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Course and Section: Bachelor of Elementary Education(BEED) - 3A1


1. Quinzon, Alexander Jr. C.

2. Lipio, Mel Rose M.
3. Evasco, Janna H.
4. Limbo, Arriane Mhae N.
5. Barnobal, Annie Fe A.
6. Osayen, Joyce Lyn B.

Research Title: Factors Affecting Academic Performance of 2nd Year Bachelor of Secondary
Education (BSED) Students at Trece Martires City College.

Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to explore the factors affecting students’ academic performance among 2nd
Year BSED students major in Filipino during the 1st semester SY of School Year 2023-2024.
Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of respondent in terms of;

1.1. Age
1.2. Sex
1.3. Status as student
1.4. Family Income
1.5. Parent’s Highest Educational Attainment

2. What extent are the following factors affects the students academic performance?
2.1 Psychological-Emotional
2.2. Cognitive
2.3. Learning Environment
2.4. Teacher

3. Is there a significant difference on the perception of the students on the different factors
affecting their performance when the students are group*ed* according to their demographic
profile such as; age, sex, status as students, family income, and parents’ highest educational

Name (Optional): ____________________________


Direction: Choose the current status you have.
1.1 Age
 Under 18
 18-24
 25-29
 30-39
 40 and above
1.2 Sex
 Male
 Female
1.3. Status as student
 Regular student
 Irregular student
1.4. Family income based on Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) 2018
 Below P10,957 monthly income
 P21,915 to 43,829 monthly income
 P 43,829 to 76,670 monthly income
 P131,485 monthly and above
1.5. Parents’ Highest Educational Attainment
A. Educational Attainment of Father
 Elementary graduate
 High School graduate
 College graduate
B. Educational Attainment of Mother
 Elementary graduate
 High School graduate
 College graduate


Direction: For each the items below, Put check (√) the following statement base on your
own experience. Read each statement carefully; Remember, there are no right or wrong


Content Retain Revise Reject Comments

1. I overcome challenge in the school by the use x I overcome challenge in
of effectively managing skill. the school by the use of
*effective* managing
2. I find it easy to focus during discussion and x I find it easy to focus
lecture. during discussions*
and lectures*.
3. I’m considering ways to improve my my x I’m considering ways to
performance improve *my*
4. I feel motivated attending class when the x
teachers sets high expectation.
5. I feel unique and special when I’m at x
6. It easy for me to control my emotion. x It *is* easy for me to
control my emotion.

Cognitive Factors
Content Retain Revise Reject Comments
7. I actively improve my managing skill in the x Not included in cognitive.
academic work load
8. I can easily understand the course material x
9. I find the course I take fun and interesting x
10. I always make sure to finish every activity x Not included in cognitive.
on the given time More on time
11. I always do my best to understand the x I always do my best to
course material and do good with my understand the course
performance. material*s* and do
good with my
12. I actively participate in school activities for x Not included in cognitive.
my progress.

Learning Environment

Content Retain Revise Reject Comments

13. I can still focus in the surrounding with too x I can still focus in *my
much noise. studies even if there is
too much noise in the
14. I enjoy the learning when the classroom is x I enjoy learning when
clean and organize. the classroom is clean
and organize.
15. I get motivated when the classroom is x I get motivated when
neat and has a lot of decoration on wall. the classroom is neat
and has a lot of
decoration*s* on wall.
16. I actively participate when the is comfortable. x I actively participate
when the *temperature*
is comfortable.
17. I get motivated to grow and learn in new x
18. I find it motivated when the school can x I find it *motivating*
provide student needs. when the school can
provide student*s’*
*academic* needs.
Teacher factors
Content Retain Revise Reject Comments
19. I find it interesting when the teachers has x
good relationship with students.
20. I find it fun when the teacher has good x
personality towards students.
21. I find it fun when the teacher is x
enthusiastic in her teaching.
22. I find it motivating when the teacher is x
presentable in the class.
23. Teachers style encourage me to x Teachers*’* style
participate in the class. encourage me to
participate in the class.
24. The guidance of teachers affects our x The guidance of
academic performance. teachers *positively*
affects our academic


Thank you for your valuable support!

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TMCC Faculty member

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