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01 Explain the difference between traditional file organization methods and the
database approach.

IT Application Tools in Business 02 Explain how database management systems are used to construct databases,
populate them with data, and manipulate the data to produce information.
Module 3: Data and Knowledge Management

03 Describe the different database models.

04 Illustrate how databases are changing business operations across industries

and what impact they might have on our personal lives;

05 Explain the concepts of data warehousing and data mining.

Managing Digital Data Managing Digital Data

Traditional File Format Database Approach
Traditional File Format

Different pieces of Database Format

information are not labeled
and categorized but are In which each piece of data
stored as continuous string is labeled or categorized,
of bytes. provides a much more
powerful information
Managing Digital Data Advantages

Program/data dependency Traditional File Format Database Approach

1 sequential file storage/indexed sequential file storage
Efficiency Reduced data redundancy
Simplicity Application-data independence
High data redundancy Customization Better control
2 Existence of the same data in more than one place
Less complex Less space consumes
Low data integrity Minimal investment Backup and recovery process
3 Inconsistent data
No requirement of the specialist Data integrity, security, and continuity

Disadvantages Moving to Databases

In the database approach, we maintain and manipulate data about entities.
Traditional File Format Database Approach An entity is any object about which an organization chooses to collect data.
Low data integrity Expensive
Data dependency Complex
Data redundancy
Security problem character data item

Time-consuming The smallest piece of Several characters
data make up data in a field
Moving to Databases Moving to Databases
Table/Relation Fields/Attributes/Domains
collection of related records. columns in each relation.

field record file database ID No. Name Age School

19-1111 Jerome Garcia 31 CLSU
19-2222 Ian Averilla 18 CLSU
Is one piece of Several fields related A collection of related A collection of such
information about an to the same records files is referred to as a 19-3333 Marc Marco 29 CLSU
entity. entity. database.

Tuples/Record Data item.

collection of related data items.
Rows in each relation.

Moving to Databases Database Managements Systems

Example of Database

Database Management System (DBMS) refers to the

technology solution used to optimize and manage the
storage and retrieval of data from databases.
(Muhammad Raza, 2018).
Database Managements Systems Database Model
• It is also called as Database Manager
• It is a collection of programs that enables users to create
Database model is the general logical structure in which
and maintain databases.
records are stored in a database.
• It provides ways to organize, store, retrieve and interact
with the data in the database.
It defines how data will be stored, accessed, and updated
Examples: in a database management system.
MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL,
FileMaker, RDBMS, Clipper, dBASE and FoxPro.

Database Model Hierarchical Model

Some examples of database models are: • Follows the pattern of an upside-down tree and is sometimes referred to as tree

1 1 Hierarchical Model

2 Network Model

3 Relational Model
Hierarchical Model Network Model
• A record to which several records of a lower level are linked is called • Ability to store a record only once in the entire database.
a parent. • Allow the same record to be linked in to more than one parent.
• The records linked to it are its children. • Network databases create significantly less data redundancy than hierarchical
databases, but they are complicated to build and difficult to maintain.
• highest level in the hierarchy, called the roots.
• lowest level of the hierarchy, called leaves.
• A glance at the diagram reveals that while a parent may have several
children, each child has only one parent. This is described
mathematically by saying that hierarchical databases have one-to-
many (1: M) relationships.

Relational Model Relational Model

• A relational model database has all the advantages of a network database • In a relational database model, the data is stored in a 2 dimensional
without the complications. The relational model consists of tables. Relational are table (stored in the form of rows and columns).
easier to conceptualize and maintain than hierarchical and network ones.
• Relational model is implemented through Relational Database
Management system.
• The programming language used for relational model is SQL
(Structured query language).
Relational Model Advantages & Disadvantage of Database Model
• Entity defines what the table is all about.
• A table of records is called a relation. Hierarchical Network Relational
• A column of fields is called an attribute. Conceptualization Moderate Difficult Easy
• In a relational database, a record is called a tuple. Ease of design Very difficult Moderate Difficult

Ease of maintenance Difficult Very difficult Easy

Data redundancy High Low High

Ease of use Moderate Low High

Relational Operations Relational Operations

Structured query language Relational operations allow the user to manipulate data.
(SQL) has become the
DDL(Data Definition Language) There are several types of data manipulation.
and DML(Data Manipulation
Language) of choice for many 1. Select - retrieved data from tables.
developers of relational DBMSs. 2. Insert - add new rows of data in tables.
SQL is an international 3. Delete - removes rows from tables.
standard and is provided with 4. Update - update columns values existing rows of table.
most relational database
management programs.

Image source: sqlshack

Keys Keys
Primary Key
To retrieve records from a relational database, or to sort them, you
must use a key. A key is a field whose value identifies records either for • A unique key or unique identification of a record.
display or for processing. You may use any field as a key. A key is • Primary key doesn’t allow null values
unique if the value (content) in that field appears only in one record. • It assures the value in a specific column is unique
Sometimes a key is composed of several fields so that their Linking
combination provides a unique key.
• To link records from one table with records of another table, the table must have
one field in common, and that field must be a primary key field for one of the
• We say that this repeated field is a primary key in one table, and foreign key
field in the other table.
• Foreign Key is a key that is used to identify the relationship between the tables.

Entity relationship diagram (ERD) Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

• A graphical representation of all entity relationship, and they are often consulted
to determine a problem with a query or to implement changes.
• It is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such as people, objects or
concepts relate to each other within a system.
• ER Diagrams are most often used to design or debug relational databases in the
fields of software engineering, business information systems, education and
• Also known as ER Models, they use a defined set of symbols such as rectangles,
diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to depict the interconnectedness of
entities, relationships and their attributes.
Entity relationship diagram (ERD) Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Image source: lucidchart

Entity relationship diagram (ERD) Popular DBMS Systems

Cardinality defines the numerical attributes of the relationship between Database Model Product Vendor Database Model Product Vendor

two entities or entity sets. Hierarchical Focus Information Builders International NOMAD Must Software International

IMS IBM Oracle Oracle

Ramis Online Software International Paradox Borland International

Network ADABAS Software AG of North America R:Base Microrim

Image Hewlett-Packard SQL/DS IBM

Relational Access Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft

DB2 IBM Sybase Sybase

Visual dBASE Borland International Object-Relational Object Store Object Design

EDA/SQL Information Builders International Universal Server Informix

FoxPro Microsoft Illustra Informix

Ingres II Computer Associates

Components of DBMS Components of DBMS
Schema Types of Data

• Describes the structure of the database being designed: the names • Fields can hold different types of data: numeric, alphanumeric,
and types of fields in each record and the general relationships graphic, or time related.
among different sets of records or files.
• It includes a description of the database’s structure, the names and
size of fields, and details.

Components of DBMS Database Architecture

Data Dictionary Refers to both the physical and logical layouts of databases in
• Contains the notation of who is responsible for updating each part of
the database and descriptions or names of the people who are Distributed Database
authorized to access the different parts of the database.
Shared Resource and Client/Server Systems
• Often referred to as metadata, meaning “data about the data”.
Database Architecture Database Architecture
Distributed Database Shared Resource and Client/Server Systems
• The increasing power of microcomputers and the great progress
• Many organization operate through geographically remote sites. The and declining cost of data communications are driving organizations
organization can use a centrally located database and let the other to move to what we called client/server architecture.
sites use it through communications lines.
• There are two distributed database models: Server holds data and applications and carries out a
smaller share of the processing.

• Replicated - each computer holds a copy of the entire database.

• Fragmented - each computer holds only one the part of the database that is most
frequently accessed by he local users.
Client is capable of extended application and processing

Web Database Web Database

The premise of the Web is that people can not only browse appealing Web When linking a database to the Internet, IT professionals
pages but also search for and find information in databases.
must consider several points.
• Online database.
• Accessible from a local network or Internet. • Which application to use.
• Databases on the Web are used in several ways:
• How to ensure that online access by Web surfers
• Catalogs – in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce. does not interfere with database updates.
• Libraries – of books, articles, CDs, and movie clips. These sites also often include a local search engine allows
a user to search for the key words in a title, author name, or an entire article. • How to maintain security.
• Directories – which can include names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses.
• Client list and profiles – usually, individual users have access to these databases only for the purpose of
inserting or updating their own records. A registered user name and password are usually required to gain
access these databases.
Data Warehousing Data Warehousing
A data warehouse is a huge collection of data that supports • While a data warehouse combines data from database across an
management decision making. It maintains snapshot of business entire organization, organization also use data marts, smaller
conditions at predetermined points in time, such as the end of each collections of data that focus on a particular subject or department.
business day or the first of every month. • If business maintains a data warehouse that consist of several data
marts, they are called department data marts.

Image source: analyticsvidhya


Data Warehousing Data Warehousing

From Database to Data Warehouse Hardware
• Unlike data warehouse, transactional database are usually not • The larger the data warehouse, the larger
suitable for business analysis because they contain current, not the storage capacity, the greater the
historical, data. The same data are often stored differently and under memory, and the greater processing power
other names. of the computer is needed.
• They are often incompatible with computer-based decision aids such • The computer memory must be large
as decision support systems and executive support systems. When enough to allow processing of huge
management decides to build a data warehouse, the IT staff must amounts of data at once.
carefully consider the hardware, software, and data involved in the
Data Warehousing Data Warehousing
Data and Software Phases in Building a Data Warehouse
Data warehouse designers create metadata, that is, data about data,
including: Several phases are involved in building a data warehouse from
• The source of data, including contact information. transactional data: chiefly, the extraction, cleansing, and loading
• Tables that are related to the data. phases.
• Field and index information, such as the size and type of the field.
• Programs and processes that use the data.
• Population rules: what is inserted, or updated, and how often.

Data Warehousing Data Warehousing

Phases in Building a Data Warehouse • Process of selecting, exploring, and modeling large amounts of data
to discover previously unknown relationships.
• Extraction phase, the builders creates the files from transactional • To analyze the data in data warehouses, organizations can use
database and save them on the server that will hold the data Online analytical processing (OLAP) applications.
warehouse. • Data mining is an especially powerful tool in an environment in which
• Cleansing phase, the builders modify the data into a form that business are shifting from mass-marketing a product to targeting the
allows insertion into the data warehouse. individual consumer with a variety of products that are likely to satisfy
• Loading phase, the builders transfer the cleansed files to the him or her. Some observers call this approach “marketing to one.”
database that will serve as the data warehouse.
Knowledge Management References:
Raza, M. (2018). DBMS: An Intro to Database Management Systems. retrieved from
Knowledge Management is the combination of activities involved in
gathering, organizing, sharing, analyzing, and disseminating 20databases%20via%20apps.
knowledge to improve an organizations performance.
Components of a Database Management System. (2013). Retrived from

Knowledge is usually perceived as “know-how”, which is usually

accumulated through experience combined with accumulating certain
information or, at least, knowing where the information can be found.

End of presentation. Thank you!

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