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Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Module 4 Title: Shear and Moment in Beams

Module Introduction/Rationale:

In this module, we will study the types of statically determinate beams, different types of
supports as well as the different types of loadings. Also in this module, we will draw the shear and
moment diagrams of statically determinate beams and determine the maximum bending moment and
maximum shear force.

Module Outcomes:
CO3: Analyze statically determinate and indeterminate structures.

Lesson 1 Title: Shear and Bending Moment in Beams

Lesson Outcomes:
At the end of this topic the learner should be able to:
1. identify the types of beam supports
2. identify the types of beams
3. solve the shear force and bending moment
4. draw the shear and moment diagrams
5. determine the Vmax and Mmax


Beams are members that carry transverse loads and are subjected to bending. Beams are among
the most important structural member.

Types of Beams Support

1. Roller Supports. A roller (or link) support resists motion of the beam only along the direction
perpendicular to the plane of the support (along the axis of the link). Hence, the reaction at the roller
support acts along the known direction, as shown in the figure.

2. Hinge Supports. A hinge support resists motion of the beam at the support in any direction on the
plane of loading. Hence, the reaction at a pin support consists of two components, usually represented
by horizontal and vertical components, as shown in the figure. The other figure shows a knife-edge
support, which is a schematic drawing of a hinge support.

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

3. Fixed Supports. At a fixed support, a beam is either built in as an integral part of a concrete column or
welded to a steel column. The end of the beam at the fixed support is prevented from displacement in
any direction and also from rotation. In general, the reaction at a fixed support consists of three
unknowns that are two unknown components of force and one unknown moment, as shown in the

At a roller or hinge support, a beam is free to rotate. Hence, the roller and hinge supports are termed
simple supports to differentiate them from fixed supports.

Types of Beams
Beams can be classified into the types shown in the figure, according to the kind of support used.

1. Simple Beam. A beam supported at its ends with a hinge and a roller, as shown in figure (a), is called a
simple beam.

2. Overhanging Beam. A simply supported beam with an overhang from one or both ends, as shown in
figure (b), is called an overhanging beam.

3. Cantilever Beam. A beam that is fixed at one end and free at the other, as shown in figure (c), is called
a cantilever beam.

4. Propped Cantilever Beam. A beam that is fixed at one end and simply supported at the other, as shown
in figure (d), is called a propped cantilever beam.

5. Fixed Beam. When both ends of a beam are fixed to supports, as shown in figure (e), the beam is called
a fixed beam.

6. Continuous Beam. A continuous beam is supported on a hinge support and two or more roller
supports, as shown in figure (f).

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Statically Determinate Beams

In the first three types of beams, there are three unknown reaction components that may be determined
from the static equilibrium equations.

Statically Indeterminate Beams

When the number of unknown reaction components exceeds three, as in the beams shown in figure d, e,
and f, the three equilibrium equations are insufficient for determining the unknown reaction components.

Types of Loadings

1. Concentrated Loads. A concentrated load is applied at a specific point on a beam and is considered as
discrete force acting at the point, as shown in figure (a).

2. Uniform Loads. When a load is distributed over a part or the entire length of the beam, it is called a
distributed load. If the intensity of a distributed load is a constant value, it is called a
uniform load.

3. Linearly Varying Loads. A linearly varying load is a distributed load with a uniform variation of
intensity. Such a load condition occurs on a vertical or inclined wall due to liquid pressure.

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Beam Sign Convention

1. Positive Shear – the shear force at a section is positive if the external forces on the beam produce a
shear effect that tends to cause the left side of the section to move up relative to the
right side.

Left Side
Right Side
Effect of positive shear
(left section move upward)

Left Side Right Side

Direction of positive internal
Shear force V

How to solve the shear value

If the summation of external forces is from left to right, upward forces is positive
If the summation of external forces is from right to left, downward forces is positive

2. Positive Moment – the bending moment at a section is positive if the external forces on the beam
produce a bending effect that causes the beam to bend concave upward at the

Effect of positive moment

(beam bend concave upward)

Left Side Right Side

Direction of positive internal
bending moment M

How to solve the bending moment value

If the summation of moment is from left to right, clockwise is positive
If the summation of moment is from right to left, counter clockwise is positive

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

The shear force diagram is a graphical representation showing the variation of the shear force along the
beam. It is drawn directly below the loading diagram.

The bending moment diagram is a graphical representation showing the variation of the bending
moment along the beam. It is drawn directly below the shear diagram.

Relationships between the load and shear diagrams

1. The slope of the shear diagram at a section along a beam is equal to the load intensity at the section.
2. The change in shear force between two sections along a beam is equal to the total load between the
two sections.

Relationships between the shear and the moment diagrams

1. The slope of the moment diagram at a section along a beam is equal to the value of the shear force at
the section.
2. The change in bending moment between two sections along a beam is equal to the area under the
shear diagram between two sections.

Shear Diagram
The following procedure may be followed for sketching the shear diagram:
1. Draw the shear diagram directly below the loading diagram and use the same horizontal scale.
2. Starting at the left end, compute the shear at various controlling sections by adding the load on the
next segment to the shear of the previous section.
3. Plot points on the shear diagram using the shear of each controlling section as the ordinate.
4. Connect the adjacent points plotted. Keep in mind that the slope of the shear diagram is equal to
the load intensity. Find the location of the point of zero shears or the point where shear force
changes sign.

Moment Diagram
The following procedure may be followed for sketching the moment diagram:
1. The moment diagram is usually drawn directly under the shear diagram using the same horizontal
2. Calculate the areas under the shear diagram.
3. Starting from the left end, add the area of the shear diagram between the controlling sections to
the moment of the previous section to get the moment of the next section.
4. Plot points on the moment diagram using the moment of each controlling section as the ordinate.
5. Connect the adjacent points plotted with proper straight lines or curves. Keep in mind that the
slope of the moment diagram at a section is equal to the shear force at the section.
6. The maximum or minimum moment occurs at the section where the shear force is zero or where
the shear force changes sign.

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Sample Pictures



Pinned or Hinged Fixed

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Sample Problem
1. Draw the shear and moment diagram of the loaded beam shown in the figure. Determine the Vmax and

40 KN 15 KN
20 KN/m

5m 1m 2m 2m


Solve for the reactions. 40 KN 15 KN
20 KN/m
Take a moment at R1
ΣMR1 = 0
0 = (20KN/m)(5 m)(2.5 m) + (40KN)(6 m) + (15KN) (10 m) – R2 (8 m)
0 = 250 + 240 + 150 – R2(8) 5m 1m 2m 2m
R2 = 80 KN
R1 R2
Take a moment at R2
0 = R1(8 m) + (15KN) (2 m) – (20KN/m)(5 m)( 2.5 m + 3 m) – (40 KN)(2 m)
0 = R1(8 m) + 30 – 550 – 80
R1 = 75 KN

Check the reactions using ΣFy = 0

Up = Down
R1 + R2 = (20 KN/m)(5 m) + 40 KN + 15 KN
75 + 80 = 100 + 40 + 15
155 = 155  OK 40 KN 15 KN
20 KN/m
Label the beam from left to right. 5m 1m 2m 2m

R1 = 75 KN R2 = 80 KN
Draw a vertical line from each point being labelled in step 2.

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Compute the shear force using ΣFy = 0.
Upward force is positive (+) 40 KN 15 KN
While downward force is negative (–) 20 KN/m
Shear Force A E
VA = 0 + 75 KN = 75 KN
VB = + 75 – 20KN/m (5 ) = – 25 KN 5m 1m 2m 2m
Vc = – 25 KN – 40 KN = – 65 KN
VD = – 65 KN + 80 KN = + 15 KN R1 = 75 KN R2 = 80 KN
VE = + 15 KN – 15 KN = 0

Draw the shear diagram
40 KN 15 KN
20 KN/m
A E 0 0

5m 1m 2m 2m
– 25 no load from C to D,
draw a straight line
R1 = 75 KN R2 = 80 KN
– 65
75 draw a line going upward
draw a line going upward due to + 75 KN due to + 80 KN

0 0 0 0
– 25
20 KN/m is rectangle so the next
shape is triangle
0 0 75 – 65
no load from D to E,
15 draw a straight line

75 – 25 0 0

0 0 – 25
since no load from B to C,
draw a straight line
75 – 65
75 – 25 15
0 0
0 0 draw a line going
downward due to VE = 0
– 25
– 25 draw a line going
– 65
downward due to 40 KN
– 65

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Compute the Bending Moment. 40 KN 15 KN
20 KN/m
Above zero line is positive area
While below zero line is negative area D
Compute first the value of distance X
Use ratio and proportion 5m 1m 2m 2m
(in solving for X disregard the negative sign)
R1 = 75 KN R2 = 80 KN
X 5– X 75
75 25 5–x 15
25 X = 75 (5 – X) + +
25 X = 375 – 75 X V Diagram 0 0

75 X + 25 X = 375 –
100 X = 375 –
X = 3.75 m x – 25
5 – X = 5 – 3.75 = 1.25 m
– 65
Bending Moment
MA = 0
MX = 0 + ½ (75)(3.75 m) = 140.625 KN-m
MB = 140.625 – ½ (25)(1.25 m) = 125 KN-m
MC = 125 – (25)(1 m) = 100 KN-m
MD = 100 – (65)(2 m) = – 30 KN-m
ME = – 30 + (15)(2 m) = 0

Draw the moment diagram A B C D E

75 140.625
125 the shape of shear from B
x–5 15 100to C is rectangle, the next
+ + shape is triangle (from
V Diagram 0 0 125 to 100)
A – E
– 0 0

x – 25
140.625 the shape of shear from C
100 to D is rectangle, the next
140.625 shape is triangle (from
the shape of shear is triangle, 100 to - 30)
the next shape is curve going 0 0
upward (from 0 to 140.625)
– 30
0 0
140.625 the shape of shear from D
140.625 100 to E is rectangle, the next
125 shape is triangle (from
the shape of shear is triangle, the - 30 to 0)
next shape is curve going 0 0
downward (from 140.625 to 125)
0 0 – 30

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies


From the shear diagram (V Diagram) determine 40 KN 15 KN

20 KN/m
the Vmax. (maximum value could be either
positive or negative) A

5m 1m 2m 2m
From the moment diagram (M Diagram)
determine the Mmax. (maximum value could be R2 = 80 KN
R1 = 75 KN
either positive or negative)

Vmax = 75 KN answer
triangle, next shape is curve
Mmax = 140.625 KN-m answer
5–x 15
+ +
V Diagram 0 0

x – 25
– 65

rectangle, next shape is triangle

140.625 triangle
curve 100

M Diagram 0 0

– 30

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

2. Draw the shear and moment diagram of the loaded beam shown in the figure. Determine the Vmax and

6 KN 6 KN
3 KN/m 3 KN/m


2m 4m 2m 4m

R1 R2

Solve for the reactions

Take a moment at R1
ΣMR1 = 0
0 = (3 KN/m)(4 m)(2m) – (6 KN)(2 m) – R2 (4 m) 6 KN
0 = 24 – 12 – R2(4) 3 KN/m
R2 = 3 KN
Take a moment at R2
0 = R1(4 m) – (3 KN/m)(4 m)( 2 m) – (6 KN)(2 m + 4 m)
0 = R1(4 m) – 24 – 36 2m 4m
R1 = 15 KN R1 = 15 KN R2 = 3 KN

Check the reactions using ΣFy = 0

Up = Down
R1 + R2 = (3 KN/m)(4 m) + 6 KN
15 + 3 = 12 + 6 9 4m – X = 1 m
18 = 18  OK
Shear Force (upward is + while downward is – )
VA = 0 – 6 KN = – 6 KN V Diagram 0 – 0

VB = – 6 KN + 15 KN = 9 KN –3
Vc = 9 KN – (3 KN/m)(4 m) = – 3 KN –6
VC’ = – 3 KN + 3 KN = 0 X=3m
Solve for X
X 4_X
= 3 X = 9(4 – X)
9 3
3X = 36 – 9X
X= =3m 4–X=1m
M Diagram 0 0
Bending Moment (area of the shear diagram)
MA = 0
MB = 0 – (6)(2 m) = – 12 KN-m
MX = – 12 + ½ (9)(3 m) = 1.50 KN-m – 12
MC = 1.5 – ½ (3)(1 m) = 0

Vmax = 9 KN answer
Mmax = – 12 KN-m answer

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

3. Draw the shear and moment diagram of the loaded beam shown in the figure. Determine the Vmax and
60 KN 60 KN

5 KN/m 5 KN/m


2m 6m 2m 2m 6m 2m

Solution: R1 R2

Solve for the reactions

Take a moment at R1
ΣMR1 = 0
0 = (5 KN/m)(6 m)(3m) + (60 KN)(6 m)– (5 KN/m)(2 m)(1 m) – R2 (8 m)
0 = 90 + 360 – 10 – R2(8)
R2 = 55 KN 60 KN

Take a moment at R2 5 KN/m

0 = R1(8 m) – (5 KN/m)(8 m)(4 m + 2 m) – (60 KN)(2 m)
0 = R1(8 m) – 240 – 120
R1 = 45 KN A B C

Check the reactions using ΣFy = 0 2m 6m 2m

Up = Down
R1 + R2 = (5 KN/m)(8 m) + 60 KN R1 = 45 KN R2 = 55 KN
45 + 55 = 40 + 60
100 = 100  OK
Shear Force (upward is + while downward is – )
VA = 0 5
VB = 0 – (5 KN/m)(2 m) = – 10 KN +
VB’ = – 10 KN + 45 KN = 35 KN V Diag. 0 0
VC = 35 KN – (5 KN/m)(6 m) = 5 KN –
VC’ = 5 KN – 60 KN = – 55 KN –
VD = – 55 KN + 55 KN = 0 – 10
– 55
Bending Moment (area of the shear diagram)
MA = 0
MB = 0 – ½ (10)(2 m) = – 10 KN-m
35 + 5
MC = – 10 + ( ) (6 m) = 110 KN-m
MD = 110 – (55)(2 m) = 0
M Diag. 0 0
Vmax = – 55 KN answer
Mmax = 110 KN-m answer
– 10

Notes in Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies

Problem Set No: 1 (Module 4)

Draw the shear and moment diagram of the loaded beam shown in the figure. Determine the Vmax and

1. 30 KN 6. 30 KN

20 KN/m 15 KN 14 KN/m

3m 3m 2m 2m 5m 3m 2m
2. 7.
12 KN
18 KN 20 KN

10 KN/m 10 KN 18 KN/m

2m 4m 3m 1m 3m 2m 4m

3. 8.
15 KN
15 KN 10 KN
20 KN/m 40 KN 20 KN/m

3m 3m 2m 2m 2m 6m 3m

4. 9. 30 KN
10 KN 30 KN
20 KN/m 20 KN/m

4m 1m 3m 2m
2m 6m 2m

5. 30 KN 10. 10 KN

20 KN/m 10 KN 15 KN/m 20 KN

2m 5m 2m 6m 2m 2m


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