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HIV/AIDS is not a new concept to the people of Tripura.

person in some or the other way have definitely heard about it or
even might have across an HIV positive person, knowing or
unknowingly. While there is a big stigma attached to HIV/AIDS in
which people mostly prefer to not speak about it, the seriousness of
this immunodeficiency virus is rarely being brought to the limelight
and even if they are, only few take the initiative to not categorise it
as a taboo but as one of the social evils which is silently ruining the
lives of people.

Tripura has organisations, societies and a whole department working

on controlling AIDS since a very long time. Numerous reports have
been published and shared publicly on the rate of increase or
decrease of the patients along with preventive measures. A news that
came up on July of this year mentioned that nearly 500 Youths from
16-24 Age Group injected Drugs and has become one of the prime
reasons for HIV Positive Cases Escalating In Agartala, Tripura.
Looking at the deteriorating condition in this regard, the state
surveillance officer (SSO) and Tripura State AIDS Control Society’s
project director in-charge’s mentioned that The Health department
alone won’t be able to stop the rise. Common people also have to
take the responsibilities on their shoulders against the usage of
injectable drugs.

One should keep in mind that, if even after taking certain measures if
the mission is not yet fulfilled then the department or the
organisation responsible for it should come up with alternatives. It is
definitely a matter of fact that common people donot come forward
to talk about these issues, still considering it as a taboo. But question
is, will we stop our fight against it and let the community degrade
(which has been the scenario for so many decades) ? Another serious
question that arises following this is what is the future of HIV
positive people? There are challenges incoming but with steps
initiating the right treatment and guidance, one can look forward to
life instead of considering it as a taboo.

If this issue is also taken for granted, the situation will reach an
alarming stage and the path to come back to normalcy seems pretty

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