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Iloilo Science and Technology University

College of Engineering and Architecture

EE Department


Name: Caballero, Castano, Dacula, Ga, Lopez Date Performed: 02/05/2022

Course and Year: BSEE 2-A2 Date Submitted: 05/05/2022
Signature: Instructor’s Signature:

Experiment 5
Power in AC RLC Circuit

1. To measure the power dissipated in an AC circuit
2. To study the characteristic of AC power
3. To understand the characteristics of an RLC network in ac circuit.
4. To measure the resonant frequency of an RLC network.


As discussed in Circuits 1, electrical power in a dc circuit is calculated by P = EI. This is

also true in an ac circuit with a pure resistor. When an ac voltage is applied across a
resistor, the instantaneous variations of current through the resistor follow exactly the
instantaneous changes in voltage. This is called that the current is in phase with the

(a) (b)

Fig. 5-1
It is possible that the current is not in phase with the voltage when a load contains
reactive elements such as an inductor or capacitor. See Fig. 5-1. The current I lags the
voltage E by a phase angle θ. Since the instantaneous power is the product of the
instantaneous current and voltage values, the instantaneous power curve can therefore be
plotted as the areas shown by slanting lines.

The load absorbs energy during the instantaneous power in positive direction and returns
energy during the instantaneous power in negative direction. In Fig. 5-1(b), the current I
and voltage E appear a phase angle θ and the power P will be P = EIcosθ. If the current is
in phase with the voltage (θ=0), the power will be P =EI.

Fig. 5-2 shows an RLC series – parallel circuit with an ac power supply. As mentioned
before, the capacitive reactance XC and inductive reactance XL vary with frequency.
Therefore, the net impedance of the parallel circuit consisting of L2 and C3 will vary with
input frequency. At some frequency which we will define as the resonant frequency fr,
the parallel circuit operates in resonance and XL equals XC. The resonant frequency can
be expressed as fr = 1/2πsquare root of LC.

Fig. 5-2


1. According to Figs. 5-2 complete the experiment circuit. The L2 is 0.1H inductor,
C3 is 1 micro-Farad and R12 is 1,200 ohms.

2. Measure and record the current value. Use 9V, 60 Hz as power source.
I = 8.9 mA

3. Using the equation P = EIcosθ, calculate the power dissipated by the circuit,
P = 81x10-3 W

4. Using the equation P = E2/R, calculate and record the power dissipated by the
resistor R1.
P = 81x10-3 W

5. Using the equation P = I2R, calculate and record the power dissipated by the
resistor R1.
P = 81x10-3 W
6. Do all of the power values agree? Yes No

7. Turn off the power.

What is the form that power is converted into? Heat

8. Set the function selector of function generator to a sine wave position. Connect
the oscilloscope to the output of function generator.
Adjust the amplitude and frequency control knobs to obtain an output of 1 KHz, 5
VP-P and connect it to the circuit input (I/P)

9. Using the oscilloscope, measure and record the voltages across L2, C3 and R12.
And plot the wave form of each element.
VL = 2.56 VP-P
VC = 2.56 VP-P
VR = 3.28 VP-P

VL Waveform
VC Waveform
VR Waveform

10. Using the equation fr = 1/(2πsquare root of LC), calculate and record the resonant
frequency of the circuit.
Fr = 2.771x103 Hz
11. Vary the output frequency of function generator to obtain a maximum value of
Using the oscilloscope, measure and record the input frequency. And plot the
f = 2.770x103 Hz
Is there agreement between the frequency value f and the resonant frequency fr of
step 5?
Yes No


After doing the experiment, we conclude that in utilizing the different electrical
equipment it is necessary to understand its uses, function, and application. For instance, we
can read the resistor value by looking up the color given in different bands. The two first bands
are indicated as the first and second digit, the third band is the multiplier and the last band is
the tolerance of a resistor. While in a capacitor value we can find it written in a capacitor the
first two digits indicate the capacitor's value and the third digit indicates the number of zero's
to be added. In addition, there is an agreement between the computed value and the measured
value using the different equipment. Since, the circuit is in parallel the total impedance can be
expressed as the resistance plus the product of imaginary number and the inductive reactance
minus the capacitive reactance. Furthermore, the voltages across the inductor and capacitor
have the same value but in contrast for the resistor.

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