E10 U678

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\UNIT 6 - GENDER EQUALITY I. VOCABULARY STT TU VUNG PHIEN AM ay, NGHIA LOAI 1 | Kindergarten /‘kindaga:tn/ n | nhatré 2 | Adorable /a'doxra.bal/ a dang yéu [ 3 | Fantastic /feen'teestik/ a tuyét voi; rat tot 4 | Equal [i:kwal/ a | bangnhau Equality /ikwoleti/ n_ | swbinh dang Equalize /‘ixkwaJlatz/ v__ | 1am cho bang nhau 5 | Opportunity /a:.pe"tu:.na.ti/ n co hdi 6 | Surgeon /'so:dgan/ n__ | bacsiphau thuat 7 ‘| Age Jeids/ n | tui Aging [eudgin/ n_ | sulaohéa Aged Jerdgd/ a__| trong a6 tudi Ageless /erd3las/ a__| tré mai khong gia 8 | Gender /'dgenda/ n | gidng (duc/cai) 9 | Challenge /'tfelands/ n/v_| thach thitc, thir thach 10 | Violence /‘vata.lans/ n sy hung dik, bao luc 11° ‘| Victim /‘viktim/ n nan nhan 12 | Domestic /da'mestik np | bao lye gia dinh violence ‘vatalans/ 13 | Child marriage — | /tfaild'merads/ np | tao hon 14 | Low-paying /lou pern/ a | lrong thip High- paying /hat pei.m/ a | long cao 15 | Individual /indi'vidjual/ n cA nhan 16 | Persuade /pa'sweid/ v thuyét phuc Persuasion /p2'sweizon/ n su thuyét phuc | Persuasive /pa'sweisiv/ a__| day thuyét phuc 17 _| Flexible 7fleksa.bal/ a | linh d6ng; linh hoat Flexibility /Mek.sa'bila.ti/ n tinh mém déo; tinh linh hoat 18 | Working schedule | /'wa.kiy'sked3.u:l/ | np _| lich trinh lam viéc 19 | Parachutist /'perasurtist/ n nguwoi nhay dir Parachute /perafurt/ n/v_ | cdi di/ nhay div 20 | Cosmonaut n | nha du hanh vi tru 21° ‘| Significant a day ¥ nghia; quan trong, dang ké Significance /sig'nifikans/ n___| ynghia, tim quan trong Significantly /sig'nifikantli/ adv | céy nghia, cé tam quan trong a 22. | Physical /fizikal/ a | than thé, vat chat Physically /fiz..kal.i/ adv | vé mat thé chat Physics /fiziks/ n_ | ménvatly Physicist /'fizasist/ n | nhavatly Physician /fizifan/ n | bacsidi’utri 23 | Mental 7'mentl/ a _| thudctam than Mentality /men'tel.a.ti/ n | trilyc | Mentally /‘men.tal.i/ adv | vé than kinh IL STRUCTURES SIT CAU TRUC NGHIA By the way nhan tién 1 | Onthe way dang trén duong In the way can tré, ngang dudng 2 | Focus on tap trung 3 | Come true thanh hién thie 4 | Beallowed to do sth duge phép lam gi 5 | Be encouraged to do sth durgc khich 1é lam gi 6 | Belucky todo sth may man khi lam gi 7 | I couldn't agree more hoan toan dong ¥ 8 | Dream of doing sth = dream to do sth mo wdc lam gi i 9 | Deal with gidi quyét 10 | Do/perform operations on sb thyc hién phdu thuat cho ai 11. | Take care of = look after cham séc 12 | Be (un)able to do sth (kh6ng) c6 kha nding lam gi 13 | Be forced to do sth = be made to do sth bj ép phai lam gi 14 | Give birth sinh ra, tao ra 15 | Inother words ndi cach khac 16 | Earn/make money kiém tién 17_| Tend to do sth 6 xu huréng kam diéu gh 18 | Be equal to sth binh dang, ngang bang véi 19 | Take action to do sth hanh d6ng dé lam gi 20 | Intend to do sth 6 ¥ dinh lam gi 21. | Lead to sth dn téi diéu gi 22. | Under pressure chju dp luc 23 | Mind doing sth ngai lam gi 24 | Be suitable for sb/sth thich hgp vi ai/cai gi 25 | Infact trén thy té 26 | Take place dién ra 27 | Drawinterests thé hién sy quan tam III. GRAMMAR (Passive voice with modals) Modal verbs: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, should, shall, will, would Active voice Passive voice Form S + modal verb + V(bare) S$ + modal verb + be + Vp2 B You must finish your work before 12 | Your work must be finished before 12 ample |" : o'clock, o'clock. UNIT 7 - VIET NAM AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS I. VOCABULARY Ww STT TU VUNG PHIEN AM NGHIA LOAI 1 | Organise /organ.aiz/ Vv t6 chitc Organization n_— | coquan; su té chitc Organized a | c6t6 chitc, dugc t6 chirc tot Disorganized a | vO t6 chite Organizer /orgenatza/ n__ | nhaté chitc 2 | Goal /gaul/ n__ | muctiéu; ban thng; diém 3. | Peace n__ | hoabinh, swyén binh Peaceful a thanh binh Peacekeeping n__| viécgin git ha binh 4 | Poverty n su nghéo ddi 5 | Advantage /ad'va:ntids/ n__ | su thuan oi, loi thé Advantaged /ad'veen.tid3d/ a | célgithé Disadvantaged | /disad'ventidsd/ | a _| thiét thoi Advantageous /edvan'teidzas/ a cé loi Disadvantageous | /diseedvan'teidgas/ a bat loi 6 | Technical /teknikel/ a | thugcvé ky thuat Technique /tek'nitk/ n ky thuat, cach thirc, phuong thitc 7 | Expert /‘ekspa:t/ a/n__| vé mt chuyén mén / chuyén gia thudc vé kinh té 8 | Economic /icke'nomik/ a Economy /'konami/ n | nénkinhté Economics /t:ka'nomiks/ n mén Kinh té hoc Economical /ike'nomikl/ a | tiétkiém 9 | Invest Jin'vest/ v | daute Investor [in'ves.te-/ n nha dau tw Investment /in'vest.ment/ n su dau tr 10 | Agreement Je'griamant/ n | swddng tinh; hgp dong 11 | Donation ‘/dou'nerfan/ n__| vathién tang, quyén gop 12 | Competitive /[kom'petativ/ a canh tranh, cé site canh tranh Competitiveness | /kem'pet.a.trv.nas/ n_ | nang lyccanh tranh Compete /kam'pit/ v canh tranh, dua tranh Competition /kompea'ti{n/ n sy canh tranh, cudc thi Competitor /kam'petita/ n__ | déithd canh tranh 13 | Essential /i'senfal/ a | thiétyéu 14 | Disability /disa'bilati/ n sy tan tat; su bat lec Inability /ine'bilati/ n su bat tai Able /eibal/ a | cokhanang Disabled /dr'sewbald/ a bj tan tat Unable /an'eibl/ a | khong thé, khong c kha nang Enable /ineibl/ v___| cho phép, kich hoat 15 | Respect /ra'spekt/ n/v_ | swkinh trong / ton trong 16 | Create Jkci'eit/ v | taora 17 ‘| Practice /'precktis/ v__ | thyc hanh, luyén tap Practicable /'prektikabl/ a | kha thi Practical /'prektikal/ a thiét thurc, thie tién 18 | Challenge /'tfelinds/ v/n_| thach thire Challenging /'felin.dgin/ a | day thach there 19 | Achievement /a'tfivment/ n_| thanh tich, thanh tw 20 | Vaccinate /veeksa.neit/ v | tiémvacxin 21 | Community 7ko'mjunati/ n . | cong dong 22. | Facilitate /fo'sil.axtert/ v__ | taodigukién thuan loi 23. | Destination /desti'neifon/ n__ | diém dén, dich dén 24 | Hunger /hanga/ nm | tinh trang d6i Hungry /han.gri/ a d6i 25. | Nutrition /nu:'trifan/ n_ | dinhduéng [6 Agriculture /egrikaltfa/ n | néngnghiép Agricultural /,eg.re'kal.tfe-al/ a thudc vé néng nghiép ie 27° ‘| Security /sa'kjura.ti/ n swan toan, su bao mat 28 | Produce /pra‘djus/ v_— | gay ra; san xuat Product /'prodakt/ n__ | két qua; san phém Production /pra'dakfan/ n sy san xuat; san lugng Productive /pre'dak.tiv/ a nang suat Producer /pra‘du:se/ n nha san xuat L Productivity /prodak'tivati/ n hiéu suat, nang xudt 29 | Project /‘prodgekt/ n dy an i 30 | Exchange /iks'tfeind3/ v | trao déi Il. STRUCTURES STT cAu TROC NGHIA 1 | Participate in = take part in tham gia vao 2 | Aim to do sth = aim at doing sth nham muc dich lam gi 3__| Make sure bao dam 4 | Bepleased to do sth ng lam gi 5 | Get/have access to sth c6 quyén truy cap vao cai gi 6 | Have an opinion of sb/sth c6 ¥ kién vé ai/cai gi 7 Look down on coi thuong Look up to kinh trong 8 Get i well a = get along with = have a good 6 mt méi quan hé tét voi relationship with 9 | Be connected with dugc két ndi, lién két voi 10 | Focus on tap trung vao 11 | Educate sb about sth gido duc ai vé cai gi 12 | Drop out of bé gitta ching 13 | Earnaliving kiém séng 14 | Hope to do sth hy vong lam diéu gi as_ | Provide sb with sth cung cp cho ai cdi gi Provide sth for sb cung cap cai gi cho ai 16 | Inthe field of trong linh vyc 17_| Carry out tién hanh 18 | Inresponse to sth dap lai diéu gi a6 19 | Commit to do sth cam két lam diéu gi d6 20_ | Be open to sth/sb rong mé déi voi ai/cai gi Ill. GRAMMAR (Comparative and superlative adjectives) (Khéng dém dworc) + as + $2+.V Cac loai eu Cong thire Vidy so sanh ‘Thé khang dinh: She is as beautiful as her mother. $1+V+as+adj/adv+as+$2+V | She learns as wellas her sister does. Thé phi dinh: This exercise is not as/so difficult as I think $14 V(phii dinh) + as/so + aajy | (4): adv +as+S2+V He doesn’t study as/so hard as I do/me. Voi danh tir dém durge: We have as_few problems to solve as $1. +V + as many/few + n(so |7°ste"d- Sosanh | nhiéu) +as+S2+V bang [Voi danh tir khong dém durge: I don’t have as much money as you do. (as»as) | 51 + y + as much/little + N So sdnh gp nhiéu Fan: S$+V-+ multiple numbers * + as + much/ many/adj + (N) + as + N/ pronoun (* Multiple numbers 1a nhifng sé nhu half/ twice/ 3,4,5... times; Phan s6; Phan tram) In many countries in the world with the same job, women only get 40%-50% as much as salary as men. ‘Thé nao 1a tinh tir/trang tir ngan? Tinh tix/trang tir ngdn IA nhitng tinh tir/trang tir c6 1 Am tiét nhu: big (to), small (nhé), hot (néng), cold (lanh), thin (gay), fat (béo)... va c6 2 4m tiét tan cling 1a 1 trong 5 dudi sau: -y: happy (hanh phtic), easy (dé dang), early (sém), heavy (nang), lazy (Iuoi biéng)... er: clever (théng minh, lanh loi). «le: single (@éc than), simple (don gian). - ow: narrow (hep). - et: quiet (yén tinh). So sanh z 2 hon ‘Théndo Ja tinh tir/trang tudai? (adj-er/ Tinh tiy/trang tir dai 1a nhimg tinh tir/trang tir c6 tir 2 Am tiét tré én nhung mores: khéng phai 1 trong 5 dudi ké trén, nhu: beautiful (xinh dep), handsome (dep than) trai), intelligent (thong minh), hard-working (cham chi)..... so s4nh hon véi tinh tir va trang tir | She looks happier than (she did) ngan: yesterday. S1+V+adj/adv + er + than +S2+V so sanh hon v6i tinh tir va trang tir dai: | She is more beautiful than her sister. S1+V+ more + adj/adv + than + $2 +V So sanh hon véi danh tir: She has more money than me. $1+V+more +N +than+S2+V Voi tinh tir va trang tir ngin: He is the tallest (student) in my class. S+V + the + adj/adv + est + (N) +... So san | oi tinh ti va trang tr dai: My mother is the most beautiful (the agj- | S+V + the + most + adj/adv + (np | (aman) in che world est/most | + wu. +adj) V6i danh tir: S+V+the + most +N +. He is a billionaire. He has the most money, Tinh tir/ trang tir t6t, gidi Bad/badly 6, toi, dét Ngoailé || much/many nhigu little far farther/further | old older/elder The oldest/eldest | | V6i tinh tir ngan: The summer is coming. It gets hotter and Sosanh | Adj+er+and+adj+er i Hy tién Voi tinh tir dai: more/less and | She is more and more attractive, (cang... | more/less + adj cang) There are more and more people moving to V6i danh tir: moreand more +N | pig cities to look for jobs. So s4nh Boe " zg, | The + anh hi dj + aes UE ‘ Sea hea poirot ¢¢ | Zazmane dificult the exercise is, the more (cing... | *¥ eC ! interesting itis. thi cang) S+V UNIT 8 - NEW WAYS TO LEARN I. VOCABULARY SIT TY VUNG PHIEN AM tr NGHIA LOAI 1 | Upload /sp'loud/ v_ | tailén Update /ap'dert/ v_. | cap nhat Upgrade /op'grerd/ v__ | nang cdp 2 ‘| Original /e'rid3.anal/ a nguyén ban, déc dao Origin ondgin/ n__ | ngudn géc Originality /aridgan'ela.ti/ n__ | tinh chat d6c d4o; tinh cha sang tao, moi mé 3 | Face-to-face / fets.te'feis/ adv | déidién, tructiép 4 _| Strategy /'streetadsi/ n | chiénlugc 5 | Blendedlearning | /blendid ‘is.nm/ n | hoctépkéthop 6 | Intended /in'ten.did/ a | codungy, mong doi Intend /in'tend/ v_ | dydinh Intention /m'tenfan/ n | ¥dinh 7 | Specific /spa'sifik/ a | roving, cuthé 8 | Purpose /'psipas/ n_ | mucdich 9 | Impressive /im'pres.v/ a | 4ntuong Impression /im'prefan/ n_ | sydntugng Impress /im'pres/ v__| gay antwong 10 | Advantage Jad'vamtids/ n | sythuanlgi Advantageous /eedvan'teidgas/ a | cdloi ‘Advantaged Jad'veentidgd/ a | thuan toi Disadvantaged /dis.ad'veen.tid3d/ a | thiét thi Disadvantageous _| /diseedvan'teidgas/ a | batlgi Disadvantage /disad'vamntid3/ n bat Igi, nhurge diém, han ché 11. ‘| Technical /'teknikel/ a thuéc ky thuat Technician /tek'nifen/ n chuyén gia, ky thuat vién Technique /tek'ni:k/ n cach thc, phuong thirc 12 | Connection /ka'nekfan/ n sy két néi Connect /ke'nekt/ v__ | kétnéi 13 | Schedule /'sked3.u:l/ n/v_ | ké hoach/lén ké hoach 14 | Short-sightedness | /fo:rt'sat.tid.nas/ n can thi 15 | Backache /‘beketk/ n dau lung 16 | Communication /ka,mju:.na'kerfen/ n su lién lac Communicate /ka'mjuznikeit/ v truyén dat, lién lac, giao tiép Communicative /ke'mju:.na.ker.tiv/ a coi me Communicable /ke'mju:.na.ka.bal/ a c6 thé giao tiép 17 _| Challenge /‘felind3/ n/v_| thach thite 18 | Individual /indr'vidguel/ a mét minh; riéng lé; c nhan 19 | Discuss /di'skas/ thdo luan Discussion /di'skafen/ su thao luan 20 | Feature /fictfo/ n | dic diém 21 | Digital /'did3.0.t01/ a _| thudcsd 22. | Resource /vizzorrs/ n ngudn hc 23. | Audio-visual /aidiau'vizual/ n nghe nhin; trg cu nghe nhin 24 ‘| Field trip /‘fisld trip/ np | chuyén di thc té 25 | Landmark /lend.ma:rk/ n méc, sy kién 26 | Real-world / tinal waeld/ n thé giéi thyc 27 ‘| Present /'prez.ant/ v__ | tang; giéi thiéu; trinh bay; trinh chiéu Presenter /pri'zen.te-/ ngudi dan chwong trinh Presentation /,prez.an'terfon/ n__ | swtrinh dién; sy trinh bay 28 | Award /e'wo:d/ v/n_ | thuéng/giai thuéng Reward /rt'wo:d/ n | phan thuéng 29 | Tradition /tra'difen/ n truyén théng Traditional /tra'dif.an.al/ a thudc vé truyén thong 30 | Teaching method /'ti:.t{m 'meBad/ n phuong phap giang day Il. STRUCTURES STT cAU TRUC NGHIA 1_| Search for tim kiém 2 | Take notes ghi cht, ghi chép lai 3 | Be good/bad at doing sth gidi/dé trong viéc lam gi 4 | Give sba chance to do sth cho ai mét co’ hdi dé lam gi 5 | Discuss with sb about sth thao luan v6i ai vé diéu gi 6 | Do projects lam cac dy an 7 | Ask sb todo sth yéu cau ai dé lam gi 8 _| Help sb (to) do sth giup ai lam gi 9 _| Prepare for sth chudn bi cho cai gi 10 | Work on sth nghién citu, tim toi vé cai gi 11. Make an outline for sth lap dan ¥ cho cdi gi 12. | Combine sth with sth két hop cai gi véi cdi gi 13 | Allow sbto do sth cho phép ai lam gi 14__| Encourage sb to do sth Kkhuyén khich ai lam gi 15 | Bein the middle of ¢ gitta 16 Be familiar with sth quen thudc véi cai gi Be familiar to sb quen thudc véi ai dé 17 | Focus onsth tp trung vao cai gi 18 | Pay attention to sth/sb cht y dén cai gi/ai 19 | Have/get access to sth c6 quyén truy cap vao cai gl 20 | Agree with sb dong y voi ai 21 | Login dang nhap 22 | Write down viét ra, ghi chép lai 23 | Be suitable for sb/sth phi hop voi ai/cai gi 24. | Be absent from ving mat 25_| Play the role of sb d6ng vai trd 1a ai dé 26 | Be/become responsible for chiu trach nhiém cho j 27_| Participate in tham gia vao 28 | Make friends with sb két ban véi ai zi 29 | Look for tim kiém 30 | Be popular with sb phé bién véi ai III. GRAMMAR (Relative clauses) 1. Dinh nghia Ménh 8 quan hé 14 ménh d& phy duge ni voi ménh dé chinh béi cdc dai tir quan hé (who, whom, whose, which, that) hay cdc trang tir quan hé nhur (where, when, why). Ménh d@ quan he diving ngay dang sau danh tt, dai tir trong ménh dé chinh dé b6 sung ¥ nghia cho danh tir, dai tir &y, phan biét danh ty, dai tir dy véi cdc danh tir dai tir khdc. Chitc nang ctia né gidng nhu mot tinh ti, do vay né cdn duro goi A ménh dé tinh ngd Tl. Cac loai dai ty quan hé 1, WHO: La dai tir quan hé thay thé cho danh tir chi ngudi, dig sau danh tir chi ngudi dé lam chi ngit (subject) ho&c tan ngit (object) cho d6ng tir ding sau n6. Theo sau who 1a chit ngir hoc 1a dng ti. Vidu: The man who is waiting for the bus is my English teacher. > (theo sau who 1a d6ng tir > who déng vai trd am chu ngir) The man who I met on the bus yesterday is Phuong's father. ‘> (theo sau who 1a chii ngir > who déng vai trd lam tan ngit) 2. WHOM: La dai tir quan hé thay thé cho danh tir chi ngwéi, dirng sau danh tir chi ngwoi dé lam tan ngir (object) cho déng tir dirng sau nd. Theo sau whom Ia chi ngit. Vidu: The man who(m) I met on the bus yesterday is Phuong’s father. > (theo sau whom Ia chi ngit => whom déng vai trd lam tan ngir) @& NHU VAY: Ca who va whom déu 1a dai tir quan hé thay thé cho danh tir chi ngwoi, ding sau danh tir chi nguoi, Nhung who lam ca chit ngir va tn ngit cho d6ng tir dig sau n6, cbn whom chi lam tan ngir cho dng tir sau né ma théi. 3, WHICH: La dai tix quan hé chi vat, sir vat, su viéc 1am chii ngir hodc tan ngi cho déng tir sau n6. Theo sau which cé thé 1a mt d6ng tir h \t chi ngit Vidu: Iam reading the book which was written by a famous writer. > (theo sau which la d6ng tir => which déng vai trd lam chai ngit) lam reading the book which you gave me on my birthday. > (theo sau which la chi ngit => which déng vai trd lam tan ngir) 4, THAT: La dai tir quan hé chi ca ngudi lin vat, c6 thé dugc ding thay cho Who, Whom, Which trong ménh dé quan hé thudc loai Restricted Clause (Ménh a xac dinh) 4.1. Luén ding "that” trong nhitng triréng hop sau: + diing that thay thé cho nhimng danh tir chi cd ngurdi In vat Vidu: I saw herand her dog that were walking in the park. + ding thatsau cdc daitiy bat dinh (someone/ somebody, no one/ nobody, everyone/ everybody, anyone/ anybody; something, everything, anything, nothing) hoc sau (all/ much/ none, little...) Vidu: My father is the one that I admire most. All that is mine is yours, + ding that sau dang so sanh nhat Vidu: My mother is the most beautiful woman that I have ever known. + ding that sau cac tir chi thir ty nhu: first, second, next, ...Jast, only Vidu: Youare the only person that I can believe. + ding that trong c&u tric cau nhain manh It + be + thanh phan nhan manh + that+S+V Vidu: Itwas the book that my mother bought me last week. Itis you that lam looking for. + ding that trong cu tric: It is/was not until... that Ttis/was not until + time/time clause + that + S+V (phai mai t6i hi... thi) Vidu: Itwas not until he was 40 that he got married. 4.2, Khong duoc ding that trong nhitng trong hop sau: + kh6ng ding that sau du phay Vi dy: She couldn't go to the party, that makes me sad. A B c D HD: (trong cau nay sai &C vi that khong dug ding sau d4u phay ()) nén ta sira lai bang cach aéi that thanh which) + khdng diing that sau giéi tir ‘Vi du: The music to that | am listening is very sweet and gentle. A B Cc D HD: (trong cau nay sai 6B vi that khéng durgc ding sau gi6i ti (to) nén ta sita lai bang cach a6 to that thanh to which) 5. WHOSE: La dai tir quan hé chi sé hiru. Whose dig sau danh tir chi ngwdi hogc vat va thay che tinh tir sé hiu truéc danh tit. Whose ludn di kém voi mot danh tix, Vidu: Iam studying with Tom whose father is a famous doctor. III Cach két hop cau ding dai tir quan hé Dé két hgp hai cau thanh m6t cau diing dai tir quan hé, ta thyc hign theo cdc buéc sau; + Bu@c 1: X4c dinh thanh phan gidng nhau gitra hai ménh dé + Buc 2: Dat dai tir quan hé ngay sau tir ma n6 thay thé & ménh dé thér nhat ri viét ménh dé thir hai trudc xong méi viét toi ménh a thir nhat. + Buéc 3: Dai tir quan hé thay thé cho tir gi & ménh dé thir 2 thi bé tir dy di. Vidu 1: The man works in the hospital. I told you about him. HD: Ta thy thanh phin giéng nhau giita 2 ménh dé ndy la “the man” va “him” The man Ia danh tir chi nguéi nén ta ditng dai tir quan hé who hodc whom va dat ngay sau the man, sau dé ta viét ménh dé thit 2 (bé him) xong quay Iai viét phiin con lai cia ménh d8 thie nhdt. > The man who(m) I told you about works in the hospital. Vidu 2: The man was injured in the accident. He is now in hospital. Ta thdy thanh phiin giéng nhau gitta 2 ménh dé nay Ia “the man” va “he” He Id chi ngit cia ménh dé thi 2 nén ta phdi ding dai tir quan hé who va dat ngay sau the man, sau d6 ta viét phan cén Iai cia ménh dé thit nhdt xong méi viet sang ménh dé thit hai (bd he) > The man who was injuried in the accident is now in hospital. e Luu y: Cau nay khéng thé viét 14 The man who is now in hospital was injured in the accident, vi theo thtr ty cla hanh d6ng thi hanh d6ng bi thuong phai xdy ra truéc hanh dong vao vin. IV. Cac loai ménh dé quan hé: cé ba loai ménh dé quan hé 1. Ménh dé quan hé xdc djnh (restrictive relative clause): Ménh dé quan hé xAc dinh ding dé bé nghia cho danh tir dieng truéc, la bé phan quan trong cila cau, néu bé di thi ménh dé chinh khéng 6 nghia ro rang. Vidu: The girl who is wearing the blue dress is my sister. The book which | borrowed from you is very interesting. 2. Ménh dé quan hé khéng xdc dinh (non-restrictive relative clause) + Ménh dé quan hé khéng xc dinh ding dé bé nghia cho danh tir ditng truéc, la phan giai thich thém, néu bé di thi ménh dé chfnh van con nghia ré rang. + Ménh dé quan hé khéng xéc inh thudng dugc ngan voi ménh dé chinh béi cdc dau phay. Danh tir ding truéc thong 1a tén riéng hoc truéc cdc danh tir thuéng cé cdc tir nhu: this, that, these, those, my, his, her, your, our, their... dimng truéc. + Khong dugc ding that trong ménh dé kh6ng xac dinh. Viduy: Peter, who is my boyfriend, is very handsome and intelligent. My father, who is 50 years old, is a doctor. 3, Ménh dé quan hé n6i tiép: Ménh dé quan hé ndi tiép ding dé giai thich cd mOt cau, trudng hop nay chi ding dai tir quan hé which va ding dau phy dé tach hai ménh d&. Ménh dé nay lun ding & cudi cau. Viduy: He sent mea bunch of flowers, which made me surprised.

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