Biodegradable Cutlery From Vegetable Waste

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Project - Making

Biodegradable Cutlery
from Vegetable Waste

Potato peels
Materials By
Advika and
Aluminium foil
Old Nailpolish

Aadya Jain

The Logic:
We extract starch from the waste potato peels and use vinegar
to break it down into polymer chains resembling those of plastic.
Then, we add glycerin which acts as a plasticiser and gives are
plastic its strength and durability.

Product name - EcoFlatware

The Process:
Extracting starch from Potato Peels
1. Take about 100g of potato peels in a bowl
2. Add a cup of water to it
3. Blend it
4. Pour it in a container and leave to rest for a while
5. The starch will settle at the bottom. Carefully pour out the water.

Making the plastic

1. Pour around 60 ml of cold water into a container
2. Add around 10g of the starch obtained
3. Add 5ml of Vinegar
4. Add some glycerin to it to provide exibility and ensure that it is not brittle
5. Stir it constantly on low ame and boil for 5 -10 min
6. Spread it on an aluminium foil and leave it to dry for a day

Moulding it
1. Peel of the bioplastic from the aluminium foil
2. Use a mold and put the plastic around it.
3. Color it once dry
4. Coat it with transparent old nail polish to prevent it from dissolving in water.

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