innovation 3.43 STRONGLY AGREE
Incremental Innovation 3.36 STRONGLY AGREE
Disruptive Innovation 3.33 STRONGLY AGREE
The table shows the summary for level of innovative approaches of elderly

care in terms of architectural innovation, radical innovation, incremental innovation

and disruptive innovation and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents

choose radical innovation with weighted mean of 3.43 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree, followed by incremental innovation with the weighted mean of 3.36

and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, then disruptive innovation with the

weighted mean 3.33 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, lastly architectural

innovation with the weighted mean of 3.31 and verbal communication of strongly

agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.36 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree

in terms of the summary for level of innovative approaches of elderly care in terms

of architectural innovation, radical innovation, incremental innovation and disruptive


The industry has a trend to be unstructured, practical, and intelligent due to

the progressive maturation of technologies like artificial intelligence and big data.

For a while, individuals who are entering talk about "intelligence and old age," while
older people have more technology and vigor. Regarding the smart hardware, the 61

design and usage of smart gadgets in China has evolved in China’s old-age

community. Considering the existing quo of China’s smart senior care, China is

moving from an agricultural civilization to an electronic society to attain the

“modernization” seen in the Western world (Hu, 2020) in elderly care might focus on

preventative measures and early intervention tactics. By combining data analytics,

artificial intelligence, and predictive modeling, healthcare professionals may identify

patients at risk of acquiring specific health disorders and intervene early to prevent

or manage them. This proactive strategy can lead to better health outcomes, less

hospitalizations, and increased general well-being. may increase older individuals'

access to care and services, especially in underserved or resource-constrained



Table 8
Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms
of Artificial Intelligence

1. Predictive analytics and AI
algorithms are being used to
spot health patterns and foresee 3.33 STRONGLY AGREE
care need before they become
2. Forecasting the housing 3.16 AGREE
needs and preferences of the 62
aging population, examine data
3. Based on their unique
requirements, such as
accessible features, closeness
to healthcare facilities, and
social activities, AI algorithms
may match seniors with homes.
4. Senior citizens' safety and
quality of life are improved by
the automation, security, and 3.41 STRONGLY AGREE
convenience that AI-powered
smart home systems provide.

The table shows the extent of real estate industry in terms of artificial

intelligence and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents choose Based

on their unique requirements, such as accessible features, closeness to healthcare

facilities, and social activities, AI algorithms may match seniors with homes with a

weighted mean of 3.52 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by

Senior citizens' safety and quality of life are improved by the automation, security,

and convenience that AI-powered smart home systems provide with a weighted

mean of 3.41 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, then Predictive analytics

and AI algorithms are being used to spot health patterns and foresee care need

before they become urgent with a weighted mean 3.33 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree, lastly Forecasting the housing needs and preferences of the aging
population, examine data patterns with a weighted mean of 3.16 and verbal 63

interpretation of agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.39 and verbal interpretation

of strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry in terms of artificial intelligence.

From 2016, artificial intelligence has been a part of China's National Strategic

Plan. The government has released a number of regulations to aid in the

advancement of AI, ranging from human resource development and international

collaboration to finance and intellectual property protection. In addition to placing a

strong priority on theoretical research, these strategies also make the most of

available resources to integrate Al into the actual economy ( Wang et. Al 2020)

Table 9
Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms
of Virtual Reality

1. Reduce the need for
demanding physical visits by
enabling older people to virtually
tour possible houses from the
comfort of their present
2. With the use of virtual reality,
elders may assess if a place is
adequate for their mobility and
health needs.
3. Seniors who use virtual reality 3.55 STRONGLY AGREE
(VR) may engage with 3D
floorplans to better grasp
layouts, measurements, and
design components. 64
4. With the use of virtual reality,
seniors can see in real time how
their homes may be modified to
better suit their requirements.

The table shows the extent of real estate industry in terms of virtual reality

and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents choose Seniors who use

virtual reality (VR) may engage with 3D floorplans to better grasp layouts,

measurements, and design components with a weighted mean of 3.55 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, followed by Reduce the need for demanding

physical visits by enabling older people to virtually tour possible houses from the

comfort of their present dwellings with a weighted mean of 3.37 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, then With the use of virtual reality, seniors can see

in real time how their homes may be modified to better suit their requirements with a

weighted mean 3.34 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, lastly With the use

of virtual reality, elders may assess if a place is adequate for their mobility and

health needs with a weighted mean of 3.27 and verbal interpretation of strongly

agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.26 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree

in the extent of real estate industry in terms of virtual reality.

According to ND, VR technology can help elderly persons

who have mobility and physical restrictions. Older individuals may virtually tour
several places without the need for considerable travel by utilizing VR headsets or 65

other gadgets, saving time and energy. Opportunities for elderly persons who might

have trouble with in-person visits or long-distance travel are made possible by virtual

reality. VR can help seniors evaluate the design and security elements of real estate

sites. Via virtual reality (VR) simulations, users can go around the house, see

possible dangers, and gauge how easily accessible important spaces like toilets,

kitchens, and bedrooms are. Making choices regarding whether the property is

appropriate for their particular requirements is made easier as a result. VR can

make it easier for family members and caregivers to participate remotely in and be

included in the real estate decision-making process. Caretakers and family

members may virtually accompany senior citizens on property visits through shared

VR experiences, facilitating collaboration and discussions regarding

appropriateness, design changes, and care issues.

Table 10
Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms of
Augmented Reality

1. Elderly individuals, this can 3.35 STRONGLY AGREE
be crucial in identifying areas
that might pose mobility issues.
By using AR, real estate agents
and caregivers can help seniors
choose properties that align with
their physical needs. 66
2. AR technology can enable
virtual property tours, allowing
elderly individuals to explore 3.37 STRONGLY AGREE
homes without the need for
physical visits.
3. can provide real-time
information overlays about a
property's features, layout, and
potential modification.
4. Designing spaces that are
safe, accessible, and
comfortable becomes easier
when using AR tools to virtually
visualize modifications before
actual construction.
The table shows the extent of real estate industry in terms of augmented

reality and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents choose AR

technology can enable virtual property tours, allowing elderly individuals to explore

homes without the need for physical visits with a weighted mean of 3.37 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, followed by Elderly individuals, this can be crucial in

identifying areas that might pose mobility issues. By using AR, real estate agents

and caregivers can help seniors choose properties that align with their physical

needs with a weighted mean of 3.35 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree,

lastly can provide real-time information overlays about a property's features, layout,

and potential modification and Designing spaces that are safe, accessible, and

comfortable becomes easier when using AR tools to virtually visualize modifications

before actual construction with a weighted mean of 3.33 and verbal interpretation of 67

strongly agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.35 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry in terms of augmented reality.

According to, 2023, hardware and software may be

separated out of the AR industry. Chip makers, who are at the very top of the value

chain, are among the hardware suppliers. They serve as the foundation for the

production of AR devices. They are in charge of giving makers of AR gadgets CPUs,

sensors, displays, power supply, and other components. The growth of the

smartphone market has accelerated the decrease in cost, size, and performance of

sensors and display devices, creating a strong technological basis for the adoption

of VR/AR goods in China. Qianzhan claims that between 2011 and 2019, the

quantity of AR-related items available on the App Store varied and grew generally. A

total of 4107 AR-related items were available on the App Store in 2019, a 16.4%

reduction from the previous year.

Table 11
Extent of Real Estate Industry in terms
of Internet of Things

1. IoT technologies allow
caregivers or family members to
remotely monitor the well-being
of elderly residents.
2. smart lighting systems can 68
mimic natural lighting patterns to
improve sleep, or heating and
cooling systems can maintain
optimal comfort levels based on
personal preferences.
3. Smart energy management
systems can help reduce energy
consumption in real estate 3.34 STRONGLY AGREE
properties while maintaining
4. Interfaces for interacting with
IoT devices should be designed
with elderly users in mind, 3.34 STRONGLY AGREE
considering factors like usability,
accessibility, and simplicity.
The table shows the extent of real estate industry in terms of internet of

things and its verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents choose IoT

technologies allow caregivers or family members to remotely monitor the well-being

of elderly residents with a weighted mean of 3.35 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree, lastly smart lighting systems can mimic natural lighting patterns to

improve sleep, or heating and cooling systems can maintain optimal comfort levels

based on personal preferences, Smart energy management systems can help

reduce energy consumption in real estate properties while maintaining comfort and

Interfaces for interacting with IoT devices should be designed with elderly users in

mind, considering factors like usability, accessibility, and simplicity with a weighted

mean of 3.34 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The overall weighted mean
is 3.34 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry 69

in terms of internet of things.

In the study of Hauk et al, 2020, He clarified their chosen technology

adoption strategy. In combination with company adoption models, researchers

looked into consumer adoption models, and vice versa. An essential component of

the Internet of Things is the availability of reliable connection infrastructure, such as

wireless networks and high-speed internet. The smooth communication and data

sharing between IoT systems and devices is made possible by reliable and

widespread connection, creating a network of interconnected items. The linked

gadgets and sensors that make up the IoT produce enormous amounts of data. The

capacity to gather, handle, and analyze this data is essential for gaining insightful

knowledge, making wise choices, and advancing automation.

Table 12
Summary of Extent of Real Estate Industry

Artificial Intelligence 3.39 STRONGLY AGREE
Virtual Reality 3.26 STRONGLY AGREE
Augmented Reality 3.35 STRONGLY AGREE
Internet of Things 3.34 STRONGLY AGREE
The table shows the summary of extent of real estate industry in terms of 70

artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and internet of things and its

verbal interpretation. Majority of the respondents chose artificial intelligence with a

weighted mean of 3.39 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by

augmented reality with a weighted mean of 3.35 and verbal interpretation of strongly

agree, then internet of things with a weighted mean of 3.34 and verbal interpretation

of strongly agree, and lastly virtual reality with a weighted mean of 3.26 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.33 with a verbal

interpretation of strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry in terms of

artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and internet of things.

Throughout the research into the market process, data and realistic situations

are increasingly important. To translate academic findings into practical applications

in industry, it's crucial to combine various AI approaches with useful applications.

Moreover, Chinese universities, research facilities, and private businesses

are collaborating closely to perform research relevant to AI and facilitate the

knowledge transfer that results, such as by putting in place cooperation laboratories

and training programs for AI professionals. Studying the intelligence process of

learning from tiny size of samples with low energy cost is one of the main problems

for AI approaches. By making use of gained information, sophisticated technologies

like computer vision, speech processing, and natural language processing may
develop to the next level for functional applications. To make AI technologies more 71

useful to business, there is a tendency to mix hardware and software. Those trying

to control the future of AI may have another chance with deep learning frameworks

with chips. Application systems are increasingly in need of the fusion of various AI

approaches and useful applications. Business scenarios must be connected with AI

application systems (Wang N.D.) AI capabilities have advanced significantly as a

result of the accessibility of more potent and effective computer gear, such as high-

performance CPUs and graphics processing units (GPUs). The ability to execute

complicated algorithms more quickly allows for AI systems to manage enormous

datasets and carry out computationally demanding tasks.



Table 13
Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
and Artificial Intelligence
Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care Interpretation
Pearson r 0.596
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.547
Radical Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Incremental Pearson r 0.495
Innovation p - value .000
N 200 72
Pearson r 0.556
Disruptive .000
p - value Significant
N 200

Pearson r correlation was used to determine whether there is a relationship

between the Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. Table

13 shows the correlation between the Artificial Intelligence and

Architectural Innovation (r = 0.596) show a moderate correlation and p –

value = 0.000, which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship;

Radical Innovation (r = 0.547) shows a moderate correlation and p – value =

0.000 denotes a significant relationship,

Incremental Innovation (r= 0.495) shows a moderate correlation and p –

value 0.000 denotes a significant relationship; and lastly

Disruptive Innovation (r=0.556) also shows moderate correlation and p –

value = 0.000 denotes significant relationship with N = 200.

China has become the country with the biggest number of senior people in

the world. According to the latest figures from the National Bureau of Statistics, the

number of senior individuals over the age of 60 in China has been growing in recent

years. In 2013, it topped 200 million, accounting for just 14.9%, and it reached 240.9

million in 2017, shattering the record by 17%. By the end of 2018, the population

aged 60 and older was 249.49 million, accounting for 17.9%. Among them, the
population aged 65 and above was 166.58 million, accounting for 11.9%. The 73

percentage of the senior population has increased since the end of 2017. With the

aging of the population, the state has The smart elderly care industry is a product

under the background of the “supply-side structural reform” and a formula for

correcting the imbalance of China’s senior care industry structure.

Table 14
Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
and Virtual Reality

Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care Virtual Reality Interpretation

Pearson r 0.530
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.514
Radical Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.552
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.493
Disruptive Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r correlation was used to determine whether there is a relationship

between the Virtual Reality and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. Table 14

shows the correlation between the Virtual Reality and

Architectural Innovation (r = 0.530) show a moderate correlation and p – value =

0.000, which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship;

Radical Innovation (r = 0.514) shows a Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care 74

moderate correlation and p – value = 0.000 denotes a significant relationship,

Incremental Innovation (r= 0.552) shows a moderate correlation and p – value

0.000 denotes a significant relationship; and lastly

Disruptive Innovation (r=0.493) also shows moderate correlation and p – value =

0.000 denotes significant relationship with N = 200.

The study shows that incremental innovation in aged care entails ongoing

enhancements and modifications to current procedures, products, and settings. It includes

minor adjustments, adaptations, and improvements made in response to older individuals'

changing requirements and preferences. These small-scale inventions target certain

problems and gaps in aged care, enabling better results, more effectiveness, and improved

user experiences. Personalized care methods, technology integration, environmental

changes, and service improvements are important areas of incremental innovation in aged

care within the real estate sector. In order to promote autonomy and well-being,

personalized care options entail modifying care plans and services to match the particular

requirements of individual residents. The application of wearable technology, smart home

systems, and telehealth technologies, which enhance monitoring, safety, and access to

healthcare services, is an example of technological integration. (Smith et al, 2019)

Table 15
Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care 75
and Augmented Reality

Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care Interpretation
Pearson r 0.557
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.549
Radical Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.590
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.512
Disruptive Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200

Pearson r correlation was used to determine whether there is a relationship

between the Augmented Reality and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. Table

15 shows the correlation between the Augmented Reality and

Architectural Innovation (r = 0.557) show a moderate correlation and p –

value = 0.000, which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship;

Radical Innovation (r = 0.549) shows a moderate correlation and p – value =

0.000 denotes a significant relationship,

Incremental Innovation (r= 0.590) shows a moderate correlation and p –

value 0.000 denotes a significant relationship; and lastly

Disruptive Innovation (r=0.512) also shows moderate correlation and p –

value = 0.000 denotes significant relationship with N = 200. 76

According to Shen, 2022 it is also, a greater understanding of the crucial role

that technical innovation plays in supporting industrial transformation, upgrading,

and altering the economic development mode is necessary for China's present

innovation-driven development plan to be successful. Chinese academics are

particularly interested in China's growth stage and unique institutional environment

since the country is still in an economic transition period and the market operating

mechanism is still in its infancy. (Li, 2022).

Table 16
Correlation Analysis on Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care
and Internet of Things

Internet of
Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care Interpretation
Pearson r 0.721
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.684
Radical Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.684
p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r 0.668
Disruptive Innovation p - value .000 Significant
N 200
Pearson r correlation was used to determine whether there is a relationship 77

between the Internet of Things and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. Table

16 shows the correlation between the Internet of Things and

Architectural Innovation (r = 0.721) show a high correlation and p – value =

0.000, which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship;

Radical Innovation (r = 0.684) shows a moderate correlation and p – value =

0.000 denotes a significant relationship,

Incremental Innovation (r= 0.684) shows a moderate correlation and p –

value 0.000 denotes a significant relationship; and lastly

Disruptive Innovation (r=0.668) also shows moderate correlation and p –

value = 0.000 denotes significant relationship with N = 200.

Smart health and elderly care refer to the integration of information technology and

products such as health care electronics, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big

data, and mobile Internet for collecting data such as human signs and home

environment; realizing family, community medical institutions, health care services

and information interconnection, and analytical processing between professional

medical institutions; and providing intelligent, personalized, and diversified products

and services to meet the increasingly urgent health needs of the people (Yang et al.,

2016). (Yang et al., 2016).


Chapter 5


This chapter includes a synopsis of the findings, conclusions, and 79

recommendations. It will help determine the influencing factors of innovative

approaches of elderly care in the real estate industry with the basis for formulation of

proposed marketing program based on findings, conclusions, and recommendations

of this paper.



In term of Forms of Business, Majority of the respondents are sole

proprietorship with the frequency of 106 or 53.00 percent, then corporation with the

frequency of 64 or 32.00 percent, and lastly partnership with the frequency of 30 or

15.00 percent.

In terms of Years of Operations, Majority of the respondents are 1-5 years

with the frequency of 74 or 37.00 percent, then 16-20 years with the frequency of 42

or 21.00 percent, followed by 21-25 years with the frequency of 36 or 18.00 percent,

then 26 years and above with the frequency of 24 or 12.00 percent, followed by 11-

15 years with frequency of 14 or 7.00 percent, and lasty 5-10 years with the

frequency of 10 or 5.00 percent.


In terms of Architectural Innovation, Majority of the respondents choose To

improve safety and mobility, add grab bars, handrails, non-slip flooring, and the
proper lighting with a weighted mean of 3.50 and verbal interpretation of strongly 80

agree, followed by Flexible configurations and modular floor plans enable alterations

as inhabitants' needs change over time with a weighted mean of 3.41 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, then Inclusion of outside places like gardens,

walking trails, and seating areas encourages exercise, relaxation, and social

contact, all of which are beneficial to the general wellbeing of the elderly with a

weighted mean of 3.18 and verbal interpretation of agree, lastly By using universal

design principles, architectural components are made useable and accessible by

people of all abilities with weighted mean of 3.16 and verbal interpretation of agree.

The overall mean is 3.31 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree in the level of

innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of architectural innovation.

In terms of Radical Innovation, Majority of the respondents choose Using

cutting-edge tools like wearable technology, robotics, telemedicine, and artificial

intelligence may completely change how senior care is provided with a weighted

mean of 3.51 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by Placing senior

people's needs, tastes, and experiences at the center of innovation guarantees that

solutions address actual problems and offer substantial advancements with a

weighted mean of 3.49 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, then A more

upbeat and interesting living environment is promoted by redesigning care facilities

to resemble thriving towns with a range of amenities, services, and recreational

pursuits with a weighted mean of 3.46 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, 81

lastly The use of telehealth platforms and remote monitoring technologies enables

older people to obtain medical care, consultations, and monitoring from the comfort

of their homes with weighted mean of 3.24 and verbal interpretation of agree. The

overall mean is 3.43 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree in the level of

innovative approaches of elderly care in terms of radical innovation.

In terms of Incremental Innovation, Majority of the respondents choose

Providing more effectively and efficiently by streamlining administrative procedures,

workflows for providing care, and communication channels with a weighted mean of

3.57 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by Mistakes are minimized

and good adherence is ensured by creating improved medication management

systems, such as automated pill dispensers and medication reminders with a

weighted mean of 3.50 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, then Supporting

aging in place by providing reasonable options for home modifications including

ramp installation and bathroom accessibility enhancements with a weighted mean of

3.23 and verbal interpretation of agree, lastly Including seniors, carers, medical

experts, and other stakeholders in the innovation process guarantees that

advancements are in line with their preferences and needs with weighted mean of

3.15 and verbal interpretation of agree. The overall mean is 3.36 and verbal
interpretation of strongly agree in the level of innovative approaches of elderly care 82

in terms of incremental innovation.

In terms of Disruptive innovation, Majority of the respondents choose

Providing drastic changed by utilizing developing technologies like artificial

intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, genomics, and biotechnology with a

weighted mean of 3.47 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by A

conventional elder care industry may be disrupted by the introduction of novel

business models, such as individualized care services that are available on a

subscription basis or co-living spaces with a weighted mean of 3.42 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, then Seniors may actively manage their health,

appointments, and social connections by being given user-friendly technological

tools and platforms with a weighted mean of 3.24 and verbal interpretation of agree,

lastly Innovative solutions can result from embracing unusual and creative thinking

that departs from standard wisdom and care delivery practices with weighted mean

of 3.18 and verbal interpretation of agree. The overall mean is 3.33 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree in the level of innovative approaches of elderly care

in terms of disruptive innovation.


In terms of Artificial Intelligence, Majority of the respondents choose Based 83

on their unique requirements, such as accessible features, closeness to healthcare

facilities, and social activities, AI algorithms may match seniors with homes with a

weighted mean of 3.52 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, followed by

Senior citizens' safety and quality of life are improved by the automation, security,

and convenience that AI-powered smart home systems provide with a weighted

mean of 3.41 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, then Predictive analytics

and AI algorithms are being used to spot health patterns and foresee care need

before they become urgent with a weighted mean 3.33 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree, lastly Forecasting the housing needs and preferences of the aging

population, examine data patterns with a weighted mean of 3.16 and verbal

interpretation of agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.39 and verbal interpretation

of strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry in terms of artificial intelligence.

In terms of Virtual Reality, Majority of the respondents choose Seniors who

use virtual reality (VR) may engage with 3D floorplans to better grasp layouts,

measurements, and design components with a weighted mean of 3.55 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, followed by Reduce the need for demanding

physical visits by enabling older people to virtually tour possible houses from the

comfort of their present dwellings with a weighted mean of 3.37 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, then With the use of virtual reality, seniors can see
in real time how their homes may be modified to better suit their requirements with a 84

weighted mean 3.34 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree, lastly With the use

of virtual reality, elders may assess if a place is adequate for their mobility and

health needs with a weighted mean of 3.27 and verbal interpretation of strongly

agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.26 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree

in the extent of real estate industry in terms of virtual reality.

In terms of Augmented Reality, Majority of the respondents choose AR

technology can enable virtual property tours, allowing elderly individuals to explore

homes without the need for physical visits with a weighted mean of 3.37 and verbal

interpretation of strongly agree, followed by Elderly individuals, this can be crucial in

identifying areas that might pose mobility issues. By using AR, real estate agents

and caregivers can help seniors choose properties that align with their physical

needs with a weighted mean of 3.35 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree,

lastly can provide real-time information overlays about a property's features, layout,

and potential modification and Designing spaces that are safe, accessible, and

comfortable becomes easier when using AR tools to virtually visualize modifications

before actual construction with a weighted mean of 3.33 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree. The overall weighted mean is 3.35 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry in terms of augmented reality.
In terms of Internet of Things, Majority of the respondents choose IoT 85

technologies allow caregivers or family members to remotely monitor the well-being

of elderly residents with a weighted mean of 3.35 and verbal interpretation of

strongly agree, lastly smart lighting systems can mimic natural lighting patterns to

improve sleep, or heating and cooling systems can maintain optimal comfort levels

based on personal preferences, Smart energy management systems can help

reduce energy consumption in real estate properties while maintaining comfort and

Interfaces for interacting with IoT devices should be designed with elderly users in

mind, considering factors like usability, accessibility, and simplicity with a weighted

mean of 3.34 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The overall weighted mean

is 3.34 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree in the extent of real estate industry

in terms of internet of things.



In terms of Artificial Intelligence, there is a relationship between the Artificial

Intelligence and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the correlation

between the Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Innovation show a moderate

correlation and which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship; Radical

Innovation shows a moderate correlation and denotes a significant relationship;

Incremental Innovation shows a moderate correlation and denotes a significant

relationship; and lastly, Disruptive Innovation also shows moderate correlation and 86

denotes significant relationship.

In terms of Virtual Reality, there is a relationship between the Virtual Reality

and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the correlation between the

Virtual Reality and Architectural Innovation show a moderate correlation and which

is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship; Radical Innovation shows a

Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care moderate correlation and denotes a

significant relationship, Incremental Innovation shows a moderate correlation and

denotes a significant relationship; and lastly, Disruptive Innovation also shows

moderate correlation and denotes significant relationship.

In terms of Augmented Reality, there is a relationship between the

Augmented Reality and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the

correlation between the Augmented Reality and Architectural Innovation show a

moderate correlation and which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship;

Radical Innovation shows a moderate correlation and denotes a significant

relationship; Incremental Innovation shows a moderate correlation and denotes a

significant relationship; and lastly, Disruptive Innovation also shows moderate

correlation and denotes significant relationship.

In terms of Internet of Things, there is a relationship between the Internet of

Things and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the correlation between
the Internet of Things and Architectural Innovation show a high correlation and 87

which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship; Radical Innovation shows

a moderate correlation and denotes a significant relationship; Incremental

Innovation shows a moderate correlation and denotes a significant relationship; and

lastly, Disruptive Innovation also shows moderate correlation and denotes significant




In term of Forms of Business, Majority of the respondents are sole

proprietorship with the frequency of 106 or 53.00 percent.

In terms of Years of Operations, Majority of the respondents are 1-5 years

with the frequency of 74 or 37.00 percent.


In terms of Architectural Innovation, Majority of the respondents choose To

improve safety and mobility, add grab bars, handrails, non-slip flooring, and the

proper lighting.

In terms of Radical Innovation, Majority of the respondents choose Using

cutting-edge tools like wearable technology, robotics, telemedicine, and artificial

intelligence may completely change how senior care is provided.

In terms of Incremental Innovation, Majority of the respondents choose 88

Providing more effectively and efficiently by streamlining administrative procedures,

workflows for providing care, and communication channels.

In terms of Disruptive innovation, Majority of the respondents choose

Providing drastic changed by utilizing developing technologies like artificial

intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, genomics, and biotechnology.


In terms of Artificial Intelligence, Majority of the respondents choose Based

on their unique requirements, such as accessible features, closeness to healthcare

facilities, and social activities, AI algorithms may match seniors with homes.

In terms of Virtual Reality, Majority of the respondents choose Seniors who

use virtual reality (VR) may engage with 3D floorplans to better grasp layouts,

measurements, and design components.

In terms of Augmented Reality, Majority of the respondents choose AR

technology can enable virtual property tours, allowing elderly individuals to explore

homes without the need for physical visits.

In terms of Internet of Things, Majority of the respondents choose IoT

technologies allow caregivers or family members to remotely monitor the well-being

of elderly residents.


In terms of Artificial Intelligence, there is a relationship between the Artificial

Intelligence and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the correlation

between Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Innovation show a moderate

correlation and which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship.

In terms of Virtual Reality, there is a relationship between Virtual Reality and

Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the correlation between the Virtual

Reality and Architectural Innovation show a moderate correlation and which is less

than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship.

In terms of Augmented Reality, there is a relationship between the

Augmented Reality and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the

correlation between the Augmented Reality and Architectural Innovation show a

moderate correlation and which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship.

In terms of Internet of Things, there is a relationship between the Internet of

Things and Innovative Approaches of Elderly Care. It shows the correlation between

the Internet of Things and Architectural Innovation show a high correlation and

which is less than 0.05 denotes a significant relationship.


1. They must adapt using universal design principles, architectural components are

made useable and accessible by people of all abilities.

2. They must consider including the outside places like gardens, walking trails, and

seating areas encourages exercise, relaxation, and social contact, all of which are

beneficial to the general wellbeing of the elderly.

3. They must use the telehealth platforms and remote monitoring technologies

enables older people to obtain medical care, consultations, and monitoring from the

comfort of their homes.

4. They will Include seniors, carers, medical experts, and other stakeholders in the

innovation process guarantees that advancements are in line with their preferences

and needs.

5. They must support aging in place by providing reasonable options for home

modifications including ramp installation and bathroom accessibility enhancements.

6. They must adapt innovative solution can result from embracing unusual and

creative thinking that departs from standard wisdom and care delivery practices.

7. The seniors must manage their health, appointments, and social connections by

being given user-friendly technological tools and platforms.

8. They must forecast the housing needs and preferences of the aging population,

examine data patterns.

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