EMS For Fuel Saving in An Isolated Hybrid System

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EMS for fuel saving in an isolated hybrid system

1st Luis Santiago Azuara-Grande 2nd Santiago Arnaltes 3rd Jaime Alonso-Martinez 4th Jose Luis Rodriguez-Amenedo
Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Department of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universidad Carlos III de Universidad Carlos III de Universidad Carlos III de Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid
Leganés, Spain Leganés, Spain Leganés, Spain Leganés, Spain
lazuara@ing.uc3m.es arnalte@ing.uc3m.es jalonsom@ing.uc3m.es amenedo@ing.uc3m.es

Abstract—This paper presents an energy management In [4], HOMER is used to analyze and optimize the
system (EMS) for a fuel saving application in an isolated hybrid renewable energy sources along with BESS in terms of cost
system (solar/diesel/battery) that takes into consideration the and pollution for an isolated island. In [5], the simulation and
battery degradation. A simplified model is used for estimating optimization of the operation in an off-grid hybrid energy
the battery degradation. The operation of the hybrid system, system have been also done using HOMER. And in [6] the
which it is carried out by the EMS, is based on a rolling horizon optimal operation of the microgrid is obtained by a mixed
strategy to minimize fuel consumption and degradation. The integer linear programming (MILP) to minimize the operation
optimal operation of the system is solved as an optimization cost of the generation units.
problem in MATLAB to obtain the schedule of the battery
energy storage system (BESS) while estimating its degradation. Although these publications on hybrid systems with BESS
Moreover, the energy produced by each generation system is do not perform a thorough analysis of its lifetime, it is essential
calculated and compared to a configuration without BESS. to consider the battery degradation, since the BESS is the
element with the highest capital expenditure (CAPEX) of the
Keywords—EMS, BESS, battery degradation, hybrid system, hybrid system and it has very restrictive limitations in
optimization. operating conditions (temperature, charge and discharge
I. INTRODUCTION power, cycles) [7].
Power generation from diesel gensets plays a key role for Moreover, [8] includes an estimation of battery lifetime in
industrial companies and rural communities all over the the optimization of a hybrid microgrid, and [9] proposes an
world, especially in remote regions without a good grid EMS for microgrids with hybrid energy storage system (ESS),
infrastructure. They allow to create simple off-grid systems consisting of batteries and supercapacitors, which
with a moderate initial investment [1][2]. incorporates degradation costs of the BESS with respect to the
depth of discharge and lifetime. In both cases the degradation
However, these applications have some disadvantages. models have complex equations and the adjustment
First, the grid they create is totally dependent on diesel, which coefficients are difficult to identify.
is a non-renewable. On the other hand, the energy generated
is expensive due to high prices of fuel and the difficulty of This paper proposes an optimization problem to develop
supplying in remote regions. Furthermore, diesel-based the EMS of an off-grid hybrid microgrid to minimize fuel
systems have to face constant price increases and high consumption and battery degradation for a fuel saving
operational expenditures (OPEX) directly related to the use of application. In addition, the energy generated by each
fuel [1][2]. technology of the hybrid system with BESS over the
conventional hybrid solar/diesel system is analyzed.
Apart from that, CO2 emissions increase with the use of
gensets. This fact has to be taken into account, not only as a In Section II the optimization problem is developed. In
moral exigence towards global warming, but also because it Section 0 the simplified model of battery degradation is
could entail governmental fees, affecting OPEX [1]. described. Section IV presents and discusses the results. And,
finally, conclusions are given in Section V.
PV system prices have fallen in the last years, allowing
nowadays generating energy at a more competitive cost II. FUEL SAVING STRATEGY
compared to fuel. In regions with high solar irradiation levels The objective of the operation strategy is to minimize the
and expensive fuel prices, PV systems can be amortized in less diesel gensets fuel consumption through the PV plant and the
than four years. Furthermore, PV plants require low BESS, while at the same time the degradation of the battery is
maintenance, they can be configured according to specific also minimized. The optimal operation of the microgrid is
energy demands and do not produce CO2 emissions [3]. obtained by a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) and
In addition, in recent years due to technological advances the optimization toolbox in MATLAB is used to solve the
in the field of electrochemical batteries, they are beginning to optimization problem.
have a key role in on-grid and off-grid projects. Being a Thus, the problem formulation structure is developed
fundamental element for isolated hybrid systems to integrate within a rolling horizon control (RHC) scheme that
maximum energy from the PV plants and minimizing the use periodically updates input data information. The optimization
of diesel [3]. problem is solved at each time step to determine the operation
plan of the system over a fixed time horizon, but only the first
output from this plan is applied to the system. At the next time
This work has been supported by the Autonomous Community of step, it repeats the process, solving a new optimization
Madrid under the PROMINT-CM project (P2018/EMT-4366).

978-1-7281-7455-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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problem with the time horizon shifted one step forward. The 7) Battery SoC Limits
optimization problem takes into account estimates of future ≥ ( )≥ (8)
values based on available information at each time step [10].
In this case the time horizon is 24 hours and the time step where SoCMax/SoCMin are respectively the upper/lower SoC
is 1 hour. The objective function and the constraints of the thresholds.
optimization problem are represented by the following
equations (1-12): 8) BESS Mode
( )+ ( ) ≤1 (9)
A. Objective function
Obtain the total minimal marginal cost for a time horizon where the binary variables NCharge and NDischarge are introduced
of N hours. to avoid simultaneous charge/discharge.
( )+ ( )+ ( ) ∙
9) BESS Power Limits
+( ( )∙ ) (1)
( ∙ ( )) ≥ ( ) (10)
+ (∆ ( )∙ )

( ∙ ( )) ≥ ( ) (11)
where the binary variables Ni indicate the on/off status for
gensets (Ni=1, on) and (Ni=0, off), PGensets represent the power
output from gensets running, Hourly Cost is the hourly where PBESSMax is the upper BESS power threshold.
wearing cost for each genset, Fuel Cost represents the fuel 10) Battery SoH
cost, and Degradation Cost is the cost of using the BESS. ( )= ( − 1) − ( − 1)
B. Constraints: − ( − 1)
1) Power Balance
where SoH represents the state of health of the battery as the
( )= ( )+ ( )+ ( )
(2) remaining usable energy of the battery throughout its lifetime.
− ( )
11) Battery SoH Increase
where PLoad is the load demand power, PPVF is the final PV ∆ ( )= ( − 1) − ( ) (13)
plant power output, PBESSD is the BESS discharging power,
and PBESSC is the BESS charging power. where ΔSoH represents the loss of state of health in the
2) PV Plant Curtailment
( )≥ ( )≥0 (3) The proposed EMS is implemented for a microgrid
composed of a PV plant, three diesel gensets and a BESS,
whose characteristics are described in the TABLE I.
where PPVA is the the available PV plant power output. Moreover, the data of the solar irradiation and the load
3) Gensets Limits demand have been obtained from a real isolated microgrid
located in Colombia.
∙ ( )+ ( )+ ( ) ≥ ( )
TABLE I. Elements of microgrid.
≥ ∙( ( )+ ( )+ ( )) Diesel Generator x 3 Values
Rated Power (kW) 2000
where PMax/PMin are respectively the upper/lower gensets
thresholds. Minimum Rated Capacity (kW) 400
Spinning Reserve (kW) 700
4) Spinning Reserve
Fuel Cost (€/MWh) 200
∙ ( ( ) + ( ) + ( )) − ( )
(5) Hourly Wearing Cost (€/h) 100
≥ ∙( ( )+ ( )+ ( ))

where R is the spinning reserve fixed requirement for gensets. PV Plant Values BESS Values

5) Number of Gensets On Power (kW) 1200

AC Power (kW) 4000
( ( )+ ( )+ ( )) ≥ 1 (6) Capacity (kWh) 4800
Roundtrip Efficiency (%) 81
the binary variables Ni are introduced to avoid the DC Power (kWp) 5000
Degradation Cost (€/MWh) 70
simultaneous shut-down of all gensets, since the synchronous
generators carry out the grid voltage and frequency control.
In TABLE I the costs have been established by priority of
6) Battery SoC use of the generation units, being first the PV plant with a zero
( )= ( − 1) + ( ( − 1) ∙ ) cost, second discharging the battery and the last increasing the
−( ( − 1)/ ) load of the gensets.

where SoC represents the state of charge of BESS and η is the

BESS charge/discharge efficiency.

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III. BATTERY DEGRADATION MODEL the available PV plant power (green), the final PV plant power
Lithium-Ion batteries lose capacity due to degradation (purple) and the BESS charge/discharge power (blue). The
which is produced by its use due to stress factors like depth of third plot shows the SoC of the battery and the last plot shows
discharge (DoD), state of charge (SoC), charge/discharge rate the SoH of the battery.
(C-rate) and temperature (T). The number of parameters A. Control of the hybrid system
involved in the degradation process and its correlation make a
Following, different scenarios throughout the annual
highly complex multi-dimensional problem [11].
simulation are analysed:
To facilitate the resolution of the problem, a simplified
degradation model has been used, which is based on the 1) High PV production
battery energy throughput. Batteries have an initial capacity, Fig. 2 shows the scenario of a day with high PV
usually called beginning of life (BoL) capacity. After a production, that causes the battery charging, and allows to take
number of cycles (typically around 5,000 to 7.000 cycles), the advantage of the solar resource so preventing having to curtail
battery reaches the so-called end-of-life (EoL) capacity the production of the PV plant (hour 230). But the curtailment
(typically around 60-70% of the BoL capacity). Therefore, of the PV plant also occurs due to the power limitation of the
each time the battery is used, that energy will be summed until BESS (between hours 225 and 230).
the total number of cycles energy is reached. This has been Moreover, it is observed that during the hours of maximum
calculated using the lifetime cycles multiplied by twice the PV production, there is one genset running at its minimum
storage capacity, since a complete cycle is equivalent to a full power (between hours 225 and 230). Also, the battery is not
charge and discharge of the battery, thus obtaining the total discharged immediately after PV power declined (between
usable energy of the battery throughout its lifetime. hours 230 and 235). Therefore, the battery is discharged later
Through equation (12), charging or discharging energy is to avoid the start-up of the third genset while operating the
subtracted from the usable energy of the battery lifetime. To other two gensets below spinning reserve limit (between hours
calculate the lifetime energy, a 7000-cycle life has been 235 and 240). In scenarios like this it is observed that the SoC
assumed, based on lithium battery manufacturer datasheets. of the battery, results in one daily charge/discharge cycle,
being approximately the degradation of a complete cycle in
IV. RESULTS these conditions of 0.014%.
The results of the optimization for scheduling the
operation of the off-grid hybrid system are obtained through a
8760 hours simulation (Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. Off-grid hybrid system (solar/diesel/battery) operation.

2) Low PV production
Fig. 1. Off-grid hybrid system (solar/diesel/battery) operation for a year.
In this scenario shown in Fig. 3, there is a low PV
Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 also show the results of the off-grid production. As the battery state of charge plot shows, there are
hybrid system operation for some particular periods of time. no surpluses from the PV plant and therefore no charging.
The first plot shows the load profile (black) and the power With a low energy generation from the PV plant and BESS,
generated by the diesel gensets (red). The second plot shows the diesel gensets follow the load. Unlike in the previous

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scenario, in this scenario it is necessary to start the third genset total production of the plant (7,165 MWh/yr) while without
(between hours 5130 and 5135). BESS it is 21.5%.
This paper proposes an EMS for the optimal operation of
an off-grid hybrid system, which minimize the fuel
consumption of the diesel gensets and battery degradation.
Results show that the battery for the fuel saving application
would have a 10 years lifetime until it reaches 70% of its
remaining capacity.
Finally, the advantages of installing a BESS, in a hybrid
system with diesel gensets and a PV plant, are the energy time
shift and the increase in the energy produced, about 16%
more, by the PV plant, since the BESS allows increasing the
capacity factor of the PV plant and reduce surpluses by
curtailment. Consequently, decreasing the energy produced by
the diesel gensets.
This work has been supported by the Autonomous
Community of Madrid under the PROMINT-CM project
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